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The Right Resistance: Senile Joe injects the Supreme Court and abortion into Kamala’s campaign

When incumbent president and then-Democrat presidential-nominee-to-be senile Joe Biden unceremoniously pulled out of the 2024 horserace last month, he promised that he wouldn’t be going away completely, that he would continue fulfilling his duties as president

for the remainder of his constitutional term – and that he would remain an active presence on the campaign trail touting his fill-in and other Democrat candidates.


A tremendous sigh of relief emerged from Democrats of every ideological ilk. Or not.


Yes, that’s right, for the micro-slice of the American population that was horrified when the hair sniffin’, shoulders massagin’, nude swimmin’, child repellin’, senate staffer molestin’, drug addict/shady prodigal scumbag son butt protectin’ corrupt-o-crat suddenly pulled his name out of the contest, they could at least rest assured they’d see and hear more of his mumbling speeches before he faded into the background, only to disappear forever from the nation’s establishment media news schedules.


But thus far, it hasn’t worked out that way. Senile Joe has contented himself with being mostly holed-up in the White House and left the vast, vast majority of the talking to spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre or the stooges at the State Department who blubbered over the hostage deal with Russia last week.


Biden has made a few appearances, but the stage has been left to Kamala Harris herself. But looks often deceive, particularly in the Washington DC swamp where Democrats are concerned. Senile Joe is still around, and his henchmen are causing a considerable amount of damage.


In an opinion piece titled “Biden: Forgotten but Not Gone”, Kimberley A. Strassel wrote at the Wall Street Journal recently:


“You might not know it—and Democrats would prefer you didn’t—but Joe Biden is still president, with 5½ months to go. Republicans would be foolish to overlook his agenda and substantial power to gild Kamala Harris’s path to the White House.


“Not that Mr. Biden will be giving many speeches on her behalf. His gifts will be transactional, the buying of constituencies. The latest example: Mr. Biden’s embrace this week of the most destructive assault on the Supreme Court since FDR’s court-packing scheme. Ms. Harris quickly signed on to Mr. Biden’s call for term limits and an ‘enforceable’ ethics code, winning applause from progressive activists.


“It’s only the start. The White House—unable to campaign on an inflation-ridden economy, a chaotic border, persistent crime or a disordered world—last year laid out its fallback strategy: It would hand out dishes of red meat to core constituencies. What was already a polished Biden re-election plan is now a gift to Kamala—and may even be worth more than his campaign-dollar war chest. The administration is throwing open its toolbox of policy promises, handouts, regulatory crackdowns and ‘walking around’ money to earn chits, gratitude and ultimately votes…”


As usual with her, Strassel’s perspective is right on. By tucking Biden away and allowing Kamala pretty much free rein to do whatever she wants – with bumbling senile Joe not serving as a wide-eyed mumbling roadblock in her way – the Democrats are accomplishing two things at once. First, they’re giving Harris leeway to do only very safe campaigning while reading prepared teleprompter speeches and sitting for no one-on-one-type interviews.


And two, Democrats are keeping Biden out of the limelight so he won’t willingly remind voters of just how far he’d deteriorated and hence point a finger at the new nominee-to-be and every party honk who, just a few weeks ago, was assuring anyone who would listen that the broken-down old goat was really sharp as a tack and could handle another four years (or however long his foundering brain would last).


Biden is still technically serving as president, which basically entails his staff sucking up everything that could conceivably be too challenging for the man to handle. Who believes that Biden was intimately involved in the historic prisoner exchange with the Russians last week? Picture senile Joe on the phone with Vlad Putin, haggling over the details of a swap which no one had foreseen.


Believe it? If so, I’ve got some oceanfront property in the Nevada desert to sell you.


Senile Joe’s gifts aren’t just transactional in nature, either. They’re feeding issue fodder to their mind-controlled zombie constituencies and it acts as a wounded wildebeest to a savanna full of hungry lions. Or, more appropriately, checks to states full of system-bilking fraudsters.


The most glaring example is how Biden and evil Democrat cohorts devised a way to put abortion on the ballot this year, by proposing their stupid Supreme Court “reform” plan in late summer and before the Democrat convention. Even someone as far gone as senile Joe Biden understands that this legislation has absolutely zero (less than zero?) chance of passing through the process this congressional term, yet it still gives cackling Kamala an additional something to talk about in terms of a “What to expect when you elect Kamala Harris” while on the stump.


Everyone who’s actually spent time researching Harris’s background understands that she doesn’t want to go overly deep on her records as vice president, senator from ultra-liberal California or as Attorney General of The Golden State, because even a surface perusal of what she’s done and hasn’t done after having taken an official oath of office will only shed negative light on her sunny but phony disposition.


She wasn’t a tough prosecutor; no, she’s a leftist sympathizer who makes excuses for rioters and locks up the wrongly accused and shills for miscreants who burn buildings and murder people.


Just because a politician, like Kamala, once carried a title of “prosecutor” or “Attorney General” doesn’t mean he or she (or they, or “it” or whatever Democrats call transgenders) is pro law enforcement. Look at Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch. Or the George Soros-sponsored prosecutors sprinkled throughout crime ridden blue cities (Alvin Bragg, anyone?) who look the other way on most crimes and seek new ways to coddle illegal aliens and true perpetrators.


This isn’t about justice reform or trying to instill some semblance of decency back into federal law enforcement, and it’s not even a very solid attempt to make Kamala Harris look capable and authoritative. No, it’s yet another naked ploy to juice-up the Democrat base to turn out and try and replicate successful elections for the party in 2022 and 2023.


To Democrats, abortion is everything. Without it, they don’t fundraise or gain volunteers or motivate their otherwise goodie-loving base. And needless to say, they don’t win, either.


Broken-down senile Joe has so little to overtly offer during his final months as a lame duck chief executive. Hardly anyone listened to him to begin with, and it’s even worse now that the establishment media has turned its attention and focus to his DEI vice president, a woman who wouldn’t be anywhere near the Democrat presidential nomination if it weren’t for him proverbially drawing a black female’s name out of a hat four years ago.


That little unqualified pol was Kamala Harris. One could only imagine the cackling session that went on at Kamala and hubby kissin’ bandit Doug Emhoff’s house after they received word that she’d won the ultimate affirmative action prize by virtue of being dark skin-toned and possessing breasts and a uterus.


Of course, Kamala failed to realize at that moment that she’d actually be required to do something other than enjoy the perks of the office like living at the Naval Observatory and being provided with a new staff that she could berate and belittle, but that work is so much less important than going around and having people pay you mind like you’re a dignitary.


Along the way, senile Joe Biden – and America – discovered that Kamala wasn’t good for much. She was tasked with being in charge of the new administration’s southern border policy, but she clearly didn’t want the assignment and thumbed her nose at the Biden schedulers by avoiding going down to Texas or Arizona – or wherever the action was.


Cackling Kamala also wasn’t particularly effective when she was placed in charge of shepherding the administration’s “voting rights” views through Congress, the senate being her old stomping grounds where she achieved fame among leftists for badgering Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.


It was one failure after another. But the one subject that seemed to fit cackling Kamala perfectly was traveling around to Democrats strongholds to speak to young (and gullible, low information) voters about abortion. Luckily for Harris, the Supreme Court justices resisted the intimidation efforts of various Democrats and their paid “activists” to cast Roe v. Wade into the dustbin of history.


This action alone appeared to ignite the Democrat grassroots. Most if not all Democrats – including senile Joe Biden and cackling Kamala Harris – went around spreading lies that Republicans and their Trump appointed Supreme Court Justices had just outlawed abortion, and they fundraised and put together numerous TV ads perpetuating the lies.


But the Supreme Court’s action, practically in an instant, made cackling Kamala relevant for something other than regularly supplying soundbites to conservative cable TV news hosts who never seemed to tire of repeating her verbal goofs at commencement addresses or her rare media interview opportunities.


The Supreme Court basically returned the abortion policy making to the states, but Democrats didn’t give a hoot about accuracy in reporting. A token few Republicans – such as South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham – accommodated Democrats by talking about national “bans” on abortion. And the rest is history, if you can call it that.


Though it’s true that America has enjoyed a bit of a break from senile Joe Biden as he’s hidden himself from public view, the damage his administration inflicts on the nation is still very much in evidence. Biden will be limited on how much he can influence legislation from this point on, but he’s still more than capable of creating havoc with his executive pen and command of the bureaucracy – and his outlandish proposals, like changing the Supreme Court.

  • Joe Biden economy

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  • Nancy Pelosi

  • Biden senile

  • Kamala Harris candidacy

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  • J.D. Vance

  • Kamala vice president

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  • Donald Trump assassination

  • 2022 elections

  • Donald Trump

  • 2024 presidential election

  • Tim Walz

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1 bình luận

Mike M
Mike M
07 thg 8

IMO this country is headed for Hell in a handbasket. If you want to at least delay the process, vote for Trump. If you want to speed the process up, vote for the Cacklemaniac.

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