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Jeffrey A. Rendall

The Right Resistance: Kamala, disaster recovery, slavery reparations and the politics of doling out cash

Is it just me, or is the establishment media redoubling its efforts to make Kamala Harris’s election a distinct possibility the closer we creep to the close of voting? (I would say Election Day, but with voting having already started in many/most places, Election Day is like a cutoff

point, not a discussion item.)


Take, for example, the most recent establishment journo reports regarding the so-called “recovery” from Hurricane Helene. I say this as Hurricane Milton is forecasted to be ravaging central Florida as we speak, a category five monstrosity that likely will make its predecessor seem weak and mediocre by comparison. Well, maybe not weak and mediocre.


At any rate, we can’t go back. A few days ago, I began noticing a number of media reports referencing how Republican nominee Donald J. Trump’s claims regarding the Biden/Harris administration’s tepid federal Helene response was, in reality, everything the region would need and that Republican governors of these states actually praised senile Joe’s and cackling Kamala’s obligation to hand out lots and lots of federal money, and they were hitting all the right targets (pardon the imagery).


Seeing as Facebook is traditionally a great place to check my liberal acquaintances’ sources of news, there were a number of posts alleging Trump and conservative news agencies were intentionally falsifying their reporting to make Helene recovery into a political issue. These not-so-anonymous (to me, at least) commenters didn’t acknowledge how liberals relentlessly smeared the George W. Bush administration to transform Hurricane Katrina into a political issue (in 2005) -- or “Superstorm Sandy” in 2012, just before Election Day – it is suspicious, to say the least, to see how these people are so quick to grant near-sainthood to ol’ broken down Joe and cackling Kamala now.


Granted, in a world where nearly everything is hyped and politicized – especially by liberals and Democrats – I shouldn’t be taken aback by the liberal party sell-job regarding Helene and Appalachia. Be on the lookout in the coming days for establishment media spin on how Biden n’ Kamala “learned from Helene” and sent FEMA to be ready for Hurricane Milton and therefore everything is peachy down south, just because the federal government was smarter than before.


What about the reports of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas complaining the emergency management authorities were nearly out of money and Congress needed to send him more right away? Translation: Give us additional loot or more red state rednecks are gonna suffer!


But the election will be about more than what FEMA did – or did not do – in these weeks. The feds are priming themselves to distribute a different kind of reparations check to Democrat groups that come a little closer to Kamala’s heart under a Harris administration. In an article titled, “Reparations advocates find hope in Harris despite silence ahead of election”, Susan Ferrechio wrote at The Washington Times this week:


“Vice President Harris, who is open to convening a federal commission to examine reparations for Black Americans, will face pressure from advocates to take concrete steps to advance the cause nationally if she wins the White House.


“Ms. Harris has signaled explicit support in recent years for providing reparations for Black Americans to compensate for slavery and discrimination. She signed on to a Senate bill in 2019 that would have created a federal commission to study the matter, and she called for ‘some form of reparations’ when she ran unsuccessfully for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. She also made a public promise in 2019 to support reparations legislation if elected president, telling Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, ‘When I am elected president, I will sign that bill.’


“Asked in a 2019 CNN interview if she supported ‘financial reparations,’ Ms. Harris responded, ‘I support that we should study it. We should study it and see. … This is very real, and it needs to be studied.’”


Therein lies the problem with being Kamala Harris in 2024. A white dude Democrat like Joe Biden can afford to be for all sides, since he’s like a hundred years old – or looks like it – and hardly anyone remembers he’s been exceptionally friendly with racists and segregationists throughout his career. He can be for and against reparations at the same time, by gosh, by golly!


But not poor Kamala Harris. Because she so proudly claims membership in a protected minority class, she’s got to walk a balanced line. Add to the fact she’s also a self-identified female who uses “she and her” for pronouns, what’s a political liberal to do?


Slavery reparations are like kryptonite in our current political ecosystem. From Ferrechio’s report, “A Washington Post-Ipsos poll conducted in 2023 found only 15% of White Americans support paying reparations for descendants of enslaved Black Americans, compared to 75% of Black Americans who said they supported it. Among Hispanics, 36% said they backed reparations.”


Who are the 36 percent of Hispanics who support reparations? Probably lefties such as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez who figure granting cash payments to black people kicks open the door to doing so for Latinos and Latinas – and maybe Cubans and Venezuelans and Haitians (who would get double payments) and anyone who comes from Spanish ancestors. Who knows, maybe folks from Spain, too.


After all, there is a whole lot o’ guilt going around these days. Why not just walk down the street with an open wallet and chip in for anyone who might feel “oppressed” by a white person from West Virginia or western North Carolina? If you were born to a region whose Scotch/Irish population lived in shacks and might’ve even fought in a feud (like the Hatfields n’ McCoys), you just might be a redneck. And that’s a bad thing.


Ever heard of “white guilt”? According to Wikipedia, it’s the “belief that white people bear a collective responsibility for the harm which has resulted from historical or current racist treatment of people belonging to other ethnic groups, as for example in the context of the Atlantic slave trade, European colonialism, and the genocide of indigenous peoples.”


This is kind of a side note, but I witnessed a real-life manifestation of “white guilt” last weekend when I attended a college’s open house designed to introduce prospective students to the university. Several of the faculty members used the words “social justice” in their presentations, which didn’t necessarily shock me. But one, who spoke on her expertise in the area of Homeland Security, said a course in her department would touch on “racism in disaster recovery operations”.


Huh? Racism in disaster recovery? If that’s the case, then the non-white population must be serving up a healthy dose of reverse-racism when it comes to the suffering population of western North Carolina, eastern Tennessee, etc., since their regions are predominantly pale faced and poor. And Helene hit them pretty hard.


At any rate, Kamala Harris suffers from an acute case of “black guilt” because she isn’t a descendant of American slaves, yet she still allows herself to feel guilty for what authentic African descendants endured in the centuries prior to being freed from the institution by Abraham Lincoln in the American Civil War.


Kamala, whose parents were both upper middle class college professors, and were not “African-American” in the usual way contemporary folks think of children and grandchildren and great, great, great grandchildren of slaves came to be. No, as most people now know, Kamala’s mother was from India (not even Native American! Like “Pocohontas” Warren!) and her father was from Jamaica.


Yet Kamala’s “black guilt” has forced her into a situation where she feels compelled to identify as black American though none of her forebears spent a single day toiling under the overseer’s lash or other form of servitude on a North American plantation. It easily could be argued that the only things Kamala ever gained from slavery are positive sympathy for perceived slights towards someone else’s long-dead kin.


Doesn’t matter. She still won’t address the issue.


Since we’ve been talking about Hurricane Helene, disaster recovery and slavery here, a question must be posed: would black residents of Appalachia be entitled to special considerations and compensation since these naturally occurring storms no doubt singled them out for special suffering because of their skin color and/or socioeconomic circumstances? If so, how would it be distributed?


“Hillbilly Elegy” author J.D. Vance detailed his upbringing in Ohio when he was a lad, and although he was very, very, poor, it’s likely he doesn’t have a drop of African-American or minority blood in him. His kids do, though, since his wife Usha is ethnic Indian, presumably from the same heritage as half of Kamala Harris’s DNA.


Usha Vance is a success story, an example of the American Dream that has brought so many people of so many different colors and religions and income strata in the history of the United States out of poverty and helped them realize a great life. Somehow, dirt poor J.D. Vance ended up meeting middle class Usha at Yale Law School where they fell in love and decided to spend their lives together. Can’t you just hear John Mellencamp crooning “Ain’t that America?” from the song “Little Pink Houses” in the 1980’s now?


Compare it to pampered and privileged Kamala Harris who didn’t spend a day poor, managed to get through law school and then climbed the employment ladder by latching onto famous and powerful men and gaining new positions largely through her skin color and attractive feminine looks. Would Kamala’s reparations commission recommend her as a potential recipient for a government “I’m sorry your ancestors were oppressed” check or series of checks?


Maybe if Kamala pushes through executive action for slavery reparations, conservatives should seek equal restitution from Democrats who took advantage of their position to win favors for constituents or through a “shakedown” of corporate boards terrified of being sued.


Or crooked political families like the Bidens and Clintons who became wealthy by doing… nothing.


Chances are the issue of slavery reparations won’t be introduced into the 2024 campaign vernacular unless an outstanding establishment media (are there any?) outlet dares to press Kamala Harris on the issue. Democrats’ “just win baby” attitude means they won’t touch any subject where lies and federal money can’t change minds. So much for getting a straight answer from Kamala on anything.

  • Joe Biden economy

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  • Nancy Pelosi

  • Biden senile

  • Kamala Harris candidacy

  • Donald Trump campaign

  • Harris Trump debates

  • J.D. Vance

  • Kamala vice president

  • Speaker Mike Johnson

  • Donald Trump assassination

  • Donald Trump

  • 2024 presidential election

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