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Yes, Non-Citizens Are Being Registered To Vote And Are Voting

Our friend J. Christian Adams and his team at the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) have just released another bombshell report on vote fraud and non-citizens registering to vote.

And it turns out that, despite Democrats denying such crimes are being committed, thousands of aliens have registered to vote and are voting.

In her analysis of the report independent journalist Sharyl Attkisson found non-citizens have been added to voter rolls in several states through motor vehicle departments (DMVs), even after stating they were not US citizens. These registrations occurred as part of the “motor voter” process, which allows individuals to register to vote while completing DMV transactions.

It is important to note that, although they declared they were not citizens, non-citizens were still registered to vote, raising serious concerns about the integrity of voter registration systems.

According to the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), this issue has been identified in multiple states:


*         In Pennsylvania, non-citizens have been registered to vote for decades due to a DMV glitch.

*         California is facing a federal lawsuit for not disclosing records of foreign nationals registering to vote for over 20 years.

*         Arizona incorrectly registered nearly 100,000 non-citizens as providing proof of US citizenship.

*         Texas identified over 6,500 non-citizens on its voter rolls, with nearly 2,000 of them having voted.

*         Ohio initiated a removal process for non-citizens found on its voter rolls.

*         Illinois: Chicago removed 394 non-citizens from voter rolls, with 20 of them casting ballots.

*         North Carolina: A review in 2014 found 1,454 non-citizens on the voter rolls, with 89 attempting to vote.

*         Pima County, Arizona: 186 non-citizens were removed from the voter rolls since 2021, with seven casting ballots in elections.

And time and again PILF has uncovered non-citizens registered or being registered to vote in Democrat strongholds in swing states.


Arizona: Majority of Registrants Cancelled Due to Foreign Nationality in Tucson Came from Partisan Voter Drives


Wisconsin: Milwaukee District Attorney Refused 354 Referrals for Potential Illegal Voting Since 2020



Chicago Records: 394 Foreign Nationals Removed from Voter Roll


Maricopa County Report: 222 Foreign Nationals Removed from Voter Roll Since 2015


However, the fight is not over – especially in Pennsylvania.

Earlier this month, PILF had oral arguments in its lawsuit against Pennsylvania Secretary of State Al Schmidt. This lawsuit was brought to obtain records relating to a so-called “glitch” that allowed aliens to register to vote at PennDOT offices for more than two decades.  Under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), the public has a right to inspect these records.


Following the 2017 announcement by then Pennsylvania Secretary of State Robert Torres that due to a so-called “glitch” at PennDOT offices aliens had been allowed to register to vote for decades, PILF began trying to obtain records showing the extent of the problem and how the Commonwealth would identify and remove aliens from the voter roll.


At the time, Al Schmidt, then a Philadelphia City Commissioner, testified before the state senate that he had been briefed on a study that identified more than 100,000 registered voters who may lack U.S. citizenship and called for transparency.


Flash forward to 2024. Al Schmidt is now the Secretary of State, but refuses to disclose these records to the public despite losing on summary judgment at the District Court and opposition by the United States Department of Justice, which filed a brief saying these are public records under the NVRA.


“For six years, we have been fighting to obtain records about aliens getting registered to vote in Pennsylvania for decades due to a so-called ‘glitch’,” said PILF President, J. Christian Adams. “The Commonwealth has admitted it was happening but has refused to disclose how they identified the aliens on the voter roll and their voting histories. The public has a right to see these records and to know how Pennsylvania has ensured this won’t happen again.”


For nearly a decade, PILF has harvested government records of noncitizen voter cancellation reports generated by local election officials. These studies were carried out in places like Arizona, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Michigan, Nevada, California, Texas, and sanctuary cities across the nation. PILF has brought and won federal trial and appellate court cases in North Carolina and Texas to secure access to records relating to foreign nationals registering and voting.


Read the full complaint in Public Interest Legal Foundation v. Al Schmidt here. A factsheet on the case is available here. To contribute to PILF and its many ballot security and election integrity projects click this link.

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