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Jeffrey A. Rendall

The Right Resistance: Interview flubs reveal Harris to be dishonest, covering up – or plain dumb

In case you’ve never seen the perfect visual embodiment of what the old saying “deer in the headlights” actually looks like, perhaps you should review Democrat presidential nominee cackling Kamala Harris’s recent visit to the crows at “The View” to discuss a number of safe

topics connected to her campaign.


Granted “The View” was not exactly the adversary forum one might consider to test Kamala on what she earnestly believes – every single one of the hosts is openly supporting the Democrats this year – but even in a friendly, stress-free environment, the current vice president couldn’t sidestep the pressure she faces to be all things to all people. In essence, Kamala folded. Again.


Particularly relevant was a question Kamala frequently faces in her campaign, namely, how do you differ from your boss, senile Joe Biden? Only on “The View” -- Harris was asked to provide an example of a decision on a major policy plank where she departed from the much older Delawarean. And she couldn’t provide it.


Basically, Kamala needs help on the dilemma. So we’re here to give it to her.


But first, in an article titled, “Harris Tells ‘The View’ That She Wouldn’t Have Acted Differently Than Biden”, Jackson Richman reported at The Epoch Times earlier this week:


“Vice President Kamala Harris initially said on Oct. 8 she would not have acted differently than President Joe Biden during the current administration.


‘There is not a thing that comes to mind in terms of—and I’ve been a part of most of the decisions that have had impact, the work that we have done,’ she said while appearing on ABC’s ‘The View.’ Harris cited capping the cost of insulin at $35 for seniors and wanting to do so for everyone else, as well as investing in American industry, as examples of where she and Biden have common priorities.


“She later reversed course and said that unlike Biden, she would have a Republican in her Cabinet. ‘You asked me, what’s the difference between Joe Biden and me? Well, that will be one of the differences. I’m going to have a Republican in my Cabinet because I don’t feel burdened by letting pride get in the way of a good idea,’ she said.”


That’s it? Notice how Kamala’s one thing she’d disagreed with was senile Joe’s selections for his cabinet, and she’d put a member of the opposition on her own team to supposedly demonstrate how open-minded she is and how much she values the input of Republicans on her agenda. Of course, Kamala wouldn’t stoop to actually naming who she had in mind, but that’s another story.


To begin with, examine Harris’s choice of words. She said, “I’m going to have a Republican in my Cabinet because I don’t feel burdened by letting pride get in the way of a good idea (emphasis added).” One wouldn’t have to venture far off the trail to interpret what Kamala said here. She says she’s not “burdened by letting pride get in the way” in the choices she’d make when she’s in charge.


This begs the question, did Kamala suggest that senile Joe Biden is so burdened by pride that he purposely excluded all Republicans from his close advisory confines? No doubt both senile Joe and “Dr.” Jill Biden weren’t pleased to hear what his vice president really thinks about his personnel decisions. This wasn’t one thing she’d do different from Biden, it was a not-so-veiled criticism of the man himself.


Senile Joe’s “pride” got in the way of welcoming Republicans into his inner circle.


Now, no one expects any president, much less a Democrat one, to be open to asking a conservative to execute his policy mandates. First of all, no true lover of limited government would be able to tolerate the constitution-bending, no holds barred excess of a Democrat administration. It’s highly unlikely, for example, that Biden or Kamala Harris would be willing to try to persuade Ted Cruz or Mike Lee to come onboard as Attorney General.


Nevertheless, there are a number of wishy-washy Republicans who would consider it under Harris, the most obvious being traitor Liz Cheney, whose endorsement and campaign appearances alongside Kamala reveals the woman’s actual mindset. Harris could tap Cheney as a national security advisor or maybe even as Defense Secretary, though Cheney’s white skin and Anglo-Saxon background would prove to be significant barriers to her being confirmed by the Senate.


Naturally, no non-RINO Republican would ever vote for Liz Cheney for anything.


But there are others. How about Mitt Romney? He’d be retired come the new year and he won’t have much to do without reporters regularly coming to call to supply an anti-Trump statement or some other broadside against conservatives who don’t agree with Romney’s neoconservative orientation.


What about Lisa Murkowski from Alaska for Secretary of the Interior? It’s doubtful Murkowski would assent to leaving her semi-safe senate seat, however, since whoever would fill it would most likely be a man or woman much closer to Donald Trump’s ideology.


Then there’s Chris Christie, Adam Kinzinger, John Kasich, any so-called “Republican” on CNN’s or MSNBC’s commentary staff, etc. There are a number of very prominent RINOs in media today, many of whom would be itching (literally) to get close enough to flea bag Kamala so as to appear “bipartisan” and against the GOP’s new populist/conservative direction.


As Kamala already has promised, she wouldn’t let pride get in the way.


But the real lesson here is that Kamala, when put on the spot, couldn’t come up with a single decision that Biden made that she disagreed with. The obvious inference is, “I’m exactly the same as Joe Biden,” an interpretation that would doom her candidacy in an instant, and one she’s been working overtime to deny.


Don’t forget that Kamala’s own campaign slogan is, “A new way forward.” Forward from what? If she’s been vice president for over 1400 days already, how would anything she’s done be considered new?


We all know from experience having dealt with Kamala’s public appearances since inauguration day in 2021 that she isn’t particularly bright nor articulate, but she couldn’t come up with anything that she disagreed with? Did Harris agree with how the Afghanistan pullout was handled, which led to those scenes of Afghani citizens climbing onto the landing gear of departing Air Force planes as they took off?


Or, did she agree with everything senile Joe’s done in foreign policy? Couldn’t she have said that she didn’t concur with Biden falling asleep at international climate change conferences? Or his decision to seek reelection when he was obviously deteriorating as fast as he was? Or his hairstyle? Or vacationing 60% of the time? Or Joe’s bravado-laden choice to debate Donald Trump at the end of June? Or Democrats’ policies that have led to millions of formerly loyal union members ditching the party in favor of Donald Trump?


Kamala could’ve also answered, if she’d thought of it, that she agreed with the “big picture” policy decisions of the administration but had minor disagreements on the details of the legislation. She could’ve said she could foresee that such and such a policy choice would lead to inflation, or she hated wearing masks during COVID, or it wasn’t her idea to not fire anyone whenever something went wrong. There’d be a lot to choose from there, for sure.


Still another easy iteration of something she opposed would’ve been the Bidens’ invitation to un-vetted transgender advocates to appear at the administration’s “Pride” celebration and subsequently embarrass the party by bearing their fake breasts for all to see. Kamala might not admit it now, but she would’ve definitely done something different there.


Why did Kamala’s mind go blank when she was asked the fairly easy-to-answer question of something she would do differently? Certainly, Harris’s campaign brains must’ve figured she would need a simple list of a few items where she departed from Biden so as not to appear as a “Yes woman” for a president who’d made a boatload of mistakes, something that has about seven-in-ten Americans agreeing in surveys that the country is on the wrong track politically.


Further, Kamala might’ve answered that she disagreed with Joe Biden’s hyper-partisan tone during his State of the Union addresses, and then promised to be better if she ever got the chance to make a teleprompter fed speech before the country herself.


The possibilities are endless. Here’s thinking Kamala regrets saying she couldn’t recall a single thing – other than naming a Republican to his cabinet – where she departed with her boss. She may have just feared that he’d go on the warpath defending himself after he heard his vice president contradict him in public, or maybe perhaps it was because she’s just not very smart and couldn’t remember anything at that moment.


If Donald Trump were asked the same question, there are many regrets he could list that wouldn’t damage him politically. Trump could name a handful of mistakes he made in choosing his first cabinet, or admit he should’ve stood up to the federal bureaucrats who coerced him into lockdowns, or express contrition that he might’ve handled the post 2020 election reaction a little better.


Or he could say he should’ve ignored Nancy Pelosi and ordered in the 10,000 national guard troops on January 6, 2021, and we would’ve never had the mob get out of control like they did.


And Trump could add that he should’ve been more insistent on finishing the border wall rather than waiting for the Democrats in Congress (including establishment members of his own party) to stonewall another reasonable proposal that would’ve kept millions of illegal invaders from ever breaching the U.S./Mexico line.


Any honest presidential candidate would naturally be willing to answer a “where did you disagree with so-and-so” question in a friendly forum without fearing voter retribution. But Kamala Harris couldn’t do it on The View. She either agrees with everything Joe Biden has done or simply was covering her true thoughts. Or she’s just plain dumb. Pick the most likely alternative.

  • Joe Biden economy

  • inflation

  • Biden cognitive decline

  • gas prices,

  • Nancy Pelosi

  • Biden senile

  • Kamala Harris candidacy

  • Donald Trump campaign

  • Harris Trump debates

  • J.D. Vance

  • Kamala vice president

  • Speaker Mike Johnson

  • Donald Trump assassination

  • Donald Trump

  • 2024 presidential election

  • Tim Walz

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