What to expect when you’re not expecting much from 2024’s first presidential debate (tonight at 9 p.m. EDT on arch-biased CNN, no less)?

Some may need advice from the elite swamp class on what to anticipate to pinpoint what’s really at stake, which thankfully was provided by none other than 2016 embittered hag presidential election loser Hillary Clinton, who spilled the bold Democrat debate strategy on how to solve the indefatigable Donald Trump prior to the two highest-level political participants taking the stage in Atlanta.
According to Hillary, senile president Joe Biden, who is “just three years older than Trump”, will make the case to tens of millions of electronic onlookers that the election features “[A] convicted criminal out for revenge and a president who delivers results for the American people.”
Such tips provide smidgens of relief for the token few Trump supporters who’d surmised that Biden and his team of Democrat spinmeisters, truth benders, reality shapers, butt coverers, Justice Department corruptors and deep state motivators would try pulling something novel and innovative on the innocent Republican party challenger. How many times should we expect to hear from Biden that Trump is a “convicted criminal”, and that, despite volumes of evidence to the contrary, he and his fellow liberals “delivers results for the American people”?
Plenty. But again, we already knew what was in store. Apparently, according to Politico, Hillary is the only living human who’s debated both Trump and Biden, so her observations are supposedly more valuable. In a story titled, “Hillary Clinton debated Biden and Trump. She’s setting expectations for both.”, Jared Mitovich reported for the left-leaning, foreign-owned publication:
“In a New York Times op-ed previewing the upcoming faceoff this week, Clinton invoked Biden’s ‘direct and forceful’ State of the Union performance this year as a model for how he should combat Trump. But no matter Biden’s performance or Trump’s ‘drama,’ the audience should focus on the high stakes of the election, Clinton said.
“Her piece leans into an expectations game that is being played by allies of both candidates in the lead-up to the debate, with Clinton writing: ‘We’re picking a president, not ‘best actor.’’
“The former secretary of State said that Trump interrupts, insults, lies — and stalks — to distract viewers from concerning comments that foreshadow how he governs. In one example, she cited a past pledge during their third 2016 debate to appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade, and added that viewers should interpret his current proposal to leave abortion policy to the states as an endorsement of ‘the most extreme abortion bans’ across the country.”
Republicans like Trump are so over-the-top, Hillary elaborated, that “It’s because of Mr. Trump that in Louisiana a young girl unable to get an abortion went into labor clutching a teddy bear,” Clinton wrote.
Thanks again to Hillary for foreshadowing what to expect from Biden, which is a full-court press attempt to paint Trump as cruel and inhuman for appointing Supreme Court justices who disagreed with liberal majorities over the years that fashioned a right to abortion out of nothing (the ‘penumbras’), instead overturning Roe and forcing individual states to decide for themselves on the issue rather than dictating national policy from the nine-member Supreme Court bench.
Why don’t Democrats just come right out and shout it? “Kill! Kill! Kill!” is what they really mean, the poor Louisiana birth mom’s teddy bear aside. (Is this story really true? And if it is, what the heck does it matter if the female brought a stuffed bear to comfort her during her ordeal?)
Even all these years later I still find it curious that uber glass-ceiling breaker Crooked Hillary still uses her charter membership in the weaker sex as a crutch when describing Trump as intimidating and “stalking”, adjectives that Biden himself would likely never use, because they would detract from his self-imposed aura of super-masculinity and ability to use the testosterone coursing through his body to defend himself.
I don’t recall that Clinton melted into submissive postures during her 2016 encounters with Trump, but she certainly implies that the Republican first-time-politician was bullying, abusive and unreasonable at the time. It’s almost as though meanie Trump, who more or less stands a foot taller than Hillary, was unfairly employing his physical stature to cause fear in the helpless feminine waif.
But, isn’t Biden the one who’s repeatedly mentioned that he wanted to take Trump behind the gym and teach him a physical lesson for his past treatment of women? Senile Joe is a chivalrous character when he wants to be, isn’t he? If Biden’s transgender United States Assistant Secretary for Health, Rachel Levine (born a man but now claims to be a woman) felt similarly imperiled, would he rise up and defend “her” too?
Hyperbole aside, Hillary’s advice merits some review. In her op-ed, Clinton told Biden to behave as the “direct and forceful” angry old coot he played a few months ago during this address to Congress. Translation -- Tip # 1: Be the bigger man, Joe.
But Biden loses by directly confronting Trump. In this year’s State of the Union address, the president paused several times to depart from the teleprompter text to directly bark at Republicans in the gallery who vociferously challenged something he’d said.
In doing so, the viewing audience, myself included, felt it was a mistake for Biden to appear so prickly and petulant that he gave in to an impulse to argue, literally in front of the world, with critics who took issue with something he’d blabbered. The establishment media ate up senile Joe’s SOTU performance, but the rest of the sane world who expected proposals and hinged behavior thought Biden came off as a lunatic.
If senile Joe repeats his antics tonight in Atlanta, he’d essentially just be yelling to himself. What’s the old saying? If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one there to hear it, does it still make a sound? There will be no audience in attendance for tonight’s program. So why would Biden be “direct and forceful” – and rude?
Hillary Tip # 2: Ignore [Trump’s] “drama” and concentrate on the stakes in this election.
Biden should probably try to avoid overemphasizing the stakes in the election, since voting for him guarantees America’s ultimate destruction. Democrats are completely blind to what’s going on around them, namely that American voters are distraught over the deterioration of their purchasing power since Biden and his Democrat team assumed the economic steering wheel in the country and created spine-breaking inflation.
Similarly, the “stakes” in November involve either getting illegal immigration under control – with Trump – or blowing open the border even further under Biden to encourage millions more uninvited line jumpers, river swimmers or got-aways to infiltrate the nation, bringing theft, crime, drugs and mayhem with them. What’s at stake, Hillary? Everything. Biden would do better focusing on Hunter’s purported recovery from drug addiction or retelling the story of how he and Dr. Jill met for the first time. Anything but what’s at stake, Joe.
Hillary Tip #3: Trump refused to say whether he would accept the result of the 2016 election, which resulted in January 6, 2021 taking place. It’ll happen again.
Biden will try to milk J6 to death, but it will backfire. Polls show that the only ones who are worried about “democracy” are the voters already inclined to vote for a Democrat no matter what. Anyone with a functioning brain and access to a computer now knows that the government’s narrative for what happened on that day was mostly if not completely fabricated, and Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney and cohorts hid evidence and lied like dogs to advance a false impression of Trump’s role – and that of his supporters, some of which went overboard that day.
Americans have moved on, and they’re tired of seeing the government use its powers to prosecute political opponents while leaving criminals free from sanction for committing real crimes.
Biden will try to get Trump talking about the “stolen” election, but Trump would be smart to litigate senile Joe’s presidency in the court of public opinion instead.
Lastly, Hillary Tip #4: Biden will win if the ‘story comes through’ of his sincere work to repair the American economy after the pandemic, lowering inflation, creating jobs and investing in efforts to combat climate change.
Biden’s been trying to repackage true conditions on the ground and spin the economy as healthy and prosperous despite high inflation, high interest rates, skyrocketing $2 trillion (with a “t”) annual budget deficits and a public still smarting from fresh memories of government lockdowns and mandates.
Senile Joe can’t pin COVID on Trump any longer. Again, much of what we were told by Biden’s buddy Dr. Anthony Fauci and the rest of the government health “experts” was proven false by reality and Freedom of Information Act requests. Meanwhile, parents have school kids that still haven’t caught up and struggle with an economy where young people can’t buy a home, small businesses fight to stay afloat and the Democrat establishment cares more about appeasing Palestinian protesters and isolating Vladimir Putin than they do about their own people.
The “real story” that Hillary referred to is one of failure. The hundreds of billions appropriated to combat “climate change” aren’t making Americans’ lives better, but saving a buck a gallon on gas sure would do the trick. Instantly. As would tax relief and rewarding business investment, not demonizing successful people.
Trump’s winning message should be, government is not the answer to everyone’s troubles. In fact, it often creates the worst problems to begin with. Joe Biden and the Democrats want government in control. They want to force a redefinition of Title IX’s protections for female sports. They want honorariums to Black Lives Matter and “Pride Month”. They want to erase American history.
Both candidates will have to play the expectations game tonight. Americans won’t be concentrating on the candidates themselves as much as the experts think. They want solutions to issues on the areas that government can make a difference. And for their rights to be protected, and for the justice system to be fair. Can Donald Trump deliver? Can he meet expectations?
Joe Biden economy
Biden cognitive decline
gas prices,
Nancy Pelosi
Biden senile
January 6 Committee
Liz Cheney
Build Back Better
Joe Manchin
Marjorie Taylor Green
Kevin McCarthy
Mitch McConnell
2022 elections
Donald Trump
2024 presidential election
It's because of Mr. Trump that in Louisiana a dordle young girl unable to get an abortion went into labor clutching a teddy bear." She said that Republicans like Trump are so ridiculous.