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Jeffrey A. Rendall

The Right Resistance: With conservatives’ confidence rising, it’s time for Trump to not blow the election

Are you feeling confident about the 2024 election results?


I’m not talking about the fairness of the election. A little less than three weeks ahead of the

big day there’s no way to determine whether the vote count will be fair or accurate, so it’s fruitless to speculate what will transpire on November 5, the day after – and the ensuing days/weeks after that. From what I’ve been hearing from most sources, the outcome of a few states may very well go down to the proverbial wire, which, if the Electoral College count is close, will result in unprecedented lawyering, spinning (by the establishment media), lies, conspiracy theories, threats, protests… and a whole lot of frustration by millions of voters.


This is the worst-case scenario where everyone loses. Even the election winner (most likely Trump) will have to contend with know-it-alls from the opposition who won’t ever give up or give in. Democrats suggest this was Trump in 2020, but it’s more like Al Gore in 2000, where the losing side litigated “hanging chads” and whether single votes counted in Florida. Imagine this happening across several states. “Ugly” doesn’t begin to describe how damaging this circumstance would be.


The only way to truly alleviate this probability is to ensure a Trump victory outside the “margin of fraud” in a healthy number of states with differentials large enough that even a Democrat couldn’t lie his or her way into making gullible people – translation, the hosts of “The View” – believe there’s reason to conclude cackling Kamala Harris and Tampon Tim Walz were cheated out of their political birthright.


Americans have made headway into securing elections since 2020, but serious doubts still exist. It will take several elections cycles and passing sane voter integrity measures to truly bring a semblance of trust in the voting system back to average people. A resounding Donald Trump victory would restore confidence in future elections, but this appears to be a generational problem that won’t disappear overnight.


We don’t have time to worry about that now, however. We’ve still got an election to win and most of the votes have yet to be cast – or mailed. Donald Trump has been keeping up his usually vigorous campaign rally schedule, attempting to assure that the MAGA millions turn out when they need to. The recent hurricanes and disaster recoveries will burden the folks of those impacted regions, but after all that’s gone on “down there”, one would think that voting for the next round of federal leaders would be front of mind and a high priority for the victims.


What we’re talking about are things that could still knock the election off course. Democrats are notorious for dredging up or inventing an “October surprise” to upset the balance as Election Day nears. The concept was made famous in the satirical 1997 movie “Wag the Dog”, where the campaign brains of a losing candidate invented a means to help pull him even with his opponent at the last moment.


Expect the unexpected should be the mantra for everyone in the closing weeks.


Unfortunately, in some respects, this may include surprises from our own candidate. In an article titled “Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV: Trump calls on Harris to take cognitive test”, Tom Howell Jr. reported one such potential trip-up at The Washington Times the other day:


“Former President Donald Trump says Vice President Kamala Harris should take a cognitive test, calling her ‘slow and lethargic’ in how she answers media questions.


“His challenge to Ms. Harris, 59, mirrors his critique of President Biden, who is 81 and dropped out of the presidential race because of questions about his mental acuity and stamina. ‘I believe it is very important that Kamala Harris pass a test on Cognitive Stamina and Agility,’ Mr. Trump posted Monday on Truth Social. ‘Her actions have led many to believe that there could be something very wrong with her.’


“Mr. Trump did not specify who believes that about Ms. Harris. Still, his decision to lean into cognitive ability is familiar terrain. Throughout his political career, Mr. Trump has boasted about his mental abilities compared to his rivals, dubbing himself a ‘very stable genius’ during his presidency and bragging he got a perfect score on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment.”


Okay. Americans understand this is most likely just Trump being Trump again – perhaps a kneejerk reaction to cackling Kamala obsessing over his medical records -- but why here, why now? If the standard practice is for candidates who presume they’re in the lead to kind of lay low, concentrate on the themes and issues that brought them this far and play out the string until the establishment media news breakers have turned out the lights on their coverage in the wee morning hours of the day after Election Day, what possible good could it do for Trump to re-broach the subject of cognitive tests in late October?


Besides, the cognitive test thing was a legitimate concern where president senile Joe Biden was concerned because the Delawarean’s visibly deteriorated for the past decade and, by saying so, Trump planted the seeds of doubt in Americans’ minds, so much so that even Biden’s party poohbahs started assessing just how much the man’s brain rot had advanced since he ran in 2020.


The pressure to perform and demonstrate that he wasn’t a living, breathing vegetable became too much for poor ol’ senile Joe, who was forced to remove himself from consideration before he’d even had a chance to celebrate his legacy at his last party convention in August.


Meanwhile, cackling Kamala was always notorious for her utter lack of talent involving articulating and analyzing ideas. Harris’s infamous word salads are a big part of why political observers, myself included, speculated that her rise to popularity was temporary, and she’d be hitting rock bottom at about the time voters were making their decisions on who to vote for this year.


Not everyone thought this way, since Democrat base voters have demonstrated over the course of decades that they would vote for dead people, criminals, swindlers, race baiters, hustlers, senile old coots (Biden, Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters, Dianne Feinstein, etc.) over legitimate, or at least semi-legitimate Republican challengers just to hold onto power.


But for the middle portion of the electorate, the five to eight percent of “undecided” voters who seem to hold the power in every closely contested election, it’s best to stick to the issues. Trump hasn’t had to work very hard to convince his supporters that Kamala is a special kind of moron, so, calling her “stupid” and “slow”, “communist” and certain kinds of insane was all part of branding the woman who many predicted would be Biden’s replacement nominee if and when he ever self-removed himself.


It goes without saying Trump’s primary focus in the remaining campaign time is to sustain his GOTV efforts while attempting to reinforce the doubts wavering voters may have about Kamala’s weak record and close association with senile Joe Biden. Let her speak. In fact, allow her to say anything she wants, because the more Harris talks in public, the more she helps Trump by defining herself as incapable to perform the job of president of the United States.


Whether Kamala would pass a cognitive test is immaterial at this juncture. Even if she could be convinced that such an exam is necessary – and she fails it – there’s no way she would be removed as Democrat nominee with so little time left. The other side of the coin is even worse – what if she assented to the test and passed it.


Or rigged a trial so as to ensure she got a sufficient score. It’s my understanding the Montreal Cognitive Assessment has a pretty low threshold for “normal” adults to attain. Kamala will turn 60 years old in less than a week (on the 20th) and hasn’t had any episodes that would make people question her ability to function as a politician. Unlike senile Joe, she hasn’t been shaking hands with phantom admirers, exiting from the wrong side of the stage, falling off bikes or talking to people who aren’t there.


One can understand why Trump would want to make Harris’s smarts and brain function a potential issue in the campaign, but he’s playing with fire here. Why would he distract voters from the authentic issues at a time when he’s clearly putting distance between himself (and J.D. Vance) and “the enemy”?


I don’t get it. Democrats don’t require any more excuses to label Trump “unfit” or “unpresidential” or “racist” or “sexist” or “deplorable” or “unstable” or unduly judgmental.


Trump would be wise to drop the subject.


There are other topic areas that should be taboo from now until (or after) Election Day as well, which includes allusions to the 2020 vote count and “winning” over senile Joe Biden. It’s definitely more than defensible for him to keep plugging for election integrity, highlighting the potential for illegal voters, calling for volunteers to watch the polls and to be vigilant in guaranteeing that MAGA voters turn out.


But let 2020 go. No one who isn’t already voting for Trump this year cares about reopening the can of worms that can’t be resolved one way or another. Elections are about the future, not what happened four years ago. And while there are millions of diehard Trump fans who still want answers about 2020, there are millions more who don’t like Trump but will vote for him anyway because his agenda is a winner with them.


Don’t give people an excuse to stay home from the polls. As conservative bomb thrower Kurt Schlichter wrote this week, conservatives shouldn’t be overconfident about victory. We should treat this election as though we’re way behind and need to catch up. Who knows, we just might actually trail Harris in places.


Other topics Trump should stay away from: Kamala’s ethnic self-identification; UFOs; Barack Obama’s birth certificate; Trump’s wealth; crowd sizes; whether the Great Pumpkin exists (sorry, I had to put that one in for myself); any Democrat woman’s looks or waist size, and anything having to do with abortion that would draw the immediate focus of the establishment media.


Conservatives are feeling more confident about the 2024 election now than they were a month ago. Trump’s steady message as well as a number of Kamala flubs have contributed to the new optimism. Trump must not take away from the important issues in this election. A cognitive test for Kamala? Leave it alone, Mr. Trump.

  • Joe Biden economy

  • inflation

  • Biden cognitive decline

  • gas prices,

  • Nancy Pelosi

  • Biden senile

  • Kamala Harris candidacy

  • Donald Trump campaign

  • Harris Trump debates

  • J.D. Vance

  • Kamala vice president

  • Speaker Mike Johnson

  • Donald Trump assassination

  • Donald Trump

  • 2024 presidential election

  • Tim Walz

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3 commenti

6 hours ago

This article offers excellent advice. Let's hope President Trump is paying attention and gets the message. If you watched Brett Bair's interview of Kamala, you know that the interview ended up being all about Donald Trump, at least as told by her. There was little to nothing about who she is or what she proposes.

Mi piace

9 hours ago

I agree with your contention of treating this election like conservatives are under dogs! I do believe if we do not take the executive branch and the entire legislative branch we may never see true democracy in this great nation.

Mi piace
6 hours ago
Risposta a

We'll have democracy, also known as mob rule. We just won't have a republic.

Mi piace
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