News has broken that our old friend Dr. Sebastian Gorka will be returning to the Trump White House as Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Counterterrorism. Previously, Seb Gorka was an adviser on national security matters in the first Trump White House, until he and Steve Bannon were forced out by the treasonous Gen. John Kelly.

Naturally, the same Washington Uniparty insiders who thought Kelly was a great Chief of Staff for President Trump are opposed to Seb Gorka’s return to the National Security Council staff, and they have already started the typical, anonymous of course, media campaign against him.
According to a hit piece in the Washington Post, the rap against Seb Gorka is, “Despite his alignment with Trump’s populist rhetoric on issues like immigration, close associates found his views on Muslims in particular to be out of line even with other Trump supporters, as he stoked fears that the United States will fall under what he calls radical Islamic law if extreme steps to combat terrorist groups are not taken.”
Back in 2017 the Washington Post made similar comments in the hit piece linked above, writing, “For years, Gorka had labored on the fringes of Washington and the far edge of acceptable debate as defined by the city’s Republican and Democratic foreign policy elite. Today, the former national security editor for the conservative Breitbart News outlet occupies a senior job in the White House and his controversial ideas — especially about Islam — drive Trump’s populist approach to counterterrorism and national security.”
The only problem with the Post’s attempt to paint Dr. Gorka as an extremist at “the far edge of acceptable debate as defined by the city’s Republican and Democratic foreign policy elite,” is that Seb Gorka is right, and they are wrong.
Washington, DC’s “Republican and Democratic foreign policy elite” think that the war Islam has declared on the West can be prosecuted through diplomacy, or a series of transactions through which two morally equal sides make deals to get what they want.
Dr. Gorka recognizes we are in a civilizational war that pits Western Judeo-Christian civilization against Islam’s war for world domination.
His other insight, as he related it to the Washington Post in 2017, was that the secular elite of the Washington foreign policy establishment were too quick to discount the role of religion in our national security threat environment.
“Their worldview is fundamentally challenged by anybody who takes religion seriously, and you know what? I take religion seriously,” Gorka said. “Because when you take seven minutes on a video to decapitate another human being by manually sawing off their head, that’s the power that religion can have or a distortion of religion or whatever you want to call it.”
We Americans may be ill-equipped to fight a religious war, but we should recognize the war radical Islamists have declared on us is a spiritual war against what is the twenty-first century’s most dangerous totalitarian movement – Islam.
What Seb Gorka gets, and what the Foggy Bottom striped pants brigade refuses to acknowledge is that in this war, the West is in a war not just with radical Islamists like the Taliban, but with concepts deeply embedded in Muslim culture. These are ideas that even so-called “moderate” Muslims are prepared to use violence to impose upon the entire world – if that doesn’t fit the definition of totalitarian what does?
And there’s one other thing that prompts opposition from the “Republican and Democratic foreign policy elite” and that’s cheering for Israel, and Seb Gorka is an unabashed supporter of our most reliable ally in the Middle East. Last year, after he watched unedited video of the Hamas attack in Israel, he provided advice to Israeli leaders on how to prosecute their conflict with Hamas and Hezbollah.
“Kill every single one of them,” Gorka said, “God bless Israel. God bless Judeo-Christian civilization.”
To succeed, totalitarian movements always require “useful idiots,” like the writers at the Washington Post, to help convince the people about to be enslaved that their soon-to-be totalitarian masters are saviors, not oppressors, and to promote the folly that Islam is a “religion of peace.”
Welcome back to the White House, Dr. Gorka. With your counsel President Trump will remain real about the war the jihadis have declared on us and the United States will once again be the principal defender of Judeo-Christian civilization.
George Rasley is editor of Richard Viguerie's and is a veteran of over 300 political campaigns. A member of American MENSA, he served on the staff of Vice President Dan Quayle, as Director of Policy and Communication for former Congressman Adam Putnam (FL-12) then Vice Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee's Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, and as spokesman for retired Rep. Mac Thornberry, a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and former Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.
2024 Election
Sebastian Gorka
John Kelly
National Security Council staff
Trump administration
radical Islamic law
foreign policy elite
foreign policy establishment
religious war
spiritual war
radical Islamists
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