Many people have asked how did such a singularly unaccomplished person as Hunter Biden pull off this multimillion dollar grift without his father, Joe Biden, knowing about it and eventually being forced to disavow it?

After all, Hunter Biden wouldn’t be the first presidential relative to appear to trade on family influence and political power – both Jimmy Cart and Richard Nixon had brothers who caused them presidential-sized headaches, so did Lyndon B. Johnson and, Gerald R. Ford.
But Hunter Biden is unique in the modern era for blatantly trading on his father’s power and influence and not only pulling it off. but being defended while doing it.
So, how did Hunter pull it off?
Well, 10% for “the Big Guy” certainly must have been part of it because no President or Vice President has ever worked harder to advance his family’s grifting ways.
About a year ago (July 18, 2022) our friends at Judicial Watch asked for, and later sued to get, all records concerning the use of security and/or other services to Hunter Biden and any companions; and all records concerning the use of U.S. Government funds to provide security and/or any other services to Hunter Biden and any companions. The case is (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:22-cv-02097)).
Judicial Watch received records from the U.S. Secret Service showing that during the first five-and-a-half years of the Obama administration, Hunter Biden traveled extensively while receiving a Secret Service protective detail. During the time period of the records provided, Hunter Biden took 411 separate domestic and international flights, including to 29 different foreign countries. He visited China five times.
The Secret Service records showed that countries and territories visited by Hunter Biden, between June 2009 and May 2014, included:
Ethiopia and India on June 14-22, 2009
Argentina on September 14-17, 2009
France and Spain on November 9-13, 2009
Canada on February 12-15, 2010
Dominican Republic on February 18-22, 2010
Puerto Rico on March 20-27, 2010
China on April 6-9, 2010
Belgium, Spain, and the United Kingdom on May 5-8, 2010
UK, Egypt, Kenya, South Africa, Ascension Island, U.S. Virgin Islands on June 6-13, 2010
Denmark and South Africa on August 9-24, 2010
Hong Kong, Taiwan and China on April 16-22, 2011
Mexico on May 15-17, 2011
Colombia, France, United Arab Emirates and France again on November 1-11, 2011
UK and Russia on February 15-18, 2012
Germany, France and UK on February 1-5, 2013
UK and Ireland on March 20-22, 2013
China on June 13-15, 2013
Switzerland and Italy on July 26-August 7, 2013
Japan, China, South Korea and the Philippines on December 2-9, 2013
China and Qatar on May 7-14, 2014
What the records show is a pattern of Joe Biden acting as both the product and the marketing arm of Hunter’s grifts.
This is what eventually alarmed successful international businessman Tony Bobulinski, who insists the Biden family has aggressively leveraged its famous last name to make millions from foreign entities. Mr. Bobulinski has also accused Hunter Biden of "fraud" against his business partners by tampering with key documents to funnel over $5 million into a company he owned.
Mr. Bobulinski said Joe Biden has been playing the role of “Chairman” of the Biden influence peddling operation "dating back decades." He said a leaked 2018 voicemail in which he told his son Hunter, "I think you’re clear," following a New York Times report about Hunter’s work with a Chinese corporation, contradict the sitting president's claims.
"Joe Biden was adamant to the American people that he had no knowledge of his family's business deals," Mr. Bobulinski told Tucker Carlson in a lengthy interview. "How, if he had zero knowledge of that, could he be telling his son that he's in the clear on an article?"
One way is Joe Biden knew what son Hunter was up to, another way is he knew, with certainty, the FBI wasn’t going to pursue the obvious violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
As the authors of the Marco Polo report on Hunter Biden’s laptop observed, the Biden family's numerous sex and drug-related crimes are crucial to understanding them, particularly their egregious hypocrisy and double standards; however, an impartial view of the situation clearly showed how their entanglements in international business and politics were the paramount national security threat revealed by the laptop files.
Hunter Biden’s 411 separate domestic and international flights, including to trips to 29 different foreign countries, with five visits to Red China, are the nexus between Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s business and financial crimes.
Marco Polo Project
Hunter Biden laptop
sex-related crimes
Webcam sites
sex addiction
Genghis Khan
Owasco business accounts
Ashley Biden
Dr. Howard Krein
illegal drug use
Hallie Olivere Biden
Tony Bobulinski
Foreign Agents Registration Act or FARA
Right now I'd even be happy with JFK. I know that he was absolutely not the knight in shining armor the liberals think he was but he'd be light years ahead of the senile old Communist hypocrite who's currently cursing the Oval Office with his Satanic presence.
How did Hunter do this? Give me a break, Mr. Viguere. "The Big Guy" knew everything.
Bite-Me Biden was and is fully aware of everything that Ho**y Hunter has ever done. He wants to make sure he gets his cut of the action.