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Kamala Harris’ Embarrassing Liberal Record Being Memory Holed By Media

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

In George Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece “Nineteen-Eighty-Four” the all-powerful Party of Big Brother created a mechanism for the deliberate alteration or disappearance of inconvenient or embarrassing facts, documents, photographs, transcripts or other records, and called it the Memory Hole. These changes were complete and undetectable in the dystopian future Orwell imagined in his now-classic novel.

In Orwell’s novel the Party's Ministry of Truth systematically re-created all potentially embarrassing historical documents, in effect, re-writing all of history to match the often-changing state propaganda, but in our present dystopian timeline the government doesn’t have to employ a “Ministry of Truth” to rewrite history – the media does it of its own accord when it serves the political interests of the Democratic Party.

Witness the somewhat (or maybe not) astonishing media rewrite of Harris’ role as Joe Biden’s “Border Czar” charged with “solving” the border crisis Democrats created by effectively opening the southern border and then releasing into the interior of our country those who cross illegally.

Suddenly, at least according to establishment media outlets from millennial favorite Axios to oldline establishment outlet Time magazine, Harris was never the Border Czar.

In March 2021 Biden tapped Harris to lead the Administration’s response to the political, national security and humanitarian crisis caused by the Administration’s own policies. Everyone, including Axios, referred to Harris as the Border Czar.

Harris did nothing or should we say nothing effective.

She had to be bullied by the media and Republicans in Congress into going anywhere near the border and made one trip to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, where the Biden Administration was bypassing the regular immigration process to fly aliens directly to the United States using taxpayer dollars.

But now Axios, and Time, have changed their storyline to explain that calling Harris the “Border Czar” was all a big mistake and Harris was never the Border Czar, she was instead merely a diplomat focused on an “effort to address the root causes of migration.”

However, whatever one calls her – Border Czar or root cause addressor – Harris has been an abject failure in stopping the tsunami of illegal aliens crossing our southern border. On the Biden-Harris watch, there have been over 8 million migrant encounters nationwide, 6.7 million of which have been at the Southwest border. Worse yet, over 1.7 million known gotaways—illegal immigrants who have evaded Border Patrol— are now living in the interior of the United States without documentation and without having undergone any vetting by immigration officials.

But the Memory Holing of Kamala Harris’ record isn’t just confined to matters related to her failure in stopping or even slowing the tidal wave of illegal aliens swamping our southern border.

Regular readers of CHQ will recall that in our article “If You Think Biden Was Bad Get A Load Of Kamala” we cited a GovTrack report from 2019 identifying Harris as the most liberal member of the United States Senate.

We even quoted one of our own articles from 2019 quoting the GovTrack report and noted that the Tennessee Star and 60 Minutes cited the GovTrack report rating Harris as the most liberal member of the Senate that term.

Now, it turns out GovTrack is trying to Memory Hole that rating, no doubt due to prompting from the Harris campaign and sympathetic Leftwing media inquiries.

So, what was Harris’ record as the United States Senator from California?

According to the American Conservative Union’s CPAC’s Center for Legislative Accountability Harris had a 9 out of 100 for her final year in the Senate and a 4.5 lifetime rating.


By way of contrast, socialist Democrat icon Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has a lifetime CPAC rating of 6.18 and rated 9.09 back when Harris was in the Senate garnering a rating of 9.0 – if beating out Bernie Sanders for the lowest conservative rating in the Senate didn’t make Kamala Harris the Senate’s most liberal member, we eagerly await the “nuance” that makes Harris’ 4.5 less liberal than Bernie’s 6.18.

Kamala Harris can’t escape her radical – extremist is a better word – progressive record and her failures in every public responsibility she has been given as Vice President. No matter how hard the Leftwing establishment media tries to obfuscate or Memory Hole the facts, CHQ and other conservative sources will continue to hold her to account.

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  • Kamala Harris campaign

  • Kamala Harris senate record

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Van Snyder
Van Snyder
Jul 25, 2024

The details of Trump's attempted assassination will disappear into the same black hole as the details of JFK's assassination.


Charles Babcock
Charles Babcock
Jul 25, 2024

When Kamala was "running for President" herself, she couldn't even get enough votes to be a finalist in her own district. Yet the Democratic party decided she would be a great VP and Possible President. Can you say DEI choice? She has failed at everything she has tried in, and I use the term very loosely, Government service.


Mike M
Mike M
Jul 25, 2024

Willie Brown's ex girlfriend combines the intelligence of a mentally challenged amoeba, the laugh of a deranged hyena, the charm of Jeffrey Dahmer, and the wickedness of Komrade Hitlery Rottenheart Klinton with a level of Communism that makes Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin look like Ronald Reagan.

Mike M
Mike M
Jul 27, 2024
Replying to

Interesting analogy. A very apt one indeed.

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