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Commie Kamala Goes Full Tyrant On The Second Amendment

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

The more we dig into Kamala Harris’s background, the more her tyrannical tendencies are revealed, especially on such core rights as those guaranteed by the First, Second and Fourth Amendments to the Constitution.

As The Reload’s Stephen Gutowski reported in a September 24, 2024 post, “Kamala Harris Backed San Francisco Handgun Confiscation Measure.

Vice President Kamala Harris supported a 2005 ballot measure that banned San Francisco residents from possessing pistols.

It is worth noting that the ballot measure was preceded by other attempts to ban guns in San Francisco. On August 3, 1982, after an ordinance was proposed, but before its enactment, the California Attorney General issued an opinion at the request of our friend the late California state Senator Bill Richardson addressing the issue of whether a city could enact such legislation. The opinion concluded that such an ordinance would be invalid, and that the area of residential handgun possession was preempted by state law.

Mr. Gutowski reported the Democratic presidential nominee backed Proposition H in her role as the city’s District Attorney at the time. The measure banned San Francisco residents from buying, selling, or even possessing handguns. With exceptions included for active-duty law enforcement, military, and licensed security guards, 58 percent voted in favor of the measure. But it faced immediate legal scrutiny from the National Rifle Association (NRA), California Rifle and Pistol Association (CRPA), and other gun-rights groups.


“San Francisco was a leader in proposing gun restrictions at the local level, and she never met a gun control law she didn’t like,” Chuck Michel, who represented the NRA and CRPA in its fight against the city, told The Reload. “Prop H was the crowning jewel.”


So, despite the fact that the Proposition H gun confiscation scheme had been, for two decades recognized as an invalid means of regulating firearms in California Harris broke with other prominent gun-control advocates in backing the ban and confiscation measure, according to the San Jose Mercury News.


“Although Mayor Gavin Newsom has not taken a position, several of the city’s most liberal leaders are supporting the far-reaching ban — including District Attorney Kamala Harris and four supervisors who are listed as sponsors,” Mary Anne Ostrom reported at the time–adding that Dianne Feinstein didn’t support the measure despite imposing her own failed handgun ban when she was mayor. “Feinstein, now a U.S. senator, is not taking a position on Proposition H, because she feels the state’s top court has already ruled, a spokesman said.”


The measure also banned “all City residents, without exception, from selling, distributing, transferring and manufacturing firearms and ammunition.” The Harris Campaign did not respond to a request for comment on her support for the ban.


The news that Harris backed a total ban on handgun sales and ownership could impact the race for the presidency, which polling shows is close, observed Mr. Gutowski. Her support for handgun confiscation early in her career may undermine her recent efforts to reassure gun owners she would not take their firearms.


“This business about taking everyone’s guns away; Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We’re not taking anyone’s guns away,” Harris said at the debate, a line she’s repeated every time the topic has come up since.


This, of course, is total BS.


As Mr. Gutowski noted, last week, video surfaced of a 2007 press conference where she defended a gun storage measure that followed up Proposition H by saying law enforcement would enter the locked homes of lawful gun owners to inspect their storage setups. The National Rifle Association has also run ads in recent weeks highlighting an amicus brief she signed onto in the Supreme Court’s 2008 Heller case, where she argued Washington, DC’s total handgun ban did not violate the Second Amendment.


Proposition H was controversial when the city council proposed it in 2005. In addition to Newsom and Feinstein shunning it, police groups and some gay-rights advocates openly opposed the handgun ban. It only received the minimum of four signatures from the city council to get on the ballot due to concerns the courts would strike it down the same way the California Supreme Court tossed Feinstein’s ban years before.


That’s exactly what ended up happening.

Kamala Harris is a threat to the primary underpinnings of our constitutional order, as she’s shown herself to be prepared to trample on the Fourth Amendment right to be secure in one’s property and home to violate the Second Amendment’s guarantee of the right to keep and bear arms. She’s never backed away from banning “assault weapons” which would of course necessitate confiscation. The bottom line: Kamala Harris is never going to stop coming for our guns, no matter what consultant-penned word salad she regurgitates for the cameras.

CHQ Editor George Rasley is a Glock ® certified pistol armorer, firearms instructor and a veteran of over 300 political campaigns, including every Republican presidential campaign from 1976 to 2008. He served as lead advance representative for Governor Sarah Palin in 2008 and has served as a staff member, consultant, or advance representative for some of America's most recognized conservative Republican political figures, including President Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp. A member of American MENSA, he served in policy and communications positions on the House and Senate staff, and during the George H.W. Bush administration he served on the White House staff of Vice President Dan Quayle. He is a member of Gun Owners for Trump.

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  • Kamala Harris campaign

  • Kamala Harris senate record

  • vice president vetting

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  • gun control

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3 comentários

Van Snyder
Van Snyder
26 de set. de 2024

The usual anti-Second-Amendment argument is centered on the "militia" clause. James Madison, the main inventor of the Constitution, said "where the Constitution gives a reason for a right, the right is not limited to that reason." The Supreme Court has never disagreed with him.


26 de set. de 2024

Mολὼν λαβέ!


Mike M
Mike M
26 de set. de 2024

Of course the Cacklemaniac doesn't want the little sheeple possessing guns. The last thing that demon possessed Communist hypocrites like her want to see is a people who are armed and are not afraid to use those weapons against Adolf Hitler wannabes like her.

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