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George Rasley, CHQ Editor

Yesterday’s Demonic Celebrations

In what must be the lowest point in American civilization, yesterday college campuses and public spaces across the country were the sites of what can only be described as demonic celebrations of the evil perpetrated by Muslim terrorists one year ago in the October 7, 2023, Sabbath Massacre in Israel.

While civilized people mourned the over 1,200 innocents killed that day and the many other brave IDF service members killed in the subsequent military actions to free the 251 hostages (of which 97 remain unaccounted for) thousands of American college students chanted the genocidal slogan “From the River to the Sea…” and appeared to celebrate the carnage because it was perpetrated against Jews.

At least four Americans, Keith Siegel, Edan Alexander, Sagui Dekel-Chen, and Omer Neutra, remain unaccounted for and are alleged to be among the hostages being held by Hamas.

In late August, 23-year-old Hersh Goldberg-Polin, a fifth American hostage, was shot and killed by his Hamas captors along with five other hostages. His emaciated body was found in a narrow tunnel far underground, his parents said, according to reporting by the Washington Post.

And a year after the savage attack, American families are still trying to recover the bodies of three other Americans killed on Oct. 7 and taken to Gaza — Itay Chen, Judy Weinstein and Gad Haggai.

It is hard for Americans not schooled in the Muslim way of warfare and political Islam to grasp what benefit this savagery brings to Hamas – and it is even harder for our people to understand why any American would celebrate, sympathize or support such evil.

But it is there in the hearts of Israel's enemies: Every poll of Palestinians since October 7, 2023, by both AWRAD – Arab World for Research and Development, and PSR - Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, shows that an overwhelming majority of Palestinians supported and continue to support the rapes, torture, beheadings, and murder of more than 1,100 people in southern Israel led by Hamas, and their kidnapping of 250 hostages.

Significantly, the polls found that the support in the West Bank was higher than the that the Gaza Strip. Asked if they supported the attack on Oct 7, the first poll in November 2023 found West Bank support at 83%. Half a year later, in June 2024, after the destruction in Gaza, 73% still said that the decision to attack Israel was correct. In the Gaza Strip, two months into the war support had already dropped to 63% and continued to fall to only 31% in March 2024, saying it was correct to attack. Astonishingly, the joy over the rape, torture, beheadings, and murder of Israelis was so great that even after much of Gaza was in rubble following Israel's counter attack, for West Bank Arabs that one day of horror inflicted on Israelis, made the destruction of Gaza an acceptable price to pay.


Unfortunately, you had only to look at the public spaces of any major American university to find hundreds, and in some places thousands, of what can only be described as cases of demonic possession sharing those views and demonstrating in support of Hamas and celebrating the anniversary of the Sabbath Massacre.

What is the goal of these demons disguised as “protesters”?

They aren’t bashful about telling us; indeed, they chant it regularly, “From the River to the Sea Palestine will be free,” but the part that they leave unsaid is what Palestine will be freed of – Jews.

Far from being demonstrations for freedom or liberty, yesterday’s pro-Palestinian demonstrations were orgies of hate, where the “protesters” wallowed in the world’s oldest cultural sickness – Jew hatred.

Today, our Israeli brothers and sisters are on the front line of this war in Gaza and south Lebanon, but as we saw yesterday, the war is here in America as well.

Right now, our battle in America is spiritual, cultural and political – to support Israel, and to stand against anti-Semitism and the demonic determination of Hamas and Hezbollah, and their puppet masters in Iran, to impose their version of Islam and Sharia law on the whole world.

However, judging by what we saw on college campuses and in many cities yesterday, the devil is not lacking for recruits, and to win this war before the bullets and bombs come here, we must take fully to heart Ephesians Chapter 6, verses12-18:

For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armour of God, so that you may be able to withstand on that evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. 14 Stand therefore, and fasten the belt of truth around your waist, and put on the breastplate of righteousness. 15 As shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace. 16 With all of these, take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

If there is one flicker of good to come out of the darkness of the Sabbath Massacre and yesterday’s orgy of hate it is that more Americans have come to realize that the endless war in the Middle East is not a war between governments, it is a war between evil and good, and in that war there can be only one winner.

CHQ Editor George Rasley is an ordained Elder of the Presbyterian Church and a member of Faith Leaders for America. The views expressed in this column are his own and not necessarily the views of any denomination, congregation or organization.

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