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It doesn’t matter if the controversy is large or small, or even true and a real controversy. Remember, the issue is never the issue, the issue is the Revolution. For the Marxist – the Communist – every field of human endeavor is a battleground and an opportunity to advance the Revolution.

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Front Page Headlines

Can Harris’s Cynical, Run-out-the Clock Campaign Succeed?
Victor Davis Hanson, American Greatness
The Russian collusion hoax, the laptop disinformation con, the two impeachments, the effort to remove Trump from some 16 state ballots, and the attempt to jail and bankrupt Trump through indictments and suits also led to the current hateful climate of Trump assassination attempts. Harris thinks her delays, deceptions, and vilifications for the next 47 days will ensure her victory. But if so, it will be because she, her stealth campaign, and her self-proclaimed guardians of democracy have been willing to systematically destroy it.

Florida’s Investigation of the Trump Assassination Attempt Could Yield Frightening Results
Scott McKay, The American Spectator
The proof must be obtained, which is what DeSantis’ investigation is charged with doing. Perhaps there is no “there” there, and perhaps Trump is simply outrageously unlucky. Maybe what we’re seeing is merely the foreseeable confluence of breathtaking Secret Service incompetence and media/political irresponsibility in demonizing him in front of the crazies. One has to believe there’s more going on, but maybe that isn’t true. But maybe it is. Maybe we’re looking not just at a plot to kill Trump but a whole campaign to do it.

Killing Trump? The Democrats should answer for their role in the toxic politics of America.
Daniel Henninger, Wall Street Journal
What virtually all these violent men have in common is that they are the product of our jacked-up age of constant and addictive media immersion. Both the Trump shooters had marinated in our politics, especially social media, and from there tipped into irrationality. Seven years ago, a social-media obsessive, James Hodgkinson, shot up a congressional baseball practice. We will discover in less than 50 days whether the targeting of Mr. Trump helps or hurts his candidacy or if he’s just too hot for another presidential term.

Kamala Harris Explains: ‘This Concept of Public Trust…Means You Have Been Invested with Trust’
Craig Bannister,
Despite routinely comparing Donald Trump to Hitler and calling him “a threat to democracy,” Vice President Harris was declaring that public figures should “be responsible in the way you use your words” when she provided her circular-logic definition of “trust.” The “concept of the public trust” requires public figures to “understand what the trust public means,” which is that “you have been invested with trust,” Harris said, adding that this responsibility/understanding “is an extension of what should not be lost in this moment”.

Majority of Voters Support Mass Deportations, New Poll Reveals
Daily Caller News Foundation (Rebeka Zeljko), The Star News Network
The majority of voters support mass deportations of illegal immigrants, a policy Donald Trump has vowed to implement, according to a Scripps News/Ipsos poll. A policy of mass deportations, which has been championed by Trump in his campaign for the presidency, got 54% of support among voters, including 86% of Republicans, 58% of independents and 25% of Democrats, according to the poll. Immigration remains a priority for 39% of voters, second only to inflation, which 57% of voters say is their top issue going into November.

This Is Not The America We Were Promised
Kurt Schlichter, Townhall
JD attacks the premises of the questions and refuses to back down. He won’t apologize for standing up for the normal American citizens of Springfield. He won’t be shamed into allowing them to be treated like serfs. We must refuse to accept the regime media’s premises and ruthlessly use the power that we will take back at this election to undo the damage the elite has caused. Let them call us “unChristian.” Let them call us “racist.” Let them call us “transphobic.” Who cares what they say? It’s time to take back our power and crush them.

Trump and Vance Need to Articulate the Stakes of the 2024 Race
Scott McKay, The American Spectator
In America, almost every single narrative spread by the credentialed elite falls apart upon the slightest scrutiny. And these are the stakes of this election: whether we ordinary Americans, those of us not being given aid, comfort, and status by the elite machine, are up to the task of ruling ourselves, or are we satisfied to devolve from citizens to subjects. The machine is killing us, because we’re letting it. Flawed though Trump might be, he is our only possible antidote to the machine. That is the chief reason he must win in November.

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