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Fitzgibbons Resigns from DC Bar – One Man’s Act of Moral Courage

CHQ Staff

Jeff Clark was President Trump’s Acting Assistant US Attorney General who believed the Justice Department had not adequately investigated the fraud and other election

lawbreaking and voting irregularities in the 2020 election.  He is a victim of DOJ lawfare, the J6 House Committee, and Fulton County, Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis.  His alleged “crime” was he drafted, but did not send, a letter to state legislators in key states suggesting there were sufficient legal and constitutional reasons to reverse the slate of electors for Biden.  The District of Columbia Bar concluded his actions violated Bar ethics rules.  This is a letter of ConservativeHQ contributor Mark Fitzgibbons, who until July 1 was a member of the DC Bar, to the President of the DC Bar.

The text of Mr. Fitzgibbons’ letter to the DC Bar Association follows:




July 1, 2024


Charles R. Lowery Jr.

The District of Columbia Bar

901 4th Street, NW

Washington, D.C. 20001

                                                          Re: DC Bar ID 425927

Dear Mr. Lowery,


I object to the DC Bar’s charges of unethical conduct by former Acting Assistant US Attorney General Jeffrey Clark in Disciplinary Docket No. 2021-D193, and today’s 6 – 3 Supreme Court decision in the Trump presidential immunity case merely highlights that the Bar overstepped its mission in the Clark matter.


For many years now the DC Bar has drifted leftward politically.  Many of us whose political beliefs, ideology, and even religious convictions differed from that drift stayed members for many reasons, including the importance of our tie with the Bar for our livelihoods as well as the benefit of the clients and causes we represent.


The Clark matter indicates to me – and perhaps many others – that the Bar has become an unofficial appendage of the Democrat Party.


The Specification of Charges ( quoting one official’s claim that “there was no evidence of election fraud or irregularities that could have potentially affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election,” was not merely a façade, but it seems designed to chill the many obligations of lawyers to advance narrative-challenging causes.  And, as it turns out, that claim is inconclusive and faulty.


Our profession operates in controversy, and operates best when its members thoughtfully and strategically challenge that which powerful people, institutions, and industries prefer left unchallenged.  The disciplinary action against Mr. Clark – whom I do not know and have never met – is not merely an officious chill on our professional obligations, it seems to me to be advancing a political agenda to intimidate legal support and advocacy for Donald Trump and his supporters.  This, I cannot abide.


Therefore, it is with some regret after my decades-long membership, some relief about the conflict the Bar has created with my beliefs, and assured resolve that the DC Bar has crossed the line about its treatment of robust thought, that I will no longer finance this type of mischief with my Bar dues, and I will not renew my membership today.


                                                          Very truly yours,




                                                          Mark J. Fitzgibbons

  • Assistant US Attorney General Jeffrey Clark

  • 2020 Election Fraud

  • DOJ Lawfare

  • Fani Willis

  • District of Columbia Bar

  • Mark Fitzgibbons

  • Supreme Court

  • Presidential Immunity


3 comentários

08 de jul. de 2024

I applaud this act of moral courage. More of this needs to be done. Or, perhaps, a competing organization needs to be birthed with more pristine ideals. Today, so many organizations have been corrupted by the left to uphold their narrow and destructive narrative and ideology. They need to be reorganized or shut down/defunded.


08 de jul. de 2024

Commendable, but the -rat party will cover his dues. If it doesn't, some scumbag leftist will. Leftism is systemic throughout the government and the culture, and it's killing the Republic.


Randy Harod
Randy Harod
08 de jul. de 2024

He will be replaced with another Democrat.

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