In a call organized by the Democrat-oriented Hispanic advocacy group Voto Latino, alleged President Joe Biden said, in reference to former President Trump's weekend rally at Madison Square Garden, “The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters. His demonization of Latinos is unconscionable, and it’s un-American. It’s totally contrary to

everything we’ve done, everything we’ve been.”
So, let’s unpack this.
D list comedian Tony Hinchcliffe, who is an entertainer, not a campaign spokesman, makes a crack about the island of Puerto Rico being a “floating island of garbage” and suddenly, according to the President of all Americans, half of the country’s voters are “garbage”?
Biden’s remark, and Harris’s refusal to disavow it, really tells you pretty much all you need to know about what leading Democrats (we won’t fall into the same trap and say all Democrats) think about the people they aspire to lead.
To them, those of us who support President Trump for reelection aren’t the loyal opposition, or simply mistaken, or misinformed and can be brought around through logic and persuasion – we are garbage to be discarded.
This isn’t the first time a leading Democrat has denigrated conservatives, Republicans, and other supporters of President Trump, so, you have to give Democrats credit for not hiding their true opinions; they never miss an opportunity to let the rest of us know they are the elite and we conservatives are the Untermenschen.
Leading Democrats, including Biden, Harris, and her running mate Tim Walz, have regularly referred to President Trump and his supporters as Nazis and Fascists.
Republican turned Democrat Charlie Crist once charged that Florida’s principled limited government constitutional conservative Republican Governor Ron DeSantis was appealing to the "hard right, toothless crowd."
And who can forget Hillary Clinton’s 2016 remarks putting Donald Trump’s supporters into two “baskets” and that half of them were in what she called “the basket of deplorables” including, as she put it, “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it.”
This idea that conservatives, Republicans and Trump supporters are beneath contempt has filtered down from the top to Democrats at the grassroots.
If America is so bad and full of “Nazis” and “garbage” why would Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want to lead such a country one might ask.
The late Angelo Codevilla supplies an answer in the logic of revolutions: “Progressives deplore the ‘deplorables’ not to improve them, but to feel good about themselves. Hating people for what they are and because it feels good to hate them, is hate in its unalloyed form.”
What Prof. Codevilla found after reviewing the history of the logic of revolutions is this insight about today’s radical Progressive Left:
The logic that drives each turn of our revolutionary spiral is Progressive Americans’ inherently insatiable desire to exercise their superiority over those they deem inferior. With Newtonian necessity, each such exercise causes a corresponding and opposite reaction. The logic’s force comes not from the substance of the Progressives’ demands. If that were the case, acquiescing to or compromising with them could cut it short. Rather, it comes from that which moves, changes, and multiplies their demands without end. That is the Progressives’ affirmation of superior worth, to be pursued by exercising dominance: superior identity affirmed via the inferior’s humiliation. It is an inherently endless pursuit.
The logic is rooted in disdain, but not so much of any of the supposed inferiors’ features or habits. If it were, the deplored could change their status by improving. But the Progressives deplore the “deplorables” not to improve them, but to feel good about themselves. Hating people for what they are and because it feels good to hate them, is hate in its unalloyed form.
People of good will might be inclined to object to that characterization of Democrats: Surely “public service” or a desire to help the less fortunate or other eleemosynary ideals motivate most people seeking public office they would argue.
Biden, Harris and Walz have, without apology, proven that idealistic view to be complete bunk.
In Presidential politics and in marketing, the general rule is that you criticize your competition, not the consumers who buy the competing product. Joe Biden’s characterization of Trump supporters as “garbage,” revealed once again the Democrats’ elitist contempt for the millions of Americans who legitimately recognize that American exceptionalism, American culture and their own economic futures are at risk because of what Donald Trump has called a politician made disaster, of which Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the chief architects.
The best revenge we garbage people can extract from those who hold us in such contempt is to vote Donald Trump into a second term as President.
Conservatives, we are in a battle for the survival of a free America established and created under God’s laws. None should stay on the sidelines in this election. Working together we can save America for our children, grandchildren, and future generations. Please forward this and other CHQ articles to your contact list to inform and educate family, friends, neighbors, and others on what’s at stake in this election.
Liberals may have never read Milton's Paradise Lost but they subscribe to one of Satan's tenets, "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven." Not that either Satan or liberals will ever reign in Hell but deep down inside every liberal, just like their father the devil, is an insane pathological desire to be God and play God. It's something inate to liberals. They want to be superior to everyone and everything else in the Universe. And nothing will make them happy until and unless everything and everyone bows to their will. The only problem is they've either forgotten or they don't care that God already has that job well in hand. But on Judgment Day they will be…