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Diana West, Guest Columnist

The District of Columbia Gulag Archipelago

A proper dictatorship must have political prisoners. And so the Biden-Harris regime, whose

November 3, 2020 coup de fraude was certified by all three corrupt branches of power by January 6, 2021, has exactly that: a burgeoning Gulag in the militarized nation's capital.

Politico reports:

Most of the 300-plus people charged with participating in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot have been released while they await trial, but dozens of those deemed to be dangerous, flight risks or at high risk of obstructing justice were ordered held without bond. D.C. jail officials later determined that all Capitol detainees would be placed in so-called restrictive housing — a move billed as necessary to keep the defendants safe, as well as guards and other inmates. But that means 23-hour-a-day isolation for the accused, even before their trials begin.

Dozens. Held without bond. In 23-hour-a-day isolation. Before trial.

Welcome to the District of Columbia Gulag Archipelago.

Politico's description of the Jan 6 Prisoners plight continues:

D.C. government officials say the pandemic already has sharply limited freedom of movement in the jail where most Jan. 6 defendants are held. In fact, the entire jail has been subject to strict lockdown procedures since the onset of the pandemic, a determination that has caused broader controversy about prisoners' rights. But restrictive housing is a maximum-security designation, and the blanket designation for the Capitol defendants — which isn't expected to ease even if pandemic era restrictions do — is a notable decision for a large group of inmates who have yet to be tried for their alleged crimes.

In a dictatorship, we expect political prisoners to be thrown into solitary without due process -- and that is exactly what is happening here in our former republic. This is how a dictatorship survives, how it justifies itself. How it creates internal enemies. The criminal charges don't matter -- no more than glorified trespass in most of these cases -- it is the thoughts that were committed. These "criminals" dissented from the theft of the 2020 election -- the theft of their votes in the 2020 election -- and they took their dissent against this coup de fraude to the final crime scene, Capitol Hill, where the "certification" session, presided over by Benedict Pence, was taking place. Like their counterparts in communist or Nazi dictatorships, the officers of this regime understand that it these thoughts that must be extirpated from the (militarized) public square, and so it is that the Jan 6 Protestors are being punished with months of maximum-security solitary confinement, whether they are in the end convicted of insurrectionary activities or not. It is another aspect of their torture that their harsh incarceration has no end in sight. "Prosecutors say it could be months before they fully scour the evidence they’ve obtained from the insurrection," Politico reports.

Like heads on a pike in days, their example not only criminalizes public dissent but goes a long way toward ending it. More important for the great dictatorial and rest future, it also feeds into the regime's greater plan to turn such dissent into domestic terrorism.

Who will speak up for these poor patriots, good old boys and small businessmen, mothers and senior citizens?

President Trump's silence is unconscionable.

So, too, is the silence of the Right, from the Republican Party to most conservative media and think tanks. In fact, the Politico story was written to note that concern for these defendants is coming from an unusual direction.

The headline:

Jan. 6 defendants win unlikely Dem champions as they face harsh detainment.

They're talking about Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Dick Durbin.

The heart of the story:

“Solitary confinement is a form of punishment that is cruel and psychologically damaging,” Warren said in an interview. “And we’re talking about people who haven’t been convicted of anything yet.”

The Massachusetts Democrat, a member of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's leadership team, said that while some limited uses of solitary confinement are justified, she’s worried that law enforcement officials are deploying it to “punish” the Jan. 6 defendants or to “break them so that they will cooperate.”

Her sentiments are shared by Durbin, who also chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee and expressed surprise that all of the detained Jan. 6 defendants were being kept in so-called “restrictive housing.” While their defense of accused rioters' rights as criminal defendants is unlikely to change the Justice Department's handling of those cases, it's a notable case of prominent progressives using their political clout to amplify their criminal justice reform calls even on behalf of Donald Trump supporters who besieged the entire legislative branch in January.

Durbin, who has long sought to eradicate solitary confinement, told POLITICO that such conditions should be a “rare exception," for accused insurrectionists or any other prisoners.

“There has to be a clear justification for that, in very limited circumstances,” he said.

Some previous posts on the Jan 6 Protestors below.

NB: Politico reports that Richard Barnett, featured in the "Envelope" posts below, is one of the unnamed "dozens" being held in solitary confinement.

Diana West, is the author of the must-read books The Red Thread, American Betrayal and Death of the Grownup

  • Ashli Babbitt

  • January 6th riot

  • Capitol police

  • Trump supporters

  • Trump impeachment

  • insurrection

  • Boston massacre

  • Kent State

  • U.S. District Judge Frank J. Battisti

  • public trial

  • American legal tradition

  • restrictive housing

  • solitary confinement

  • due process

369 views8 comments


Charles Wilkins
Charles Wilkins
Apr 26, 2021

Democrats will have more to worry about for the midterms, the payback of the Christian's: Why are Pelosi and Biden pushing for "tax payor funded abortions" in their "virus relief" packages? They said before when asked, they would not, the tax payors, want to know why they are now?. During a vice presidential debate last year, Biden said he personally accepted his church's teaching that" life begins at conception", and as a personal matter he opposes abortion. But he added that he would not impose his belief on others and believes every women should have the right to make that choice. This position is a contradiction in his reality, Biden and Pelosi play that game with the American public, it's called…

Unknown member
Apr 26, 2021
Replying to

Sir, it's called separation of Church and state. If you want a theocratic government, move to the Middle East.


Apr 26, 2021

There was a running coup in this country for over four years. After all that time, the patriots who showed up in DC should have expected the -rats and their RINO allies to pull out all the stops with a false flag, especially after the election steal. It was so predictable all. along. the. way...because that's what -rats do, i.e., the end justifies the means.

Unknown member
Apr 26, 2021
Replying to

Sorry, ma'am, you can't call yourself a "patriot" if you're attacking America and stand against everything America stands for. Those were piss and shit smearing pink monkeys who attacked the Capitol and they deserve nothing more than to have their citizenship revoked.


Alexander Gofen
Alexander Gofen
Apr 26, 2021

Yes, the silence of the Right, from the so called Repoooplican Party to most conservative media and think tanks is unconscionable!

First of all, it was the members of the January 6 Congress which betrayed the protesting people hiding from them instead of showing up to speak with them! In particular, the traitors were the so called "new blood" like Sen. Josh Hawley from Missouri. They ought to speak out then - and particularly now!

As to President Trump, alas, he happened to be a contemporary Kerensky -

By the way, in his fundraising letter Sen. Hawley asked to help him "to stand up for the integrity of our nation's election". Here is my answer to him.

Dear Senator!

Unknown member
Apr 26, 2021
Replying to

Given my previous posts, it may come as a surprise I agree with most of this post. And I agree with with the article calling out Trump's "unconscionable silence." He's nothing more than an opportunist politician, just like the rest of them.

Secession is not a bad idea. The country is irrevocably divided and if you feel at odds with the current state of the country and its leadership, secede! As they used to tell the hippies in the '60s: America, love it or leave it. The people who support Trump (though maybe they're waking up to his betrayal) are clearly at odd with the values America and they are a hindrance to the direction of the country. I exhort…


Charles Wilkins
Charles Wilkins
Apr 25, 2021

Biden wants your guns!

With poor southern border security on the increase, gun sales have increased, the military will not be coming for your guns, not the police, but the illegals involved with drug ,sex, and crime industries will be...outdated ideas are not in tune with goals established across America. Biden is living in the past, along with his socialistic advisors, his progressive dementia is causing caused his brain relays not to connect.. It is really time to impeach this old man, have a recall? or force his resignation. Our altered energy is policy about to financially collapse oil and gas on the way up, our southern border overrun with virus ridden illegal’s with thousands more coming. The country mo…

Unknown member
Apr 25, 2021
Replying to

Off topic, champ.

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