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Countdown Clock To Trump Indictment And Arrest Is Running

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

New York’s Far Left Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg campaigned on “getting” Donald Trump, as did New York’s Democrat Attorney General Leticia James, so the notion that the expected indictment isn’t political is absurd on its face.

And Republicans from longshot Republican presidential contender Vivek Ramaswamy to Florida’s MAGA Governor Ron DeSantis and Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy have rallied to defend former President Trump.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and the other top Republicans on the Administration and Oversight committees on Monday sent a letter to Bragg to demand that he turn over documents related to his Trump investigation and testify before Congress after reports said that Trump could face an indictment as soon as today.

"You are reportedly about to engage in an unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority: the indictment of a former president of the United States and current declared candidate for that office," the letter said.

"In light of the serious consequences of your actions, we expect that you will testify about what plainly appears to be a politically motivated prosecutorial decision," the GOP lawmakers wrote.

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky went even further, suggesting DA Bragg should be jailed for abuse of power.

Bragg’s response was typical of the arrogant Left: "We will not be intimidated by attempts to undermine the justice process, nor will we let baseless accusations deter us from fairly applying the law," a spokesperson for Bragg’s office told Fox News Digital.

Interesting concept “fairly applying the law.”

Even the relentlessly anti-Trump New York Times observed that Bragg’s indictment of Trump would not be a simple case. Prosecutors are expected to use a legal theory that has not been assessed in New York courts, raising the possibility that a judge could throw out or limit the charges. The episode has been examined by both the Federal Election Commission and federal prosecutors in New York; neither took action against Mr. Trump.

Mr. Bragg is expected to accuse him of concealing a $130,000 hush-money payment that Michael D. Cohen, Mr. Trump’s lawyer and fixer, made to Ms. Daniels on the eve of the 2016 presidential election.

A conviction would be likely to hinge on prosecutors’ proving that Mr. Trump reimbursed Mr. Cohen and falsified business records when he did so, possibly to hide an election law violation.

Capable lawyers with whom we have communicated have suggested this might be the first time in New York a victim of blackmail has been indicted for agreeing to the payoff, furthermore, the witnesses against Mr. Trump appear to be his former attorney Michael Cohen, who was sent to prison for crimes unrelated to his representation of Mr. Trump, and the blackmailer herself, Stormy Daniels.

But the indictment and arrest – or at least the attempted arrest of President Trump is being treated as the inevitable outcome of the proceedings.

The UK’s DailyMail reports President Trump will likely be indicted today, but won't appear before a judge in New York until next week.

“The indictment may happen, but they don't think Trump comes this week. I'm told there's an additional witness who is going to testify on Wednesday, so if there's an indictment, it's not going to happen until Wednesday or Thursday, so they think he probably comes next week,” reported the Daily Mail exclusively on Tuesday.

That “additional witness” whose testimony would be very persuasive in a non-political trial was likely lawyer Bob Costello. A longtime associate of Rudy Giuliani who gave a sidewalk interview after his testimony; “They'd ask me a limited question based on these six emails, and I would volunteer information that I thought the grand jury needed to hear,” he said. “My only mission there today was to tell the truth about what Michael Cohen was saying during any point in time when I was representing him in April 2018.”

“I told the grand jury that this guy couldn't tell the truth if you put a gun to his head,” he added.

The former president, who is currently in Florida, is expected to be formally charged as early as today, after which the Manhattan District Attorney's office will reach out to Trump and his Secret Service detail to arrange for his surrender, according to the Daily Mail’s insider report.

According to that scenario, President Trump would then fly to New York where he would be arraigned, finger printed, and pose for his mug shot – no doubt to the delight of Democrats everywhere.

A lawyer for former President Trump said on Monday that it will be “an all-out war” if Trump is indicted in the Manhattan district attorney’s probe into a 2016 hush-money payment.

“They can do what they want,” Trump lawyer Joe Tacopina said of the possible indictment in an interview with former Trump adviser Kimberly Guilfoyle on Monday. “At that point, this is an all-out war.”

“He’ll be there loud and proud, and there’s nobody that’s gonna make him cower,” Tacopina told Guilfoyle, according to reporting by Julia Shapero of The Hill.

Tacopina also told Ms. Guilfoyle “there won’t be a standoff at Mar-a-Lago with Secret Service and the Manhattan DA’s office.”

However, Trump supporters who have vowed to erect a “MAGA Moat” around Mar-a-Lago may not feel quite the same way. And Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who might be called upon to sign an extradition order, has said he will not assist the prosecution in any way. That would leave the Secret Service in the strange position of perhaps arresting their own protectee, and if they did, how would they protect Mr. Trump in jail or during the various steps in his arraignment where he would otherwise be exposed unprotected to possibly hostile actors.

The Capitol Switchboard is (202-224-3121), call today and tell House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and Senator Rand Paul you agree with them – President Trump is the victim of a political abuse of power and you support their investigation of Far Left Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

  • Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg

  • George Soros prosecutors

  • Stormy Daniels scandal

  • Donald Trump indictment

  • Democrat Attorney General Leticia James

  • Michael D. Cohen

  • Federal Election Commission

  • Attorney Mike Davis

  • fed-surrection

  • nationwide protests


7 Kommentare

doris joe
doris joe
22. Feb.

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Gefällt mir

22. März 2023

Interesting that the Deep State Socialists put a hold on this fiasco today. Maybe they realized that indicting President Trump will assure his re-election as President in 2024 . . . !

Deo vindice.

Gefällt mir

22. März 2023

Bragg is just one of many of a generation of blacks in positions of power who don't belong anywhere near power. They've been trained in marxism, treason, and chaos...and they lack self-control. You can take the boy out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of the boy.

Gefällt mir
22. März 2023
Antwort an

And American voters continue to stupidly elect "Twinkies" and others like him. We may be doomed to failure if we cannot properly re-educate these voters.

And we need to start as soon as they are in school at age five or six.

Gefällt mir

22. März 2023

Rand Paul is on the right track, but he's wrong. Alvin Bragg needs to be hauled out and tar and feathered. What a turd!

Gefällt mir
22. März 2023
Antwort an

I would gladly donate to help pay for the tar and feathers . . . !

Gefällt mir

22. März 2023

I had read somewhere that one of the voices of reason on this is Fake News Network commentator Van Jones. He wants Bragg to stand down on this. Of course, Van Jones thinks they got Trump on "Jan 6th" and the Georgia phone call (they have nothing). If they want to open this can of worms, then there is no going back. The gloves are off on all ex-Presidents. Let's find somebody willing to do this with Obama. Of course, the charges sticking is not what's important. It's the tar and feathering of being formally charged with something. Let's not allow Little Joe Biden to go quietly into the night when he leaves office. Biden got this ball rolling with…

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