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Diana West on RFK Jr. in Milan: Resist, Resist, Resist, Resist

Diana West, Guest Columnist

Our friend Diana West, author of several must-read books, including American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character and The Red Thread, A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy, just posted this article alerting us to an astonishing speech Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. delivered in Milan, Italy.

We share Ms. West’s column with her kind permission because Kennedy’s remarks have received no coverage in the establishment media and, as she observed, are “unique among national American figures, sizes up the pandemic response for what it is: a coordinated assault on liberal democracy all over the world, which has nothing to do with public health, but which, in the USA, gutted our Bill of Rights and thus robbed us of our constitutionally protected liberties.”

Ms. West’s column begins:

Here is a picture (above) of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as he is about to give a historic address in Milan, Italy, one of many Italian cities where anti-"green pass" demonstrators have thronged the streets and central plazas, protesting to reclaim their freedom, week after week, all through this fall.

News media have failed to cover any of the above, which is actually solid evidence of the importance of these events. But why do I call Kennedy's speech historic?

For its scope, wisdom and passion, this address, which I've transcribed below, is certainly memorable. Kennedy, unique among national American figures, sizes up the pandemic response for what it is: a coordinated assault on liberal democracy all over the world, which has nothing to do with public health, but which, in the USA, gutted our Bill of Rights and thus robbed us of our constitutionally protected liberties. He easily dispatches with the C19 clot shot by using Pfizer's own research data, which tell us that for every one life Pfizer claims to have saved with its "vaccine," four lives were lost to heart attacks. (This data, Kennedy says, is to be found in a table of Pfizer research filed with the FDA.)

But it is Kennedy's courage in giving this speech that is epic.

Most Americans with unanswered questions about the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy (1963) and Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy (1968) will be transfixed, rocked and not a little chilled to hear Robert F. Kennedy Jr., nephew and son of the assassinated Kennedys, calling out the CIA for "writing the script" on the pandemic response, which, unlike the barely lethal disease known as covid, is the real driver of "the global coup d'etat against liberal democracies across the planet."

The fact is, so many of the unanswered questions around these shattering assassinations of national leaders -- events Robert Kennedy Jr. lived through as profound family tragedies -- point to the culpability of the CIA. If RFK Jr.'s speech calling out the CIA for its role in the global assault on democracy isn't a showdown on the world stage and as such historic, then nothing is.

Needless to say, especially since I said so before, there is no news of this event to be found in any Big Media outlet. Operation Mockingbird, anyone?

I was able to watch and transcribe the speech in its entirety at the Telegram account of Robin Monotti + Dr. Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar.

Here is the Kennedy speech:

No government in the history of mankind has ever relinquished power voluntarily. The power that they have taken away from us over the past 20 months they will never give back. They have taken away our freedom of speech, they have closed the churches, they have taken away jury trials against companies, no matter how negligent they, no matter how reckless they are, no matter how grievous your injury, you cannot sue that company.

They have taken away our property rights in the United States. They closed a million businesses for a year with no just compensation and no due process. They have taken away our right to be free of warrantless searches and seizures and surveillance by the government. In the United States all of those rights are enumerated in our Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. And among the most important of those rights, after the right to free expression, which is gone, is the right to be able to participate in rule-making.

So, when the government wants to pass a law, it has to publish the law, propose the law, it has to explain the scientific basis for that law, it has to do a cost-benefit analysis of that law and explain it to the public, and then we have comments, that all the public can participate in, and then we have a hearing where people oppose the law, like myself, and bring in our own scientists and experts and scientific studies and it's all transparent. All of those safeguards have been obliterated. Today, the law is what one man says it is, the top doctor in the United Sates, Anthony Fauci.

In one month, in March of 2020, Tony Fauci told the world masks don't work, they're scientifically worthless, two months later he ordered every American to put on a mask. He didn't give us any scientific studies that made him change his mind, he simply told us, that's the new law, do what you're told.

All of these rights that the Founders of our country died for, sacrificed their properties, their livelihoods, to give us the Bill of Rights, and all of these rights over 20 months have been obliterated, taken from the American people -- but not just the American people. This is a global coup d'etat against liberal democracies across the planet.

And all of these rights that were taken away from us, these governments said it was only temporary. They said it would only be two weeks. In truth, you can all see what is happening: They will never give them back unless we make them.

And the Green Pass is their coup d'etat. The Green Pass is how they consolidate their power over your lives. The Green Pass is not a public health measure. It is a tool for totalitarian control of your transportation, your bank account, your movement, every aspect of your life.

And this is not a new idea. This is the same idea they used in Germany in 1937. They issued a pass for people they wanted to control. And when the South African apartheid government wanted to control the black population of South Africa, what was the most important thing they did? They issued a green pass.

I want you to ask all of people and journalists and press who are here today. If the Green Pass is about public health, why is it not issued by the health ministry? It's being issued by the financial ministry. Do they think that we are stupid?

Because this is a way to control your money, Once you have that Green Pass and they have the digital currency, if somebody tells you, Do not leave Milan, and you go on a trip to Bologna, your money won't work in Bologna. If the government tells you not to buy pizza, they can make it so that your money won't buy pizza at a pizza store. They can control every aspect of your life.

They tell you that we need a Green Pass to make sure everybody gets vaccinated. But they admit it: the vaccine does not prevent transmission, the vaccine does not prevent you from getting the disease, the vaccine doesn't stop the pandemic. So why do we need to get vaccinated if the vaccine doesn't stop transmission?

I'm gonna tell you for two minutes -- I'm going to talk about the vaccines. People say I'm against vaccines. I'm not against vaccines. I'm only against bad vaccines.

I'm not going to tell you what Robert Kennedy thinks. I'm going to tell you what Pfizer told the United States FDA.

Pfizer is the company that has an approved vaccine in the United States. And Pfizer was supposed to have a three-year-study, but they cut it to six months. And then they gave vaccinations to all of the controls. Why did they do that? Why did they end the study in six months? Because they learned that the antibodies disappear in six months and the vaccine no longer provides protection. So they had to end it in six months. They could not do what they planned (three years). They took all of their records for that six months and they gave them to FDA. The most important table is the table that tells you All Cause Mortality. How many people died in the vaccine group, how many died in the placebo group during that six month period. That table is called "s4." You can all look it up.

Here's what the numbers say. There were 22 thousand in the vaccine group. Over six months, one died from covid. In the placebo group, the control group, there were 22 thousand people, two died from covid in six months. That allowed Pfizer to tell the American public that the vaccine is 100 percent effective because two is 100 per cent of one.

Most Americans and most Italians when they hear that the vaccine is 100 percent effective, what they think is that if they take the vaccine, I have 100 percent of not dying from covid. That's not what it means. What it means is they have give 22 thousand vaccines to protect one person from dying of covid. That means they better make sure that the vaccine itself does not kill one person even, because if it kills one person then you cancel out the entire benefit.

Here's the important thing. In the vaccine group, 20 people died over six months from all causes -- 20 people of the 22 thousand. In the control group, only 14 people died of 22 thousand. That means that if you take the vaccine you are 48 percent more likely to die over the next six months than if you don't.

These are Pfizer's numbers, not mine, Here's how the people died. In the control group, one person died of a heart attack over the six months. In the vaccine group, five people died of heart attacks over the six months. That means if you get the vaccine you have a 500 percent risk of a fatal heart attack within six months. It also means that for every one person who is saved from dying of covid, the vaccine is killing four people from heart attacks.

This is not a good public health policy, Public health is supposed to save lives. But this is about control and controlling our society and controlling our children. And the only reason that people don't understand what I just said and that people still support the vaccine is one reason: the manipulation of fear.

This is simple mathematics. Anybody can look it up. If you look it up you will be more scared of that vaccine than you are of covid. But the government and the pharmaceutical companies have a method for turning off people's brains so that they can no longer do simple mathematics. That device is fear. Fear stops us from exercising critical thinking. It allows us to believe that if we just do what we're told then that that is the only way to save our lives. It's called the Stockholm Syndrome. And the captors, they lock down a whole country for a year, and people become grateful to their captors and think the only way we can leave here alive is if we have absolute obedience.

I'm going to make one more point and that's this. How many people here have heard of Event 201?

If you haven't heard of it, you should go look at it on Youtube. Event 201 was a simulation of a corona virus pandemic that occurred in New York City in October 2019. We now know that covid was circulating in Wuhan on September 12, 2019, so a month later there is a simulated corona virus pandemic in New York.

The people who came to that were the big social media companies, the media companies, Johnson & Johnson, the biggest vaccine company, and it was hosted by three people: 1) Bill Gates, 2) George Fu Gao who's the head of the Chinese CDC, and 3) Avril Haines, the deputy director of the CIA.

Avril Haines is today the top number one spy in the United States, She is the head of Joe Biden's National Security Agency, so she went from Event 201 to becoming the top spy in our country.

[There are a couple of seconds of weird transmission interference here.]

Who knew that the CIA is a public health agency? It came as a surprise to me.

Because the CIA does not do public health. The CIA does coup d'etats. Between 1947 and the year 2000, the CIA was engaged in 73 coup d'etats, most of them against democracies, one-third of the countries in the world. If you look at Event 201, there was no discussion of public health. Nobody was talking about how do we get Vitamin D to all the people? How do we get people to lose weight? How do we make sure they eat good food? How do we repurpose medicines to treat people? How do we quarantine the suck? How do we preserve Constitutional rights? Not a word was said about public health.

Instead, what they were talking about is how do we use the pandemic as a pretext to clamp down totalitarian controls and to deconstruct democracy. They spent one-quarter of the day talking about how to make sure nobody's allowed to spread the rumor that the coronavirus pandemic is laboratory- generated. This is October 2019! And they talk about how to lock down the population, how to force them to take experimental vaccines, how to make sure that black people don't start resisting. Because in our country, blacks are very suspicious of the medical establishment, and they were deeply concerned about that resistance.

When I researched my book, what I learned was that this event, Event 201, was not a one-time occurrence. We found 20 separate pandemic simulations beginning in 2000. One thing they had in common -- most of them Bill Gates was involved in, Tony Fauci was involved in -- but every one of them the CIA was involved in. The CIA wrote the script, high-level CIA officials participated in every one of those pandemic simulations.

And they involved hundreds of thousands of people. They were conducted secretly. They used frontline workers, they were training police, and hospital systems and utilities in Europe, in Italy, in Germany, in Canada, in Australia, all at the same time, to do a response to a pandemic, but it was not a public health response. It was a response to use the pandemic for something else.

So they practiced again and again and again: How to use the pandemic as a pretext for imposing totalitarian controls and for obliterating liberal democracy across the planet.

One of the experiments that they used, they found, is called the Milgram experiment -- it was a CIA experiment in 1967 -- and what the CIA found is that if a powerful medical official orders people to do something wrong, something that violates their conscience, that violates their basic values, 67 percent of people will obey authority over their values. And 67 percent of the people will be hypnotized by fear into obeying a position of authority, a figure of authority. But thirty-three per cent of the people will not obey. And you are the 33 percent.

And our job is to go out from here today and reach out to our brothers and sisters, the people who are still hypnotized, and tell them that we are going to fight for their freedom until they are able to fight for it themselves. We need to reach out when we leave here today to all of our brothers and sisters, the 67 percent who are still hypnotized, and we have to tell them that you need to love your freedom more than you are scared of a germ.

This year we saw the destruction of the American Constitution. That Constitution was written by a group of people who understood that there are worse things than dying. And they put their lives on the front line, their property, their careers, their livelihoods, to fight for freedom, and to fight for those rights that we have lost in the previous 20 months.

And now it's our job now, it is the job of everybody in this crowd, to go out and fight back, to resist, resist, resist, resist, and to reclaim our government, to reclaim our lives, to reclaim our liberty, for our children, for our country, and for all future generations.

And I can tell you this. I will stand side by side with you, and if I have to die for this, I'm going to die with my boots on.

  • RFK Jr. speech

  • censorship

  • Free speech

  • vaccine mandates

  • COVID 19

  • Milan

  • Bill of Rights

  • Constitution

  • Phizer vaccine

  • CIA

  • COVID lockdowns

  • Rule-making

  • Anthony Fauci

  • Green Pass

  • Event 201


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THE SECRECT TEAM by Fletcher Prouty book explains how the CIA uses subterfuge to manipulate the US government. They interfere with countries that are not a threat to the US but will destroy what freedoms or the freedom fighters. Cuba failed because there was not a leader to guide the Cuban Freedom Fighters. Allen Dulles was out of the country as this critical time. Vietnam War would not have been had the CIA stayed out of the country.

The military is required to make the CIA's plans happen even when it is a bad idea and will lead to even worse political consequences.

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16 nov 2021

This is not a physical health issue, but it has become a mental health issue. Have you noticed how hostile the vaccinated are toward the unvaccinated? Of course you have. The reverse isn't happening, however. I think there might be something in the vaccine formula that actually causes people to go berserk. I'm not surprised to learn that the CIA has it's grimy fingers in this. I'm also not surprised that Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are key players. I suspect that the vaccinated are going to start dropping like flies in a trap very soon. That'll leave the approximately 1/4 or so of us who have refused the vaccine vs. the political elite (who I suspect have not…

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J Freed
J Freed
16 nov 2021

Amazing speech. When do we start? Before I lace up the boots...How do we counter the FBI and CIA from turning the movement (that they should be supporting), into another "insurrection" and good people into "terrorists"? How do we fight back without using the same distasteful tactics that the left is using? If we one-up them on fixing the vote via fraud, they win by default anyway with the destruction of the validity of and trust in the vote - see 2020. The VA governor's race restored my faith but the BS around the trucker vs. incumbent and rumor of more "mysterious late votes" nearly flipping the race at the 13th hour (again)...When a voter ID mandate is "racist" but…

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James Bryson
James Bryson
16 nov 2021


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