One of the fun things about following American politics in any era is the topic provides wide latitude for entertaining wild speculations and for waging epic games of “Let’s pretend” regarding what could happen in the realm of self-indulgent human beings and massive

amounts of political power.
With all the hubbub surrounding incumbent president senile Joe Biden’s apparent-to-all mental and cognitive problems, there’ve been more than a few calls – mostly by Republicans and a growing contingent of scared-crap-less Democrats – for Vice President cackling Kamala Harris to make use of one of the few Constitutional powers that she actually controls and work a spell to employ the 25th Amendment to remove Dr. Jill’s husband and Hunter’s daddy from the presidency. Forcibly, without his consent if necessary.
Before the emergence of Donald Trump last decade, it’s safe to say few Americans outside of academia or true political junkies even understood what the 25th Amendment does. After all, the Amendment is a somewhat obscure provision that provides only for situational emergencies where the president of the United States or vice president experiences incapacity, whether temporary, such as in the case of being “put under” by a doctor for surgeries, or put out, such as suddenly dying in office.
You may recall the 25th Amendment was quickly proposed by Congress and the states partially in response to John F. Kennedy’s assassination on November 22, 1963, whereby there appeared to be a transitory period of time where the country had no president, Lyndon B. Johnson not on site when JFK was declared dead and therefore not primed to immediately take the oath of office.
Granted the lag time was brief and the Oval Office vacancy swiftly filled, but lots of folks were concerned that our nation and its nuclear capability was absent a constitutional commander for a number of moments.
In more contemporary times, ambitious anti-Trumpers looked to the 25th Amendment for potential relief during the 45th president’s term, arguing that Trump’s behavior was so “extreme” and “erratic” as to equal incapacity -- and therefore triggered the 25th Amendment and its powers to compel Trump to forfeit his office. As everyone knows, nothing came of the fearmongering, but the back-and-forth certainly made the 25th Amendment part of Americans’ commonly employed vernacular.
So is it any wonder now that, given senile Joe Biden’s indisputable incapacity that the matter is being raised again? Most interested observers are working scenarios whereby vice president cackling Kamala declares the president unfit (under Sections 3 and 4 of the 25th Amendment) and then recruits half of Biden’s cabinet officers to go along with her, the motion heads to Congress, they vote and senile Joe is summarily sent shuffling back to Delaware where he’ll spend his remaining days being cared for by gentle but firm hands and fed with shovels full of his favorite ice cream.
This picture is possible, of course, but I think it’s much more likely that Kamala supplants Biden using the first two sections of the 25th Amendment instead, which read:
“Section 1
In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.
Section 2
Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.”
This is where it gets a little crazy. Hear me out and use your imagination. Keep in mind that this is fiction and depicts scenarios that could happen in the Biden-Harris universe:
Yes, Harris could also manipulate the much more commonly cited Sections 3 and 4 of the 25th Amendment to accomplish the Democrats’ goal of ditching Biden by official sanction. But what if senile Joe finally were to accept his naysayers’ pleas and voluntarily step down from the presidency? He’d likely have to drag Dr. Jill’s chemically immobilized body kicking and screaming to the Oval Office to make such an official announcement, but these days, a breathtaking event isn’t entirely beyond the realm of contemplation, is it?
So, what then, if Biden bows out?
Kamala Harris becomes president and, under the 25th’s Section 2, must nominate a vice president. True to form, the air-brained idiot proposes someone who’s a dyed-in-the-wool leftist freak like Senator Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren or Beto O’Rourke to the position, who House Republicans then reject outright.
Then, in behind-the-scenes “negotiations” with Harris, the House GOP leaders introduce a short list of candidates that could, theoretically, earn enough conservative support in the People’s House to earn a majority of members’ votes. Since there are so few Democrats who are seen as “moderates” these days, the list of acceptable names is pretty limited, and includes former Democrats-turned Independents Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. Also thrown in just for good measure are wishy-washy Republicans Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski and former House RINOs Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.
Further, former RNC Chair turned Democrat cheerleader Michael Steele’s name is added along with other so-called Republican commentators from MSNBC and CNN.
By sheer process of elimination, which mostly equals House conservatives totally rejecting everyone else, Joe Manchin is therefore offered the VP slot and his nomination is accepted by both houses of Congress and a beaming president cackling Kamala.
In fact, Harris is so thrilled that she found a rubber stamp VP (like herself) that she offers to personally move hers and kissin’ bandit hubby Douglas Emhoff’s (planted one on Dr. Jill’s lips at the SOTU last year) furniture out of the Naval Observatory so Manchin could take possession of the vice president’s residence expeditiously.
Naturally, the pundit class thinks it was a brilliant move for the Democrats to bring in “Independent” liberal Manchin, primarily because the West Virginian ticks both sides off equally and nobody really wants him to be in a position of power. This, to the establishment media, signals that Manchin was the perfect “compromise” White Knight candidate.
Upon hearing the news, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announces that he’s had enough of the Democrats’ duplicity and lies and opts to endorse Trump, knowing full well that the Democrats and swamp creatures have conspired to screw him again.
Upon assuming office as the vice president, however, Manchin lets it be known to the public that he is just as disenchanted with the direction of the country under cackling Kamala’s leadership and that he he’s open to the notion of returning to the Democrat party and becoming president if Harris were to step down for whatever reason.
Meanwhile, the same Democrats who are currently experiencing hysterics over senile Joe Biden’s polling nosedive become restless about Harris because they see – and acknowledge – that president cackling Kamala’s prospect for defeating Donald Trump in November are just as bleak, if not more so, than were ex-president Biden’s.
Around that time, again hidden from view, Kamala listens to overtures from worried Democrats about the “fate of our country” if she loses, receives guarantees that she can return to California and run for governor (with no intra-party opposition, mind you) and, in a fit of spontaneity, shouts to a painting of Willie Brown on her wall, “California, here I come! Back where I started from! Open up that Golden Gate, California, here I come!”
Kamala impulsively yanks the resignation documents from the hands of waiting Democrat officials and scribbles a signature, the others hoping she’s smart enough to notice the “Sign here” stickers that were borrowed from loan closing documents to help the intellectually challenged woman know where to affix her proverbial “X”.
An unprovoked “Can Kamala” movement hastily organizes and is implemented by non-black female Democrats. These disgruntled souls pore over every party rule and bylaw to see how they could substitute newly sworn-in vice president Manchin’s name for Harris’s on the party ticket.
They succeed, and Manchin ascends like a costumed savior in a mega church to the top of the ticket.
Vice president Manchin takes the president’s constitutional oath of office, instantly becomes an incumbent president for campaign purposes and accepts the Democrat nomination for president, nominating Cindy McCain as his vice president because he wants an aura of “bipartisan cooperation” in his new, fledgling administration and Democrat candidacy.
The establishment media witnesses (and cheers on!) the events and throws all of its considerable power behind Manchin in ‘24. The Democrat election-stealing fraud machine kicks into high gear. Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, Mark Zuckerberg and the rest of the leftist social media barons pony-up a couple billion bucks between them. It’s enough to pay every illegal alien and Democrat deadbeat to cast their votes on the first day of mail-in eligibility.
Democrats hoot and holler about how their covert political operation is a “triumph of democracy” and sponsor more restrictive laws in Congress and across the fifty states to Get Out The Democrat Vote (GOTDV) and trash accountability measures like Photo ID and same-day, in-person participation in the same breath.
Trans Secretary Pete Buttigieg rounds up the gay and transgender vote. Liberal Evangelical Lutheran and other dwindling left-embracing protestant churches and their clergy recruit LGBTQ-ers to canvas for Manchin, telling them that he really is a dedicated leftist culture warrior, despite being from The Mountain State. He doesn’t disappoint them.
On Election Night, Donald Trump enjoys wide leads in practically every swing state, just as polls predicted, but the margins shrink as the hours and days go by. The Supreme Court refuses to intervene, just like it did in 2020.
In the end, Democrat nominee and incumbent president Manchin wins 270 Electoral Votes to Trump’s 268 in a combination of states that no one had predicted, including blood red states that showed no inkling of going rogue.
President Manchin reports to take his official oath of office on January 20 of next year.
Think this couldn’t happen? How desperate do you think Democrats really are?????
--With the ongoing defiant attitude of senile Joe Biden and his media handlers mucking up the news picture as much as they can, lots of folks will invent situations where someone other than Joe Biden or Kamala Harris wins for the Democrats in 2024. Desperate people do desperate things. The 25th Amendment might get an initial trial run very soon.
Joe Biden economy
Biden cognitive decline
gas prices,
Nancy Pelosi
Biden senile
January 6 Committee
Liz Cheney
Build Back Better
Joe Manchin
Marjorie Taylor Green
Kevin McCarthy
Mitch McConnell
2022 elections
Donald Trump
2024 presidential election
Two thoughts. One, I never understood what Democrats meant by Trump’s behavior being "“extreme” and “erratic” as to equal incapacity". What did he do that was so extreme or erratic? Two, what if Kamala tried to implement the 25th Amendment and couldn't get half of the cabinet members to go along with her? She isn't that popular.