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‘Clinton Republican’ Liz Cheney Hit In New Club For Growth Ad

CHQ Staff

In case you missed it, our friends at Club for Growth Action sent around excerpts from an exclusive report by Victoria Eavis of the Casper Star-Tribune on their new Club for Growth

Action ad, “Clinton Republican.”

The ad will run in Wyoming during the Olympics and highlights some of the many similarities between Hillary Clinton and Rep. Liz Cheney including siding with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, supporting the impeachment of President Trump, and a famous last name.

Story Excerpts:

New attack ad brands Cheney as 'Clinton Republican'

Victoria Eavis, Casper Star-Tribune

Club for Growth, a fiscal conservative political action committee, who has been working to find a candidate challenging Rep. Liz Cheney to endorse, released a 30-second ad branding Cheney as a "Clinton Republican."

With a slideshow of photos of Hillary Clinton, the ad starts, "Remember? She benefited from a famous political last name. She sided with Nancy Pelosi and attacked President Trump when he was in office. She supported impeachment and she continues to attack President Trump today."

"Hillary Clinton? No, Liz Cheney," the voice-over says as a photo of Clinton morphs into Cheney.

The ad is going to run on digital networks and NBC during primetime every night of the Olympics as well as during the opening and closing ceremonies in the designated market areas of Casper and Cheyenne.

Club for Growth spent $13,720 on TV ad slots, $18,000 on digital ads --like YouTube and Breitbart -- and an estimated $9,000 on production costs, amounting to more than $40,000.

On the Club for Growth Foundation Scorecard, which is based on voting records on issues of "economic liberty," Liz Cheney has a 64% lifetime rating, which leaves her tied for 120th in the House.

  • Liz Cheney

  • January 6 Commission

  • Club for Growth

  • Kevin McCarthy

  • Nancy Pelosi

  • Clinton Republican ad

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1 comentario

24 jul 2021

Hmmmmm. Methinks there is more to being a successful politician (actually being of service to the country) than a 'famous' last name. Liz is going to be between a rock (Republican House contingent) and a hard place (NancyP's dim Dem House group) before she knows it.. Her 'comments' as part of this grand NancyP 'select committee' will be most interesting. It's only my opinion but I think her political career is "toast". Famous last name's can't salvage much when the truth is on the other side.

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