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George Rasley, CHQ Editor

Chinese Communists Indicted For Election Interference

Just in case you think Democrats and their Far Left progressive allies are the only ones engaged in election fraud and interference, consider this report from Japan’s respected Asahi Shimbun newspaper (English language version).

Prosecutors in Taiwan have indicted two leaders of the island’s tiny Taiwan People’s Communist Party on accusations they colluded with Red China in an effort to influence next year’s elections for president and members of the legislative assembly.

Party Chairman Lin Te-wang and Vice Chairman Chen Chien-hsin were accused of violating the Anti-Infiltration Act and the Civil Servants Election and Recall Act after having accepted funds and other benefits from China’s ruling Communist Party, the official Central News Agency (CAN) said. (Emphasis by CHQ.)

According to the October 4, 2023 report, a one-time ranking member of the pro-unification opposition Nationalist Party, Lin founded the Taiwan People’s Communist Party in 2017 and has maintained close ties with China’s Taiwan Affairs Office, a Cabinet-level agency dedicated to pursuing China’s unification agenda.

Lin failed twice in bids for local government council seats and staged protests against a visit by then-speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi last year, all allegedly funded by China, CNA reported. He also allegedly worked as an adviser to the local Taiwan Affairs Office in China’s Shandong province, CNA said.

Communist China’s Taiwan Affairs Office condemned the indictments on Tuesday, accusing the ruling DPP of “making unjustified moves against those who advocate peaceful reunification across the Taiwan Strait,” and saying the actions were “made with malicious intentions,” Red China’s official Xinhua News Agency reported.

What do charges of election law violations by Taiwan’s miniscule Communist Party have to do with elections in the United States?

A group of Maryland citizen journalists operating under the name Election Watch was reviewing Democrat fundraising platform ActBlue’s FEC filings and discovered something very peculiar: Across America, ordinary individuals were allegedly making thousands of individual donations, with the total money flowing to Democrat causes or candidates running into hundreds of thousands of dollars per donor. Some of these donation patterns would have required the people whose names and addresses are attached to the donations to have made several separate donations every single day.

Let our friend James O’Keefe of O’Keefe Media Group explain:

In his report, James O’Keefe exposed an election fraud scheme where people are listed as donating far more to Act Blue than they did. It was done without their permission, and most people affected are elderly. Evidence uncovered by Mr. O’Keefe shows that over 60% of the money comes from China.

According to reporting by the Independent Sentinel, “Election Watch will file the complaint with the FEC, wait the required 120 days, and then file a lawsuit in the Northern District of Virginia.

“Now included in that lawsuit will be evidence that over 60% of the money involved in this is apparently coming from China. The ACLU is feeding a lot of money to other PACs, like Emily’s List, Color of Change PAC, just to name a few.

“Much of this information through Election Watch came from Internet tracing. Internet traffic patterns looking at where the transactions are coming from and where they’re going to. “Based upon these traffic flow patterns, you can actually see what’s happening.

“There is also receipts of a large amount of monies on the FCC website to financial processors like Amalgamated Bank, particularly the Washington DC branch of an automated bank.

“One of the institutions making many of these transactions. Dibi is also named. They’re a debit card processor out of Utah.

Data shows that half of 2019 donations to ActBlue came from untraceable ‘unemployed’ donors.

Two months before the election, intelligence told us China, Russia, and Iran were trying to interfere in our elections. While this is going on, the secretive ActBlue, which funds violent movements like BLM, is taking half of its donations from untraceable, unemployed donors.

See a pattern here?

The logical conclusion to draw from these patterns is that illegal donations are coming in for Democrat causes or candidates and are being laundered by getting dispersed through the accounts of hundreds of perfectly innocent small donors, wrote Andrea Widburg in an article for The American Thinker.

It’s easy enough to conclude that ActBlue is the culprit (if one assumes that what’s going on here is illegal), but I actually find that hard to believe, wrote Ms. Widberg. Given that ActBlue reports all transactions to the FEC, it would take huge arrogance, amounting to hubris, to flaunt that kind of law-breaking. On the other hand, it’s difficult to understand how they didn’t flag these bizarre donation patterns.

What’s obvious, though, is that someone somewhere is using the accounts of innocent Democrat donors to cover up something else, concluded Andrea Widburg. Now that Election Watch and OMG have broken the story, it’s time for the FEC to do its job and determine if Red China, or a Communist Chinese front group is behind the payments, as they were in the recently exposed Taiwan case.

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  • national security

  • Green channel

  • Chinese Communist Party

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  • Chinese Batteries

  • Lithium Batteries

  • unrestricted warfare

  • Fulan Gong

  • One child policy

  • religious persecution

  • China space program

  • China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)

  • de minimis trade

  • Shein clothing manufacturer

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1 Comment

Van Snyder
Van Snyder
Oct 11, 2023

Please don't bury the lede. The real story was in Maryland, not Taiwan.

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