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Democrat 2022 Agenda: Get High, Kill Babies, Wreck The American Economy

CHQ Staff

Democrats are currently the governing party of our national government, and as the 2022 midterm elections enter their final week voters are asking, “What’s the Democratic Party’s agenda for the future?”

The short answer is “get high, kill babies and wreck the economy.”

In five states Democrat-backed constitutional amendments to legalize recreational marijuana are on the ballot. The purpose of these amendments is not to improve the lives of American citizens, but to drive turnout of younger and more liberal voters who surveys show constitute the majority of recreational drug users.

While these ballot initiatives are cloaked in the “Muh, what about democracy” appeal to popular sovereignty, they are overwhelmingly funded by Big Business – in the form of multi-million dollar marijuana growing and distribution companies – and Democrat-leaning interest groups or individuals.

And they conveniently gloss over the damage modern pot does to its users.

Modern Cannabis products are produced to have extremely high percentages of THC. The Epoch Times reports high-potency cannabis use is being linked to poisonings in young children, as well as to psychosis and schizophrenia in an increasing number of regular users, according to Dr. Ken Finn, president of the American Board of Pain Medicine and a vice president of the International Academy on the Science and Impact of Cannabis.

“A lot of my colleagues that work in psychiatry and emergency medicine are seeing a sharp rise in marijuana-related psychosis,” Finn told NTD’s “The Nation Speaks” in an Oct. 1 interview.

Ben Cort, author of “Weed, Inc.: The Truth About the Pot Lobby, THC, and the Commercial Marijuana Industry,” said the reason that drugmakers are increasing the THC content in cannabis products is to offset the tolerance threshold that existing users have developed to the compound.

Monitoring the Future’s panel study found that marijuana use by young adults aged 19 to 30 increased significantly in 2021 compared to previous years, which, Cort said, shows a “lower perception of risk” in the community, although the actual risk has gone up.

According to a study by researchers from the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and the New York University School of Medicine, referenced in the Epoch Times article, states in which recreational marijuana use is legal have seen a 26 percent increase in use among young adults, as well as an increase in the number of problem users.

“Multinational corporate interests,” which care a lot about profit, are behind the cannabis industry, Cort said. “The idea here is absolutely not social justice, nor any sort of reform in a meaningful way. The intent here is to get richer.”

And to get likely Democrat voters to the polls in Arkansas, Maryland, Missouri, North Dakota and South Dakota.

Pro-abortion interest groups Emily’s List, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and Planned Parenthood pledged in May to collectively invest at least $150 million in the 2022 midterms, according to reporting by 19th News

Super PACs for those four leading political groups focused on abortion have poured $6 million in outside spending into crucial battleground Senate and House races, just in the month of October.

These groups’ PACs also give funds directly to candidates, serve as conduits between individual donors and candidates, and engage in voter outreach and mobilization efforts. This cycle, the presidents of all three abortion-rights organizations have been out on the trail campaigning alongside Democratic candidates in key races, reported 19th News.

Super PACs associated with the pro-abortion-rights groups Emily’s List and Planned Parenthood Action have spent $2.99 million on advertising and voter outreach in federal races in the first three weeks of October, according to an analysis by 19th News of independent expenditure reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.

Planned Parenthood Votes spent over $426,000 in October and over $5.7 million total this cycle, according to the 19th News report. Planned Parenthood Votes has spent $66,500 on mailers and ads in Pennsylvania’s Senate race and $56,000 in canvassing services in two House races for the 1st and 17th districts as of October 24.

Women Vote, which has spent over $4.7 million in Washington’s U.S. Senate race between incumbent Democrat Patty Murray and Republican Tiffany Smiley, dropped over $1 million on television advertising opposing Smiley during October.

According to the 19th News analysis Women Vote has also spent $200,000 on mailers and radio ads opposing Republican U.S. Senate nominee Adam Laxalt and House candidate Mark Robertson in Nevada through October 24. Planned Parenthood Votes spent $93,000 on canvassing services and digital ads supporting Democrat Mark Kelly and opposing Republican Blake Masters in Arizona’s U.S. Senate race. Women Vote reported an $841,000 ad buy opposing North Carolina Republican Senate candidate Ted Budd on October 18, following up on $64,000 in spending from Planned Parenthood Votes in the race in October.

As you can see from the numbers Democrats and their pro-abortion allies have pretty much staked their entire campaigns on the abortion issue, and as of right now the pro-life Republican is leading in 7 of the 8 battleground states, and rapidly closing the gap in Arizona, thanks in large measure to pro-life and pro-growth PAC spending.

However, a New York Times/Siena College poll taken in October found that 44% of likely voters say economic concerns are the most important problem facing the country, compared with 36% who said the same in July. Just 5% of likely voters identified abortion as the most important issue right now. And the Left-leaning UK Guardian reports voters’ renewed focus on inflation and gas prices could hurt Democrats’ chances in some key congressional races, given that Republicans consistently score better on surveys asking which party is better equipped to manage the economy.

With surveys indicating abortion rights are not top of mind for most voters, the Guardian reports some progressive lawmakers are urging their colleagues to instead emphasize economic proposals like raising the minimum wage and creating a federal paid family leave program – in other words, more Big Government programs that will further hobble private sector economic growth.

And it seems Democrats just can’t help themselves because no pro-growth policy will sell to the Far Left that now controls the Democratic Party’s policy and messaging apparatus. Every Democrat announcement on the economy seems to start with some new plan to add costs to hard-pressed private sector job-creators and end with some part of the Green New Deal.

And voters aren’t buying it.

As Bloomberg reported Democrat Rep. Steven Horsford (NV-4) reelection prospects exemplify the problem.

As diners at tables munched on doraditas pastries and pambazos sandwiches, Horsford reminded them on a late October Saturday that early voting in Nevada had started. He spoke about generating good-paying jobs, keeping communities safe from crime and violence, and the importance of voting.

Ivan Cuevas, 40, a day-trader who has lived in Las Vegas since 2007, listened politely to Horsford’s pitch, but wasn’t swayed. Cuevas voted for Joe Biden in 2020, but the economy and inflation has soured him on Democrats. He blames the government for “overspending” during the pandemic and thinks a change is needed.

“This is going to be one of my first times in a long time voting Republican,” Cuevas said in an interview.

Democrats across the country are grappling with how to respond to high inflation, and in no place is it more crucial they get it right than Nevada observed the writers at Bloomberg. The state’s tourism and entertainment-based economy was hit hard by Covid-19, and residents are still struggling. Average gas prices are among the nation’s highest. Rents are skyrocketing, and buying a home is out of reach for many.

Bloomberg reports Horsford, 49, who became Nevada’s first Black member of Congress in 2013, has a competitive race ranked “lean Democrat” by the Cook Political Report with Amy Walter. His fellow Vegas incumbents face even higher odds to win back their seats. Both Dina Titus, 72, a former political science professor who was first elected to Congress in 2009, and Susie Lee, 55, who worked in educational organizations before being elected in 2018, are in races deemed toss-ups.

Democrats face several challenges on the economy. For starters, nearly twice as many registered voters say they trust Republicans over Democrats to tackle inflation, a dynamic underscored by a poll from ABC News/Ipsos.

However, the biggest problem for Democrat candidates on the economy is other Democrats.

While six out of 10 Americans think the nation’s economy is in a recession, according to a September poll from the PBS NewsHour, NPR and Marist, and more than half think President Joe Biden has weakened the economy, the majority of Democrats and Biden’s 2020 voters don’t see a recession, even if everybody else seems to disagree. Most Republicans and independents say U.S. economic growth has slumped, and that impression holds for a majority of people in nearly every other demographic group. Comparable levels of economic pessimism haven’t been seen since March 2013 under the Obama-Biden administration.

A PBS analysis of that poll concluded confidence in President Joe Biden’s economic leadership has fallen since July 2021, according to the finding of the Marist poll. Fifty-seven percent of U.S. adults say his decisions weaken the economy, including nearly all Republicans, 63 percent of independents and 76 percent of white people who didn’t graduate from college. That’s worse for Biden by 12 percentage points compared to over a year ago.

Today, a majority of Americans feel the country is already in a recession and trust Republicans more than Democrats to steer the nation’s economy back toward growth, and Democrats touting the alleged economic growth potential of a Green New Deal for the next week isn’t going to change their minds.

  • 2022 Elections

  • Control of Congress

  • True the Vote

  • Catherine Engelbrecht

  • Gregg Phillips

  • Marijuana legalization

  • abortion expansion ballot initiatives

  • High potency cannabis

  • Marijuana psychosis

  • marijuana addiction

  • abortion election spending

  • Emily's list

  • Planned Parenthood

  • government spending

  • COVID-19 policy



Charles Wilkins
Charles Wilkins
Nov 18, 2022


Charles Wilkins
Charles Wilkins
Nov 11, 2022

Biden says he can't stop inflation but, $46 Billion goes down the Drain. The inspector general report updated earlier documents quantifying the scope of potentially fraudulent unemployment insurance payments made during the pandemic. Specifically, the office examined four types of potential fraud: claims 1) filed in multiple states; 2) made in the name of deceased individuals; 3) using suspicious email accounts; or 4) filed by federal prisoners. Filed by federal prisoners, where does the buck stop? not with joe Biden who is always on vacation.


Nov 03, 2022

Hasn't the Democratic Party been this way since at least when "Bubba" Clinton ran for president in 1992? He was a dope-smoking, skirt-chasing hippie. (A black eye for women's suffrage--female voters electing Clinton because he was "hot.")


Craig Crosby
Nov 03, 2022

EXACTLY!!!! What positive measures does the lib party support other than their radical negative agenda list?

Nov 03, 2022
Replying to

They're great if you like crime, no police, abortion, and would-be senators who cannot speak sensibly or coherently--ditto for the White House occupant.


Mike M
Mike M
Nov 03, 2022

Regardless of whether it's on the federal or state level the liberals political platform can be summed up in very simple terms.

A.If God calls it good then we're against it.

B.If God calls it evil then we're for it.

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