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George Rasley, CHQ Editor

The Enemy Within

Updated: 3 minutes ago

During her recent interview on FOX News, Vice President Kamala Harris claimed former President Donald Trump has suggested he would turn the United States military on Americans who he’s referred to as an “enemy from within.” “He has repeated it many times. You and I both know that he has talked about turning the American military on the American people,” Harris told Fox News interviewer Bret Baier.

Harris and her Far Left Democrat allies have tried to make Trump out to be some kind of would-be dictator by denying there is a domestic security threat, while at the same time speculating about who or what groups among their allies Trump might target.

Please allow us to clear up any confusion about who or what constitutes one of the most dangerous elements of the enemy within and offer some evidence to demonstrate the threat they represent.

Regular readers of CHQ will recognize the concept of the “Red-Green Axis” as the alliance between anti-American Marxists and Islamists, those who wish to impose Muslim Sharia law on the entire world.

Under Biden and Harris those allied anti-American interests have deeply penetrated the government of the United States, achieving unrivaled influence and power at the State Department, Pentagon and White House.

For evidence one need look no further than the recent leak of highly classified documents related to Israel’s planned retaliatory attack on Iran that were apparently shared with, and then leaked by Harris-Biden administration officials.

A Telegram channel by the name "Middle East Spectator" claimed on Friday that it had received documents from a source in the U.S. intelligence community about Israel's preparations for an attack on Iran.

The Telegram channel routinely publishes pro-Iranian content, and the profile of the X account affiliated with the channel says it is located in Iran.

Axios reported the documents include an alleged Visual Intelligence report by the Department of Defense National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) distributed inside the U.S. intelligence community earlier this week.

This very close and detailed surveillance by U.S. intelligence of Israel's preparations for an attack on Iran, including the use of satellites to spy on operations carried out at Israeli Air Force bases could be of immense benefit to Iran in defending against or disrupting an Israeli attack on our mutual enemy.

How could this happen?

Pretty easily, given the deep penetration of the Biden-Harris administration, by our Red-Green Axis enemies.

As our friend John D. Guandolo documented in his must-read report The Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood Network in the United States this war isn’t something that is happening “over there,” the Islamists are here in the United States prepared to bring jihadi terrorism and death to our towns and cities and their plans have progressed further than our federal government is willing to admit.

Here’s a short list of key jihadi operatives who have gotten “inside the wire” identified in Mr. Guandolo’s report:


Maher Bitar - Senior Director for Intelligence Programs on the Biden National Security Council (NSC) who also served on President Obama’s NSC as Director for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs. He is a Palestinian who was an official with UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) during the time it directly funded and materially supported the designated terrorist group Hamas.


Ariane Tabatabai - former Chief of Staff for ASD-SOLIC (Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict). Official Department of Defense policy defines the role of ASD-SOLIC as follows: “ASD(SO/LIC) oversees and advocates for Special Operations and Irregular Warfare throughout the Department of Defense to ensure these capabilities are resourced, ready, and properly employed in accordance with the National Defense Strategy.” In fact, Ariane Tabatabai is an agent of Iran who reported directly to an IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) Commander.

Muzammil Siddiqi - arguably the most prolific Hamas/MB leader in North America. Siddiqi met with President Bush shortly after 9/11/01, works with several Members of Congress, works with law enforcement agencies, works closely with the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Interfaith Outreach” efforts in the U.S., works within the Department of Defense, and is often the front man after terrorists strike in America to persuade the public to exclude Islam as the cause of any terrorism.

Mohamed Magid - One of nine Commissioners on the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom appointed by President Joe Biden. Magid was the Vice President and President of ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) for over a decade and is a key leader in the U.S. Islamic Movement. ISNA is identified by the Department of Justice as a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood organization which directly funds Hamas leaders and organizations.

Nihad Awad - the current leader of Hamas (doing business as CAIR - Council on American Islamic Relations). Awad - true name NIHAD HAMAD - works with U.S. security agencies including DHS and FBI, and frequently works inside the U.S. Capitol. Awad has been given significant access to the Biden White House. Despite his open support for the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, Awad is still quietly working with leaders inside the U.S. government despite his public rebuke.

Farooq Mitha - “Islamic Advisor” for Hillary Clinton and Joseph Biden during their Presidential campaigns, and currently serves in the Biden administration as the Director of the Department of Defense (DoD) Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP). Mitha is a board member for the U.S. Hamas group Emgage.


Huma Abedin – Who is now apparently engaged to Alex Soros, one of the leading funders of Leftist causes in the United States, making her a one person nexus of the Red-Green Axis. Abedin’s family, including her brother, father and mother, is deeply involved in Muslim Brotherhood organizations, including affiliations with Al Qaeda financier Abdullah Omar Naseef. Abedin’s mother, Saleha Abedin, is a board member of Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief, a part of the designated terrorist organization Union for Good founded by Hamas/MB global legal scholar Yusuf Qaradawi (deceased).


Kifah Mustapha - senior U.S. Hamas leader operating in the Chicago, Illinois area. Mustapha is identified by the Department of Justice as a member of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee, which is Hamas in the United States. Mustapha participated in the FBI’s Citizen’s Academy in the Chicago area and was given access and tours of FBI Headquarters, FBI Quantico facilities, and the NCTC (National Counterterrorism Center). Government officials inside the NCTC told the media their systems had to be “unplugged” to allow Mustapha into the NCTC because he is on terrorist watchlists. The FBI defended Mustapha as being “an important member of the Palestinian community in Chicago.”


When George W. Bush spoke at the Islamic Center of Washington, D.C. on 9/17/2001 – 6 days after 9/11 - he had U.S. Hamas leader Nihad Awad on one side of him, and the Deputy for Al Qaeda financier Alamoudi - Khalid Saffuri - on the other side.


Dar al Hijra Islamic Center - one of the leading mosques in Northern Virginia. Dar al Hijra was founded by the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas. Specifically, the “godfather” of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood - Jamal Barzinji - signed the deed.

The leadership ranks of Dar al Hijra over the years is a who’s who in the terrorist realm, and include members of Al Qaeda, Hamas, and other terrorist groups. Dar al Hijra Imams, Presidents, Youth leaders, fundraisers and others are among those who are/were Al Qaeda and Hamas leaders/members.

Prior to becoming the current FBI Deputy Director, Paul Abbate spoke at the Dar al Hijra praising it and stating the FBI needed to recruit agents out of Dar al Hijra. This is similar to comments about Dar al Hijra from former FBI Director Robert Mueller III. See a video capturing this information at .


The Department of Homeland Security’s “Countering Violent Extremism Working Group” has at least 4 Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood operatives involved as members or “Subject Matter Experts” including, but not limited to: Mohamed Elibiary, Mohamed Magid, Dalia Mogahed, and Arif Alikhan.


White House logs reveal senior Hamas/MB leaders were in the White House dozens of times during the Obama administration. These Hamas/MB leaders include, but are not limited to: Muzammil Siddiqi, Louay Safi, Esam Omeish, Salam al Marayati, Hussam Ayloush, and Alejandro Butel.


The “White House dinner celebrating Ramadan” has included Muslim Brotherhood operatives: Yahya Hendi, Ingrid Mattson, Jihad Saleh Williams, Eboo Patel, Dalia Mogahed, Farhana Khera, and other jihadis.


These jihadi efforts have two primary objectives: (1) gather intelligence, and (2) influence the leaders and power mechanisms inside the government structure to create policies and policing and war-fighting strategies and move public opinion in their favor.

We don’t allege that any of the individuals named above leaked the intelligence on Israel, but how many others in the Biden-Harris administration are there who share their Islamist views and might have been in a position to do so?

President Trump was right about the enemy within and one particularly dangerous element of it is the Red-Green Axis. To educate yourself about that enemy we urge CHQ readers and friends to download The Hamas-Muslim Brotherhood Network in the United States, read it and share it with your local law enforcement and legislators to educate them and raise their awareness on their crucial role in defeating “Civilization Jihad” in your community.

George Rasley is editor of Richard Viguerie's A veteran of over 300 political campaigns, including every Republican presidential campaign from 1976 to 2004, he served as a staff member or advance representative for some of America’s most recognized conservative political figures, including Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin and Jack Kemp. A member of American MENSA, he served on the House and Senate staff and on the staff of Vice President Dan Quayle. Rasley is a graduate of Hanover College and studied international affairs at Oxford University's Worcester College. Rasley has lived, worked and travelled extensively in the Muslim world, including staffing Vice President Quayle on official trips to Saudi Arabia and Indonesia.

  • 2024 Election

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  • Kamala Harris Brett Baier interview

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