It didn’t receive much establishment media mention prior to senile president Joe Biden’s official reelection campaign announcement the other day, and certainly wasn’t proffered by
the candidate himself, but a survey taken just days prior to his launch suggested Americans didn’t want a second Biden act in his boring, phony and ill-considered DC swamp stage production.
Senile Joe never concedes an inch on the subject of his own popularity, but even the most ardent of Biden supporters (if indeed there are any) must be bothered that his 2024 last hurrah retirement tour campaign started off on such shaky footing. Biden was going to “restore the soul of the nation” and bring everyone back together after Trump, right? If he’d really carried through on his promises, you’d think Americans would want more, wouldn’t you?
Not so. In a piece titled “Seven in 10 Americans say Biden shouldn’t run again, poll shows”, Tom Howell Jr. reported at The Washington Times:
“A series of polls have found a wide swath of the electorate has doubts about Mr. Biden running again, given his age, though Democrats tend to say they will rally behind him once he makes his run official. The NBC News survey says 41% of registered voters report they definitely or probably will vote for Mr. Biden in the general election, while 47% who say they plan to vote for the eventual Republican nominee.
“Broken down by party, 88% of Democratic voters say they will definitely or probably vote for Mr. Biden compared to 22% of independents and 3% of Republicans. The major question is who Mr. Biden will face after a potentially bruising primary on the GOP side.
“Many polls have shown Mr. Biden edging out former President Donald Trump in a potential 2024 rematch. The president tends to struggle a bit in hypothetical matchups versus Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who may launch a campaign soon. Mr. DeSantis … dismissed a question about polls showing him trailing Mr. Trump in early GOP primary polling.”
DeSantis suggested he wasn’t worried about current polls that show him trailing former president Trump by significant margins in the GOP race because he’s not yet a candidate. This is true – the race hasn’t even started yet, but it must be concerning to DeSantis that, even if he were to run, he’d face the steepest of uphill climbs to reach Trump’s basement level of backing. That’s a lot of ground to cover against a desperate man (to save his legacy) with virtually infinite resources at his disposal and name recognition that’s off the charts.
It's almost as though Trump levitates over accepted political wisdom. Textbooks are being re-written to try and account for how Trump has so many political lives, like a herd of cats rather than a single feline.
Trump is one of the few contemporary politicians who has largely avoided what I call “politician fatigue”. Others label it political buyer’s remorse, a phenomenon experienced by lots of consumers after spending tens of thousands of dollars (or, more likely, hanging themselves up for auto financing payments until the next president leaves Washington in 2029) for a new car and subsequently discovering, upon bringing it home, that a ten-minute test drive didn’t rid their heads of sales cobwebs and reveal their true feelings about what they were about to do.
Make no mistake, there are millions of voters who are sick of Trump, too, but the vast majority are those who couldn’t stand him to begin with. Most of these were “With Her!” (Crooked Hillary Clinton) Democrats who detested the notion that a brash talking, thrice married tabloid celebrity could govern their land of diversity, equity and inclusion. Or at least not to the “woke” level of Madame Clinton, had she been elevated.
But there’s also a significant bloc of Republicans and conservatives who are experiencing a debilitating case of Trump fatigue, too. I should know, since a few are in my own family and I’ve listened to their epithets and “he can’t win!” opinions masquerading as predictions, all delivered with a pound of vitriol and bitterness towards the man who vowed to fight and defeat the ruling elites on subjects they’ve griped about for years.
It remains to be seen whether this segment of the Republican Party will return to Trump if and when he wins the GOP’s presidential nomination for a third time. When faced with the either/or prospect of senile Joe Biden and his corrupted band of handlers and followers for what would certainly amount to a disastrous second term, I believe they’ll say to themselves in the voting booth, “Trump ain’t lookin’ so bad now, is he?”
Trump has all-but completely sidestepped the “fatigue” effect with a large swath of Republican voters, and his ability to keep them in the fold for as long as he has is a rare talent in American politics. Ronald Reagan possessed it. Had Reagan been eligible to run for a third term, he would’ve likely won, though there was some tangible “fatigue” even with the Gipper (after the Iran-Contra mess). By comparison, Reagan would’ve been about the same age as Trump will be in 2025 if the latter manages to run the gauntlet and be elected to a second term.
In this sense, Trump is enjoying a post-presidency resurgence of popularity along with the ability to use it rather than resorting himself to building a presidential library and being seen taking up a new hobby in retirement, like George W. Bush did with painting portraits. Who knows how Barack Obama is passing his hours these days. Does the big “O” really like what senile Joe’s done to his legacy?
Trump is a lock with his supporters, most of whom vowed not to even consider another Republican in the GOP primaries, so sure are they the 45th president was robbed of his reelection in 2020 that it wouldn’t be wise or fair to choose someone else, even if the new candidate would hypothetically have a better chance of winning in 2024. Trump’s unfavorable ratings seemingly don’t change, so there’s a good argument to speculate they never will.
Senile Joe Biden, on the other hand, is exhibit A for political fatigue. Biden’s favorable /unfavorable ratings haven’t gravitated much either, but as the 70 percent of those surveyed who didn’t want him to run again indicated, it’s not as though they’re wild about him either. Biden hasn’t locked up the solid foundation of “only Biden” Democrat voters like Trump has in the Republican party. If Biden were to disappear from politics tomorrow, about seven in ten would probably say “good” and move on (until they realized it meant “President” Kamala Harris).
Why don’t Americans care about senile Joe? First and foremost, Biden’s agenda isn’t popular with a majority of voters, and neither is he. Try as they might, the establishment media pushes the current administration’s policies as though they’re broadly supported by an informed public. But ask the average consumer how they enjoy paying twice as much for gasoline as they did a couple years ago and you’ll glimpse the real truth.
And Biden’s repeated calls to punish the wealthy by making them “pay their fair share” aren’t generating him any goodwill, either. Anyone with a functioning brain (which obviously doesn’t include Biden himself) knows that current federal tax collections are already near their all-time high and yet the national debt continues to skyrocket because the powers-that-be can’t lay off the spending accelerator.
The low-information Democrat voter doesn’t think about tomorrow, but even they would hesitate to support the Biden regime if they realized how much government default on debts would change the country (and this isn’t the urgency of dealing with the debt ceiling).
The second reason Americans are tired of senile Joe is because he isn’t all that likable. Query the average hard-working man or woman if they’d be interested in sitting down with Joe Biden at dinner and I’m guessing most, if not all, would reply, “h—l no”. Biden’s exaggerations and off-putting rear-end covering of his family are enough to make folks request the dessert menu first – so they can get the heck out of there quickly.
Biden would blubber on about something in his past, a level of conversation that would entertain the nightly bingo gathering at a dementia care facility but not be found satisfying by most people. Does anyone truly like senile Joe’s personality? I doubt it.
A third reason why Americans have political fatigue is Biden’s family itself. Presidential family members become virtual celebrities once they’re thrust into the spotlight (JFK’s Camelot, anyone?), but there isn’t a single Biden relation that’s the least bit relatable. Presidential brother Jim Biden is a crook, son Hunter is a sleazebag former drug addict and the rest of the crowd, as Rep. James Comer’s House committee is uncovering, is as value-less as the others.
They fed off of senile Joe’s position in the government. Is there a lower form of parasite in the political animal kingdom? Even Biden’s grandchildren kind of turn the stomach.
Senile president Joe Biden may be running for reelection in 2024, but he’ll have to convince the seventy percent of voters who didn’t want him to do so that he’s deserving of the presidential lectern for another four years. That’s asking a lot of an octogenarian who’s not all that bright or well thought of to begin with.
Joe Biden economy
Biden cognitive decline
gas prices,
Nancy Pelosi
Biden senile
January 6 Committee
Liz Cheney
Build Back Better
Joe Manchin
Marjorie Taylor Green
Kevin McCarthy
Mitch McConnell
2022 elections
Donald Trump
2024 presidential election