It will surprise no one who follows our coverage of how Democrats work to undermine election integrity that Pennsylvania’s defeated incumbent Democrat Senator Robert Casey

has refused to concede the election and has instead attempted bring previously disqualified, and in some cases illegal, ballots into the count.
Our friends at Blaze Media report that after the Wall Street Journal's editorial board claimed that Marc Elias, elections attorney for the Democratic Party, was "back and trying to steal a Senate seat for Bob Casey," Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Whatley warned that Democratic officials and lawyers "are trying to sow doubt in the democratic process."
Marc Elias, a longtime Democratic election attorney and dirty trickster, is attempting to force the Pennsylvania Senate race into a recount, even though it was called for McCormick by the Associated Press on Thursday, with even the state’s most liberal news outlets echoing the call since.
“Election Day has past [sic], but the fight for democracy continues. Here is some of what my firm has been up to: Thursday: Intervened against rightwing lawsuit in Pennsylvania,” Elias said in an X post Saturday.
“The Pennsylvania Senate race is not over,” Elias warned in an X post Thursday. He also pointed to a statement from the Pennsylvania Secretary of State’s office saying there were “at least 100,000 ballots remaining to be adjudicated.”
Elias, who was at the heart of the bogus “Steele Dossier” conspiracy against President Trump, has also led efforts in multiple states challenging voter ID laws, expensive projects lavishly funded by Democratic megadonor George Soros, the Washington Post reported.
Critics pointed to his hypocrisy, noting that following the 2020 election, Elias loudly condemned Trump’s legal efforts to recount votes in several swing states as “dangerous for democracy.”
That danger is sure to grow now that the Pennsylvania is holding a recount, and Democrats are pushing to count illegal ballots.
The Wall Street Journal editorial board indicated Sunday that a recount would afford Elias "a chance to try his legal shenanigans, which are likely to run the gamut from challenging votes for Mr. McCormick to searching for heretofore undiscovered ballots for Mr. Casey."
"Mr. Elias helped to steal a Senate seat in Minnesota for Al Franken in 2008 by finding a judge to count previously rejected ballots and overturn the lead of Republican Norm Coleman," continued the Journal. "The Elias method is to look for friendly judges who will rule in his favor. Pennsylvania has a Republican secretary of state who supervises elections but an especially partisan elected Democratic majority on the state Supreme Court. So far Gov. Josh Shapiro and other officials aren’t commenting on Mr. Elias."
Whatley clarified that Bucks County "is once again violating Pennsylvania law, this time by choosing to count undated and incorrectly dated ballots in a race that Dave McCormick has already won."
The lawsuit filed by Senator-elect McCormick and the RNC against Bucks County states that the board's decision "is legally erroneous because undated or misdated mail ballots are invalid as a matter of law and cannot be counted in the 2024 General Election — as the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has already made clear." reported that the Democrat-controlled Bucks County Board of Elections approved canvassing and counting for most of the nearly 4,500 provisional ballots it has received.
The county election board is also counting hundreds of undated and incorrectly dated mail-in ballots even though the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ruled and reiterated that county election officials cannot count absentee ballots with incorrect or missing dates. State law requires mail-in ballots to be returned in two envelopes — an inner secrecy envelope and an outer envelope on which voters must pen their signatures and the current date.
"The Board's baffling decision not to enforce the date requirement and to count noncompliant ballots thus directly contravenes binding Pennsylvania law," continues the complaint, according to reporting by Joseph MacKinnon.
“Elias is part of Kamala Harris’ campaign’s legal apparatus,” said Tom Fitton, president of the nonprofit advocacy group Judicial Watch. “One of the big lies of the left is that they support democracy, but what they support is using the law to obtain and retain power for themselves and that’s what Marc Elias is about.”
2024 Election
Marc Elias
Pennsylvania senate seat
Donald Trump
illegal immigration
poll results
exit polls
likely voters survey
public opinion
protecting democracy
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Unless it's in some Communist cesspool like San Fairycisco, liberals aka Democrats aka Demonrats aka Socialists aka Communists can't win elections legitimately. So they do their Satanic best to steal them.