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  • Assault on America, Day 660: Trump presents stellar closing case to win final presidential debate

    Third and final Trump-Biden debate steered the race back to its proper course “Why didn’t you get it done, Joe?” This question -- posed by President Donald Trump, of course -- was the reoccurring theme in Thursday night’s final presidential debate. In a much better and more controlled performance, Trump cut to the heart of the matter on a number of important issues, putting Democrat challenger Joe Biden constantly on defense about his pie-in-the-sky plans and “experience” as a charter member of the swamp. Biden’s been in Washington forever. If he has all these proposals, why the heck did he wait all these years to get them done? It seems like a hundred years ago that the two met in Cleveland last month (September 29) for what was billed as the first of three presidential debates in the 2020 cycle. Remember? To the delight of no one -- except maybe his critics -- Trump was aggressive, interrupted Biden numerous times and friends and voters alike were taken aback by his anger-fueled performance. Now it almost feels as though the first debate was from a previous lifetime. Looking at snippets of video from the forum reminded me of footage from a campaign long ago. It is remarkable to think about how many fascinating things have transpired since the first and only other face-to-face meeting between the two. A small sampling of events: --Trump tested positive for COVID-19 two days after the debate; --To the great disappointment of liberals and his enemies, he recovered with relative ease and even took a doctor approved SUV ride to waive to supporters; --Vice president candidates Mike Pence and Kamala Harris traded jabs in Utah during their scheduled forum. Pence won handily; --The town hall presidential debate was cancelled due to purported “health reasons”, even though Trump was fully cleared to resume his normal schedule and used the time to conduct a number of huge rallies drawing well over a hundred thousand screaming backers; --Two or more members of Harris’s staff tested positive for the Chinese virus and she was taken off the campaign trail “as a precaution”; --Second debate would-be moderator Steve Scully was exposed as a biased slime bag and C-SPAN placed him on leave until after the election; --Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett appeared before the senate for several days’ worth of “questioning” by senators from both parties; she passed with flying colors and looks to be a shoe-in for confirmation. --Trump and Biden appeared in opposite town hall forums last Thursday evening; --Millions of Americans have early voted; and, last but not least, --Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop was released to the world, revealing extensive Biden family corruption and cover-ups by the media. Meanwhile, Joe Biden reacted angrily to simple queries and locked himself away for the past four days. And you thought 2016 was wild? That was child’s play by comparison. Every day has seemed like a year, yet the time still passed quickly. Last night’s calendar date added a sense of urgency to the debate (in Nashville, Tennessee, moderated by Kristen Welker of NBC News) and gave it an overwhelming feeling of importance. Many saw the occasion as the last best chance for both candidates to present their cases in front of a massive tuned-in audience. Unlike the first iteration, Thursday night’s debate was significantly “calmer” and more substantive, at least on Trump’s part. There were the expected Biden jabs at the incumbent for his response to the coronavirus as well as the usual recriminations, accusations and veiled insults against anyone who dares battle the entrenched forces of the media and ruling class (hint: Trump represents the former and Joe Biden, the latter). Experts and pundits from both sides will now analyze every word and phrase for possible micro-meanings and impact on the race, but one couldn’t help but sense there weren’t a lot of changed minds based on Thursday night’s festivities. People who love Trump still see him as a champion of the forgotten Americans and were reassured, again, that he would keep fighting the good fight on their behalf. Similarly, those who hate Trump were also satiated, bolstered in their devotion to voting against him at any cost. Then there was poor Joe Biden, the mind-slipping dunce wearing the Democrats’ hopes on his cognitively failing brow. Can anyone picture Joe Biden as president? Thursday night didn’t clarify the image, that’s for sure. The frustrated pol smiled and smirked like running mate Harris did in Utah, and then gritted his teeth and pointed at Welker during other moments of tension. Say anything the old grouch doesn’t like and “good guy Joe” morphs into “Come on! let me lecture you” Joe. The program started off with Welker admonishing each candidate to allow the other to answer the questions she presented, which sounded like a schoolmarm telling her students to be nice to each other at least until recess. Not surprisingly, the “mute” button actually worked well in my opinion. Trump was on his best behavior during the evening and let Biden fumble and bumble his way into promising federal resources for everything! Joe was for opening the economy, but not without national standards for battling the coronavirus and mandating everyone wear a mask! He's also for Obamacare with a public option, which Biden labeled “Biden-care.” Sure, that’s bound to be popular, isn’t it? (Trump nailed him on it, correctly coining it socialized medicine). Overall I’d say Welker did a fair job. She did bring up the Hunter Biden email topic and pressed the Democrat candidate to clarify what the business dealings meant. She didn’t follow-up on Biden’s claim that he hasn’t made a cent from foreign governments. Really? Maybe the money was all paid to Hunter and the son laundered it for his dad! There were times where Welker might’ve muted herself. After the debate concluded, Fox News pointed out that she interrupted Trump many more times than she did Biden. It was true. And it was annoying. But the NBC News anchor did allow both candidates to speak on topics of their choosing. So, it was good. One thing that stood out. During the rather extensive back-and-forth over the economy and issues such as the minimum wage, Biden pontificated about people below the poverty line and it wouldn’t hurt businesses to raise the minimum wage now. How the heck would he know? Biden’s never had to make a payroll in his life. Faker! Faker! Trump said he would have states set their own minimum wage. A much better compromise solution. And, at long last, the topic of illegal immigration came up. Biden said, “Within a hundred days I’m going to send to Congress a plan for a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented workers.” This was a clear pander to Hispanic voters, but it won’t work. If this is really how Democrats feel -- and you know it is -- then Biden lost the election right there. Trump might’ve said “I’m for Americans, not illegal aliens.” But at least the president got it on the record that the “cages” for children separated from their parents were actually built during Obama’s reign. Foreign Policy, where art thou? Going into Thursday night, President Trump and his campaign complained loudly about the topics Welker selected for the program. Both candidates were given the subjects in advance, but supposedly the moderator kept the actual questions to herself until showtime. So, everyone knew that Trump and Biden would be queried on Fighting COVID-19, American Families, Race in America, Climate Change, National Security, and Leadership. It doesn’t take a genius to discern what a major media representative would hope to gain from asking about “Fighting COVID-19”, or “Race in America” or “Climate Change.” All of these easily fit into a tight little box of general knowledge. (To Biden) Do you believe the Trump administration response to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP, or Wuhan, if you prefer) virus was appropriate under the circumstances? Did he take it seriously? Did he learn how awful it is to have to go through it? What would you have done better? Did he act as a super spreader because he didn’t wear a mask and caught the virus? Or, “Race in America.” Will you (Trump) disavow white supremacist groups? If you’re so against illegal immigration, knowing that it’s mostly an issue that involves Hispanics, isn’t this racism too? How are you (Trump) going to counteract the general belief that racism is a problem in police forces? Is that why they’ve endorsed you? Charlottesville… Ferguson… George Floyd… Breonna Taylor… QAnon… peaceful protests. Why is racism still such a problem? And “Climate Change.” (To Biden) This year we’ve had the largest number of devastating hurricanes in many, many, years. Add to that the raging wildfires out west. The scientific community says the matter is settled and that climate change will turn the earth into a great big ball o’ fire within x number of years if something isn’t done about it now. What would you say to climate deniers like Mr. Trump to get them to save themselves and us in the process? Even if these examples weren’t the exact words coming out of Welker’s mouth on Thursday evening, the gist was the same. All of these topics imply answers that can’t be proved one way or the other and play to the fears of scared people across the country, the vast majority of whom wouldn’t know or care that the elites are fixating on this extraneous politically correct nonsense when the folks at home are worried about paying the mortgage and their kids’ educations. And getting government out of their way. But what about foreign policy? The topic did come up several times. Welker asked both candidates about North Korea and China and Russia. Trump raised it numerous ways as well, pointing out the Biden family’s corruption on plenty of occasions. Biden couldn’t (or wouldn’t) answer to a lot of it, simply shaking his head and saying “It’s not true.” Whatever, Joe. For Trump, there’s a lot more to the foreign policy topic than just jabbing at Grampa Joe over his corruption and failure to get ahold of son Hunter’s intense thirst for enriching himself with his last name and hobnobbing with antagonistic foreign interests who despise the U.S. His administration in particular has an incredible foreign policy record that could’ve filled two debates’ worth of airtime if only the president were given a chance to do a little bragging about what he’s done and why he did it. Did Trump, as a candidate in 2016, vow to keep the country out of expensive and long-term foreign conflicts? Did his domestic energy policy produce highly visible results in the Middle East and Russia? Since America is no longer dependent on foreign sources, how has it influenced relations with Israel, the Arab countries and Iran? Not to mention Trump’s sanctions have pushed the Iranian regime to the brink. As relations with China continue to deteriorate, do we need someone who’s viewed as a strong leader to stand up to the communists, or a guy who allowed his son to make billion dollar deals with them? Why did Obama deserve a Nobel Peace Prize but Trump, with real agreements in hand, doesn’t? Last but not least, the election itself I can’t say for sure, but one of Joe Biden’s final thoughts on Thursday evening must have been, “Thank God I don’t have to do this again.” The 77-year-old lifelong Democrat pol had done it -- he’d campaigned for and won his party’s nomination on his third try. He’d successfully consolidated the liberal establishment’s backing behind him and gained the upper hand despite the aggressive and open opposition of the socialists. And in two debates he’d managed to sidestep every question that has meaning to about half the country’s voters. Biden gambled that the country wouldn’t care that much about son Hunter’s laptop and the impression that “the big guy” (Joe) was in on the scam every step of the way. Joe also wagered that he wouldn’t have to say much about what direction he would try to steer the Supreme Court or if he was gung-ho for changing the filibuster rules in the senate body that he haunted for over three and a half decades. Strangely enough, the topic of court packing and the filibuster wasn’t raised by Welker, but she did ask quite a few questions on COVID-19 and racism. Biden’s always been a blowhard full of bluster and hyperbole. Through it all, he’s managed to maintain an “every man” persona and provide the impression that he n’ Barack Obama were just two hip shades-wearing dudes who were more movie-set material than stuffy and boring Washington DC political hacks. To him, he’s an outsider who just happened to be inside the system for all this time, right? The Democrat managed to get through Thursday night’s forum without saying anything that was truly damaging. So did Trump, for his part. The media will spin this and that and most likely give the “win” to Biden because if they didn’t, then it might cause voters to at least reconsider Trump. And polls already show Trump gaining on the challenger with a week and a half to go. I personally felt that Trump “won” the debate, simply because he was, for a lack of a better way to put it, more “muted” than in the first go ‘round. Allowing Grampa Joe to bluster and make faces and wave his hand in the air and pretend to be ticked off about the coronavirus -- all of it just reaffirmed that this election is a choice between old fashioned flag waving patriotism and constitutional liberty versus the Kens and Karens of the world hiding behind the person of Joe Biden. More federal money for all! Here, have a handful! Elections matter. And they do have consequences. We can only hope there are enough people out there who remember the images of miscreants pulling down statues and Democrat politicians pontificating about mask wearing and “patriotic duty to do what we tell you to do.” Did Thursday night change the calculus? Probably not much. But the clock is ticking and Americans know as much about these candidates as any electorate, ever. Trump deserves the chance to Make America Great Again, or Keep America Great. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would be a disaster for the country. There’s really no way to sugarcoat it. Hunter Biden Joe Biden brand social issues cultural issues abortion pro-life law and order COVID-19 Nashville debate Kristen Welker China North Korea Tony Bobulinski

  • Twitter Lumps ‘Vote Trump’ GIF with Offensive Content

    Tuesday I had a meeting with my company’s social media team about making preparation for the unprecedented censorship we should be expecting between now and the election. Tuesday night I went to retweet something without making an additional comment. Just a straight retweet. Twitter, however, would allow me to retweet only if I posted a comment. I thought this could be isolated to my account, or just a glitch. Shortly after that, I saw something that shocked even me. One of conservative movement leaders, @RichardViguerie, had tweeted responding to others such as @SohrabAhmari and @LisaMarieBoothe, who were experiencing the same problem I was having about not being able to retweet without adding a comment. Richard tweeted a clever solution to this sudden choice by Twitter to prohibit plain retweets. “Just comment -- Vote Trump,” he suggested. Clever people develop ways to turn obstacles to advantage. I went back to his tweet a short while later, and noticed he had one reply tweet. That sole reply, though, was blocked by a warning, “Show additional replies, including those that may contain offensive content.” I assumed the left was trolling him with offensive content. But no. When I clicked past the Twitter warning, the reply tweet to Richard was simply a GIF saying “Vote Trump 2020” over an image of an American flag blowing in the breeze. The social media rules in play that morning already didn’t apply that evening. This is how swiftly the leftwing tech overlords will move between now and the election to influence the vote by suppressing speech. As I said to my team, be wise. Prepare now. Source tweet: 2020 Election Joe Biden House investigation Special Counsel Hunter Biden Twitter Facebook censorship retweets comments

  • Three Big Reasons Trump Will Be Reelected (3 of 3)

    There are lots of reasons President Trump is likely to be reelected – some are purely technical political campaign reasons and others are matters of policy preference for the majority of the electorate, but in our view the top three reasons Trump will be elected are centered on how Trump has branded the Democrats and how the Democrats have branded themselves. And the third of those top three is that Democrats have branded themselves as opponents of American Exceptionalism and haters of the country they aspire to govern. In 2014 Joe Biden told a Harvard class: “There’s nothing special about being an American.” "We're not going to make America great again. It was never that great," said leading Democrat, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, and that sums up the attitude of most Democrats toward the country they aspire to govern. If Democrats believe that then little wonder they want to fundamentally change or erase the traditions, laws, constitution and culture that built the greatest civilization the world has ever known. And Joe Biden and Gov. Cuomo are not alone among leading Democrats in denigrating America. Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one of the leaders of the new generation of Far Left House Democrats declared the state of America is “garbage.” She later said in an Instagram video that “the United States is running concentration camps on our southern border.” Rep. Ilhan Omar, another member of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s “squad” of Anti-American Democrats claimed America was responsible for genocide, “A true acknowledgment of historical crimes against humanity must include both the heinous genocides of the 20th century, along with earlier mass slaughters like the transatlantic slave trade and Native American genocide, which took the lives of hundreds of millions of indigenous people in this country,” Omar said. Omar has also drawn a moral equivalence between the United States and Al Qaeda. And of course there's Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont who once told a group of ninth graders that the U.S. committed acts in Vietnam “almost as bad as what Hitler did…” None of this is lost on Americans outside the Washington Beltway and professional political class who ask themselves why people who have it so good can be so mad at the country in which they live? As Republican Rep. Tom Emmer put it, “My grandfather’s Democratic Party is officially dead… The socialist Democrats who now control the House have made it clear they are here to destroy the free America that we love.” And this Anti-American message was heavily reinforced by the Democratic Party’s National Convention that was a four-day long recitation of grievances against America. As the Washington Examiner’s Eddie Scarry observed, Democrats have created, cultivated, and elevated an entire political culture that worships grievance and victimhood above anything else. The energy of the modern Democratic Party is mostly concentrated in the Black Lives Matter movement, said Mr. Scarry, a faction that is nothing if not a mass of people linked by grievance against America. And it's the same for every other special-interest group cobbled together to make up the party's base, such as the transgender rights lobby, the #MeToo feminists, and on and on. Radio talk show host and political commentator Larry Elder likewise noted Democratic Party leaders push the narrative that blacks, Hispanics, gays, etc. are victims, whether due "inequality" or "sexism" or "racism" or "otherism." However, “wokeism” and grievance isn’t selling, even to Democrats. Even though self-described Democrats who identify as liberal have doubled over the past dozen years, Gallup found last year that 54 percent of Democrats support a party that is "more moderate" while just 41 percent want one that is "more liberal." Indeed, poll after poll indicates that Americans are opposed to the kind of enforced political correctness that comes with the Democrats’ politics of grievance – an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll found fifty-two percent of Americans, including a majority of independents, said they are against the country becoming more politically correct and are upset that there are too many things people can't say anymore. And more importantly, a recent Hill-HarrisX poll found that 47 percent of Americans believe that speaking out against the U.S. is unpatriotic, while 29 percent said that such criticism is a way of showing patriotism. About a quarter — 24 percent — said they weren’t sure. The bottom line: There are a lot of voters, very likely the winning margin of voters, who may not be in love with Donald Trump’s tweets, but they are in love with their country. And when asked to choose whether America will remain America or become a grievance-driven socialist state, they are going to vote for Donald Trump to Keep American Great. Hunter Biden Joe Biden brand social issues cultural issues abortion pro-life Hyde Amendment Born Alive Executive Order religious liberty white privilege critical race theory school choice gun rights defund the police immigration enforcement law and order

  • Biden Corruption Requires Special Counsel Say House Conservatives

    On Monday, October 19, 2020 a group of 11 House conservatives, led by House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Andy Biggs (AZ-5), sent a letter to Attorney General William Barr urging him to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the prima facia evidence of corruption on the part of former Vice President Joe Biden, his son Hunter and their foreign business and diplomatic associates. Among the emails culled from Hunter Biden’s laptop were statements indicating Joe Biden received 50 percent from various deals and that he was slated to receive 10 percent equity in one of Hunter’s deals in Communist China. Those revelations are on top of the influence peddling exposed in a joint report on Biden family dealings in Russia and Ukraine released by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee in conjunction with the Senate Finance Committee. · Among the facts established in the Senate report were that while Biden was vice president, his son Hunter received a $3.5 million wire transfer from the billionaire wife of the former mayor of Moscow, individuals who are undoubtedly connected to Vladimir Putin. · Chinese nationals also lavished Hunter and other members of the Biden family with money, giving Hunter and Biden’s brother James credit cards for a $100,000 international shopping spree. · There was also a mysterious $142,300 wire transfer from a Kazakhstan businessman through a Latvian bank and a company in Singapore. · And new information regarding Hunter’s sweetheart gig on the board of a corrupt Ukrainian gas company that bribed a Ukrainian prosecutor. Joining Rep. Biggs on the letter were Representatives Paul Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04), Ted Budd (NC-13), Jeff Duncan (SC-03), Jody Hice (GA-10), Mark Green (TN-07), Debbie Lesko (AZ-08), Louie Gohmert (TX-01), Ted Yoho, D.V.M. (FL-03), Andy Harris (MD-01), and Steve King (IA-04). The Honorable William Barr Attorney General U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20530 Dear Attorney General Barr, Last week, reports surfaced about an uncovered hard drive and laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden. Emails, allegedly on the hard drive, have indicated that Hunter Biden may have helped to orchestrate a payout to his father, former Vice President Joe Biden, from his dealings with a Chinese energy corporation, and that he may have compromised the integrity of his father’s role as Vice President of the United States with his business dealings in Ukraine. These alleged revelations raise serious issues about former Vice President Joe Biden’s reported participation with his son’s business dealings, specifically whether the former vice president (1) received foreign monies during his tenure in the Obama administration, and (2) if former Vice President Biden allowed his son to peddle access to his father with foreign business entities. Americans deserve public officials who take great care to protect the integrity of their offices. Our constituents place great trust in their leaders at every level of government to conduct the people’s business with the utmost honesty, transparency, and accountability. If these reports about former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, are true, the former vice president fell far short of his responsibility to uphold his constitutional oath and betrayed the sacred trust of the American people. It is imperative that the American people receive answers and a full accounting of former Vice President Biden’s dealings with his son and his son’s business partners, and if the former vice president misused his office for personal gain. We request that the Department of Justice immediately appoint an independent, unbiased special counsel to investigate the issues that we have raised – as well as any corresponding legal or ethical issues that might be uncovered from the former vice president’s 47 years in public office. We ask for a response to our request by Friday, October 23, 2020, at 5 PM EST. Sincerely, Andy Biggs 2020 Election Joe Biden House investigation Special Counsel Hunter Biden House Freedom Caucus Andy Biggs Attorney General William Barr wire transfer Burisma corruption

  • Assault on America, Day 659: Trump will win the crowd by letting Joe Biden battle himself

    Final presidential debate: two candidates speaking to different audiences To whom do you speak? A wise politician knows the answer before the question is asked. There’s a scene in the movie Gladiator where the film’s main character, Maximus, receives advice from a mentor, Proximo (who happens to be his owner, since he is a slave), on how to attain his goal of confronting the emperor and taking revenge. “Listen to me,” Proximo said. “Learn from me. I wasn’t the best because I killed quickly. I was the best because the crowd loved me. Win the crowd and you’ll win your freedom.” Maximus replied, “I will win the crowd. I will give them something they’ve never seen before.” Despite its antagonistic feel, this year’s election isn’t exactly like ancient Roman civilization’s bloody gladiator games, though the pearl of wisdom Proximo passed to Maximus could be considered just as relevant today as it was (approximately) two thousand years ago. Tonight’s third (second?) and final presidential debate (9 p.m. EDT at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, moderated by NBC News’s Kristen Welker) could possibly determine who will live in the White House and set executive policy for the next four years. It's a test of worldviews alright. And whoever “wins the crowd” will prevail in the election. Tonight, however, President Donald Trump and Democrat challenger Joe Biden will both be targeting different groups of voters. Unlike in the Roman Coliseum days, the American electorate is made up of coalitions of people who don’t all think alike. And instead of blood and carnage, (some?) voters would rather hear about issue platforms that will make their lives better. Does the “win the crowd” analogy work here? It depends on who’s more credible and has a record for keeping promises to the American people. Vice President Mike Pence wrote at the USA Today, “When Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president, he launched a movement to restore the promise of America. “Since taking office, President Trump has delivered record-breaking results for all Americans. For decades, president after president, Republican and Democrat alike, failed to execute the agenda that they promised voters. For the last four years, I have stood with President Trump as he kept his promises to the American people, even when facing unprecedented attacks from the permanent Washington political class and their allies in the mainstream media… “There is no doubt that 2020 has been a time of unprecedented challenges. Thankfully, we have a president with the toughness, energy and resolve to ensure that America’s best days still lie ahead. A vote to reelect President Trump is a vote for a safer, stronger and more prosperous America.” Yes it is. And although Trump is very unlikely to couch it in such eloquent terms, he will definitely be homing in on the aspects of his agenda that made America prosperous and optimistic in the first three years of his presidency, before the Chinese Communist Party (CCP, or Wuhan, if you prefer) virus invaded the brains and bodies of innocent people all over the world. By now, Trump is well versed in talking about the virus. It’s all the media’s been asking him about (except for maybe his tax returns) for months, so it will be a difficult task for Welker to devise a question that evokes anything other than well-worn responses from both debate participants. Trump’s will be something along the lines of, “Deaths are down 85 percent from six months ago and we’ve developed some terrific new treatments that beat the virus. That was my experience. Don’t let fear of the virus ruin your life. Get out and enjoy living. Work, breathe, have fun. Wear a mask if you’re inclined. But there’s no reason the world has to come to an end because of something China started.” “And one more thing before you cut off my microphone. Biden is a corrupt loser who… (sound ends after Welker triggers the mute button).” Biden will offer his standard hyperbolic nonsense. “He -- Trump -- didn’t take it seriously from the beginning and now we’re up to two hundred and twenty-five thousand deaths or something. If he’d just acted quicker and set a patriotic example by wearing a mask every one of those people who died would still be alive. And he’s responsible for all the job losses, too. The Obama economy produced all that prosperity and he ruined it with his tax cuts that only benefit the wealthy and Wall Street.” Follow up: “I know you would do it gently, but would you shut down the economy again, Joe?” “I will do whatever it takes to beat the virus. I’ve said in my one or two media appearances in the past six months that you can’t get a hold of the economy until you deal with the virus. Nobody trusts anything this clown says, so who knows if a vaccine will help things. Vote for me and everyone will magically return to work in high paying green jobs and we’ll all live happily ever after with free healthcare and college for all! Oh, and Hunter had nothing to do with colluding with the Chinese to manufacture the coronavirus! He’s a good boy and never did anything illegal. (Looking at Trump) Stop the smear campaign, Jack!” There isn’t a voter from the lower 48 or Alaska or Hawaii who needs to hear another word about COVID-19, but it was one of the subjects Welker slated for the candidates to talk about -- again. The Trump campaign objected to the topics selected and the new rule whereby the moderator can enforce “silence” whenever she feels like it, by killing the candidates’ individual microphones. Here’s thinking the NBC News anchor will let Biden ramble on about malarkey and big government plans and “Here’s the deal” and “You didn’t build that!” all the former vice president wants. Trump, on the other hand, will regularly be cut off after his two minutes expire. Who knows, if/when the president goes there -- and talks about Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop -- maybe Welker will silence Trump in the middle of his allotted time. It wouldn’t surprise me at all. Welker could be the live version of Twitter and Facebook. The Trump campaign had asked for foreign policy to be included in the third debate since the parties, by prior arrangement, had agreed to emphasize it in the final forum (of course, the Biden camp denied the accord). But Welker thought otherwise, apparently. Tonight’s topics are, Fighting COVID-19, American Families, Race in America, Climate Change, National Security, and Leadership. Trump was entirely justified to object to the proposed discussion list, since it closely mirrors the subjects Chris Wallace asked about on September 29. Since foreign affairs is almost exclusively the domain of the executive branch, it’s absolutely vital to explore the candidates’ views on the subject. But Democrats would much rather keep the focus on the pandemic, racism, women’s rights (translation: abortion), “climate change” (translation: more crapola on windmills and solar panels) and the awful fossil fuel industry, and “leadership” (translation: allow Biden to talk about how Obama defeated the Swine Flu and killed Osama bin Laden). No foreign policy? Didn’t Democrats impeach Trump over a phone call to the Ukrainian president? What about all the accusations of “collusion” with the Russians and coddling Vladimir Putin? Wouldn’t Biden say he’s the only one with the experience to deal with China? And those Trump meetings with Kim Jong Un, they didn’t get us anywhere, did they? Don’t leave out how Trump betrayed America’s European allies. The shame of it! Trump strategy unknown, but he really just needs to be like Mike (Pence) No one tells Donald Trump what to do. Many a political observer has suggested that Trump keeps a counsel of one -- himself -- and therefore doesn’t require a team of advisors or consultants to steer him towards the least common denominator political position. Some presidents more than others govern according to polls, but Trump is a man who likes having people on his side. Last Thursday night during his town hall forum, for example, the president repeatedly said to “moderator” Savannah Guthrie, “we’re on the same side here.” The million dollar question for tonight is how much Trump will go after the hapless Joe Biden, or if he’ll lay back and tout his administration’s accomplishments and allow his opponent to ramble and fumble and gaffe and greatly exaggerate facts and figures all on his own. Or simply lie through his teeth, as Biden is renowned for. In the biggest irony of all, Welker’s mute button may actually help the incumbent president because viewers won’t be able to hear his comments and interruptions (if there are any) this time. Trump doesn’t have to stick to a pre-concocted message, but he must demonstrate more discipline than he did three and a half weeks ago in the first meeting of the candidates. Simply put, a repeat of the mean, distracted and angry Trump will not be well received. A controlled demonstration of temperament, on the other hand, will refute his critics and help pacify the doubters out there who like Trump’s policies but aren’t sure about his willingness to go the extra mile to heal the divisions in the country. Mike Pence did a stellar job of keeping his cool and letting his opponent ensnare herself in her own net two weeks ago during the vice presidential debate. He didn’t concede an inch while nailing Kamala Harris on her contradictions and refusal to answer the court packing question. “Let the record reflect that she refused to answer the question,” Pence said. Similarly, Trump could win this debate by smoothly and calmly pointing out everything Biden can’t or won’t answer, which should be pretty much everything. Does Joe disavow Antifa? How about Colin Kaepernick? Trump should listen to the advice of some of those around him. Kellyanne Conway was there for him four years ago and he turned in a very reasonable debate performance against super sleazeball politician Hillary Clinton. The only thing people remember from that night was his answer to the “will you concede if you lose on Election Night?” query. But the rest of the event was substantive and… presidential. Americans want to see if Trump can act the part for 90 minutes. Perhaps Melania, Pence, Conway and daughter Ivanka should all have a heart-to-heart with him before he goes on stage. All Biden had to do in the first debate to “win” in many folks’ minds was stand straight for an hour and a half and sound halfway coherent. All Trump has to do to win tonight is act like a president for an hour and a half. Can he do it? Let Biden say whatever he wants. Everyone knows he’s full of it. Win the crowd, Donald. Think Joe Biden wants to talk about the Supreme Court now? When President Trump and Joe Biden met on the debate stage last month, the nation was still getting used to the fact that Judge Amy Coney Barrett was nominated to replace the ultra-liberal feminist icon Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who passed away less than two weeks before. Now that Americans have had the opportunity to see Barrett during her hearings, however, her confirmation is favored by a bare majority of voters. Far from the being the right-wing ideologue Democrats tried to paint her as, Barrett came across as a “normal” mom with stellar smarts and a mind so sharp she could slice through the meanest of liberal debasement campaigns. Now, Barrett is likely to be confirmed as early as next Monday. Susan Ferrechio reported at The Washington Examiner, “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the Senate will vote Monday, Oct. 26, on the Supreme Court nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, all but ensuring nine justices will be seated ahead of the Nov. 3 election. “McConnell made the announcement following a closed-door meeting with GOP lawmakers, who nearly unanimously approve of confirming Barrett despite the objections of all Democrats... “Democrats have warned Barrett’s nomination would shift the centrist court far to the right and are now weighing ‘packing’ the high court with additional justices of their own choosing if the party is able to seize control of the Senate and White House in November.” Barrett’s name is bound to come up in tonight’s debate. Trump should allow Biden to repeat all the nonsense that Democrat senators threw at the judge in her time before the panel. Let any undecided voters clearly see that it isn’t about the law as much as it is Democrats gone frantic over their perceived loss of power. Biden has said he will reveal his position on court packing before the election. Trump will press him on it. Maybe Biden hopes the moderator will cut his own microphone before he fully answers. It could happen. As is true with every presidential debate, tonight’s forum is important to both camps. Having already proved he could survive a ninety-minute challenge, Joe Biden needs to do more than simply get through it. President Trump, on the other hand, simply needs to show that his temperament is commensurate with his commanding presence. Who will win the crowd? 2020 Election Mike Pence Kamala Harris Vice President debate Donald Trump Joe Biden COVID-19 town hall debate NBC ABC Kristin Welker third presidential debate

  • Assault on America, Day 658: Amy Coney Barrett, hugs and the cult of crazies on the left

    Amy Coney Barrett inspired enemies to hug one another. Isn’t this a good thing? She was too nice. And smart. And humble. And professional. And sharp. And unimpeachable. I’m not talking about Hillary Clinton, and certainly not referring to Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Mazie Hirono, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Gretchen Whitmer or (insert Democrat female’s name here) either. No, I’m speaking of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, the nominee who is in line to once again bring the high court up to its full nine-justice membership. The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on Barrett’s nomination tomorrow, clearing the way for a full upper chamber yea or nay tally next week. Only a fool would bet against Barrett being confirmed. By this time in the process, Democrats and the media are usually in full panic mode, proverbially ripping the hair from their itchy scalps trying to fashion some means to stall the inevitable. Two years ago, distinguished judge Brett Kavanaugh was on the doorstep of being passed to the next level when all heck broke loose concerning an allegation that he’d been improper with a teen girl at a party in the 1980’s. Not a single person on God’s green earth could corroborate the story, yet the senate minority insisted on turning the fantastic slander into a spectacle of historic proportions. It’s still early (at least by Democrat standards), but it doesn’t appear that the farcical theatrics will be repeated with Barrett. In fact, the lead Democrat and Republican on the Judiciary committee shared a lengthy embrace at the conclusion of the several-day questioning session last week. Alex Swoyer reported at The Washington Times, “Liberal groups erupted in anger after Sen. Dianne Feinstein praised the way Republicans ran last week’s confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett and demanded that the senator be ousted as Democrats’ top member on the Judiciary Committee. “Ms. Feinstein wasn’t the only Democrat to compliment Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican and committee chairman, but when she embraced him at the end of four days of hearings, it sent shock waves through the activist network that had spent weeks trying to gin up opposition to President Trump’s high court nominee. “Organizations such as NARAL Pro-Choice America and the feminist UltraViolet said Ms. Feinstein damaged those chances.” The aforementioned liberal groups aren’t exactly renowned for their moderation in any sense of the word, but this is absurd even for them. To imply that nonpartisan comity between colleagues in an elected body would jeopardize efforts to do anything in the political sense is flat wrong. It used to be that people could disagree on issues yet still be civil to each other. Even in times of intense division, it’s rare that tempers flare and blows (verbal or otherwise) are exchanged. A similar scene to Feinstein’s and Graham’s is repeated in churches all across the country every Sunday, where you shake hands or embrace people (at least in the pre-Chinese Communist Party virus days) and wish them “Peace be with you”, even if they’re unlike you in every way, shape or form. Both political sides praised the fairness and professionalism of last week’s Barrett hearings, which basically passed from day-to-day without much fanfare or controversy. Judge Amy was simply too prepared and composed to stir up enthusiastic opposition. Years from now, historians might look back on her as the perfect nominee. Even the left-leaning American Bar Association rated her “well qualified” to be a justice. The witnesses Democrats brought forward to oppose her didn’t talk about Barrett’s lack of character bona fides or qualifications; they concentrated on the political ramifications of her being on the Court in place of the departed Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Since Republicans hold the numbers, it really didn’t matter. I didn’t watch all the hearings but I speculate having Barrett in the committee room made everyone want to hug each other, as if to say “I’m sorry for the way the Kavanaugh thing got so out of control.” Committee member and Democrat VP nominee Kamala Harris was notably absent (except “virtually”), which might explain why everything went along so swimmingly. The woman makes everyone want to throw things whenever she’s present. At any rate, loony lefties are mad at Feinstein now for being human. Instead of acting like a standard liberal robot who would browbeat Mother Theresa if she were seated in the witness chair, the California senator said nice things about Graham and decided to let the voters make up their own minds about the merits of Barrett’s nomination. Some Golden State Democrats tried to oust the longtime pol two years ago when she ran for reelection, considering her too “moderate” for the leftward lurch of the state. But it begs the question: why the hug? Little displays of friendship can mean a lot. Seeing Feinstein and Graham’s moment, you harken back to eight years ago when then New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie “hugged” Barack Obama a few days before the election. Christie denies there was any such friendly gesture, but photos and the media’s spin play it out. The gratitude on Christie’s face alone portrayed a feeling of warmth towards Obama. When exit polls subsequently revealed how last-minute deciders factored in Obama’s response to Hurricane Sandy, the “hug” could’ve sealed the deal for a lot of people. As they always are, the 2012 campaign was nasty (though tame by 2016’s and 2020’s standards). If a picture is worth a thousand words, the Christie/Obama embrace was the equivalent of millions of votes. The lowest of the low-information voters probably couldn’t recite the differences in party platforms but they sure saw the incumbent as a good guy to walk a beach with (as Christie did). Here’s thinking Feinstein and Graham’s cuddle won’t have the same effect. First off, not nearly as many people saw it. Second, most voters couldn’t care less about what senators do, figuring they’re all members of the same elite club who probably pal around together after hours anyway. Weren’t Joe Biden and John McCain great friends? Third, very, very few know or care what the leftist interest groups think. And lastly, Barrett herself is so completely unobjectionable that she won’t serve as the campaign issue Democrats hoped she would be. Democrats learned their lesson from Kavanaugh. Or maybe not. One is tempted to give Democrats credit for the way they conducted themselves during Barrett’s hearings. Sure, they basically withheld the weapons that could’ve stirred up the hornet’s nest, a wave of media scorn that’s ruined countless lives regardless of truth or veracity. They largely left Barrett’s Catholic faith alone, instead preferring to attack her reported political leanings and how her personal views could impact the Court’s direction on healthcare -- and determining an election winner. It was a smart political move, wasn’t it? Liberals apparently recognized that they couldn’t gain much by smearing a mother of seven children (including two adopted Haitian children and a son with Down Syndrome) who is the epitome of decorum, dignity and manners. Barrett comes across as everyone’s mom, aunt or sister, the one who organizes family gatherings and is trusted with breaking bits of bad news to Grandma because she’s widely regarded as everyone’s favorite person who no one would dream of getting upset with. Democrats are smart, aren’t they? They were simply behaving themselves because they were apologetic for the way Kavanaugh was treated, right? Guilt is a powerful motivator. Lindsey Graham himself yelled at them back then, saying “I hope y’all never get power.” Then November, 2018 came around and voters not only failed to reward the Democrats for their outlandish behavior, they increased the size of the GOP senate majority. As a result, in their internal caucus strategy meetings, Democrats surely must’ve agreed to leave Barrett alone. This close to the national election, the last thing liberals wanted was to be viewed as boorish, petty and mean, the very qualities they falsely ascribe to President Trump. So, perhaps senators were given the greenlight to go on and on about Obamacare and to bring blown-up photos of supposed health care sufferers, but Barrett herself was off limits. Next, they wouldn’t dare savage Barrett like they did to Kavanaugh because she’s a woman. Joe Biden’s election chances hinge on Democrats maintaining the suburban white women’s vote -- the legendary soccer moms who reportedly are turned off by Trump’s personality and stimulated by promises of free federal stuff. Therefore, to chew up and spit out the outwardly docile Judge Amy wouldn’t look good to this crucial constituency. These women want healthcare, dang it, not another four years of Donald Trump! But the biggest reason why Democrats left Barrett alone was the hopelessness of stopping her confirmation. In 2018, Democrats saw an opportunity to defeat Kavanaugh because of the presence of a few RINO senators who might be swayed to their side. First and most prominently was former Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, who was so spineless and timid that he probably could bend over backwards like a cartoon Gumby. Who will ever forget the “elevator” scene that unfolded after it seemed like Flake had made up his mind to vote with every other Republican committeeman to confirm Kavanaugh? Flake was so malleable that a strong wind could knock him over. Then there was Senator Lisa Murkowski who loves being a contrarian (she ultimately sided with the Democrats); and Senator Susan Collins, who ended up voting yes and sealing the deal. With Barrett, there was no such wishy-washy opening for Democrats to exploit. Jeff Flake retired, never to be seen again in any meaningful way. Flake sends checks to Democrats and continues to snipe at Trump, but he’s been put out to the #NeverTrump pasture and will languish in obscurity as one of the biggest hypocrites of all time. Murkowski and Collins indicated they wouldn’t vote to confirm Barrett’s nomination (though Murkowski is getting pressure to vote yes), deeming it too close to the election, but fortunately, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doesn’t need their votes. Collins is in a tight reelection race, so she can be granted a bit of a pass on this one. This year’s “Flake” stand-in is Senator Mitt Romney, though the 2012 GOP nominee has already indicated he’ll favor Barrett. Therefore, Republicans have all the votes they’ll need. Democrats realized the futility of giving Barrett the Kavanaugh treatment, so why bother looking awful to the voters? Before we give Democrats too much credit, though, consider that they’re restraining themselves for sinister reasons. Like a football team in a tied game that allows the other side to score a touchdown at the goal line so as to preserve enough time to receive the ball and mount a last-minute drive to even up the game again, Democrats are saving their biggest rhetorical guns for Trump himself. They’ll do anything to get ol’ Grampa Joe elected. And it has nothing to do with hugs or being nice. Don’t be fooled. In 2020, enthusiasm ain’t everything, but it’s much better than not having it Conservative firebrand columnist Kurt Schlichter says he can always tell which candidate is ahead in any political race by who’s having the most fun. If merriment is the deciding factor, President Trump will win next month’s election in a landslide. Is his backers’ enthusiasm enough to win on Election Day? S.A. Miller and Seth McLaughlin reported at The Washington Times, “President Trump is out to prove, as he did in 2016, that size does matter when it comes to drawing massive crowds to campaign rallies. “Thousands of cheering fans turned out for his freewheeling rallies at every stop as he barnstormed … from Florida to Georgia to Michigan to Wisconsin and Nevada. It’s an enthusiasm edge over Democratic challenger Joseph R. Biden that Mr. Trump relishes. ‘We’ve got the most energy in the history of politics, and he’s got the least,’ the president boasted to a rally crowd Saturday in Janesville, Wisconsin. “Indeed, Mr. Biden is lucky to have 100 supporters at one of his events, though he says a smaller crowd is more prudent during a pandemic. He is also banking on a less-is-more master plan that capitalizes on what he sees as America’s Trump fatigue.” As stated before, Biden won’t be able to get away with his “I’m hiding from the coronavirus” excuse forever. Trump’s outdoor rallies draw thousands, and not all of them are wearing masks. Yet even the snoopy, biased media has been unable to report them as “super spreader” events. Where’s the coverage? Who has died because of a Trump rally? Not only is Biden dull as heck as a candidate, he’s uninspiring to everyone -- even his voters. Democrats depend on enough people disliking Trump to prevail. Anger gets people to the polls, but it's not enough to win it all, especially when Trump has millions of happy supporters. Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation process certainly benefitted Trump. Some Americans may not take to Trump’s over-the-top personality, but they see him as an effective means to place people like Barrett in positions to make a difference. Enthusiasm for a candidacy is hard to measure; but lack of energy is easily discernible. Joe Biden should be worried. Amy Coney Barrett nomination Senate Judiciary Committee vote Donald Trump 2020 election Joe Biden COVID-19 Dianne Feinstein Lindsey Graham voter enthusiasm

  • Chief Justice Roberts Lights The Fuse On Election Chaos

    In our article Unconventional Warfare – The Democrat Plan To Oust Trump, we explained the timeline, steps and phase lines Democrats and their Far Left allies would use in an extra-constitutional effort to drive President Trump from office. One of the key steps was for the courts to step-in and arbitrarily overturn existing election laws to enable Democrats to count votes until they win, especially in battleground states controlled by Democrats, such as Pennsylvania: “Democrats will go to court to overturn state statutory deadlines for submitting mail-in ballots, such as Florida’s “must arrive by Election Day” rule. Instead, Far Left Democrat judges will substitute their own arbitrary and capricious “standards” of what constitutes a legally cast ballot.” We also implied the weak link in the judiciary that Democrats would exploit is Chief Justice John Roberts, and it now appears that, while not accurate in every detail, we were right about how Democrats would try to use Leftist judges to change election laws to erode ballot security and that Chief Justice Roberts is indeed the weak link. In the just-decided case of Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar, Roberts sided with the three activist Democrats on the Supreme Court to allow Pennsylvania’s Democrats to count ballots received up to three days after Election Day – even though Pennsylvania law allows only ballots received on or before Election Day to be counted. The extension was created by the Democrat-controlled Pennsylvania Supreme Court which essentially re-wrote Pennsylvania election law at the behest of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. The Associated Press reported that, in its Sept. 17 ruling, the divided state Supreme Court said ballots must be postmarked by the time polls close and be received by county election boards at 5 p.m. on Nov. 6, three days after the Nov. 3 election. It also said that ballots lacking a clear postmark could be counted unless there was evidence that they were mailed after the polls closed. What Roberts has done is make postmarks the new “hanging chads” of contested elections, while giving potential election manipulators a clear roadmap of how to go about getting their fraudulent ballots counted. This a sure recipe for election chaos, if not a spark to ignite what amounts to a civil war. And Pennsylvania isn’t the only place where this is an issue, there’s a similar Wisconsin case pending and the Democrat-controlled Virginia Board of Elections is also in the process of re-writing Virginia election law to accept Absentee Ballots that are returned after Election Day with a missing or illegible postmark. As we explained many times in the past, Election Day chaos is part of the Democrat Party’s political strategy. See It’s Not A Protest, It’s Not A Riot, It’s A Revolution (Part 4) and The Democrats’ Chaos Strategy Almost Worked In Florida for examples. The goal of this chaos strategy is to bring the conduct and results of the 2020 election inside the “margin of chaos,” where means other than counting legally cast votes, attributable to legal voters, will determine the outcome. Crucial to this strategy is to fundamentally change the way American elections are conducted by eliminating in-person, ID checked voting and substituting unverifiable mail ballots, or online voting. As we explained in our article “The Democrats’ Goal Is Election Chaos,” the 2018 post-Election Day chaos in Florida, Georgia and elsewhere was not due to incompetence. It was part of a larger, long term plan that has been executed by Democrats to use chaos to move as many elections as possible into what our friend election lawyer J. Christian Adams calls “the margin of litigation.” Once inside the margin of litigation, election laws and the rules and deadlines with which honest Republican candidates complied pre-election, are thrown out the window by activist Leftist judges and highly partisan Democrat supervisors of elections to the advantage of Democratic candidates and committees who knew in advance that ballots that were illegal on their face would have a good chance of being counted – as they were in the 2020 New York Congressional District 12 Democrat primary election. Conservatives must come to grips with the reality that for the new radical progressive Democratic Party politics is warfare, and the only rule in war is to win, and that Chief Justice John Roberts is at best a weak link in our defense of constitutional liberty. 2020 Election Joe Biden Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts election chaos election laws voter fraud voter ID Pennsylvania mail-in ballots ballot security Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Boockvar postmarks margin of litigation

  • Three Big Reasons Trump Will Be Reelected (2 of 3)

    There are lots of reasons President Trump is likely to be reelected – some are purely technical political campaign reasons and others are matters of policy preference for the majority of the electorate, but in our view the top three reasons Trump will be elected are centered on how Trump has branded the Democrats and how the Democrats have branded themselves. And the second of those top three is how Democrats have branded themselves on law and order. In an otherwise anti-Trump and anti-Republican op-ed in the Washington Post, Jonathan M. Metzl dropped this little gem: Marquette University pollster Charles Franklin found that “favorable” views of Black Lives Matter protests among White residents of Wisconsin fell from plus-22 to minus-5 between June and August. Mr Metzl attributes this shift in the polls to racist “messaging” by President Trump and Republicans “that links racial justice with rioting and looting and casts Democratic cities as anarchist purgatories” as opposed to the rational response of normal Americans of all races watching their TVs and deciding they don’t want the rioting, looting and vandalism they see in Seattle, Portland, New York and other Democrat-controlled cities come to their own communities. Here are just a few examples of the Democrats’ embrace of street violence has come back to haunt them: Video of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and his wife, Kelley shielded by police as they were chased back to their hotel by violent BLM rioters has gotten more than 10 million views. BLM attacking random people, shutting down restaurants, climbing into homes in Rochester, NY, where the corrupt African American mayor fired the law and order African American Chief of Police. The looting of luxury boutique storefronts and “eat the rich” graffiti in New York City. The BLM leader in Chicago who said looting was “reparations.” But it isn’t just hitherto unknown “leaders” of the BLM movement – it is also Democrat elected officials and party leaders who have embraced the chaos and street violence: Appearing on MSNBC's "AM Joy" Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley (MA-7) said, "You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives.” During an interview with CNN host Chris Cuomo, Seattle’s Democrat Mayor Jenny Durkan said that the violent occupation of a six-block square area in Seattle’s Capitol Hill area, where two people were eventually murdered, could be a “summer of love.” Muslim Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar (MN-5) proudly declares “I am, by nature, a starter of fires…I’m going to burn down everything around me…” When President Trump threatened to send Homeland Security agents to New York to stop the violence Mayor Bill de Blasio said, “We would immediately take action in court to stop it.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t even criticize a Baltimore mob for throwing a statue of Christopher Columbus into the harbor, saying, “People will do what they do.” A Pew study from June found that 73% of Americans want spending on their local police to stay about the same as it is now or be increased; only 12% said it should be decreased “by a lot.” So, it has not been lost on voters that when Democrats in Minneapolis and elsewhere defunded the police in response to the demands of violent Leftwing rioters, crime went up. John Solomon’s Just the News reported the Minneapolis Police Department's crime data shows a rise in assaults, robberies and homicides, as well as property crimes and arson. More people have been killed in the city in the first nine months of 2020 than those killed in all of last year. What’s more, while commentators, such Mr Metzl, want to make law and order about “racial justice” the Democrats have embraced and defended the anarchy ever since Donald Trump was elected – and voters of all races are getting tired of it. In Portland, Oregon, the scene of almost continuous riots starting the day after Donald Trump won the 2016 election, Antifa’s Marxist urban guerillas have nearly taken over the city – with the help and support of Portland’s Democrat Mayor, Ted Wheeler. It has not been lost on voters that for months on end Mayor Wheeler has been defending the violent Marxists who are destroying downtown Portland. Back in July, when the revolutionaries began to escalate their attacks on the federal courthouse with incendiary devices, Wheeler demanded that federal officers leave the city, calling their presence “an unconstitutional occupation,” in a rant that made national news. And the voter distaste for chaos and street violence is now apparent even in famously liberal Oregon. Alek Skarlatos, 28-year-old Republican political novice, is now within striking distance of Far Left 33-year incumbent Democrat Congressman Peter DeFazio in the state’s 4th District congressional race. As reported, early in the campaign, Skarlatos released a video that at first glance looked more like a trailer for a new Terminator flick. A searchlight cuts through murk of what appears to be a post-apocalyptic landscape. Ominous music plays. “Socialists and communists are burning our cities,” Skarlatos intones. “Violent mobs are attacking our men in uniform. We can all feel it. America is in danger.” Many voters in Oregon and elsewhere think Skarlatos is right. Finally, we look to the vast increase in gun sales as a baseline indicator of the public’s support of law and order. NPR reported that federal background checks for handgun buyers in June were up 300 percent over last year. A researcher estimates that 3 million more guns than usual were sold during the first half of the year, and August 2020 saw another record month for gun sales with at least 1.6 million firearms sold – and we seriously doubt many of those gun buyers plan to vote for Joe Biden, who has made it clear he wants to confiscate the guns they just bought. Establishment media polls have tended to show Biden winning, even on the law and order issue, but we don’t believe them – and POLITICO reports neither do the Democrats. As national political correspondent David Siders reported, in swing state suburbs, local Democratic Party officials met the Labor Day start of the fall campaign with an undercurrent of uneasiness about how quickly Trump shifted the focus of the campaign to public safety, widespread concerns about the political volatility — and potential allure — of the president’s law-and-order message. In Pinal County, Ariz., where, Mr. Siders reported, “Thin Blue Line” flags have proliferated outside Phoenix and Tucson, Holly Lyon, chair of the local Democratic Party, said, “There is that little sort of unsettled feeling in people because we can tell that [Trump’s messaging] is grabbing hold, and it’s working.” When voters head to the polls this fall, “Orange Man Bad” is not a persuasive message for Democrats when civil unrest has gripped the nation and the safety of their homes and families is on the ballot. Hunter Biden Joe Biden brand social issues cultural issues abortion pro-life Hyde Amendment Born Alive Executive Order religious liberty white privilege critical race theory school choice gun rights defund the police immigration enforcement law and order

  • Joe Biden Stays In The Führerbunker

    In the waning days of World War II, as Soviet armies closed-in on the Nazi capital of Berlin, Nazi dictator Adolph Hitler holed-up in his Führerbunker exhorting imaginary armies to fight to the death and raging at subordinates for betraying him. We imagine a similar scene is playing out in Joe Biden’s basement Führerbunker right now, as the Democratic candidate for President has “called a lid” on his campaign until Thursday, scheduling no public events and cutting himself off from the outside world until he is supposed to emerge to engage in one final Götterdämmerung debate with President Donald Trump. After more than 300 political campaigns, including every Republican presidential campaign from 1976 to 2008, I can say with some authority Biden’s retreat to his basement cannot be credibly attributed to debate prep. Indeed, if he was really doing debate prep there would be a steady stream of advisors and coaches headed for Delaware and media announcements to go along with them. Back in 2008 Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm flew with back with Biden from a Michigan campaign stop to play his Republican opponent Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in mock debates. In an interview after she arrived in Delaware Gov. Granholm said, "I want to beat him up a little bit, so he does well." In 2012 it was announced Biden would spend a week at debate camp in Delaware overseen by President Obama’s top political strategist, David Axelrod. This year – nada on debate prep. But there has been a steady stream of discomfiting media about the misdeeds of Joe Biden’s miscreant son Hunter – and a lot of evidence that Joe Biden profited from Hunter’s influence peddling. And despite being surrounded by handlers who have been known to put his hand in their pocket to keep him from wandering off, Biden got loose long enough to attack a reporter who broke from the pack and asked him about the laptop that revealed Hunter’s influence peddling. As Prof. Jonathan Turley observed in a commentary on his website, Biden refused to comment and then disparaged CBS News reporter Bo Erickson for even asking him the question. Erickson simply asked “Mr. Biden, what is your response to the New York Post story about your son, sir?” Biden responded “I have no response.” Then Biden added “I know you’d ask it. I have no response, it’s another smear campaign, right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask.” Prof. Turley has long denounced Hunter Biden’s work as a classic influence peddling scheme. That does not make it a crime, but it is a common form of corruption in Washington. These emails, if true, observed Prof. Turley, would contradict Joe Biden’s past statements of his lack of knowledge or involvement. Moreover, it would shatter Joe Biden’s repeated assurance that his son did “nothing wrong.” One can argue over whether this is a crime, but few would say that there is nothing wrong with raw influence peddling worth millions with foreign entities. So, rather than answer questions from the media or do anything else to give legs to the story of Biden family corruption, Joe Biden, like the Führer, is hunkered down in his basement bunker, no doubt raging at Hunter and the others who have failed him as the incoming rounds blast his campaign to rubble. 2020 Election Joe Biden basement bunker COVID-19 third presidential debate Donald Trump campaign events debate practice Hunter Biden Bo Ericksen influence peddling

  • Assault on America, Day 657: Joe Biden, noble crusader… or compromised placeholder candidate?

    Grampa Joe Biden and the last desperate Democrat crusade No doubt, 2020 will go down as one of the most -- if not the most -- unusual elections of all time. With two candidates each battling their own political bugaboos to attract voters’ favor, there’s never been a greater example of true theatrical partisanship than we’ve experienced this year. President Donald Trump is up against the fiercely antagonistic forces of both the DC establishment and the radical left. He’s been called a racist; he’s been labelled sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, a tax cheat, and, perhaps worst of all, selfish, incompetent and uncaring in the face of what the media portrays as the most devastating health emergency of modern times. Yet onward he goes, campaigning as though there’s no tomorrow if he loses. And maybe he’s right. Then there’s Democrat nominee Joe Biden, who’s fighting a number of issues himself, not the least of which is his age, mental condition, physical stamina, and, as was revealed last week, the ghosts and goblins of crooked son Hunter’s colorful past. Biden won’t answer questions about what he’d do if he wins the office and he certainly isn’t interested in talking about his family problems. Grampa Joe and his handlers are doing their best to keep him hidden from view as much as possible, hoping against hope that American Trump-haters will deem him the only alternative to four years of misery. There are a lot of ways to describe Biden. “Noble” isn’t one of them. Bill Clinton’s campaign brain, James Carville, writing at the #NeverTrump rag The Bulwark, tried doing it his way. “In less than two weeks, I will be 76 years old. I was a boy raised near some of the poorest banks of the Mississippi River and I’ve now had the overwhelming honor to help elect senators, governors, and my dear friend Bill Clinton as president of the United States. I’ve seen my face flash across the silver screen too many times and have flown around the world twice over practicing the profession I love. “All of this was wildly unimaginable to that little boy skipping rocks in Louisiana 70 years ago. But as I sit here, wonderstruck in retrograde, I can say with certainty that in all my years, joining in this crusade to take America back from the brink of destruction is the greatest thing I have ever been a part of in my life. “This crusade is something noble.” Noble? Crusade? Electing Joe Biden is “noble” and part of a “crusade”? Really? Carville’s built a career around being over the top in his rhetorical pronouncements, but this is way beyond his typical hyperbole. Together with his signature hairless scalp and unmistakable Cajun dialect that’s so thick you could slice it with a knife, the longtime Democrat mouthpiece has apparently joined forces with the self-labeled “Republican” losers at The Bulwark to try and milk every last ounce out of wishy-washy GOPers -- to urge them to rise up and reject Donald Trump before it’s too late and he lives on to torment them for another term. These unprincipled pests have unsuccessfully tugged at the pant legs of anyone who would acknowledge them, which basically now includes only slime-seeking producers at MSNBC and CNN as well as disgruntled Bush-era Republican establishment types and the random conservative who has dug himself such a deep hole that it's not possible to escape it any longer. Of course, if Carville and crew are successful in pushing (wheeling?) Biden across the finish line next month, Grampa Joe and the rest of his empowered, ferociously ticked off and ravenously hungry socialists will cast the #NeverTrumpers into the pit faster that you can say “Fogetaboutit.” What use are the other party’s turncoats when you can have authentic Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Maxine Waters drones as your marching force? Do you think Nancy Pelosi will welcome the RINO miscreants into her loving arms or kick them to the rear and tell them to go pound sand? The dwindled and pathetic group of anti-Trumpers will be like unwanted playthings on the Island of Misfit Toys of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer fame. No home for you! This time there will be no one to rescue them from obscurity and a lifetime of loneliness. Democrats will forever distrust the John McCain-type whiners for their past opposition to them while conservative Trump-backing Republicans will never want anything to do with the traitors again. Talk about “noble.” How about dissing your friends in their greatest hour of need? Carville himself will be fine. At nearly 76 years old (as indicated above), he’s still as sharp as a tack, which is very un-Biden-like for a man who thinks electing the doddering dunce placeholder candidate is a cause worthy of religious comparisons. Democrats don’t get emotional over the prospect of a Biden presidency (like they did with Hillary Clinton in 2016), but they’ll erupt with happy tears if they manage to oust the establishment-busting, swamp-draining Donald Trump. James Carville, kingmaker in 2020? If Joe Biden somehow wins the presidency, one could make a strong argument that James Carville deserves much of the credit. For it was Carville who led the party establishment’s rallying call to Democrats back in B.C. times (before coronavirus) to stop socialist strongman Bernie Sanders from taking the nomination. The Vermont senator had practically crushed his opposition in Iowa (though it’s still unclear whether he won or came in a close second to “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg), New Hampshire and Nevada. Those were the first three states to vote. Joe Biden finished fourth, fifth and second in those locales, not exactly inspiring for an Obama guy who was supposed to walk away with the Democrat nomination as the big O’s “next in line.” Carville famously coined the phrase “It’s the Economy, Stupid” in 1992 to keep skirt chasing big bubba Bill Clinton on message. Though he didn’t exactly pin it to the wall this time, Carville sounded the alarm for Democrats to reject the un-electable Sanders and take up a position behind the one candidate polls suggested could compete with Trump in the general election. Though Joe Biden’s best days are in the long past, his name still evokes a giddy response from diehard Democrats. Democrats would put forward a cardboard cutout if they thought it would get more votes than Trump. Wait, they already did that! And they’ve added the ultimate identity politics queen, Comrade Kamala Harris, too! Carville was also the one who expressed surprise that the candidates didn’t make a bigger deal out of the “coronavirus thing” in a debate before the late February South Carolina primary. Carville apparently sensed that Democrats could take a Chinese-based virus and turn it into a worldwide “crusade” to make people dependent on government. They spun ordinary citizens’ fears into what they believed was a winning issue against Trump. Rather than talk about what Biden would do as president, they’re much more preoccupied with probing Trump’s mind to see if he took the budding threat seriously enough in March. Either way, there’s no way to tell, which is fine for Democrats. With only two weeks to go and the news media still obsessing over tests, cases and the mortality rate, they only need to keep Biden hidden for a little while longer and then run out the clock. With this week’s final presidential debate as the only potential obstacle in their path, they’ll shoot ol’ Grampa Joe full of Red Bull or whatever they employ to keep him semi-coherent for a couple hours. If Biden survives, Carville and his ilk will be free to write all the op-eds they can muster in useless, un-read publications like The Bulwark and make appearances on liberal cable news channels waxing poetically about “noble” causes and crusades. The Democrats’ willing allies in the Deep State and big tech will similarly do everything in their power to help Biden win. Conservatives should launch a big “crusade” of their own. If the polls had been right and Hillary won the 2016 election, would the COVID-19 narrative be different today? Close followers of this year’s election were taken aback last Thursday night when President Trump took part in a town hall forum on NBC, “moderated” by network personality Savannah Guthrie. In what was billed as a time when voters (some Democrats, some Republicans, some leaners) could directly question the president, the first half of the program was more like a hostile cross-examination of a star witness at a murder trial. The “witness” being Donald Trump and the “murder victims” were every American who died with the dreaded Chinese Communist Party (CCP, or Wuhan, if you prefer) virus in their bloodstream. As lead inquisitionist, Guthrie tried in vain to establish causation and mens rea (or, for you non-law school types, the “guilty mind”) against Trump. It was shameful behavior on Guthrie’s part. Instead of allowing the president of the United States to describe his history with the virus and how he’d reacted to it, she basically disavowed everything he said, as though she were prosecutor, judge and jury on the matter. The media has kept alive the COVID-19 myth and society is not better off for it. Trump answered that the “cure” shouldn’t be more harmful than the problem. Good for him; finally, someone said it. He’s a “survivor” and knows better than his critics about how dangerous the virus is -- or is not -- when treated with new drugs and philosophies garnered from six months’ worth of working on it. If Hillary Clinton were in the chair instead of Trump, would the media’s attitude be the same? Trump is the perfect scapegoat for the left, always blamed for everything and never credited for anything. A Hillary Clinton presidency would’ve earned waves of kudos from the chattering class, her “courage and fortitude” constantly applauded by observers. If Hill had caught the virus, people like Guthrie wouldn’t ask her about her last negative test before her positive one. No, the media would wonder about her “feelings” when she found out she had a potentially lethal sickness and, “What went through your mind when you realized Bill and Chelsea had it too?” “Did your life pass before your eyes?” “Would the country survive?” “How terrible would it have been if the first female president had to give up the office to a man? (VP Tim Kaine -- yuck!)” Since the beginning, the media, with help from people like James Carville and Savannah Guthrie, have taken the “coronavirus thing” and pounded it into the perfect political sledgehammer to swing at Trump. Thankfully Trump is tough enough to take the blows. Americans -- or at least most of them -- aren’t stupid. They recognize when one leader is treated like a queen (Hillary) and one a goat (Trump). The media won’t get away with it. Shy Trump voters -- you can’t see ‘em, but you know they’re there! If you’re like me you dread hearing or reading about another poll showing Grampa Joe Biden (the “noble” one James Carville talked about) well out in front of President Trump. It’s almost like we start shaking our heads in disbelief before we even receive the numbers. Do the polls deceive again? Yes, if human nature is factored in. David Catron wrote at The American Spectator, “Shy Trump voters are, by definition, hidden. Many are people who rarely answer calls or texts from numbers they don’t recognize. These voters are very real but quite invisible to pollsters. Some shy Trump voters are willing to participate in some public opinion surveys, yet remain reluctant to level with pollsters. A recent IBD/TIPP poll found the following: ‘Overall, 20% of registered voters say they’re uncomfortable revealing their preferred candidate.’ This isn’t the only survey to reveal such reticence. A recent Cato Institute poll found that the reluctance of conservatives to share their political views has increased from 70 percent to 77 percent since 2017... “If there is no ‘silent majority,’ why aren’t the Democrats ahead in the phase of the election upon which they have placed so much emphasis? They are enjoying expected mail-in leads in other battleground states, like North Carolina, but they always do. In 2016, Clinton had a seven-point lead in North Carolina on October 25, but Trump won the state by more than 3 percent on Election Day. In Florida and Pennsylvania, it was closer but the story was much the same. In the end, the pollsters are clueless and the ‘experts’ are wrong on shy voters. All that matters is who shows up, and early Rust Belt turnout suggests another Trump victory.” We’ve talked about it before -- people you know who hesitate to reveal their political preferences. With social media platforms censoring conservative speech and shaming others for supporting Trump, it’s no wonder why many just go about their business without expressing opinions. Here’s thinking 2020 will be a “shy voter” election of epic proportions. Joe Biden isn’t “noble” and this year’s Democrat campaign is no “crusade.” Like a folk tale Rumplestiltskein, pundits such as James Carville try to spin straw into gold, but the average voter isn’t fooled. There are two weeks left until Election Day and President Trump has all the momentum he needs to shock them again this year. 2020 Election Mike Pence Kamala Harris Vice President debate Donald Trump Joe Biden COVID-19 town hall debate NBC ABC James Carville shy Trump voters

  • Three Big Reasons Trump Will Be Reelected (1 of 3)

    There are lots of reasons President Trump is likely to be reelected – some are purely technical political campaign reasons and others are matters of policy preference for the majority of the electorate, but in our view the top three reasons Trump will be elected are centered on how Trump has branded the Democrats and how the Democrats have branded themselves. And the first of those top three is how Democrats have branded themselves on what are often called the “social issues” or cultural issues. As the late former Reagan administration official and astute political observer Jeffery Bell noted in, "The Case for Polarized Politics," social conservatism has a winning track record for the GOP. "Social issues were nonexistent in the period 1932 to 1964," Bell wrote. "The Republican Party won two presidential elections out of nine, and they had the Congress for all of four years in that entire period. . . . When social issues came into the mix – I [Bell] would date it from the 1968 election . . . the Republican Party won seven out of 11 presidential elections." Today, the contrast between Democrats and President Trump on the social issues, or what we now call the cultural issues, could not be clearer. Trump, to the great astonishment of cultural conservatives who backed other candidates in the 2016 GOP primaries, has made himself into the greatest pro-life President ever. In no other area are the positions of Donald Trump and the Democrats more at odds than on the right-to-life. Donald Trump has made the right-to-life one of the cornerstones of his domestic policy – and he has gone to greater lengths than any President, including Ronald Reagan, to use his executive authority to protect the right-to-life. In contrast, Democrats want to make abortion up to the moment of birth not just legal, but a constitutional right, they want to abolish the Hyde Amendment, so Catholics and other abortion opponents are required to participate in the sin of infanticide and they want to guarantee a dead baby to any woman seeking an abortion by opposing President Trump’s Born Alive Executive Order and stymieing legislation to guarantee medical care to infants born alive in the course of an abortion. Democrats have also made it clear they think that your religious liberty and freedom of conscience are not natural rights bestowed by God, and protected by the Constitution, but privileges bestowed by the State. And if you disagree with the State, then your right to practice your faith is forfeit, and should your conscience contradict the State’s demands then the State must always win. In contrast, President Trump has embraced protecting religious liberty as a central domestic policy – and Attorney General Bill Barr has regularly dispatched Trump administration lawyers to defend churches and other religious institutions from discrimination by Democrat Governors and local elected officials. While Democrats have embraced “critical race theory” to divide the country with claims that all American institutions are products of “white privilege,” at the direction of President Trump, the Office of Management and Budget is ordering all federal agencies to “cease and desist” any government training programs that include any reference to the divisive fictions of “critical race theory” or “white privilege.” Finally, while Joe Biden and the Democratic Party have aligned themselves with “woke” teacher unions, the Trump Administration and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos have been strong proponents of pro-American history and social studies and school choice, pushing policies that would favor charter schools and vouchers. Calling school choice the “civil rights” issue of our times, branding himself as the school choice president is a big piece of Donald Trump’s appeal to urban African American families who see their children stuck in failing urban school districts run by Far Left teacher unions. It also appeals to culturally conservative parents of all races who do not wish to see their children indoctrinated with Far Left cultural propaganda in the form of kindergarten sex-education, acceptance of non-standard English and anti-American history and social studies curricula. In an op-ed based on the research for his book On the Road in Trump’s America: A Journey Into the Heart of a Divided Country, author Daniel Allott observed, after Obama was elected the Democratic Party began to embrace positions that only a couple of years earlier had been regarded as extreme, even among Democrats. Once-fringe positions – including race-based reparations for slavery, decriminalization of illegal border crossings, government confiscation of certain types of guns and defunding of police departments – have suddenly become not only mainstream but almost mandatory for any candidate running for high office in the Democratic Party. And previously acceptable positions – opposition to same-sex marriage, any restrictions on abortion and support for even modest enforcement of immigration law, for example – are now verboten for any Democrat aspiring to lead the party. In three years of travelling through Trump country Mr. Allott learned that Democrats are increasingly seen as being out of step with residents of rural and industrial America because of their positions on the cultural issues, and that, we submit is the first big reason Donald Trump is going to be reelected. Hunter Biden Joe Biden brand social issues cultural issues abortion pro-life Hyde Amendment Born Alive Executive Order religious liberty white privilege critical race theory school choice gun rights defund the police immigration enforcement

  • Is Child Pornography The Real Hunter Biden Computer Scandal?

    It seems everyone following the Hunter Biden laptop story has been focused on the corruption and potential financial crimes and their potential for a foreign government compromise of Joe Biden: the 10 percent for “the big guy” email and the allegation that Joe Biden’s family was required to give him 50 percent of their earnings, and of course the sources of the vast sums of money involved being Communist China, the Russian-influenced former government of Ukraine and other corrupt states. But what if the biggest cache of compromising material wasn’t financial at all – what if it was child pornography? 18 U.S. Code § 2258A creates a legal requirement to report child pornography or electronic records of child abuse to the CyberTipline of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children or local law enforcement. Failure to report child pornography or child abuse may be in itself a crime and result in criminal charges for the computer repair shop or technician. The store owner was so disturbed by the laptop’s contents and fearing for his safety, he released the hard drive to the FBI in December 2019. When the FBI failed to follow up on the disturbing contents, the shop owner turned over a copy of the contents to former federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani, in turn, released the material to the New York Post. And there’s a good bit of evidence that the computer shop owner was trying to fulfill his 18 U.S. Code § 2258A obligation when he contacted the FBI and released the computer to them. First and foremost, the signature of FBI SA Joshua Wilson on the 2019 subpoena for the Hunter Biden – SA Wilson is one of the FBI’s elite child pornography investigators. Here’s an image of the subpoena: Our friends at the Western Journal reported that in 2012, Wilson was described by The Star-Ledger, a New Jersey-based newspaper, as “an FBI agent based in New Jersey who has spent nearly five years working full time on child pornography.” (More recent news articles suggest Wilson has also worked child abduction cases.) A child pornography criminal complaint from 2012 includes Wilson’s signature — seemingly an exact match to what was found on the December subpoena. But here’s a weird twist: Business Insider reported that the computer tech said he “did not see child pornography” on the computer. Unfortunately, a condition affecting the computer tech means his eyesight isn’t great to begin with. According to Fox News, the store owner says his poor vision is why he was never able to identify Hunter Biden as the man who originally dropped the laptop off. Now here’s another weird twist: Yesterday, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures. Here’s a transcript of part of the interview courtesy of the Gateway Pundit: Maria Bartiromo: Connect the dots, if an FBI agent is working on child pornography issues for five years why is he subpoenaing the laptop of Hunter Biden? Is there a connection here? Should this suggest that there is a child pornography issue here on that laptop? Senator Ron Johnson: Well, I think you just made a connection. This is what the FBI has to come clean about. This isn’t a standard investigation where the FBI doesn’t indict somebody and everything remains confidential. This is something that we were talking about that relates to national security. If there is criminal activity involved that is tied to Hunter Biden or his business associates or even possible ties to other members of the Biden family that some of these emails indicate that Joe Biden is fully aware of this, that he was taking his 10% cut or requiring 50% from his family members’ salaries, this needs to be known before Americans go to the polls. Maria Bartiromo: So was the FBI agent serving the subpoena investigating child pornography, senator? Senator Ron Johnson: Well, you just read the news report. I can’t comment any further. I don’t want to speculate other than to say that what I said publicly before. Our report uncovered several troubling connections, so many things that need to be investigated that I really think we’re just scratching the surface. Yes, I’ve heard all kinds of things that I think will probably be revealed over the next few days. There’s a treasure trove of emails and video and pictures. Not only in the purported computer of Hunter Biden but now we got the co-conspirator Kevin Cooney that’s also starting to reveal information. I guess we’ll find new information over the next couple of weeks. What kind of pictures and videos are there that Sen. Johnson implies must be investigated by one of the FBI’s elite child pornography investigators? According to Rudy Giuliani, who has a copy of Hunter Biden’s hard drive, the files show Hunter engaged in sex, smoking drugs, and partially-naked selfies. Giuliani says the laptop, the contents of which he says made its way to him via the computer repair store owner, contains at least 1,000 photographs, “I have to tell you – and this is very sensitive. The stuff that we're in possession of contains 1,000 maybe more photographs that are highly, highly anywhere from inappropriate to illegal.” Giuliani lawyer Bob Costello said there are some 40,000 emails on the hard drive including thousands of texts. It also includes images of Hunter “in very compromising positions,” Costello told Fox News. We have no prurient interest in the images, what we want to know is do they depict illegal child pornography, and could the Communist Chinese, the Russians or other adversaries have them too? Hunter Biden child pornography laptop Joe Biden Ukraine China business deals FBI Rudy Giuliani FBI SA Joshua Wilson subpoena

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