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Graduation Rates Are Rising While Students Remain Functionally Illiterate

Several states are boasting their public high school graduation rates, a statistic reported at state and federal levels, are rising. However, should the public believe this rising trend? Is the data, reported by departments of education and the media, another attempt to gaslight

the public? On January 6, 2025, The Epoch Times published an article identifying a public high school graduate suing the Hartford Board of Education in Connecticut because she can’t read or write. Interesting the lawsuit identifies she was accepted into the University of Connecticut of Hartford.


It stands to reason if graduation rates are increasing, test scores should as well because of the direct correlation between these two data points. Students pass tests, then they graduate. However, it is counterintuitive to the reality because test scores continue a downward trend. This equates to a similar correlation between public school district budgets and student populations. Generally speaking, it is also counterintuitive to expect budget increases when student populations are declining.


Graduation Rates


The U.S. Department of Education is the data warehouse for education statistics. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) identifies the following states 2021-2022 school year graduation rates while The Nations Report Card identifies the at or above proficient rates for reading:

It’s interesting the last year shown for 12th grade reading scores is 2013 because testing is reported every 2 years. Also, the counterintuitive nature of high percentages of students graduating from high school when the testing data reflects poor reading skills is highly questionable.


The truth about the rise is students are not being held back if they can’t pass the required tests. In years past, students who failed in subjects such as reading, writing, mathematics, or science did not advance to the next grade. In more recent years equity, social emotional learning (SEL), and efforts to ensure all students are winners became a priority. Students advanced regardless of their academic abilities. In part, this can be contributed to No Child Left Behind, a one-size-fits-all model, and Common Core changes to curriculum the federal government perpetuated via promised funding.


Test Scores


There are varying presumptions related to reported test scores. Those doing the reporting claim they are accurate. Others question whether the numbers are skewed or altered. Regardless of differing thoughts, the truth is students are provided many supports and given multiple chances to pass standardized tests. The more disadvantaged a student is, the more supports and chances may be provided.


The Nations Report Card categorizes and reports test scores. Though tests are administered at the local level, they are reported to the state education authority, and then forwarded to the federal level.


Here are data points, which are reported every 2 years, showing the national average for students who are at or above proficient according to the Nations Report Card:

The date next to the score is the year of the latest national average specified. This reveals the national average for 4th grade writing is from 2002 while 12th grade writing shows no associated year identified.


It must be noted changes were made under the Biden administration. Like the Nations Report Card, scores were previously reported as percentages. However, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is reporting numeric scores based on either a 500-point or 300-point scale. Also, testing was preempted in many states due to COVID-19. One can only speculate why reporting changed.


Revamping the Education System


President Trump is for such a time as this. Efforts to disrupt and dismantle the federal bureaucracy and return authority to the states is sorely needed. Allowing states to decide the education model for their population should be the norm. Each state has populations, qualities, industries, and resources that are dominant to their state. The one common element is all students must be proficient in the basics to graduate.


Feeding various levels of bureaucracy does not benefit anyone. The over taxation burden does not promote prosperity or quality. The system must remove the layers and displace the education industrial complex elites. An educated populous for our republic is imperative to remaining that shining city on the hill.

Author Karen Hiltz, EdD, is a speaker and author from Sebastian, FL. Dr. Hiltz is Navy veteran, retired federal procurement professional and former professor of business and public school board member. She has a BA and MBA in Management and an EdD in Leadership Studies.

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