At the DNC, 100 ways to die becomes 100 ways to lie
Or more like 1000 ways. Or 10,000 ways. Or a million ways. The TV show of the same name

doesn’t do the concept justice where Democrats are concerned.
If you woke up this morning and breathed a sigh of relief that the four-day Democrat nightmare inducing horrific fib fest is finally over, you should be congratulating yourself. For you’ve set yourself to viewing and enduring the best that the Democrats had to throw at you and lived to tell it.
It’s a good thing that hearing lies isn’t a fatal disease, or all of us would be on life support this morning.
Democrats gathered for a final evening last night to serve out the final installment in the grand production designed to anoint Kamala Harris Democrat presidential nominee – and to unearth enough biographical tidbits in her background not named Willie Brown or Montel Williams to present her as palatable to an American public that’s been conditioned over the course of four years to view her as an air-brain and de facto joke who everyone wished to hide.
And they (Democrats) did it all when originally anticipating that senile Joe would be the one accepting the party nod, not Kamala herself. The cackling Californian was slated for the Wednesday night slot – that eventually went to communist China-butt-covering Minnesotan Tim Walz, who did, like the rest of them, a passable job making Kamala Harris sound human and, for lack of a better way to phrase it, like a nice gal.
Since Kamala’s done so few things in her political career worthy of much note, Democrats had to settle for talking about her personally, speaking of the step-mother in glowing terms while mentioning, over and over, that she would do her level best to protect their judge-given abortion rights. That’s all Democrats seem to care about, so the fact that Kamala is a total idiot who can’t do anything herself doesn’t matter a lick as long as the woman can keep getting those babies sucked out of their mothers’ wombs!
It became evident early on in the convention that Democrats planned to bypass anything that closely resembled an issue position, preferring instead to talk a lot about how “joyful” Kamala is and pretending as though her cackling laugh didn’t mask serious deficiencies in most political years. Scrubbed clean were any references to “inflation” or “illegal immigration” or “economy” and, in their place, Democrats substituted “lowering prices” or “good paying union jobs” or, lots and lots and lots of “middle class”, never defining what the terms meant.
It was four long days of one of the grandest snow jobs of all time. The convention delegates hooted and hollered and hugged and applauded for every moment, and here’s guessing they are congratulating themselves this morning for how successfully they pulled it off.
Democrats also tried not to make their “diverse” convention look like a Lady Gaga freaks and weirdos concert, either. I don’t recall any homosexuals hugging, kissing or visible transgenders flaunting their fake breasts or anything of the like during the week. There was plenty of freakish entertainment for the delegates to dance and wigwag to, but nothing outwardly off-putting to the lowest common denominator element.
In other words, Democrats LIED to us! LIE! LIE! And they did it convincingly, at least to the gullible and uninformed in the viewing audience. 100 ways to lie. Democrats found more than a million.
Make a joyful cackling noise. Then don’t talk about policy. And smile a lot.
Let’s be honest – Kamala at least looked good.
Harris took the stage and the TV commentators introduced her as “The first black woman and first Asian woman to run for president on a major party ticket” … I would’ve added, “The first woman without substance to stand before the nation in that capacity, completely unqualified, totally unprepared… and the nation shudders.”
She smiled broadly and basked in the adoration. Who wouldn’t? Anyone remember how just a month ago there was almost as much urgency for Democrats to dump Kamala too?
“My memories of childhood were of a ‘joyful’ home…” Kamala’s parents split up when she and her sister were in elementary school. I didn’t know that. Then she described how the family struggled to make ends meet. That wasn’t true. A lie! Her Indian heritage mother and Jamaican student father provided them the perfect background for their daughter to talk about how oppressed she was as a child living in a suburban college community!
In contrast, Donald Trump opened his speech a month ago with talking about how he’d just been shot a few days before. Kamala provided her background as though anyone would care about it.
“Every day I stood before a judge and announced, Kamala Harris for the people.” Harris bragged about how she’s only had one client her entire life – the people -- basically conceding she’s been in public employ her entire career.
And this is the one we want to manage the vast private economy?
At that point, Kamala stared at the camera and promised she’d be a president who would lead for all ideologies and have common sense. I believe her! I believe she would do everything her conscience tells her to do, which opens the floor to pretty much everything! Ah, the heart of a liberal! If she wants to have open borders, for example, her conscience would allow her to ignore her job!
“I fought against the cartels that deal in guns and drugs and human beings,” Kamala recalled. She has? But she didn’t fight against those things coming across the border in the first place, did she?
“Donald Trump tried to throw away your vote,” she explained. “Then he sent an armed mob to attack the capital.” Is that how it happened? The mob wasn’t armed, was it? She then warned of how Trump would jail journalists, political opponents and anyone sent against the government. And this is the woman who said she’d be president of all the people?
This was halfway through her oration, with plenty of “warnings” about Trump and the 2025 plan and not a shred of content. Lies. Lies. Lies.
“America, we are not going back… and we are charting a new way to the future.” … “The middle class is where we come from.” Her mother used to tell her. Nothing like a recently arrived immigrant to lecture on the American Dream and tell about how awful America really is!
When Kamala did mention policy, she began by reciting what Trump allegedly would do, you know, fight for himself and provide tax breaks for his supposedly wealthy donors. Notice she didn’t say what she would do?
Confirming that abortion would be the cornerstone of hers and the Democrats’ entire campaign, Kamala lowered her voice, suddenly her smile was gone and suggested that Trump appointed the Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade. And then he bragged about it.
“He plans to pass a nationwide abortion ban with or without Congress,” Kamala lied. And she also said Republicans would do away with birth control. Lie. Lie. Lie. Lie. Scaring the gullible and uninformed. How about some material about bailing the George Floyd rioters out of prison, Mrs. Harris?
But perhaps Kamala’s biggest lie stemmed from her discussion of the border, where she said she’d combined “with Republicans” to put together the “strongest border bill in decades,” a lie that keeps being tossed out there, largely unanswered by the Republican side. That was the STRONGEST bill? Up to 5000 illegal entries a day? Insanity!
That’s what you get when you work with Democrats on the border. Kamala said she would bring the bill back and she would sign it. Why wait, Kamala? You can tighten things up already, right?
In all of this, why would Kamala have to wait to become president? Why not make changes now? Can’t you just go talk to Joe and tell him the border is making you look bad, Kamala?
Kamala said she would safeguard the troops, too. The question is whether anyone would volunteer for service knowing she’s the president.
On Gaza, “I will always stand up for the right for Israel to defend itself,” and then proceeded to defend the Palestinians. …
“Wherever I go, I see an America that is ready to move forward…” From what? Exactly? Haven’t the Democrats been in the White House the past three and a half years? Haven’t they been calling the shots on policy? Haven’t they been using the bully pulpit to get what they want? Haven’t they filled the offices with their own personnel? Didn’t they forcibly remove senile Joe from his reelection effort? Aren’t they manipulating every one now?
The conclusion of the speech was the weakest part, by far, as Kamala literally leaped from her feet talking about how great she sees America. It’s all phony. Can’t anyone see it? The delegates sure ate it up. But tomorrow is another day. Can they keep it up? Will there be a bounce?
The world’s biggest transparent sell-job, that’s what this was. That’s cackling Kamala Harris. Let’s just hope America gets it.
A contrast in speaking styles.
As would be expected, the four/five headlining politicians brought down the house each evening, the fourth/fifth one being the Obamas who appeared in tandem as a lie-telling tag team that shared co-billing on Tuesday night.
In the process of delivering their speeches, distinctive styles emerged for each. In order, there was senile Joe Biden, whose speaking is limited by his visibly deteriorating mental makeup and carried with him enough anger to fuel his began-after 11:30 farewell speech to the convention just as it was getting going.
Biden, as he always does, shouts his words in spates of anger designed to be impressive and powerful but instead comes off as pathetic and sympathy producing. If you’re like me, you’re not sure whether to feel sorry or him or fill out the paperwork to cart the old goat off to the nearest care facility, figuring he possibly might not make it to the dementia ward in time to catch the latest episode of his favorite TV show.
Senile Joe flew off into the early morning hours after quickly exiting the stage, probably figuring that his plane to California would leave without him if he didn’t get to the airport before the coach turned into a pumpkin.
Tuesday was Obama night, with the former first couple reprising their own distinctive style. Both of them flashed just the right amount of anger mixed in with condescending lectures and platitudes to remind the viewing audience of just how annoying they were over eight years ago. “Preacher” Obama and race-baiter Michelle couldn’t help but get their digs into Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans without mentioning Joe Biden hardly at all in their respective discourses.
It was standard Obama-speak for those who may have forgotten how awful and destructive that they were – and continue to be. More than one person has speculated that the Obamas – both of them – still control the Democrat party having made cackling air-brain Kamala Harris and Tim Walz their new lackeys. What joy to realize they’re still there!
Bill Clinton doddered out on Wednesday looking much older than he did over two decades ago, but his signature lip-biting good ol’ boy Arkansas schtick still controls. Since Big Bubba Bill didn’t have a whole lot of other things to talk about, he concentrated mostly on insulting Trump while being sure to mention the word “joy” at least a dozen times.
Seeing Big Bubba Bill’s easy-delivering style – and SLOW – we remember how his state of the union speeches used to take forever. (Not talking about Trump here.) Big Bubba Bill must not have been in a hurry to pick up a date, since by the time he’d finished, it was well past his bed time – that being his occasion to ditch Crooked Hillary and head out on the town.
Tampon Tim, on the other hand, virtually rushed through his oration, reading the words so fast that he must’ve finished before his time was up. Tampon Tim was only on stage for less than 20 minutes, which was a relief to those of us who couldn’t wait for the program to end every evening. But it’s no doubt because he didn’t have much to say that wouldn’t disqualify himself and encourage the spy authorities from delving into his many trips to China.
Tampon Tim stuck mostly to making football references and bragging about his shooting trophies. And for spreading his collective “we share everything” government redistributionist nonsense couched in terms of “helping” people and feeding the hungry. It’s a contrast in basic beliefs, a hand-out instead of a hand-up.
Last but not least was cackling Kamala herself, who did her best to follow-up the acts with much better talent without reminding people, perhaps for the first time, that she was their nominee. The same woman who hadn’t won a single convention delegate in two runs for president was now standing before them accepting their presidential nomination, something that would’ve been unthinkable just a couple months ago.
Kamala spoke slowly, paused for ovations and didn’t seem to be in any hurry to finish, probably because she didn’t have much to contribute to the discussion that didn’t sound like abortion or “climate change” or “slavery reparations”. We’ve seen her giving speeches before and she appears to read a teleprompter well, rarely pausing to ad-lib any lines. Her voice is even and, like senile Joe, attempts to inject some variety into her diction in the form of raw emotion.
Liberal women will think she’s the second coming of… well, the feminist deity, I think. She utters a lot of words that don’t say anything. On the whole, I’d say Kamala is the worst speaker of the bunch. And that says a lot where these people are concerned.
Does a “joyful” compassionate person make one more qualified to be president?
We’d heard for weeks that Democrats intended to weave this week’s theme around “Joy”, as though inner happiness alone makes one fit and ready to assume the office of the presidency.
Put it this way, I wouldn’t regard Donald Trump as a particularly joyful person, but he’s serious and bent on making this country work again. Or great again. In order to do this, it requires someone who’s capable and qualified and not simply goofy or light-hearted. The former is Donald Trump. The latter is cackling “joyful” Kamala Harris.
In viewing the Democrat convention this week, I couldn’t help but think that liberals are going to extra lengths this year to fool themselves – and Americans – into believing they’re actually going to win in November, which is basically just laying the groundwork for contesting the election in a similar manner to how Trump did it in 2020. It’ll be like 2016 all over again, though this time Democrats won’t have to start concocting a Russian-collusion type scandal from the get-go – it’ll already be in place.
Democrats act as though the assassination attempt that wounded Trump and came within millimeters of ending his life was lifetimes in the past rather than just a little more than five weeks ago.
The virtual hailstorm of hate raining down on Trump begs the question: what if Trump had been assassinated? Would it take an assassin’s bullet to draw more blood for the heinous “democracy first” party to act like they care about actual voting? Senile Joe mentioned, over and over, that he felt he owed a duty to “democracy” to bow out of the race last month. What exactly did that mean?
It appears to me that whenever Democrats talk about “democracy” within the context of politics, they’re pointing to January 6th, as though the unarmed mob that spent a few hours touring the capital that day ever seriously threatened America’s institutions.
Democrats use “democracy” as a nice-sounding word to deflect what they’re really trying to accomplish, which is to allow their constituents to live the way they do – and regulate and censor and police and arrest and monitor and “suppress” everyone else to death. And tax. Can’t forget that one.
Freedom and liberty have nothing to the Democrats’ democracy. Being “joyful” has nothing to do with running the country. Donald Trump may have his flaws, but he’d be a much better president than the alternative. He’s already been there. As for cackling Kamala? She can have her “joy” and keep it, too.
Summing it up
Some credit belongs to the Democrat organizers of their convention – and the legions of police outside the arena who kept the peace – for putting on a convention that came off pretty well considering most of the political talent the Democrats possess is either old or way past-prime.
Democrats set out to pass Kamala Harris as a viable candidate. Did they succeed? How much “joy” will Americans have on election day? We only have a little over two months to find out.
Democrats always go overboard. Here’s thinking the backlash is coming. It will be fun to watch.
Joe Biden economy
Biden cognitive decline
gas prices,
Nancy Pelosi
Biden senile
Kamala Harris candidacy
Donald Trump campaign
Harris Trump debates
J.D. Vance
Kamala vice president
Speaker Mike Johnson
Donald Trump assassination
2022 elections
Donald Trump
2024 presidential election
Tim Walz
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