Britain's hard-left government has temporarily entrusted its Office of Standards in Education

to Sir Hamad Patel. If allowed to stand, this appointment would appear to mark a tipping point in Western submission to Sharia supremacism. Sir Hamad is ranked among the 500 top Muslims worldwide, a list dominated by adherence to authoritative Islam's totalitarian doctrine known as Sharia. It obliges faithful Muslims to engage in stealthy if not violent, jihad to achieve global Islamic rule. Fortunately, not all Muslims follow Sharia or seek to impose it worldwide. The bad news is that Sir Hamad isn't among them.
Only a nation that is suicidally irresponsible about Sharia and the mortal threat it poses to Judeo-Christian civilization would entrust to an individual who is Sharia adherent the job of standard setting for its educational system. Others, including ours, must not indulge in similar delusions.
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