Our friends at the Nevada Family Alliance proposed recently at a Washoe County school
board meeting that all teachers wear body cameras or all school rooms be equipped with cameras.
As Thomas Lifson explained in an article for the American Thinker, the proposal came in response to a plan from the school district, which includes the cities of Reno and Sparks, to expand the K-5 curriculum and teach more about equity, diversity and racism.
The alliance's suggestion for teachers to wear body cameras followed frustration from parents about the 'lack of transparency by teachers promoting a social justice narrative'.
'Every day we are told of another incident where a teacher is violating the privacy of a student or contradicting the lessons taught by parents at home,' Karen England, founder of the group, said.
'Creating a record that could be viewed by appropriate parties, if necessary, might be the best way to urge teachers to stick to traditional teaching.'
You can see just one outrageous example of a student being abused through this link.
The group believes the body cameras are a 'necessity'.
'We expect that the teachers' unions will reject this proposal immediately. But we should ask, what do they have to hide?' England said.
'If police do a better job interacting with the public when they are wearing body cameras, how much more important is it for teachers to do the same?'
In a statement posted on their website, the Nevada Family Alliance said, “we released our call for body cameras in a Nevada school district, a nationwide outcry over political speech in the classroom has led us to join the fight on a national level.”
"The response has been overwhelming. Parents from across the nation are contacting us wanting help to make this idea a reality in their district, "said Karen England, Executive Director and Founder of Nevada Family Alliance.
“Teachers are increasingly imposing their own political views and are undermining parental views and values. Every day we are told of another incident where a teacher is violating the privacy of a student or contradicting the lessons taught by parents at home. Creating a record that could be viewed by appropriate parties, if necessary, might be the best way to urge teachers to stick to traditional teaching," said England.
It is clear that parents are hesitant to entrust their child to indoctrination by teachers spouting their political ideas. Nevada Family Alliance, as a program of Capitol Resource Institute, is prepared to step up to the plate and defend parental rights. Parents deserve the right to have a say in what their child is taught, and we are here to help in any state we can.
As students return to classrooms and racial tensions heighten across America, the increased emphasis on critical race theory as well as explicit lessons in sexual orientation and gender identity has sparked a national movement demanding that schools stick to traditional teaching and avoid left-leaning propaganda. One way to ensure teachers avoid imposing their own political ideology on students is to mandate teachers to bring cameras in the classroom.
Some teachers are going rogue and presenting their own political ideas in the classroom, but in many cases, these teachers are presenting adopted curriculum that might shock parents if they saw it in its entirety. 5th graders have been told that because they are white, they are racists, and telling kindergarteners that they can change their gender if they don’t feel like they were born in the correct body. Parents are fed up and are turning to other parents and local resource groups to fight back.
"We expect that the teachers’ unions will reject this proposal immediately. But we should ask, what they have to hide? If police do a better job interacting with the public when they are wearing body cameras, how much more important is it for teachers to do the same?” said England.
There is no longer any deference to the authority of the parents in a child’s life. Despite the numbers of parents who expressed disdain for the actions of school board members and teachers in their district. This is why cameras in the classroom are a necessity.
As Mr. Lifson noted, you can expect the teachers’ unions to howl like banshees and throw around ridiculous objections, such as “academic freedom.” There is no such right for government employees teaching primary and secondary school children. They are not scholars pursuing new knowledge of value to humanity, they are instructors following curricula imposed on them by school boards. They may claim a right to “privacy,” but a government-funded schoolroom is not a private situation. It is a public event funded by taxpayers, who have a right to know what is taking place on their dime.
Like the idea of cameras in the classroom, you can sign the petition through this link. Skeptical or opposed to the idea of cameras in the classroom, let us know what you think in the comments below.
teacher abuse
cameras in classroom
Nevada family alliance
teachers unions
parental rights
social justice
critical race theory
politics in the classroom
Better yet, let's have video/audio access to all classrooms, so that any parent can monitor what is happening to their children at any time during the school day. It's sort of like a pop-in audit...Surprise!!! Parents got a real eyeful when their kids were stuck at home for a year. Let's keep it going, because these teachers unions are out of control, along with the woke school boards. The propaganda and indoctrination of our future needs to stop now.
And this determination is NOT up to the Teachers or Administration...It is up to the Parents to force the issue and to NOT take NO for an answer.
The battle cry of Democrats for the last 12 months defund the police will cost then in 2022 and now they know it. the democrats might have corrupted the DOJ and IRS again. but the worm is turning on more corruption? Ex-FBI chief gave $100K to Biden grandkid trust as he sought ‘future work’ from Hunter emails, Hey let's past hat with the DOJ, maybe all the federal agencies, Hunter should have enough work for everybody. What the Fxxx, forget about it .By Emma-Jo Morris, Bruce Golding May 20, 2021 |https://publicfiles.fcc.gov/fm-profile/whjt Understand Hunters company had financial interest in the Lab?