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Transition to Trump 2.0: ‘A Washington DC Christmas Carol’ revisited – Glimpsing the shadows of the future

Jeffrey A. Rendall

Charles Dickens’ Christmas ghosts couldn’t convince Joe Biden to become a better man before he became president. Did a year’s worth of experience change Joe’s mind?


For those who’ve followed Joe Biden’s half-century-plus political career, you realized at

some point that the Delawarean dolt was just in it for the perks and riches that come to a sleazy politician who knows how to play the Washington game.


We all know Biden learned how to work the system to enrich himself, his family, friends and campaign contributors throughout his career. The phony façade senile Joe erected around himself over his decades in Washington fooled just about everyone – including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi and cohorts until it became obvious the jig was up and the party brains had to combine talents and toss the old idiot onto the pile of used-up and no longer useful politicians.


One could surmise that senile Joe would’ve still had the wherewithal after his first year in office to change himself so as to fulfill a semblance of a useful mission in life. To that end, as we’ll find out in the sequel to “A Campaign Christmas Carol” – titled “A Washington DC Christmas Carol” – a second set of ghostly visitations accomplished no such result:



Here’s an excerpt:


“Biden marveled at what seemed to be a very patient Donald Trump, one that he wouldn’t expect in a million campaigns. Joe closed his eyes and they were transported to a Border Patrol outpost on the southern line with Mexico. A half dozen federal agents were watching as a smuggler towed a raft full of presumed illegal aliens -- about 50 in all -- and pulled up to the American side of the Rio Grande River.


 “’As with Pocahontas Warren last hour, we will be unseen and unheard, Joe. If only America could be so lucky all the rest of the time when it comes to you. You mumble so much no one understands you,’ Trump said matter of factly.


“The border patrol agents were communicating with each other through radios and were in touch with a central command post. This situation was a daily -- if not hourly -- occurrence, so the personnel was conditioned to the onslaught. Catch as many of ‘em as you can. Try to process ‘em. Don’t worry about what diseases they’re carrying, COVID the least concerning among them. And try to ignore the fact that the people who are helping them break American laws are armed to the hilt and wouldn’t hesitate to kill if anyone gets too close to them….”



As with the 2020 version, I had not re-read the sequel prior to this week. Predicting Joe Biden’s presidency was easy. Find out for yourself just how many things I was able to foresee a few years down the road.





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