If you’re like me, you’ve looked at this date on the calendar with a mixture of anticipation and dread, seeing as today is the day Democrats from near and far will gather in Chicago, Illinois, to open their quadrennial presidential nominating convention.

The anticipation part involves intense curiosity as to how liberal party members will spin their hopelessly failed policies combined with mediocre or below-average political talent to present a case for voters as to why they should choose Democrats over the eminently capable and always energetic figures of Republican Donald J. Trump and his running mate, Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio.
Here's thinking the festivities in the Windy City will be more like a snoozefest to anyone who isn’t a “woke” worshiper of Democrat pipedreams. There’s simply no way to juice up the Democrat ticket’s headliners to make them worthy of sustained admiration.
Heck, I’d even prefer a Mitch McConnell floor lecture over listening to most of these people ramble nonsense.
The dread part stems from having to endure hour after hour of muttering to myself, “That’s not true; that’s not true; that’s a flat out lie; that never happened; that’s not what Trump said; the ‘insurrection’ was just a protest gone bad with federal agitators fanning the melee; that (the Russian collusion thing) was already shown to be false; ‘climate change’ is a ruse; abortion basically means killing a baby; senile Joe Biden is an idiot; and cackling Kamala isn’t joyful, she’s a phony wretch who’s used her positions and relationships to get ahead.” Etc. This is only a partial list.
Nothing about the convention will be real, mind you, but Democrats would never pass up an opportunity to spend four televised days and nights honing and perfecting their illusory arguments for why Americans should ignore their own circumstances and the country’s deteriorating condition to grant another four years’ worth of power to the party that’s responsible for many, many of the problems plaguing the nation as a whole.
If it could be said that most Americans don’t pay all that much attention to politics, the Democrats, using their own special talents, have made it impossible to ignore how awful conditions have become in an abundance of ways. It is my hope that a decent number of Americans, including conservatives, watch at least some of the Democrat convention because liberals always go overboard in glorifying themselves while wallowing in their vanity – and their lack of veracity eventually catches up with them.
What’s going to happen in Chicago this week? In a preview article simply titled “What Happens at the DNC and What to Expect”, Lawrence Wilson reported at The Epoch Times last week:
“The Democratic Party will convene its national convention on Aug. 19–22 in Chicago, two weeks after nominating Vice President Kamala Harris as their presidential candidate. Harris subsequently chose Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate...
“The United Center, home of NBA team Chicago Bulls and NHL team Blackhawks, will host evening rallies, which will feature speeches by Democrat notables. Daytime events, such as party caucuses and other meetings, will take place at McCormick Place, about five miles away.
“Democrats have not yet announced the full lineup of speakers, but it will include former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, former First Lady Michelle Obama, and 2020 presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. President Joe Biden is expected to deliver remarks via video on the opening night…”
Other, non-official convention attendees will be sequestered into designated protest areas and will use bullhorns and chants to go along with Palestinian flags and various forms of signage to signify their displeasure with “Genocide Joe” and his administration’s perceived (according to them) lack of attention to most leftist causes. It’s all par for the course in what could be considered the world’s largest consolidation of freaks, weirdos, disgruntled morons, entitled leftists, haters, Second Amendment bashers, immigrant “rights” groups and human beings just seeking to be recognized along with all the others.
Most of these whiners make up the base of the Democrat party, so it’ll be more like a gigantic leftist lobbying operation to place themselves in position to demand a handout from cackling Kamala and “Tampon Tim” should they manage to get elected this November.
What to expect from the program itself? Lying. Lots of lying. LOTS of lying. Fibs. Gossip. Scaremongering. Race baiting. Abortion worshiping. Fact stretching to the point of breaking. Joke after joke after joke about J.D. Vance and “childless cat ladies”. More accusations of Donald Trump being a womanizing cad. Endless mentions of “no one is above the law” and “convicted felon” in speeches as well as words such as “justice” and “equity”.
More? How about “compassion for newcomers”. “Diversity is our strength”. “Be free to marry the one you love”. The Supreme Court ignores the Constitution. Ukraine is winning against Putin. Trump is in bed with Putin. “Let’s go forward, not backward.” The Justice Department only prosecutes lawbreakers. Trump should be in prison.
What you won’t hear: the word “inflation”. An explanation of why Joe Biden changed his mind about running for reelection; anything about the unsuccessful assassination attempt on Trump; or that public schools have failed for decades upon decades; or a reference to the $35 trillion national debt, or projected annual federal budget deficits of $2 trillion (or more); anything about accountability; anything about responsibility or Hunter Biden; anything about crime victims’ rights; anything about Afghanistan, other than to laud senile Joe’s rapid pullout.
And I wonder if California’s Willie Brown will speak in Chicago?
2024 won’t be like 2020’s DNC
From the get-go this year’s DNC will differ markedly from the 2020 version which wasn’t conducted before a live, living breathing audience and where most “performances” were either taped or featured a lone speaker in a sterile environment blubbering to a camera crew about how awful Donald Trump was as a president and how many deaths he was responsible for due to the COVID pandemic. It was naked pandering and blame shifting on a massive scale, as though every Democrat was a medical expert and they knew exactly what was taking place and understood precisely what was needed to combat the Chinese Communist Party (or Wuhan) virus.
For those who watched a good portion of the staged production, it was truly nausea inducing. Never before (which is saying a lot where Democrats are concerned) had a political operation demagogued a tragedy to (pardon the usage) death so deliberately.
You may recall how Democrats gave a special shout-out to the Postal Service, since Trump had questioned whether mail-in ballots would be trustworthy. Democrats sure wanted any objections squelched before they were even posed. The 2020 Democrat convention was memorable for one thing alone – how bad it was.
How will Democrat organizers fill four evenings of boring boasting and bragging?
Unlike Republicans, Democrats come in to their convention week with decidedly less drama and news buzz than GOPers did for their own gathering a month ago.
Donald Trump had yet to name his veep choice going into the Milwaukee convention, and coming just a few days after the assassination attempt and wounding in Pennsylvania and his subsequent recovery, there was more than enough for commentators to talk about. Plus, Trump the showman knows how to put on a pretty good show, and Republicans did not disappoint, in all respects.
Even Trump’s too-long convention-ending speech fit right in.
In contrast, no doubt one of the toughest jobs in America this week is that of speechwriter for a Democrat candidate, seeing as he or she (or “it” or they or whatever nonbinary means) must create a virtual fantasy world for the utterer to try and present to a disbelieving audience. How, for example, will Democrat orators attempt to package another presidential term of inflationary policies and make it sound as though the conditions that people see everyday aren’t really what they seem?
Expect to hear Democrat after Democrat talk about the quantity of jobs that senile Joe Biden and cackling Kamala have “created” in their three and a half years, though nearly all of the “new” positions were simply returns to pre-COVID numbers when the lockdowns and mandates and “social distancing” were repealed and normal Americans were permitted to try and piece together what was left of their employment history.
It's also highly doubtful Democrats will mention the deep dip in primary-level test scores that the nation has experienced, with tens of millions of students still behind from absurd teacher union-driven policies that kept kids at home staring at computer screens with “virtual” lessons that many of them just tuned-out.
Somehow, the buzz surrounding Kamala Harris fades quickly when you talk about what she’s done in office.
There will be a Kamala-bump, but it won’t last
Democrats already overjoyed with (some) recent polls showing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz competitive – or even ahead – of the Republican ticket will figure that the Democrats’ poll standing will improve even more after the DNC concludes.
Each party seems to get a slight “bump” after the intense media focus on them convinces fence-sitters – albeit temporarily – to go with the flavor-of-the-moment, giving pundits an excuse to claim that the race has “fundamentally changed” and the post-convention polls are the new normal.
Republicans didn’t get long to enjoy their “bump” because senile Joe Biden pulled himself out of his reelection effort a mere few days after the balloons fell in Wisconsin. Democrats are riding that same momentum and will likely continue to do so for the next couple weeks. After Labor Day, however, Americans will get serious. And this week’s Democrat National Convention will be a distant memory. Game on.
Joe Biden economy
Biden cognitive decline
gas prices,
Nancy Pelosi
Biden senile
Kamala Harris candidacy
Donald Trump campaign
Harris Trump debates
J.D. Vance
Kamala vice president
Speaker Mike Johnson
Donald Trump assassination
2022 elections
Donald Trump
2024 presidential election
Tim Walz