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Why Democrats Sued To Keep Non-Citizens On The Alabama Voter Rolls

The Harris-Biden Department of Justice announced last week that it is suing Alabama for trying to remove noncitizens from voting lists, arguing the effort comes too close to the presidential election in November.

There’s a federal statute (Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993) that prohibits purging the voter rolls less than 90-days out from an election. However, it is literally a crime for any of the identified non-citizens to vote, so the Democrats’ punctilious adherence to the law in this case strikes us as more than a little strange.

Unless there’s an ulterior motive, and it appears that there is.

You see it has been discovered that thousands of non-citizens are registered to vote in key swing states and Democrats need to keep those non-citizens on the voter rolls so their ballots can be harvested.

Here’s how it works…


Every state but Arizona — which recently passed a law barring the practice on state but not federal forms — gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship.


There is currently no requirement on federal voting forms to provide proof of US citizenship, though it is illegal to falsely claim one is a citizen or for a non-citizen to cast a ballot in a federal election.

So why register non-citizens to vote?

“As President Biden has welcomed millions of illegal aliens through our borders, including sophisticated criminal syndicates and foreign adversaries, it is incumbent upon Congress to implement greater enforcement measures that secure the voter registration process and ensure only American citizens decide the outcome of American elections,” House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said in a statement following House passage of the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act to require states to receive proof of citizenship when anyone registers to vote by mail, at a DMV or a welfare agency office.


But House Republicans were trying to shut the barn door after an unknown number of illegal alien voters have already been added to the voter rolls with a very nefarious goal in mind by the Democrats.

You see to be “harvested” by Democrats an illegal alien ballot only has to be mailed, and once it is submitted there’s no way of separating it out from the millions of valid votes cast by citizens.


So, the Democrats’ plan – this is no accident or act of incompetence – will be to get those non-citizen ballots in the mail ASAP, they can then be gathered up and voted, probably without the non-citizen ever touching the ballot.

Or, the votes can be made part of a ghost ballot army deployed only if the Democrats are losing, as is suspected to have happened in 2020 in Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Arizona.

So, how does this work?

Simple, with no signature verification and no citizenship verification a ballot that is created and mailed to a non-citizen that has registered to vote at the same time they were issued a driver’s license – this happens in Michigan, California, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and other states – is available to be harvested.

Individual addresses with dozens, even hundreds of “asylum seekers” living there have been reported. When they arrive at these wholesale locations the ballots are collected and voted by Democrat-affiliated ballot harvesting operations – and if Democrats control the voter registration, ballot mailout, and ballot reception and counting, no one will object or even bother to verify the signatures or other crucial evidence regarding the ballot’s validity.

Win or lose at the courthouse Alabama authorities and GOP poll watchers should have this list available to check on Election Day and if any of the identified non-citizens tries to cast a ballot that non-citizen should be arrested and deported. But that leaves the other 49 states and other territories unattended to and vulnerable to have their elections tainted or thrown through non-citizen ballots harvested by Democrats.

  • 2024 Election

  • Alabama voter rolls

  • Democrats

  • voter integrity

  • voter lists

  • ineligible voters

  • Biden DOJ lawsuit

  • Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993

  • purging voter rolls

  • non-citizen voters

  • Voter registration

  • mail-in ballots

  • proof of citizenship

  • SAVE Act

  • ghost ballots

  • motor voter registration

  • ballot harvesting

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