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  • Spare Trump-Hegseth - and America - Insubordinate Subordinates

    Today's Secure Freedom Minute  with Frank Gaffney: The Trump 2.0 presidency is scarcely a week old and an epic struggle is already underway to subvert it from within. The problem is not simply the expected one of a hostile Deep State bureaucracy.   Rather, it’s that a number of political appointees who do not share the President’s view of the threats we face and his determination to respond to them by practicing “peace through strength” are – despite Mr. Trump’s hard experience with uncooperative personnel in his first administration – getting key positions in the second one. Some are alumni of institutions funded by anti-Trump libertarian Charles Koch.   A sizable majority of the American people voted for a change in the nation’s foreign and defense policies, not a continuation of the failed ones of the Obama-Biden years. Donald Trump and Pete Hegseth must not be represented and undermined by subordinates who disagree.

  • Conservative Action Project Leaders Urge Congress To Implement President Trump’s Agenda Without Delay

    A virtual who’s who of the conservative movement, including Edwin Meese III, Attorney General to President Ronald Reagan, former Senator Jim DeMint, Chairman of the Conservative Partnership Institute, David N. Bossie of Citizens United, Jenny Beth Martin of the Tea Party Patriots Citizen Fund, The Honorable Morton Blackwell, founder of the Leadership Institute, Dr. James C. Dobson, Gary Bauer, J. Kenneth Blackwell, Tony Perkins and dozens of others signed this open letter to congressional leaders urging quick action on President Donald Trump’s ambitious conservative agenda.   January 26, 2025 Washington, D.C.   Conservatives urge congressional leaders to move swiftly in delivering an America First agenda for President Trump.   The president has wasted no time in executing on his agenda from the White House. Congress must show the same resolve and quickly begin delivering on President Trump’s agenda in the next few weeks, ahead of the March 14 debt ceiling deadline.   The House Freedom Caucus (HFC) has put out a detailed plan designed to unite the Republican conference around key priorities: border security, national security funding, a debt ceiling increase, and the spending cuts key to the success of the Department of Government Efficiency. Critical to this strategy is the ability to move with speed – and deliver President Trump a victory within the first month of his presidency. We hope the plan developed by the HFC has spurred serious conversation and strategy development among conservatives in Congress toward achieving these ends.   President Trump was elected with a mandate for change. On day one of his presidency, he delivered on that mandate with over 200 executive orders that re-oriented the executive branch away from elite leftists and toward the priorities of the American people.   America is waiting for Congress to do their part. They must execute on the president’s vision without delay.     The Honorable Edwin Meese III Attorney General President Ronald Reagan (1985-1988)    David N. Bossie President Citizens United    The Honorable Jim DeMint Chairman Conservative Partnership Institute Member, US Senate (SC 2005-2013)    Ed Corrigan Vice Chairman, Conservative Action Project and President & CEO, Conservative Partnership Institute    Thomas H. Jones Founder American Accountability Foundation    Myron Ebell Chairman American Lands Council    Lori Roman President ACRU Action Fund    Lisa B. Nelson    Scott T. Parkinson    The Honorable Becky Norton Dunlop White House Advisor President Ronald Reagan (1981-1985)    Andrew Roth President State Freedom Caucus Network   Jenny Beth Martin Chairman Tea Party Patriots Citizen Fund    The Honorable Bob McEwen U.S. House of Representatives Former Member, Ohio    James C. Dobson, Ph.D. Founder Chairman James Dobson Family Institute    Richard Norman Founder and Chairman The Richard Norman Company    Evan Newman State Director, South Carolina State Freedom Caucus Network    Robert K. Fischer President Protecting South Dakota Kids    Seton Motley President Less Government    The Honorable George K. Rasley, Jr. Managing Editor     Jack Park Conservative Activist and Donor    The Honorable Josiah Magnuson Member (District 38) South Carolina House of Representatives    The Honorable Tim Huelskamp, PhD Former Member (KS-1) U.S. House of Representatives    Joan Holt Lindsey President Lindsey Communications    The Honorable Mike Burns Member (District 17) South Carolina House of Representatives    The Honorable Thomas Beach Member (District 10) South Carolina House of Representatives    The Honorable Gary L. Bauer President American Values    The Honorable Rob Standridge Former State Senator Oklahoma State Senate    Charles J. Cooper Assistant Attorney General, President Ronald Reagan (1985-1988) Cooper & Kirk, PLLC    The Honorable Elias Coop-Gonzalez Delegate West Virginia Legislature    Michael Lunsford Executive Director Citizens for a New Louisiana    The Honorable Brad Hudson Member (District 33) Missouri State Senate    Darin Gaub State Director, Montana State Freedom Caucus Network    The Honorable Donald J. Devine Director U.S. Office of Personnel Management President Ronald Reagan (1981-1985)    Kielle Lindsey President The Lindsey Foundation    The Honorable Justin Sparks Member (District 110) Missouri House of Representatives    John Stemberger President Liberty Counsel Action    Tim Macy Chairman Gun Owners of America    The Honorable Brian Seitz Member (District 156) Missouri House of Representatives    The Honorable Theresa Manzella Member (District 44) Montana State Senate    Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. CEO and Founder     David Kullberg Executive Director Christian for A Sound Economy (CASE)    Paavo Ensio Chairman Universal Minerals Group    Bishop E.W. Jackson, Sr. Founder & President STAND Foundation, Inc.    James L. Martin Founder/Chairman 60 Plus Association    Mike Davis Founder & President Article III Project    The Honorable Clint Hostetler Member (District 24) Idaho House of Representatives    The Honorable Shane David Jett Member (District 17) Oklahoma State Senate    The Honorable Bob Titus Member (District 139) Missouri House of Representatives    The Honorable Nick Schroer Member (District 2) Missouri State Senate    The Honorable April Cromer Member (District 6) South Carolina House of Representatives    Jerry Maston Sr. Pastor, River Of Life Church, Leadership Always, Christian Values Summit    The Honorable Barry Usher Member (District 19) Montana State Senate    The Honorable James S. Gilmore III Former Governor of Virginia and U.S. Ambassador, American Opportunity/Free Congress Foundation    Dr. Charles A. Owen Member (District 30) Louisiana House of Representatives    The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell Chairman, Conservative Action Project Chairman, CNP Action, Inc.    The Honorable Tony Perkins President Family Research Council    Eric Teetsel Executive Vice President Center for Renewing America    Thomas E. McClusky Principal Greenlight Strategies, LLC    Terry Schilling President American Principles Project    Chad Connelly Founder and President Faith Wins    Alfred S. Regnery President Republic Book Publishers    Bob Carlstrom The Carlstrom Group    Cleta Mitchell, Esq. Senior Legal Fellow Conservative Partnership Institute    Wesley Denton Chief Operating Officer Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI)    The Honorable Morton C. Blackwell President The Leadership Institute    William L. Walton The Bill Walton Show Resolute Protector Foundation    The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr. Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs, President Ronald Reagan    The Honorable Scott Walker President Young America’s Foundation    Kristen A. Ullman President Eagle Forum    E. Paul Bigham Founder/CEO Nonprofit Fundraising Advisors    Tom DeWeese President American Policy Center    C. Preston Noell III President Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.    Jon Schweppe Policy Director American Principles Project    Ambassador Henry F. Cooper Reagan’s Defense and Space Negotiator Strategic Defense Initiative Director    Brigitte Gabriel Chairwoman and CEO ACT For America    The Honorable Sarita Edgerton Member (District 34) South Carolina House of Representatives    Walker Wildmon CEO AFA Action    The Honorable Richard D. Hayes Member (District 57) Texas House of Representatives    Sean Noble President American Encore    Debbie Wuthnow President     Thomas Pyle President American Energy Alliance    Gerard Kassar State Chairman NYS Conservative Party    The Honorable Michael Davis State Representative Missouri House of Representatives    The Honorable Stephen Frank Member (District 20) South Carolina House of Representatives    The Honorable Chris Huff Member (District 28) South Carolina House of Representatives    J. Christian Adams President Public Interest Legal Foundation    Dr. Ralph Heap Member (District 10) Arizona House of Representatives    The Honorable Christy Zito Member (District 23) Idaho State Senate    The Honorable Jackie Terribile Member (District 66) South Carolina House of Representatives    Shea Bradley-Farrell, Ph.D. President, Counterpoint Institute for Policy, Research and Education    Ralph A. Rebandt II Founder and President Michigan Lighthouse Ministries    Elaine Donnelly President Center for Military Readiness    The Honorable James C. Miller III Director of OMB for President Reagan    Kelly Kullberg General Secretary, American Association of Evangelicals (AAE)    Penna Dexter Co-host Point of View Radio    The Honorable Rachel Keshel Member (District 17) Arizona House of Representatives    Saulius “Saul” Anuzis President 60 Plus Association    Judson Phillips Founder Tea Party Nation    Lee Beaman Owner Beaman Ventures    The Honorable Jake Hoffman Member (District 15) Arizona State Senate    Kathleen Patten President & CEO American Target Advertising, Inc.    Allen J. Hebert Chairman American-Chinese Fellowship of Houston    Amy Kremer Chairwoman Women for America First    Alyse Lo Bianco Producer/Author MNA Productions    Dr. Erika LeBaron President, AAPS Vitality Integrative Medicine    Gary Marx President Madison Strategies    The Honorable Beryl Amedee Member (District 51) Louisiana House of Representatives 2024 Election MAGA Agenda Trump inauguration DOGE Department of Government Efficiency FACA Deep State Mass deportation Department of Homeland Security Tom Homan Law enforcement Israeli Hamas peace deal hostage release deal Steve Witcoff Trump cabinet confirmations Joe Biden administration Biden executive orders Advisory commissions Biden preemptive pardons

  • Trump Drops Hammer When Colombia Refuses To Take Back Deported Illegal Aliens

    Colombia’s socialist President Gustavo Petro on Sunday refused entry to American military aircraft transporting Colombian illegal aliens back to Colombia, stating, “I deny the entry of American planes carrying Colombian migrants into our territory.” Of course, these Columbian “migrants” are not the poor housekeepers, dishwashers, gardeners and others doing jobs Americans allegedly refuse to do – they’re criminals. And then there was this poor “migrant.” Within minutes – literally – President Trump issued the following directions to his administration:  And 39 minutes after that the President of Colombia caved. We urge CHQ readers and friends to call the White House at (202-456-1111) to thank President Trump for his decisive action to repatriate Colombian illegal aliens and rid the United States of these criminals. 2024 Election MAGA Agenda Colombia President Gustavo Petro illegal aliens Deportations illegal gang members sanctions tariffs penalties

  • Trump Administration Drops Biden’s Charges Against Hero Doctor Eithan Haim

    The Trump administration has moved to dismiss all charges against a doctor whistleblower who exposed transgender surgeries being performed in secret at a Texas children's hospital. Texas surgeon Dr. Eithan Haim obtained documents proving that Texas Children’s Hospital was providing gender transition services in secret and passed them on to conservative journalist Christopher Rufo in order to stop the illegal procedures.   Rather than sanctioning the hospital and the rogue doctors performing the surgeries the Biden administration responded by filing charges against Haim for violating HIPAA privacy statutes. As Dr. Haim’s wife, Andrea Haim, explained in a lengthy post to X, their ordeal began 18 months ago when Dr. Haim discovered Texas Children's Hospital was mutilating and sterilizing young children while hiding it from the public.   Literally hundreds of people knew it was happening. Some even thought it was wrong but were so morally weak that they performed the surgeries anyway.   Dr. Haim was the only person with the courage to stand up for what was right. For him, it wasn't even a decision. Kids were being harmed, and he had to stop it.   Andrea Haim further explained:   Because of Eithan and Christopher Rufo, the Texas Legislature voted to save untold numbers of children in the State of Texas from the horrific consequences of transgender medical experimentation.   It came at great personal cost. Between the two of us, we have had hundreds of sleepless nights worried that he would go to federal prison for 10 years. We are completely broke. He was forced to leave me and his newborn baby daughter in the hospital an hour after I had an emergency c-section to make a court appearance in Houston.   But if you ask either of us, we would do it again in a heartbeat. Because of Eithan, the world is a better place for children, including our daughter. There is no greater gift we can give her than the knowledge that her daddy is a hero.   I will have a lot more to say about what happened. The last few days have been terrifying. Eithan was a hair's breadth away from federal jail and a show trial that would make Stalin blush - all because he spoke out on X.   But for now, we are going to end this ordeal the same way we started it. The first day the federal agents came to our home on the day of his graduation in June 2023, we didn't cower in fear. We sat on the balcony, drank champagne, and planned our war strategy. Today is for celebrating, tomorrow is for accountability.   On Friday, Haim celebrated the announcement that the charges would be dismissed. 2024 Election Texas surgeon Dr. Eithan Haim Christopher Rufo HIPAA Transgender medical mutilation MAGA Agenda Trump inauguration DOGE Department of Government Efficiency FACA Deep State Mass deportation Department of Homeland Security Tom Homan Law enforcement

  • Trump Busts Globalists At World Economic Forum

    Remarks by President Donald J. Trump to the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland. THE PRESIDENT:  Well, thank you very much, Klaus.  And hello to everyone in beautiful Davos. This has been a truly historic week in the United States.  Three days ago, I took the oath of office, and we began the golden age of America.  The recent presidential election was won by millions of votes and all seven -- every one of them -- all seven swing states.  It was a massive mandate from the American people like hasn't been seen in many years.  And some of the political pundits, even some of my so-called enemies, said it was the most consequential election victory in 129 years.  That's quite nice.   What the world has witnessed in the past 72 hours is nothing less than a revolution of common sense.  Our country will soon be stronger, wealthier, and more united than ever before, and the entire planet will be more peaceful and prosperous as a result of this incredible momentum and what we're doing and going to do.   My administration is acting with unprecedented speed to fix the disasters we've inherited from a totally inept group of people and to solve every single crisis facing our country. This begins with confronting the economic chaos caused by the failed policies of the last administration.  Over the past four years, our government racked up $8 trillion in wasteful deficit spending and inflicted nation-wrecking energy restrictions, crippling regulations, and hidden taxes like never before.  The result is the worst inflation crisis in modern history and sky-high interest rates for our citizens and even throughout the world.  Food prices and the price of almost every other thing known to mankind went through the roof. President Biden totally lost control of what was going on in our country but, in particular, with our high-inflation economy and at our border.  Because of these ruinous policies, total government spending this year is $1.5 trillion higher than was projected to occur when I left office just four years ago.  Likewise, the cost of servicing the debt is more than 230 percent higher than was projected in 2020.   The inflation rate we are inheriting remains 50 percent higher than the historic target.  It was the highest inflation probably in the history of our country.  That's why, from the moment I took office, I've taken rapid action to reverse each and every one of these radical left policies that created this calamity -- in particular, with immigration, crime, and inflation.   On day one, I signed an executive order directing every member of my Cabinet to marshal all powers at their disposal to defeat inflation and reduce the cost of daily life.  I imposed a federal hiring freeze, a federal regulation freeze, a foreign aid freeze, and I created the new Department of Government Efficiency.   I terminated the ridiculous and incredibly wasteful Green New Deal -- I call it the “Green New Scam”; withdrew from the one-sided Paris Climate Accord; and ended the insane and costly electric vehicle mandate.  We're going to let people buy the car they want to buy. I declared a national em- -- energy emergency -- and it's so important -- national energy emergency to unlock the liquid gold under our feet and pave the way for rapid approvals of new energy infrastructure.  The United States has the largest amount of oil and gas of any country on Earth, and we're going to use it.   Not only will this reduce the cost of virtually all goods and services, it will make the United States a manufacturing superpower and the world capital of artificial intelligence and crypto.   My administration has also begun the largest deregulation campaign in history, far exceeding even the record-setting efforts of my last term.   In total, the Biden administration imposed $50,000 in additional regulatory costs on the average American household over the last four years.  I have promised to eliminate 10 old regulations for every new regulation, which will soon put many thousands of dollars back in the pockets of American families.    To further unleash our economy, our majorities in the House and Senate -- which we also took, along with the presidency -- are going to pass the largest tax cut in American history, including massive tax cuts for workers and family and big tax cuts for domestic producers and manufacturers.  And we're working with the Democrats on getting an extension of the original Trump tax cuts, as you probably know by just reading any paper.   My message to every business in the world is very simple: Come make your product in America, and we will give you among the lowest taxes of any nation on Earth.  We're bringing them down very substantially, even from the original Trump tax cuts.  But if you don't make your product in America, which is your prerogative, then, very simply, you will have to pay a tariff -- differing amounts, but a tariff -- which will direct hundreds of billions of dollars and even trillions of dollars into our Treasury to strengthen our economy and pay down debt.   Under the Trump administration, there will be no better place on Earth to create jobs, build factories, or grow a company than right here in the good old USA.   Already, American’s economic -- and you can see this, I think, maybe even in your -- in your wonderful, wonderful room that you're all gathered together -- so many of my friends -- but, Americans, the economic confidence is soaring like we haven't seen in many, many decades, maybe not at all. Upon my election, it was just announced that small-business optimism skyrocketed by 41 points in a single month.  That's the highest ever.  There's never been anything like that.   SoftBank has announced between a $100 and $200 billion investment in the U.S. economy because of the election result.  And just two days ago, Oracle, SoftBank, and OpenAI announced a $500 billion investment in AI infrastructure.  Other companies, likewise, have announced billions and billions and billions -- adding up to trillions -- of investment in America, in the United States.   And it's also reported today in the papers that Saudi Arabia will be investing at least $600 billion in America.  But I'll be asking the crown prince, who's a fantastic guy, to round it out to around $1 trillion.  I think they'll do that because we've been very good to them.  And I'm also going to ask Saudi Arabia and OPEC to bring down the cost of oil.  You got to bring it down, which, frankly, I'm surprised they didn't do before the election.  That didn't show a lot of love by them not doing it.  I was a little surprised by that.   If the price came down, the Russia-Ukraine war would end immediately.  Right now, the price is high enough that that war will continue.  You got to bring down the oil price; you’re going to end that war.  They should have done it long ago.  They're very responsible, actually, to a certain extent, for what's taking place -- millions of lives are being lost.   With oil prices going down, I'll demand that interest rates drop immediately.  And, likewise, they should be dropping all over the world.  Interest rates should follow us.   All over, the progress that you're seeing is happening because of our historic victory in a recent presidential election, one that has become quite well known throughout the world.   I think a lot of things are happening to a lot of countries.  They say that there's light shining all over the world since the election.  And even countries that we aren't particularly friendly with are happy because they understand what -- there is a future and th- -- how great the future will be.   Under our leadership, America is back and open for business.  And this week, I'm also taking swift action to stop the invasion at our southern border.  They allowed people to come in at levels that nobody has ever seen before.  It was ridiculous.  I decided a -- and declared to dec- -- to -- to do -- and very, very importantly -- a national emergency on our border; immediately halted all entry of illegal border crossers, of which there were many; and began properly returning the illegal trespassers back to the place from which they came.   That action, as you've probably seen, has already started very strongly.  I have deployed active-duty U.S. military and National Guard troops to the border to assist in repelling the invasion.  It was really an invasion.  We will not allow our territory to be violated.   After four long years, the United States is strong and sovereign and a beautiful nation once again. It's a strong, sovereign nation.   In addition, I'm pleased to report that America is also a free nation once again.  On day one, I signed an executive order to stop all government censorship.  No longer will our government label the speech of our own citizens as misinformation or disinformation, which are the favorite words of censors and those who wish to stop the free exchange of ideas and, frankly, progress.  We have saved free speech in America, and we've saved it strongly.   With another historic executive order this week, I also ended the weaponization of law enforcement against the American people -- and, frankly, against politicians -- and restored the fair, equal, and impartial rule of law.   My administration has taken action to abolish all discriminatory diversity, equity, and inclusion nonsense -- and these are policies that were absolute nonsense -- throughout the government and the private sector.  With the recent, yet somewhat unexpected, great Supreme Court decision just made, America will once again become a merit-based country.  You have to hear that word: merit-based country.   And I've made it official -- an official policy of the United States that there are only two genders, male and female, and we will have no men participating in women's sports, and transgender operations, which became the rage, will occur very rarely.   Finally, as we restore common sense in America, we're moving quickly to bring back strength and peace and stability abroad.  I'm also going to ask all NATO nations to increase defense spending to 5 percent of GDP, which is what it should have been years ago -- it was only at 2 percent, and most nations didn't pay until I came along; I insisted that they pay, and they did -- because the United States was really paying the difference at that time, and it’s -- it was unfair to the United States.  But many, many things have been unfair for many years to the United States.   Before even taking office, my team negotiated a ceasefire agreement in the Middle East, which wouldn't have happened without us, as I think most of the people in the room know.  Earlier this week, the hostages began to return to their families.  They are returning, and it's a beautiful sight.  And they'll be coming in more and more.  They started coming back on Sunday.   Our efforts to secure a peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine are now, hopefully, underway.  It's so important to get that done.  That is an absolute killing field.   Millions of soldiers are being killed.  Nobody has seen anything like it since World War II.  They're laying dead all over the flat fields.  It's a flat field -- farmland, and there's millions of Russians and millions of Ukrainians.  Nobody's seen anything like it since World War II.  It's time to end it.   And here in America, we have big events coming up.  Next year we have the 250th anniversary of America's founding.  I'm so honored to be president during that.  That's been a big event.  They've been talking about it for 10 years.  We also have the World Cup, and I understand Gianni -- Gianni is in the room -- Infantino.  He was very instrumental in helping us get it -- he's there with you someplace, I think -- and I want to thank him for that.   And then we have the Olympics coming up, which I was instrumental in getting, also, in my first term.  And who would have known that by skipping a term, I would get the Olympics?  I was upset.  I said, “You know, I got the Olympics to come and I won't be president.”  But it turned out, through a stroke of luck or whatever you might call it, that I'm going to be president during the World Cup and the Olympics and the 250th anniversary.  So, that's going to be three big events.   And we've accomplished more in less than four days -- we have really been working -- four days -- than other administrations have accomplished in four years, and we're just getting started.  It's really an amazing thing to see, and the spirit and the light over our country has been incredible.   Under the last administration, our nation has suffered greatly, but we are going to bring it back and make it greater, bigger, stronger, better than ever before.   I want to thank everybody for being with you.  I would have been there myself, except the inauguration was two days ago.  I thought it might be a little bit quick to make it the first stop, but we'll get there one day.  We hope to get there.   But I -- I do appreciate -- I heard the audience is fantastic, and many of my friends are in the audience.  And I will be taking questions now from some very distinguished people.   Thank you all very much.  (Applause.)   MR. BRENDE:  Thank you.  Thank you very much, Mr.  President, for that very powerful speech, and I think you could hear the applause all the way from Davos to the White House.  But next year, it will be even better, because then you can get the applause here in Davos.  So, we wish you welcome to our village next year.  We hope to see you.   THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much.   MR. BRENDE:  So, we also know, Mr. President, that you open up for interaction here.  We have a great panel with some of the most distinguished businesspeople in the world.   Let me start with someone that you know really well, that I think is almost a neighbor of you in Mal-a- -- in -- in Florida, Mr. Steve Schwarzman, chairman, CEO, and cofounder of Blackstone Group.   So, Steve, floor is yours.   MR. SCHWARZMAN:  Well, Mr. President --   THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, Steve.   MR. SCHWARZMAN:  -- I'm sure the crown prince of Saudi Arabia will be really glad you gave this speech today.  (Laughter.)   THE PRESIDENT:  I hope so.   MR. SCHWARZMAN:  You've had the busiest four days that anybody can imagine, and congratulations for that.   And my question is -- is about some of the things I've observed here at Davos.  It's a terrific forum.  I've met lots of people, as usual.  I think I've been here 30 years.  And a lot of the European businesspeople have expressed enormous frustration with the regulatory regime in the EU, and they attribute slower growth rates here because of numerous factors, but especially because of regulations.   And you've taken a completely different approach in this area.  And if you could explain the theory of what you're doing, how you're going to do it, and what you expect the outcome to be, I'd appreciate it.   THE PRESIDENT:  Well, thank you very much.  And congratulations, Steve -- you're a friend of mine -- but on a great career.  You have had an amazing career and continues.  So, I just want to congratulate you.  Very inspirational to a lot of people.   I want to talk about the EU, because you mentioned specifically that I’ve also had a lot of friends and leaders of countries.  I’ve gotten to know them all my first term and a little bit during this period of four years and know them well, like them a lot, but they're very frustrated because of the time everything seems to take to get approved -- environmental impact statements for things that you shouldn't even have to do that, and many, many other ways that it takes.   And I'm going to give you a quick little example.  I w- -- in the private life, my beautiful private life -- before I had all these things happening -- the world is a little different -- I had a nice, simple life.  You knew that.   But when I had that simple life, I did projects, and I had a big project in Ireland, and it had to get approval on something that would have made it even better.  And I got the approval from Ireland in a period of a week, and it was a very, very, very efficient, good approval.   And they informed me, though, “The problem is you're going to have to get it from the EU, and we think that'll take five to six years.”  And I said, “You have to be kidding.”  And this was before politics.  And I said, “Wait a minute.  It's not that important.  I don't want to go five or six years.”  But it would have been a big investment.  It would have been nice, and it would have been good for the project.   And I sent the people to the EU to see if they could speed it up, and basically it was a five- or six-year wait just to get a simple approval that Ireland gave me in a period of, literally, not much more than a week.   And I realized right then -- that was the first time I really was involved with the EU, but I realized right then, that's a problem, and I didn't even bother applying to do it, and -- or if I did, I pulled it very quickly.  I don't wa- -- I have to be very accurate, because I don't want to be criticized.  “He did apply, actually.”  No, I want to be very accurate.  So, I don't think I did, but if I did, I pulled it very quickly.  It was just something you -- you couldn't wait five years or six years to get an approval.   So, a lot of -- in a very big business sense, a lot of people are -- are claiming that's the problem.   From the standpoint of America, the EU treats us very, very unfairly, very badly.  They have a large tax that we know about and -- a VAT tax -- and it's a very substantial one.  They don't take our far- -- essentially, don't take our farm products and they don't take our cars.  Yet, they send cars to us by the millions.   They put tariffs on things that we want to do, like, for instance, I think they actually -- in terms of these are noneconomic or nonmonetary tariffs, and -- and those are very bad, and they make it very difficult to bring products into Europe, and yet they expect to be selling and they do sell their products in the United States.   So, we have, you know, hundreds of billions of dollars of deficits with the EU, and nobody is happy with it.  And we're going to do something about it, but nobody is happy with it.  So, I think the EU has to speed up their process.   Friends of mine that are in some of the nations within the EU, great people, they -- they want to be able to compete better, and you can't compete when you can't get -- go through the approval process fast.  There's no reason why it can't go faster.   So, you know, I'm -- I'm trying to be constructive, because I love Europe.  I love the countries of Europe.  But the process is a very cumbersome one, and th- -- and they do treat the United States of America very, very unfairly with the VAT taxes and all of the other taxes they impose.   One other -- just to finish up, I got a call from the head of a major airline, one of the biggest airlines in the world.  And he said, “Sir, could you help us?”  “What?” “Landing in Europe is brutal.  They charge us fees for everything, and it's so unfair.”  I said, “How does it compare to China?”  He said, “It's -- it's much worse.”   And the other thing, as you know, they took court cases with Apple, and they supposedly won a case that most people didn't think was much of a case.  They won $15 or $16 billion from Apple.  They won billions from Google.  I think they're after Facebook for billions and billions.   These are American companies.  Whether you like them or not, they're -- they’re American companies, and they shouldn't be doing that.  And that's -- as far as I'm concerned, it's a form of taxation.   So, we have some very big complaints with the EU.        Thank you. 2024 Election World Economic Forum Trump campaign American economy jobs created government jobs labor market health insurance cost inflation shrinkflation savings rate

  • Make The Biden Crime Syndicates Defend Their Pardons

    Conservatives, and even some Left-leaning constitutional scholars, were outraged by the last minute “preemptive” pardons former President Biden issued to his family, the House January 6 Committee, and his lawfare allies. Among those pardoned on Biden’s way out the door were General Mark Milley, Anthony Fauci, Members of Congress and staff of the January 6 Committee, Capitol and D.C. police who testified before the January 6 Committee and members of Biden’s extended family: his brother James and wife Sarah, his younger sister Valerie Biden Owens and husband John T. Owens, and his brother Francis Biden. And it seems that the media establishment is happy to ignore this final Biden outrage and move on, but conservatives in Congress and the Trump administration should not let that assault on the Constitution go without taking the question of whether these preemptive pardons are valid all the way to the Supreme Court. After all the Biden Department of Justice pointedly issued a memo in December of 2024 stating that for those individuals who were indicted for their activities on January 6, 2021, and expected a pardon from incoming President Donald Trump, for the pardon to take effect " The defendant would first have to accept the pardon, which necessitates a confession of guilt. " Indeed, several individuals who were pardoned in Biden’s unrelated mass pardons of child pornographers, rapists, murderers and drug dealers refused the offered pardon arguing that the “confession of guilt” requirement would taint their appeals  and undermine their claims of innocence. The two death row inmates argued that they never asked for a pardon and refused to sign the paperwork to accept the president's clemency action due to the legal avenues they are afforded on death row, according to court documents cited by FOX News. Beyond the apparent necessity of accepting the pardon and confession of guilt requirement there is the question of whether a President can pardon, or in effect immunize, an individual if they haven’t been charged with a crime. Supporters of the preemptive pardons cite the examples of President Gerald R. Ford’s pardon of former President Richard Nixon and President Jimmy Carter’s pardons of Vietnam-era draft dodgers as precedent for the Biden pardons of his family and lawfare allies, but those examples are not even close to precedent for Biden’s attempts to immunize his allies. While there are many differences between those examples and Biden’s actions, the most important point is that neither of them went to the Supreme Court for a ruling that may be cited as precedent in this case. After the Nixon pardon President Ford’s Department of Justice certainly wasn’t going to pursue any of the charges that might have been leveled against Mr. Nixon had Congress impeached him. Likewise, Jimmy Carter’s federal prosecutors were not going to chase down and indict the draft dodgers their Boss had just pardoned.   So, those two examples remain political precedents, not legal precedents. The Supreme Court’s stance on pardon power has historically been deferential, emphasizing its broad scope. In Ex parte Garland (1866), the Court held that the pardon power “extends to every offence known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after [its] commission .” Clearly, Ex parte Garland  presupposes the existence of an offense. Preemptive pardons, issued before any formal accusation or adjudication, stretch this rationale to a breaking point. They nullify the legal process, effectively insulating individuals from investigations that could reveal wrongdoing. Such a precedent is an invitation to the creation of a lawless government. If a President can just pardon anyone for anything without them admitting to or being convicted of a crime, then imagine a government that can abuse its citizens at will, refuse to indict or prosecute the malefactors, and then pardon them to protect them when the voters turn it out of office and demand accountability. This is what the Biden pardons have done. However, it doesn’t have to stand as Biden seemed to think it would when he issued the pardons. The Trump administration can and should investigate each of the pardoned individuals and if the facts warrant it, they should be indicted and prosecuted for their crimes. At that point those pardoned individuals may assert their pardon as a defense and allocute that they accepted the pardon in good faith and confess to the crime or crimes for which they were pardoned. Absent such an acceptance and confession, the trial should go forward to determine the guilt or innocence of the individual claiming they did nothing wrong and that they don’t need a pardon. Congress may also have a role in testing the constitutionality of Biden’s preemptive pardons. The House in particular has amassed a large volume of investigatory material bearing on the potential criminality of many of the pardoned individuals. The House can and should subpoena those individuals and question them about their conduct. If they have accepted the pardon and confessed and are immune to prosecution they must answer all questions, even those that may incriminate them for the offenses for which they were pardoned. Failure to answer or failure to answer truthfully would put them in jeopardy of contempt of Congress and other potential charges. Finally, there is the matter of those individuals who were not pardoned, but whose conduct may have been criminal and is related to the actions of those who were pardoned. Democrat activist attorneys Mary McCord, Mark Elias and Norman Eisen, former White House staffer Alexander Vindman and various underlings of General Milley and Anthony Fauci come immediately to mind as potential targets for such an investigation. The Capitol Switchboard is (202-224-3121), we urge CHQ readers and friends to call their Senators and Representative to demand they continue the investigations of the Biden crime syndicate and lawfare conspiracy against Donald Trump. We also urge CHQ readers and friends to call the White House at (202-456-1111) to encourage the Trump administration to investigate, as appropriate, wrongdoing by those pardoned and their associates who may not have been pardoned. 2024 Election MAGA Agenda Trump inauguration DOGE Department of Government Efficiency FACA Deep State Mass deportation Department of Homeland Security Tom Homan Law enforcement Israeli Hamas peace deal hostage release deal Steve Witcoff Trump cabinet confirmations Joe Biden administration Biden executive orders Advisory commissions Biden preemptive pardons

  • TikTok – A Weapon the CCP Would Never Allow Us to Wield

    Here’s a thought experiment: If the United States had a means of addictively informing, subversively manipulating and covertly collecting data on half the people of China – without the permission, let alone the control, of the ruling Chinese Communist Party – would the CCP allow us unilaterally to wield such a weapon against them?   As New Yorkers say, “fuggedaboutit.” The CCP would never permit us to do to their population what they are currently doing to 173 million Americans with their TikTok app.   It’s simply gobsmacking that we have allowed that to happen. So is the fact that President Donald Trump – who wanted to prevent it during his first term – has now intervened to postpone enforcement of a law requiring Chinese divestiture of TikTok, passed with overwhelming bipartisan support and unanimously endorsed as constitutional by the Supreme Court.   Uphold the law, Mr. President! 2024 Election MAGA Agenda New Institute for the American Future Frank Gaffney Early Warning IAF Save America's Military Coalition Sovereignty Coalition Save the persecuted Christian's coalition Gitmo Panama Canal Jimmy Carter China Chinese arson Mike Waltz TikTok

  • On Day One Trump Declared War On The Enemy Within

    Back during the campaign Democrats had a meltdown when Donald Trump spoke about “the enemy within” because they thought he was talking about them – as well he might have. But an Executive Order issued Monday made it clear President Trump wasn’t talking about the Democrats; he was talking about the potential and actual security threats they knowingly let into our country.   In Executive Order “ Protecting The United States From Foreign Terrorists And Other National Security And Public Safety Threats ” President Donald Trump directed the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies of the federal government to undertake the deportation of students and other foreign nationals who express support for terrorist organizations that are officially designated as such by the US government.   The Executive Order states that “Whenever information is identified that would support the exclusion or removal of any alien … the Secretary of Homeland Security shall take immediate steps to exclude or remove that alien unless she determines that doing so would inhibit a significant pending investigation or prosecution of the alien for a serious criminal offense or would be contrary to the national security interests of the United States,” reported our friends at The Jewish Press. It is likely that there has not been a more forceful statement of federal policy toward subversive aliens since The Communist Control Act of 1954 was signed by President Eisenhower. The Executive Order declares, as Trump administration policy, that “It is the policy of the United States to protect its citizens from aliens who intend to commit terrorist attacks, threaten our national security, espouse hateful ideology, or otherwise exploit the immigration laws for malevolent purposes.” The Order further states, “To protect Americans, the United States must be vigilant during the visa-issuance process to ensure that those aliens approved for admission into the United States do not intend to harm Americans or our national interests.  More importantly, the United States must identify them before their admission or entry into the United States.  And the United States must ensure that admitted aliens and aliens otherwise already present in the United States do not bear hostile attitudes toward its citizens, culture, government, institutions, or founding principles, and do not advocate for, aid, or support designated foreign terrorists and other threats to our national security.” The order also sets a very aggressive timeline for implementation: 60 days for the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Director of National Intelligence shall jointly submit to the President, through the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security, a report:   (i)   Identifying countries throughout the world for which vetting and screening information is so deficient as to warrant a partial or full suspension on the admission of nationals from those countries.   (ii)  Identifying how many nationals from those countries have entered or have been admitted into the United States on or since January 20, 2021, and any other information the Secretaries and Attorney General deem relevant to the actions or activities of such nationals since their admission or entry to the United States. The assumption is that most of those foreign nationals who might be in jeopardy of deportation under the Executive Order are pro-jihadis from the Middle East, but the potential targets cover a much broader range of anti-American interests than just Sharia Supremacists and anti-Semites. The President or Congress could and should designate various units of the Communist Chinese Peoples Liberation Army as foreign terrorist organizations – which they clearly are. This would provide for the prompt deportation of the hundreds of Red Chinese operatives who have infiltrated our universities and research labs.   Likewise, various other anti-American states, such as Russia, Iran, Venezuela and Yemen, could and should find their citizens subject to the provisions of this Executive Order if the President or Congress designates their sponsors as terrorist organizations. The Capitol Switchboard is (202-224-3121), we urge CHQ readers and friends to call their Representative and Senators to demand they hold hearings on what foreign organizations and entities, including Red China’s Peoples Liberation Army, should be added to the list of designated terrorist organizations. George Rasley is editor of Richard Viguerie's  and is a veteran of over 300 political campaigns. A member of American MENSA, he served on the staff of Vice President Dan Quayle, as Director of Policy and Communication for retired Congressman Adam Putnam (FL-12) then-Vice Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee's Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, and as spokesman for retired Rep. Mac Thornberry, former Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. 2024 Election MAGA Agenda Trump inauguration DOGE Department of Government Efficiency FACA Deep State Mass deportation Department of Homeland Security Tom Homan Law enforcement Israeli Hamas peace deal hostage release deal Steve Witcoff Trump cabinet confirmations Joe Biden administration Biden executive orders Advisory commissions

  • Truth Monster: January 20th Was About the Resurgence of the American Spirit

    Donald Trump was not re-elected simply because he got the most votes. He got the most votes because he embodied a defining American character that sees opportunities where others see insurmountable odds. From false attributions, and lawfare, to threats, vilification, and assassination attempts, Trump faced enormous odds with a tenacity, courage, and drive that remind us of the possibilities within us all.   Contrary to political trends we are not a nation of gender-dithering eternal adolescents.   Trump’s inaugural address showed determination, a plan to uproot a toxic system, and actions to restore America’s greatness. His full speech is below. President Trump signed nearly 50 executive actions on inauguration day and planned for more than 100 on his first full day in office. But executive orders don’t execute themselves.   From communicating with personal friends inside Trump’s initial administration, I can assure you the pushback among federal agencies to stop Trump’s new agenda will be massive.   During his first term, often chiefs of staff threw up roadblocks by restricting the information flowing upstream to Trump’s appointed secretaries, leaving them unaware of progress or complaints from conservative workers on the ground. Entrenched employees would fail to show up for work, lose assignments, backburner change efforts, and complain of poor communications when they failed to complete their tasks. Others blamed different departments for logjams.   Recall, in mid-2019 Trump authorized the attorney general to declassify documents relating to what turned out to be the Trump-Russia Collusion hoax. Months later the documents still were not declassified thanks to “ foot-dragging ” by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and other establishment officials.   A year and a half later near the end of the 2020 election cycle the documents were declassified .   In a recent poll, more than 40% of government managers have already indicated they will resist Trump’s changes.   But events have changed since 2016. Trump understands the deep state’s workings, and the infinite corruption of party politicians and their media complicity.   More Americans realize government is not on their side but the source of tier problems. Rising federal spending and regulations pushed home prices beyond reach for many and still more feel the pain of soaring grocery bills. Natural disasters are exacerbated by tepid or non-existent government responses while mobs like Black Lives Matter burn cities with impunity and Tren de Aragua gangs terrorize neighborhoods.   We must pull together to keep the pressure on the confirm Trump’s cabinet.   Reach your Senators here .   In his inaugural address, Trump called for Americans to unite to reclaim America as “the greatest most powerful most respected nation on earth.” There was a time when Americans and the world appreciated that.   In 1969 comedian Red Skelton explained our Pledge of Allegiance. It’s worth hearing to remind us of what our country means. As Trump said in his inaugural address, “From this moment forward American decline is over.” Truth Monster John Anthony  is a national speaker, researcher, founder of the Sustainable Freedom Lab, and an expert on HUD and property rights infringements click here to subscribe  to his must-read Substack. The Truth Monster  is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support its work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. 2024 Election Trump campaign American economy jobs created government jobs labor market health insurance cost inflation shrinkflation savings rate

  • Problematic Personnel Will Lead To Bad Policy

    Today's Secure Freedom Minute  with Frank Gaffney: A long time ago, I served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense in Ronald Reagan’s Pentagon. In that role, I learned firsthand the truth of the President’s observation that “Personnel is policy.”   So, I have grave concerns about entrusting the Defense Department’s Mideast policymaking post to Michael DiMino, a man with deeply problematic prescriptions.  It would be one thing if his notions were being advanced when our most reliable Mideast ally, Israel, were secure and able to help fill the vacuum of power that DiMino’s isolationist approach would foster. But that’s not the case now, especially given a Gaza ceasefire Team Biden designed to assure Hamas’ survival.   Americans voted for Donald Trump, who supported Israel over her terrorist foes – and ours – during his first term. Personnel who fundamentally disagree will be a persistent problem for U.S. policymaking consistent with that mandate. 2024 Election MAGA Agenda New Institute for the American Future Frank Gaffney Early Warning IAF Save America's Military Coalition Sovereignty Coalition Save the persecuted Christian's coalition Gitmo Panama Canal Jimmy Carter China Chinese arson Mike Waltz

  • ‘Our Long National Nightmare is Over’

    Today's Secure Freedom Minute  with Frank Gaffney: Gerald Ford’s remark on the occasion of his inauguration that “our long national nightmare is over” kept running through my head as I watched Donald Trump’s second one yesterday. It’s a source of indescribable happiness that a presidency run by unknown, unaccountable, and radical leftists was finally done – and with it a wrecking operation that relentlessly assaulted our constitutional Republic and the national security.   The moment was made all the more delicious by President Trump directly repudiating Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to their faces for what was done on their watch.   For example, he took them to task for: ravaging our economy; unleashing millions of illegal aliens across the country; and imposing cultural Marxism’s “Woke” divide-and-conquer strategy on our military and government more generally.   President Trump then immediately initiated corrective actions via over two hundred executive orders.   Praise the Lord. 2024 Election MAGA Agenda New Institute for the American Future Frank Gaffney Early Warning IAF Save America's Military Coalition Sovereignty Coalition Save the persecuted Christian's coalition Gitmo Panama Canal Jimmy Carter China Chinese arson Mike Waltz

  • Trump’s Pro-Life First Day

    A lot of attention has been focused – rightly – on the many Executive Orders and appointments President Trump announced immediately after he was sworn in. And it is going to take a little while for everyone to digest the details of the flurry of announcements and paperwork. But our good friend Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life and host of the Kristan Hawkins Show clued us to some important details in one of the most important, yet underreported, Trump Day One Executive Orders.  It’s the one titled “ Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism And Restoring Biological Truth To The Federal Government .” Most observers recognize this EO as the fulfillment of President Trump’s campaign promise to end the federal government’s Biden mandated embrace of transgender ideology, get men out of women’s sports and to protect them from encroachments into their private spaces, such as restrooms and locker rooms. But it turns out there’s a lot more to this EO than what the title indicates. In Sec. 2.  Policy and Definitions, parts (d) and (e) these definitions are ordered: (d)  “Female” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.   (e)  “Male” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell. The crucial words in both of these definitions are “at conception,” meaning not only does the federal government now define “male” and “female” according to their reproductive functions, but it also recognizes that those functions, and the male and female “person,” begin at conception . This is a huge victory for the pro-life movement. From now on, at least during the Trump administration, there is no debate about when life begins, a “person” begins at conception. And even if in utero as “persons” babies are entitled to 14th Amendment protections, "nor shall any State ... deny to any person  within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Where does this lead? At the moment no one really knows whether this signals a Trump administration prepared to act to use the new definition as a tool to overturn the Biden-mandated abortion policies, such as abortions at military and veterans medical facilities. Nor does anyone know whether this signals Trump administration views on ending the tsunami of federal money flowing to the abortion industry. However, at the very least it gives pro-life organizations a new tool with which to fight the murder of countless unborn announced in the week before the annual March for Life, taking place this year in Washington, DC on January 24, 2025. 2024 Election MAGA Agenda Trump inauguration DOGE Department of Government Efficiency FACA Deep State Mass deportation Department of Homeland Security Tom Homan Law enforcement Israeli Hamas peace deal hostage release deal Steve Witcoff Trump cabinet confirmations Joe Biden administration Biden executive orders Advisory commissions

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