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Conservatives Demand Rick Scott For Senate Majority Leader

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

In the wake of President Trump’s historic return to the White House conservatives are demanding that the remaining establishment Republicans in the United States Senate elect a leader who will get behind the MAGA agenda or get out of the way.

And with Senators John Thune of South Dakota and John Cornyn of Texas both tainted with past opposition to President Trump and our MAGA agenda only Senator Rick Scott of Florida meets our criteria for Republican Majority Leader.

David McIntosh, President, of the Club for Growth told FOX News, “We are definitely supporting Sen. Rick Scott; he is the voice of change in the Senate, and he will be the most effective leader at implementing President Trump’s agenda because he believes it… He will stand up for the new Republicans that the American people sent to Washington and work with President Trump to get the changes that the American people want to see done right away. The great thing about Rick Scott is he knows both the Senate, he knows the Executive Branch as a former Governor, and he has been a solid conservative across the board.”

The conservative leaders who participate in the Conservative Action Project have also endorsed Sen. Scott. In an open letter to Republican Senators and the conservative movement they wrote:

On the heels of President Trump’s election to the presidency, conservatives are proud to stand with Sen. Rick Scott’s bid to lead the Senate Republican conference. President Trump needs a mission-aligned Majority Leader who will fight for his agenda. We believe Senator Scott is that person.

The Senate is a powerful, but broken, institution. The rights of individual senators to debate, deliberate, and represent conservative interests are routinely subverted by a leadership that is too eager to cut deals with the left. “We often take votes that divide us and unite Democrats,” Sen. Scott pointed out when he announced his bid. We agree.

The current leadership of the Republican conference is not one that prioritizes the ideas and talents of its individual members. Rather, it seems more focused on the interests of Washington, D.C. As Sen. Scott put it, “there have been far too many backroom deals cut in secret, rarely do things go through the committee process, and it’s accepted practice to not allow amendment votes to trillion-dollar spending bills.”

In the next Congress, we expect to see new leadership promote change that unites the Republican conference toward supporting President Trump while allowing all senators to have their ideas heard and represented on the Senate floor. Committee process, amendment votes, leadership term limits, and an appropriations process which allows for more than a day or two of deliberation are all key conservative aims.

Senate Republicans need bold leadership that will not be influenced by special interests inside and outside of the Senate. Sen. Scott is a new, strong, courageous leader who will bring change to the Senate and to our country. He will lead the charge to support the Trump agenda in the Senate. We urge all conservatives to support him.

For the complete list of signers click here.

Among other conservative leaders and MAGA Movement figures, Newsweek reported Elon Musk enthusiastically threw in his support for Scott on his social media platform and wrote on X," Rick Scott for Senate Majority Leader!."

Newsweek further reported that Representative Byron Donalds, a Florida Republican, wrote on X, formerly Twitter, "This week the Senate GOP must elect Senator Rick Scott to be the next Majority Leader. @ScottforFlorida will be effective in accomplishing the Trump agenda in the US Senate. Let's get to Work!!"

Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican, also took to X to state his support and wrote, "I will be voting for my Florida colleague @ScottforFlorida to be our next Senate GOP leader."


Meanwhile, Senator Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, showed his support and wrote on X, "I will be supporting Rick Scott for Senate Majority Leader."


Replying to former Fox News host Tucker Carlson's post on X in which he calls Scott "the only candidate who agrees with Trump," former independent presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr., wrote that "without Rick Scott, the entire Trump reform agenda wobbly."


Also replying to Carlson's remarks, Senator Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, wrote: "President Trump needs Rick Scott as Majority Leader to shepherd his bold agenda through the U.S. Senate!"


Senator Mike Lee, a Utah Republican, has publicly backed Scott as an option and urged Trump to do the same.

The Capitol Switchboard is (202-224-3121), we urge CHQ readers and friends to call their Senators TODAY to demand they vote for Senator Rick Scott for Senate Majority Leader.

  • 2024 Election

  • GOP senate majority

  • Mitch McConnell

  • John Thune

  • John Cornyn

  • Rick Scott

  • Senate GOP leadership election

  • GOP establishment

  • Club for Growth

  • Senate Majority Leader

  • Senate Republican Conference

  • President Donald Trump

  • Spending bills

  • Elon Musk

  • Rep. Byron Donalds

  • Senator Marco Rubio

  • Senator Rand Paul

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

  • Trump endorsement

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