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Trump’s Superpower, Two-Thirds Agree: Drain the Swamp!

CHQ Staff

One of President Donald Trump’s “superpowers” is to use Trump Derangement Syndrome to drive Democrats to oppose him on issues where the vast majority of Americans support

him. A recent Rasmussen Reports survey shows that President Trump’s repeated call to “drain the swamp” of bureaucracy in the nation’s capital is a perfect example of this phenomenon as it continues to resonate with a huge majority of voters.


The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 66% of Likely U.S. Voters agree with Trump’s statement: “It’s time to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C.” That includes 44% who Strongly Agree. Twenty-five percent (25%) disagree, including 14% who Strongly Disagree.

 In a three-part question Rasmussen asked:


1.      Do you agree or disagree with the following statement – “It’s time to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C.”?


2.      President Donald Trump has promised "to drain the swamp" of the federal bureaucracy. Do most members of Congress support or oppose draining the swamp?


3.      When President Trump leaves office, will the swamp be bigger or smaller? Or will it remain about the same?


Rasmussen asked this same question in September 2018, when 71% agreed it was “time to drain the swamp. Now, 40% of voters believe that when Trump leaves office, the swamp will be smaller, while 32% think it will be bigger and 17% expect the size of the swamp to remain about the same. Another 11% are not sure.


Forty-seven percent (47%) believe most members of Congress support “draining the swamp” of federal bureaucracy, but 37% think most Congress members are opposed to draining the swamp and 17% are not sure.


Eighty-three percent (83%) of Republicans, 49% of Democrats and 68% of voters unaffiliated with either major party at least somewhat agree with the Trump quote, “It’s time to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C.”


Fifty-seven percent (57%) of Republicans, 23% of Democrats and 41% of unaffiliated voters think that when Trump leaves office, the bureaucratic swamp will be smaller. Forty-nine percent (49%) of Democrats, 20% of Republicans and 26% of unaffiliated voters expect the swamp to be even bigger when Trump’s term ends.


While 63% of Republicans believe most members of Congress at least somewhat support Trump’s goal of draining the swamp of federal bureaucracy, only 38% of Democrats and 40% of unaffiliated voters share that belief.


More men (70%) than women voters (63%) agree with the statement, “It’s time to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C.” Men are also somewhat more likely to think Trump will actually make the swamp smaller before he leaves office.


Voters under 40 are less likely than their elders to Strongly Agree with Trump’s quote about draining the swamp.


Sixty-seven percent (67%) of whites, 62% of black voters, 70% of Hispanics and 57% of other minorities at least somewhat agree, “It’s time to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C.” Black voters are least likely to believe that the bureaucratic swamp will be smaller when Trump leaves office.


Sixty-three percent (63%) of self-identified conservative voters and 54% of moderates believe most members of Congress support draining the swamp, but only 40% of liberal voters share that belief.


Among those who voted for Trump in last year’s election, 88% agree with the quote, “It’s time to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C.,” but only 42% of Kamala Harris voters agree.

Rasmussen’s findings suggest that the longer Democrats oppose DOGE and Trump’s efforts to cut bureaucracy and reduce spending, the longer they will remain in the political wilderness.

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