It’s seemed like early spring in leftist-land this week as Democrats are now merrily traveling through their self-gifted “Honeymoon Phase” in the 2024 presidential race and, by all outward appearances, are feeling darn good about it.

Fresh off of president senile Joe Biden’s purported decision to step down as the party’s presidential nominee last weekend – and the Democrats’ apparent consolidation around vice president cackling Kamala Harris in the time since – it’s as though no one’s mad at each other at Democrat campaign headquarters any longer amidst the belief the “new” gal in town will deliver them from every problem that plagued them just a week ago.
Can’t you hear them gloat? “Kamala’s not old! People didn’t like senile Joe because he was elderly and mumbled a lot and shuffled more than a floor full of line dancers at a wedding reception! Jettison him and everything is peachy!” Right???
In contrast to the multitude of negative reports just days ago, the Democrats’ presidential campaign coffers are now filling to the brim with reinvigorated donors anxious to take a bet on Kamala’s fledgling effort to replace senile Joe as chief party Trump-slayer. Optimism abounds that such a daring mission is possible, though even Democrat pollsters have suggested that the overall race hasn’t really changed that much, and that Harris will still need to explain where she stands on a host of crucial issues that Americans care about more than a swamp lizard’s actuarial or demographic attributes.
In other words, the voters who are posting the heels photos (symbolizing their support for Kamala) on Facebook are already in the tank for the “new” Democrat nominee, but nobody else is really sold on the Californian as party savior.
Did you expect them to be? After all, Kamala Harris is an empty-shell of a human being and an even worse political candidate. And, unfortunately for Democrats, a well-known quantity. In a newsletter entry titled “Biden gone, Democrats rally around worst possible candidate”, the always on-point Byron York reported at the Washington Examiner the other day:
“There’s a reason Harris rose in the [2020 Democrat primary] race and a reason she fell. The short version is that for Democratic voters, Harris seemed appealing when she started her campaign and then they liked her less and less as they got to know her. Familiarity with the candidate killed her hopes.
“Her high point led to her low point. In a June 27 debate, Harris attacked Biden for Biden’s support of mandatory school busing nearly 50 years earlier, in the early 1970s. ‘There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school every day,’ Harris said to Biden. ‘That little girl was me.’ …
“… The Trump campaign should take her seriously, not because she is a good candidate but because she will automatically have the vote of the millions of people who would vote for anyone other than Trump. That alone means she could win. So her GOP rivals should see the Harris campaign, rich with money raised by Biden, as a formidable opponent. But at the same time, it should be noted — and Harris herself will likely make it clear soon enough — that she is perhaps the worst candidate Democrats could choose to run for president.”
When word hit the wires that senile Joe had actually quit, I hoped that Democrats would be dumb enough to launch a knee jerk campaign for Harris based on the same reasons she was chosen to be Biden’s running mate in the first place – namely, that she’s a “diverse” black woman who checks the appropriate “shatter the glass ceiling” boxes that are still blank since Hillary Clinton folded in 2016.
Excited that the Kamala rumors turned out to be true, I share York’s opinion that Democrats have chosen just about the worst successor for Biden that they possibly could have. Kamala is repulsive in just about every way that most Democrats are – but she may even be worse than the mean.
Democrats have always had short memories, but simply bypassing or overlooking Kamala Harris’s considerable flaws and deficiencies as a presidential candidate is unforgivable. It’s impossible to not conclude that Democrats just wanted someone – anyone – other than senile Joe Biden after last month’s debate.
Well, they got it. Or her. Or they. Or whatever pronoun you want to use. But the “newness” would provide the magic that they needed to beat Trump, right?
It probably shouldn’t be forgotten that Democrats don’t have a “new” candidate to feature in this year’s presidential race, rather they have a very “old” presidential nominee-to-be who only seems “new” because she’s been tucked away in various political storage bins awaiting her fate as either the new flavor of the hour in Democrat-land, or the “former vice president” who was allowed to languish in relative anonymity until the ticket got trounced and she was released from her federal employment and sent back to California to live on her fame… or something.
What would it be? I don’t know, run for governor? Live off her federal pension? Drop in frequently at hubby Doug Emhoff’s law firm? (Does kissin’ bandit Doug still practice?)
The past couple years, top Democrats treated Kamala as though she was one of those fantasy small children who are seen but not heard when company is over. Actually, Harris sometimes showed up at official Biden presidential events but it wasn’t all that often that she could be counted on to make an appearance. Kamala did take her usual spot behind senile Joe at this year’s State of the Union address, though eyes were on Biden himself to see whether the mentally failing old goat still had enough brain cells left functioning to get through the speech without someone being assigned to man (or woman?) a drool bucket tucked neatly under the podium for such emergencies.
Kamala has occasionally been called on by the establishment media to comment on the “big” happenings, like the June 27th debate where her boss started the chain reaction of horror from fellow Democrats that eventually led to her ascending to the party throne without really doing anything except existing.
It shouldn’t be overlooked that Harris has failed at just about every assignment she was ever given by Biden. He appointed her as the lead on the Biden/Harris administration’s border policy where she drew much more attention for never having visited the thousands-of-miles-long line with Mexico than for anything she and Joe did to stem the nonstop flow of illegal humanity and lethal drugs streaming into Texas, Arizona, California and New Mexico from the south.
Biden and ideological crew did their level best to not only pretend that the problem didn’t exist, but also that cackling Kamala was in charge of it. Meanwhile, Harris’s own backers accused Biden of setting her up with an impossible assignment and for making her the scapegoat face of a “team” that never intended to do anything about illegal immigration other than to encourage it.
Sure, Harris would sporadically emerge from seclusion to be featured as the keynote speaker at a college or military academy graduation or as administration spokeswoman for their NASA kids program with paid child actors who were compensated for appearing to want to talk with her.
Yes, the Biden people have known that Kamala Harris was eminently capable of delivering cringeworthy performances for any audience at any time – and they set her free to make a donkey of herself accordingly.
It also shouldn’t be forgotten that Dr. Jill Biden herself was against her hubby offering the running mate position to Kamala Harris about four years ago this time. The “doctor” was allegedly upset that the then-California senator had repeatedly called or inferred that her husband hung out with racists during his early senate days – and was guilty by association of being a racist himself. Well, let’s be honest, Joe probably is… racially prejudiced.
Kamala was also given the unenviable task of shepherding through the Biden administration’s attempt to federalize voting for all-time by working with Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats to pass the “For The People Act”, H.R. 1 in the House and then supposedly use her considerable persuasive powers (not!) to push it through the Senate, where Republicans held more than enough seats to filibuster the horrific bill and kill it.
Kamala flopped again. Biden knew the “voting rights” bill didn’t have a chance to pass in the basically evenly divided senate but sent her on yet another legislative suicide mission because senile Joe knew that he didn’t want his name to be tied to it. But having Harris make a fool of herself on capitol hill was completely acceptable to the hair sniffin’, shoulders massagin’, nude swimmin’, senate staffer molestin’, COVID attractin’ old scumbag!
Fail, fail, fail. Senile Joe Biden never attempted to make Harris a focal point of his biggest government takeover initiatives – at least the ones that had a chance to pass. She was an embarrassment, not a partner. Yet he couldn’t think of jettisoning her or he’d lose the support of the powerful black Democrats just waiting for the opportunity to push for using the 25th Amendment to ditch him.
Ironically, black Democrats were the most loyal to senile Joe all the way to the end. Maybe that’s why Kamala got the nod. Just saying.
It’s only a matter of time before Democrats – and everyone else in America – realizes just how much they despised Kamala Harris four years ago, and no amount of hiding her away since Inauguration Day has served to rehabilitate her political skills. Democrats haven’t yet officially nominated her, but there’s little to prevent Democrats from committing a major blunder they’ll regret.
Joe Biden economy
Biden cognitive decline
gas prices,
Nancy Pelosi
Biden senile
January 6 Committee
Liz Cheney
Build Back Better
Joe Manchin
Marjorie Taylor Green
Kevin McCarthy
Mitch McConnell
2022 elections
Donald Trump
2024 presidential election
Willie Brown's ex-girlfriend is the living embodiment of DEI and CRT.
DEI- Didn't Earn It
CRT- Can't Run Things. Although Communist Racist Twit applies equally well to her.