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Voting For Kamala Harris Is Like Electing The Arsonist To Be The Fire Chief

Kamala Harris’s poll numbers in the crucial swing state of Arizona are in freefall, and one of the principal reasons is that Harris's tenure as Border Czar was a flop — she has spent the

entirety of her tenure importing millions of illegal aliens, including violent criminals and gang members, into American communities while intentionally leaving the border wide open.

On a recent campaign stop Kamala Harris left the southern border just as quickly as she arrived — but not before a photo op and totally disingenuous speech designed as political cover for the invasion she has brought on the American people over the past four years.

And her 20-minute stroll along the border isn’t going to stem the tide of voters fleeing from her unpopular policies.

A recent Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey found that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters trust Trump more to handle immigration policy and border security, while 43% trust Harris more on the issue.


Seventy-five percent (75%) of voters say immigration policy and border security will be important in determining how they vote in this year’s presidential election, including 51% who say the issue will be Very Important. Just 23% don’t consider immigration policy an important issue.


Among voters who say immigration policy and border security will be Very Important in determining how they vote in this year’s presidential election, 80% trust Trump more to deal with the issue.


Democrats (33%) are less likely than Republicans (71%) or voters unaffiliated with either major party (50%) to consider immigration policy and border security Very Important in how they’ll vote.


Eighty-four percent (84%) of Republicans trust Trump more to handle immigration policy and border security, while 77% of Democrats trust Harris more on the issue. Among unaffiliated voters, 53% trust Trump more and 39% trust Harris more to handle immigration policy and border security.


Older voters are more likely than those under 40 to say immigration policy and border security will be important in determining how they vote in this year’s presidential election. Those ages 40-64 are most likely to trust Trump to deal with the issue.


Majorities of every racial category – 78% of whites, 71% of black voters and Hispanics, and 69% of other minorities – consider immigration policy and border security at least somewhat important in how they’ll vote. Black and Hispanic voters are more likely to trust Harris to handle border security.


Men (55%) are more likely than women voters (48%) to say they trust Trump more on immigration policy and border security.


Among voters who say America is headed in the right direction, 82% trust Harris more to deal with immigration policy and border security. Among those who feel the country is on the wrong track, 78% trust Trump more on the issue. However, only thirty-five percent (35%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction.


Breaking down the electorate by income categories, a majority of voters earning more than $100,000 a year trust Harris more to deal with immigration policy and border security, while 60% of those with annual incomes between $50,000 and $100,000 trust Trump more on the issue.

And it doesn’t look like Harris’s 20-minute visit to the border will wipe out her decades-long record of being wrong on border issues.

Tagging along on the photo-op the Democrat-run establishment media searched in vain for border area voters to endorse Harris’s newfound interest in border security and came up empty:


  • "She doesn't care about the border. She wants it open, so I don't believe a word she says." (NBC News)

  • "Our message to her is: go back to San Francisco and fix what you screwed up. We don't need you here telling us what we need because it's obvious, after three-and-a-half years of being the Border Czar, she hasn't got a damn clue what's going on and what needs to be done." (Fox News)

  • "She's trying to get some votes at the last minute. Where was she three-and-a-half, four years ago?" (Fox News)

  • "[It's] politics, of course ... She's had, what, three-and-a-half, four years to do something of some consequences and hasn't done anything? And I don't think she's gonna do anything but carry on another word salad." (Fox News)

  • "It's all publicity. It's kind of like she's here, she doesn't care — she just cares about winning." (Fox News)

What’s the bottom line on Harris’s border photo-op? If Scott Rasmussen is right, and he usually is, it turns out only 28.7% of Likely Voters are willing to elect the arsonist to be the fire chief.

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