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Jeffrey A. Rendall

The Right Resistance: Kamala Harris CNN town hall – when in doubt, pivot to Trump, lie, bash and word salad

Kamala Harris really, really, thinks Donald Trump is a bad guy.

At the outset, it’s probably a given not many people remembered that Wednesday night was supposed to hold a second Donald Trump/cackling Kamala Harris presidential debate (format according to the same rules as Trump’s CNN forum with senile Joe Biden back in late June). In his infinite wisdom, however, Trump opted not to meet Harris again on ground of her own choosing, knowing full well his reception might end up like the one he endured last month (on September 10 in Philadelphia) from ABC’s now infamous debate moderators.


The key mystery going into the evening, therefore, was how many traditional Democrat constituencies cackling Kamala could successfully pander to simultaneously, as she appears to be way behind senile Joe Biden’s pace with most of them from four years ago. Every Democrat group shows leakage towards Trump, maybe except for single females (of all ethnicities and religions) and possibly college educated (indoctrinated?) white suburban voters, the core group in the Trump hating loose Never Trump coalition.


Whereas white suburbia (think Orange County, California) was once thought of as a Republican base group, cultural changes over the past decades has moved these socially liberal do-gooders into the Democrats’ LGBTQIA+++ tolerant camp. With abortion as their mantra, the white holier-than-though troops march to a different drum these days. No wonder Kamala caters to them.


As would be expected for a program hosted by CNN, there appeared to be a healthy representation of swamp establishment white voters in the audience, the “undecided” fence sitters who didn’t look as though they were all that undecided to me. It could be argued Anderson Cooper himself represents these people. Isn’t he a Vanderbilt? (For those who don’t know, the late designer jeans maven Gloria Vanderbilt was his mom)


But Harris surely has ground to make up with a lot of classifications who were once considered “safe” Democrat votes. Everyone who’s paid attention to the news lately realizes Barack Obama, among others, has been traveling the rust belt imploring young black men to ditch their misogynistic tendencies and embrace cackling Kamala – you know, just a few more percentage points in the right places could make all the difference for her.


Likewise, Hispanic voters, according to multiple surveys, put Trump on nearly equal footing with the “turn the page” Democrat who’s toiled next to Joe Biden for these past three and a half years. Kamala had Hispanic voters to herself a couple weeks ago at the Univision town hall, so she could isolate them as a group in that setting, but the CNN town hall featured all colors of the rainbow, most likely including LGBTQIA+++ people. They want answers too!


What’s a sinking Democrat to do when confronted with so many challenges from citizens who might not have been pre-screened sufficiently to ask her only loaded questions where she could sound knowledgeable and intelligent?


No matter. Recognizing that her poll numbers have started to slip markedly, cackling Kamala accepted CNN’s invite to appear sans Trump, leaving the program and the spotlight all to herself. Further, the “moderator” questioning was done by CNN’s Anderson Cooper, who is most definitely in her corner in terms of promoting what’s left of her campaign.


The CNN host said the live audience was made up of 32 Pennsylvania Voters who said they’re persuadable. They would offer their own questions and their questions were not edited (unlike an earlier town hall that Kamala and Liz Cheney attended, where only two questions were asked and both were provided for them).


From the start, it was all Trump, Trump, Trump


It could easily be argued that if Kamala Harris didn’t have Trump to talk about, there’d be nothing for her to say. Like a Mean Girl whose very existence depends on her ability to obsess over her popular opponent, cackling Kamala fixates on Trump’s perceived flaws. To paraphrase Cady Heron from the “Mean Girls” movie, Kamala talks about Trump 80 percent of the time and the rest of the time she’s waiting for someone else to bring him up so she can talk about him some more.


And if you can bring in Trump’s backers to the political conversation, it’s a bonus. Cooper’s first question involved Trump supporters, the tens of millions who will vote for the Republican nominee. “What would you say to them?”


Harris’s answer echoed the attacks cackling Kamala’s been leveling at Trump, lately, citing and quoting all the former Trump staffers who now insist he’s too “unstable” to serve as commander in chief. Harris said it herself, these aren’t “political people” who worked with Trump, mainly suggesting that these weren’t Trump loyalists to begin with.


Kamala repeatedly cited former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly who allegedly said Trump was a big admirer of Hitler’s generals, and Trump’s former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley, who described Trump as “Fascist to the core.” Therein highlighted one of the most glaring mistakes Trump made in his first administration, trusting military leaders just because of their careers and supposed dependability because they had attained high ranks in the military.


Or like voters would be hankering to believe the word of government hacks wearing uniforms, all who hate Trump. Why do you think Trump is so popular in the first place now?


Kamala’s been saying this a lot lately, citing Trump’s people, including former vice president Mike Pence, to reinforce her point that Trump shouldn’t be granted a second term. That’s right. Some of his old underlings don’t like him, many of whom he trusted with important positions yet ended up stabbing him in the back.


Since when do the employees get to determine the wisdom of policy? Has anyone ever been at a job where they got to weigh in on the feasibility or desirability of what they were instructed to do?


The whole argument is absurd, but this is what Kamala Harris’s campaign has devolved into – an attack Trump’s character all-out assault. She knows she can’t beat him by talking about her record or her policy agenda, so she must resort to personal smears that haven’t worked for years. Everyone knows Trump by now. Can she rely on hearsay evidence from faceless anti-Trump morons to win her case for electability?


Doubtful. But Harris’s answer set the tone for the evening. Bash Trump. Bash Trump. And if this doesn’t work, bash him some more.


“I do believe Donald Trump is a fascist and I think the people who know him best should be trusted on this subject,” cackling Kamala replied to Cooper who queried whether the candidate herself believed Trump to be a fascist.


“Donald Trump himself said he wanted to terminate the Constitution of the United States.” He did? When did he say that? What a scumbag liar Kamala is. Pathetic.


Wow, that’s a good way to unite the country when it’s all over. But then again, Trump has said Kamala is a communist (much closer to the real definition), so I suppose it’s fair game in a presidential campaign.


Kamala’s looking old and worn out. Can she handle the pressure?


Kamala Harris prays… sometimes twice a day. Looks to me like she needs divine assistance.


Much was made in recent days – by Trump himself – of how cackling Kamala is lazy and not serious because she’s taken time off to practice for interviews rather than hitting the campaign trail and asking for people’s votes. As everyone knows, Democrats have asserted that Trump’s age and physical condition are issues in the 2024 campaign, so why shouldn’t Trump be able to return the favor?


Kamala just turned 60 years old this past Sunday. 60 years of age isn’t “old” by anyone’s estimation, but Harris doesn’t act like a spring chicken, either. This may be the product of the male/female politician double standard, but the wear and tear from the rigors of the campaign have apparently caught up to poor ol’ (young?) Kamala. Maybe it was what she was wearing, a black suit that made her look as though she’d been to a funeral, but Kamala was careworn on Wednesday evening. Who knows, maybe she doesn’t take to televised events that start after nine o’clock eastern time, but sleepy Kamala appeared lethargic and tuned-out for much of the evening.


Contrast this to Trump himself who seems like he gets his second wind as the hours go by, and viewers certainly must’ve noted the distinct difference in personal energy. Harris has lucked out over the years by often standing next to senile Joe Biden, who always appears as though he’s ready for a nap at every opportunity, but do Americans really want this whiny, inarticulate leftist word salad-spouting hag to be their president?


Kamala haunted by the war in the Middle East. It will be her downfall


One woman who claimed to be unaffiliated but also a Democrat “leaning towards” voting for Harris, pointedly asked the candidate, “What will you do to ensure that not one more Palestinian dies because of a bomb funded by U.S. tax dollars?”


Kamala rubbed her eyes as her brain must’ve been exploding at having to answer a question phrased in such a way. All along Harris has insisted her support for Israel was unwavering, always qualified by the need to resolve the conflict quickly and humanely. Translation: Cut it out, Israel! Your success is killing my campaign in Muslim-heavy Michigan!”


Instead, she answered that the Palestinian deaths have been “unconscionable”, and that with (Hamas leader Yahya) Sinwar’s death, there is an opportunity to bring the conflict to a close – and devise a two-state solution. She neglected to mention how Sinwar is dead solely because of the proficiency of the Israeli defense forces, but that’s another matter.


Kamala also fielded a question on anti-Semitism which she deflected by saying we need “conversations” about how the haters are being insensitive. And then brought the discussion back to John Kelly again and how Trump is an admirer of dictators, is a fascist, blah, blah, blah.


It must be a terrible ideological prison to be Kamala Harris. She feels like she has to play to all sides to get people to like her – and fails miserably in the process. Hillary Clinton tried to make the election about Trump’s perceived ethics foibles in 2016 and crashed and burned. Now, someone within the Democrat consultant hierarchy is telling cackling Kamala to do the same. How else did John Kelly creep into an answer on what she’d do about anti-Semitism?


She complains. She criticizes (Trump). And she babbles. I wonder if John Kelly now regrets having said anything publicly about Trump, especially now that he’s become the centerpiece of Harris’s campaign closing argument. Talk about unanticipated consequences.


Kamala is an awful candidate. Everyone knows it. But that doesn’t mean she must keep reinforcing the point for Donald Trump’s benefit.


Dang town halls! These rubes keep asking me about stuff I don’t want to talk about! Can’t we just drone on about abortion…?


No doubt, Kamala Harris did not anticipate that immigration would be such a big deal in 2024. She must’ve felt she could redirect the issue by talking about the stupid and wholly ineffective “bipartisan” immigration bill this year or place blame on Trump for the failure to complete the wall, etc., like he’d promised to do.


And grocery costs? Inflation? What does that matter? We’ll just hand out more federal money!


But what about all the second-tier subjects? She’s just as bad at those, too!


While supposedly answering a question on whether she would work to expand the Supreme Court, cackling Kamala babbled some response about the judges on the court and protecting a woman’s right to make decisions about her body (code for unlimited abortion), Harris looked directly at Cooper and observed “We haven’t even addressed the subject of ‘enemies within’ and how Trump would weaponize the justice department to go after political opponents.”


Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle… Indian?


Kamala usually found a way to sidestep issues she truly didn’t want to answer, like one man who asked about why she had changed her position on so many topics (FRACKING! FRACKING! FRACKING!), and what she supports now.


Cooper: Do you think that fracking is bad for the environment?


Hearing this, Harris pivoted to talking about green energy and how great it is. Then, I don’t recall for sure, she tore into Trump for some reason. Who knows. Maybe I’m getting it confused with the rest of her discussions, which usually tangentially addressed what she was queried about and then meandered into a nonsensical word salad about how awful Trump was and how much he hates the Constitution and how much it’s about himself and how he will be a dictator on day one, etc. etc. etc.


Poor Anderson Cooper. Even a liberal like him occasionally tried to stop her from running on about Trump. Didn’t always work. It’s sad.


Winners and losers


As would be expected, Kamala Harris was the only participant in this CNN town hall featuring a number of Pennsylvanians who are allegedly confused about who to vote for. By the looks on their faces and body language, I’d say cackling Kamala didn’t help her case much.


The election in Pennsylvania, as it does in so many other places, basically boils down to whether or not voters will put aside their reservations about Trump’s personality. Issues aren’t a problem. But Trump’s haters are gonna hate, no matter what.


They don’t like Kamala either, that was clear on Wednesday night. But will they listen to their heads or go with their “hate Trump” hearts?


One final note – Trump was wise to not agree to “debate” Harris again. It wouldn’t have been fair, and he has nothing to gain by climbing into the ring with her. Donald Trump is a tough guy, but I’m not sure even he could match the desperate ferocity of Democrats like cackling Kamala and the rest of the unhinged liberal opposition. If the polls are correct – that Trump is poised to win – prepare yourself for the turmoil to come.


Harris says Trump is a “fascist”. Does America come back from such hyperbole?

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  • Biden senile

  • Kamala Harris candidacy

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  • Kamala vice president

  • Speaker Mike Johnson

  • Donald Trump assassination

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a day ago

I heard after this town hall on FNN, little Van Jones was upset that this thing is getting away from Harlot Harris. He quipped that Trump is "lawless" while Harris has to be "flawless." He did reveal that he was upset about her dodging on questions. So I think, finally, these guys know what time it is, that she's about to lose. She's been dodging for 3 months, and it's only a problem now, somehow. He also said that her and Trump aren't "taking the same exam."

I would like to remind little Van Jones that Trump already passed this "exam." He's been President. It's not up for debate that Americans retroactively have seen his tenure in a positive light.…

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