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No House Republican Should Vote For The #SwampOmnibus With These Earmarks

George Rasley, CHQ Editor

The House Freedom Caucus and other conservative organizations have released their analyses of the massive spending bill drafted in secrecy and dropped on your Member of Congress in the middle of the night, and that is now being rushed to the House floor for a vote with less than 36 hours to review, contrary to the House’s 72 hours to review a bill rule.

The spending package fails to fully address the weaponization of federal law enforcement, roll back Biden’s extremist abortion policies, rein in the “woke” cancer that’s infected federal agencies, or defend the Second Amendment from Democrats’ unconstitutional efforts to undermine American liberty. Worst of all, this package fails to secure the southern border and even continues to reward sanctuary cities with federal taxpayer dollars. Finally, the bill includes thousands of earmarks for programs so radical and wasteful that they could never raise money in the private philanthropic marketplace.

 Here are some of the shocking finds:

*         $1,808,000 for "facilities and equipment" for the Women and Infants Hospital in Rhode Island requested by Senator Whitehouse.


Sounds innocent?


They perform late-term surgical and chemical abortions - and now it'll be subsidized with your tax dollars.


*         $650,000 for Dartmouth Hitchcock Nashua, NH.


Another organization that provides late-term abortions:


"We routinely provide both medication and procedural abortion care up to 22 weeks of pregnancy."


*         $400,000 for the Garden State Equality Education Fund in New Jersey.


They help MINORS transition genders, promote biological boys playing girls sports and using the same restrooms, and coordinate against parental rights groups.


*         $400,000 for Briarpatch Youth Services in Wisconsin.


One of their programs is called "Teens Like Us LGBTQIA2s+" that includes a "Gender Affirming Clothing Program" for ages 13-18.


*         $156,000 for the Hartford Gay & Lesbian Health Collective in Connecticut.


They call themselves a "champion of LGBTQIA+ equity" with trainings on "LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency" and "Accessing Healthcare for LGBTQ+ Youth." 


*         $850,000 for LGBTQ Senior Housing, Inc. in Massachusetts.


They're building a LGBTQ-only senior community in Boston.


Why would your tax dollars go to this???


*         $2,000,000 for La Clinica del Valle Family Health Care Center in Oregon.


They do gender-affirming hormone therapy for adults and ADOLESCENTS.


*         $5,000,000 for Mary's Center for Maternal & Child Care in Maryland.


This place defiles the name of the Blessed Virgin by specializing in “transgender medicine.”


"Mary's Center can serve as your 'home base' during the transition process."


*         $400,000 for the Mazzoni Center in Pennsylvania.


Your tax dollars are going to subsidize a place that does transgender "care" on kids (they call it "Pediatric and Adolescent Comprehensive Transgender Services").


*         $845,000 for Envision:You in Colorado, which is entirely focused on LGBTQ+ individuals.


In addition to hosting LGBTQ+ garden parties and art shows, they have a range of woke programs.


*         $850,000 for "LGBTQ Senior Housing" services in the $1.2 TRILLION bill they're trying to ram through tomorrow.


*         $156,000 to an organization that sexualize your children with an earmark for the Hartford Gay & Lesbian Health Collective in Connecticut.

*         $1 million for SAGE, an advocacy center for elderly LGBT people in New York.

*         $740,000 for a Latino LGBT organization in Seattle. Check their webpage, for an invitation to a drag brunch in April!

*         $870,000 for an Emerging Artist Fellowship Program, who demands for defunding the police, among other atrocious woke demands.


*         Over $1 million in the Schumer appropriations bill is earmarked for the Muslim American Society of Upper New York, which is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical Islamic organization.

Through this earmark this bill is funding Radical Islam.

These are just a few of MANY absurd earmarks in this "deal." Your tax dollars should not be wasted like this!

The Capitol Switchboard is (202-224-3121), call your Representative and Senators to demand they vote NO on the #SwampOmnibus spending bill when it comes to the Floor.

  • Congress

  • #SwampOmnibus

  • Minibus

  • Speaker Mike Johnson

  • spending cuts

  • border security

  • Rep. Chip Roy

  • federal spending

  • Republican majority

  • national debt

  • continuing resolution

  • omnibus appropriations bill

  • regular order

  • PAYGO rules

  • Senator Rand Paul

  • Waive reading of the bill

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Mar 22, 2024

May as well have just left Nasty Piglousi in place.

Mar 22, 2024
Replying to

You are spot on. Looks like the GOP will be playing the find-a-speaker game again. The GOP is a rudderless ship.

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