For anyone who thought it would be impossible to knock the recently concluded Republican National Convention and the unsuccessful assassination attempt on President Donald Trump’s life out of the headlines, those predictions were unceremoniously tossed

aside last Sunday when current fill-in president senile Joe Biden impetuously announced that he was terminating his bid to be the 2024 Democrat presidential nominee.
It’s safe to say Republican nominee Trump has received thousands if not millions of expressions of sympathy and support ever since he was shockingly shot in Pennsylvania during his rally speech there eleven days ago, but senile Joe Biden engendered his own sympathetic wave of a different kind.
Everyone knows the disgraced former Democrat nominee-to-be was diagnosed with a case of COVID last week, the malady blamed for forcing senile Joe to leave the campaign trail and sending him running with his proverbial tail between his legs to his beach house in Delaware to recoup, recharge and allegedly position himself to resume his quest for a second term.
As a side note, how could the COVID infection have happened? Wasn’t Biden wearing his protective surgical mask? Shouldn’t he have set a good example for the rest of the country, to the vastly shrunken segment of the population who still believes that donning face diapers actually does anything? Why didn’t his vaccination boosters work? Shouldn’t senile Joe have reinstituted lockdowns and imposed mandates to scare the American population and “keep people safe”?
At any rate, senile Joe’s COVID recovery is now political water under the bridge since he’s opted to abandon the 2024 race and endorse vice president cackling Kamala Harris to take over the top job. Where we go from here is anyone’s guess, since the Democrat powers-that-be can’t even decide among themselves how they’d like to proceed with anointing the rapidly faltering Delawarean dolt’s successor.
One thing seems certain: Democrats appear relieved that senile Joe didn’t need to be forced out of his position through convention rules or other drastic measures. In fact, they are expressing gratitude that he’s made it easier for them to try and wrestle over his next-in-line.
In an article titled “Congressional Democrats thank Biden for ‘selflessly’ deciding to drop out of presidential race”, Lindsey McPherson reported at The Washington Times the other day:
“Senate Majority [Leader] Charles E. Schumer, who had reportedly urged Mr. Biden in a private meeting last weekend to reconsider his candidacy, issued a statement Sunday calling him a ‘great president’ and ‘truly amazing human being.’ ‘His decision of course was not easy, but he once again put his country, his party, and our future first,’ the New York Democrat said. ‘Joe, today shows you are a true patriot and great American.’
“House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, who was also reported to have privately suggested Mr. Biden end his campaign, called him ‘one of the most accomplished and consequential leaders in American history.’
“’In less than one term, he rescued the nation from a once-in-a-century pandemic, brought the economy roaring back from the brink of recession, enacted consequential legislation for everyday Americans and saved our democracy by defeating the Insurrectionist-in-Chief,’ the New York Democrat said in a statement. ‘America is a better place today because President Joe Biden has led us with intellect, grace and dignity. We are forever grateful.’”
With friends like these, who needs enemies, right? Imagine discovering a note from your teammates and compatriots expressing thanks that you’re giving up and quitting. Isn’t this the type of thing you’d probably rather not receive?
The Democrats’ post-announcement behavior makes public what was obvious all along – that senile Joe Biden was never that popular or well-regarded by his fellow Democrats to begin with. They used him, just as he used them. They only wanted him for his perceived electability, a carefully honed mirage that was all fluff and no substance.
Don’t you feel sorry for senile Joe Biden? After all, all the deceptions he’s staked his entire political career on have suddenly come crashing down around him, like a house of cards collapsing after one ill-timed bobble of the hand. I confess that I will miss Joe Biden in one sense – he’s a caricature of liberal/leftist American politicians who are easy to make fun of.
The only saving grace in this regard is that whomever Democrats select (not voted on, of course) will be just as easy to lampoon as Joe was. Why? Because they’re basically all the same. Democrats don’t rely on truth to make a point. It’s just puffery and trickery. Joe Biden was the best of ‘em at fooling great Americans. The illusions are gone now.
Illusion number one – that Biden was “good guy” Lunch Bucket Joe who everyone on both sides of the aisle liked and respected.
Democrat-followers thought that senile Joe's semi-coherent and openly defiant SOTU address a few months ago signaled he was back and ready to take on all challengers to save the world from itself. It seems like forever ago, but think back to the way Biden only spoke to one side of the room and frequently paused his address to bark at Republicans who pointed out his lies.
Senile Joe Biden wasn’t ever bent on uniting the country and he’s never been anything but a self-interested self-promoter who’s consistently used his privilege to better himself and his family. Developing a friendship or two over years in the senate doesn’t make him a good person. He’s a grifter, just like many of his Democrat constituents. Biden just wears a suit and tries to hide the image.
Illusion number two – that Biden was a good husband and father. I’ve made the case before, but all one would need to do to disprove the widely held belief that Joe Biden is a great family man is comparing the Bidens to the Trumps.
By appearances, at least, the Trump children are highly motivated and successful, even if they were each given a major head start by their famous – and rich – father. No wallflowers in Trump land, that’s for sure. And this certainly extends to the Trump kids’ spouses who are equally ambitious go-getters.
The Biden offspring? Not so much. Beau Biden passed away, of course, but then his widow took up with brother-in-law Hunter. Sick. Meanwhile, Ashley Biden’s diary detailed inappropriate situations as a teen with her creepier-than-heck father, allegations that have never been addressed much less debunked.
Further, one of the main reasons why Biden so stubbornly clung to remaining the Democrat nominee and the president is to protect prodigal son Hunter indefinitely. Having Hunter being convicted on a federal gun indictment is small potatoes compared with tax evasion charges and other serious crimes that the Biden family member will certainly confront into the near future.
Upon leaving office, senile Joe could encounter a much severer wind in his direction, with Hunter’s business crimes easily being connected to the “Big Guy” himself. Therefore, hanging on to the Democrat nomination – which was by all rights, his – was basically about self-preservation, not love of his relations. Dr. Jill probably realized this and it’s why the First Lady pressured her old goat husband to stay where he was. “If they want you out, let them force you to quit. Don’t help them.” Can’t you just hear it now?
Everyone knows that senile Joe Biden’s butt-covering impulse (which includes his family) is among the strongest instincts he possesses. It helps explain his behavior, for sure.
Senile Joe tuck-tailed and ran because he understood he’d lose and that it’s more important to preserve his record of never having lost an election than stick around and try convincing American voters who were finally paying attention that he wasn’t just a stumbling, bumbling jackass who got lucky by being in the right place at the right time in history in 2020.
Illusion number three – that Biden enjoys near universal support within the Democrat party, comparable to Barack Obama and rivaling that of the Clintons.
It’s very hard to remember/believe that a month ago, prior to the first presidential debate, that Democrats were in full “Go Joe!” mode where the presidential election was involved. Undeterred by frightful poll numbers (at least in reference to the Electoral College count) Democrats exuded confidence that the Biden “magic” would come through once again, and when the moment arrived, they’d be saved by cheating or by emboldening their waves of brainless robot ballot-casters to rise up and overwhelm the decent people of this nation by ballot processing shenanigans that would make 2020 seem tame by comparison.
It's ballot cancelling defined. One illegal alien’s vote cancels out a legitimate ballot from a patriotic American. One vote from a welfare grifter cancels the vote from a small business owner. It’s how Democrats win.
But now that every poll suggested Biden’s chances of beating Trump and Vance was virtually nil, Democrats wanted Biden gone. What happened to the party unity, Democrats? Leaks to the press that usually plague Republicans have become commonplace in Democrat-land. Barack Obama wanted Biden to disappear? Nancy Pelosi and Chucky Schumer too? Hakeem Jeffries? What about the Democrats who thought Biden should stay? Unity?
Illusion number four – that one could disagree with some elements of Biden’s and the Democrats’ platform, but he “cares about America” and would not harm the country’s interests.
Illusion number five – that Joe Biden and Barack Obama are good friends.
It’s a poorly hidden fact that the Obamas – including Michelle – favored another Democrat other than vice president cackling Kamala Harris take over as 2024 Democrat nominee if Biden took himself out, which was yet another motivation for senile Joe to defy everyone else and stay perched on top of the hopes of so many distraught Democrats. Joe left alright, but Harris looks to be a lock now.
Illusion number six – Once they agree on a nominee, Democrats will unite behind said person and don’t allow alternative opinions.
Illusion number seven – Lastly, that Biden and Democrats are/were unflinching friends of Israel. While polls showed Trump at least even with Joe Biden for a long time now, Biden’s true freefall began when he sold out his and the Democrat party’s soul to Hamas and the Palestine effort.
There’s more deception involving Biden, but you must stop somewhere. The man’s made a career out of lying to people and hiding behind a façade. But not even the most skilled of magicians can fool everyone forever. Senile Joe will now retire to the dustbin of history as a disgraced capitulator who’s best remembered for deceiving the entire world. Illusions exposed.
Joe Biden economy
Biden cognitive decline
gas prices,
Nancy Pelosi
Biden senile
January 6 Committee
Liz Cheney
Build Back Better
Joe Manchin
Marjorie Taylor Green
Kevin McCarthy
Mitch McConnell
2022 elections
Donald Trump
2024 presidential election