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- Peace Through Strength!
“Peace Through Strength” was the motto of President Ronald Reagan. “Peace Through Strength” is the motto of President-Elect Donald Trump . “Peace Through Strength” was first recorded during the reign of Roman Emperor Hadrian (117-138 A.D.) at the height of the empire. America’s first president, George Washington, well understood the concept when, in his address to Congress in 1793, he said, “If we desire to secure peace ….. It must be known that we are at all times ready for war.” President Theodore Roosevelt was famous for his “Speak softly, and carry a big stick.” Bernard Baruch’s 1952 book “ Peace through Strength” was written during the Korean War when the U.S. led coalition of United Nations forces was fighting North Korea and Communist China. Baruch recommended: ● Military buildup ● Economic strength ● Unified national defense system ● International cooperation ● Preparedness The American Security Council Foundation ( ASCF ), established in 1958, advocated for Baruch’s policies and adopted its motto “Peace Through Strength.” The 1966 Barry Goldwater presidential campaign advocated for “peace through strength.” ASCF was an early pioneer in mass mailing marketing and built a powerful Peace Through Strength coalition in Washington, D.C., which included leaders in business, the military, and Congress. Ronald Reagan advocated “Peace Through Strength” throughout his presidency and bestowed an award on Dr. Henry A. Fischer, current president of ASCF, for his work in fighting communism. With the fall of the Soviet Union, the United States became the world’s sole superpower. The need for military spending diminished, and the call for “Peace Through Strength” lost appeal. In 1992, Francis Fukuyama published “The End of History and the Last Man.” It argued that mankind had reached the end of ideological evolution with the demise of communism in the Soviet Union, and that Western Civilization had won. Liberal democracy was to be the final form of all governments. Fukuyama did not factor in the ideologies of Islam or Chinese communism, nor did he factor in the decline of the U.S. due to Marxist progressive leaders in politics, education, industry, and media. Samuel Huntington wrote a 1993 essay, The Clash of Civilizations , in direct response to The End of History . He argued that the ancient conflict between civilizations is replacing the conflict between ideologies. The dominant civilization decides the form of human government. He especially singled out Islam , which he described as having "bloody borders." Communist China is following the strategy of ancient philosopher Sun Tzu’s book “The Art of War.” The thirteen chapters discuss various methods of winning a war, summarized as knowing oneself, knowing one's enemy, and gathering intelligence. The most successful way to win a war is never to fight (subvert the enemy from within). The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has built the world’s second-largest economy with state-led capitalism by stealing technology and intellectual property from the U.S. and other advanced societies. The value of these thefts is hundreds of billions of dollars. The CCP has rapidly modernized and increased its military capabilities in conjunction with building the economy. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy is now the world’s largest, with a shipbuilding capacity 230 times that of the U.S. The CCP also follows the American naval thinker Admiral Alfred Mahan’s work “The Influence of Sea Power Upon History,” which argued that sea power and control of the seas were decisive in the rise of the British Empire. Chinese corporations control major seaport facilities worldwide. They manage both the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean entrances to the Panama Canal. Chinese President Xi recently inaugurated a massive Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) $1.3 billion deep-water port in Peru, to facilitate trade between China and Peru and other South American countries. Brazil is building a $3.5 billion railroad line to Peru to facilitate the flow of Brazilian soybeans and iron ore to China. President Xi of China recently visited Brazil and was welcomed by President Lula , who said the two countries are “reliable friends with a shared destiny and positive forces to promote peace.” Summary China is waging unrestricted warfare against the United States. All organs of Chinese society are engaged in strengthening China and weakening the U.S. Never trust a communist unless you can verify, and verifying China is very difficult due to its pervasive security systems, media control, and Marxist ideology of deception. The American people and political leadership increasingly understand the need for “Peace Through Strength.” ● President-elect Trump has invoked the phrase to convey his desire for peace and avoiding war. ● Senator Rubio of Florida, the incoming Secretary of State subject to Senate confirmation, introduced the “Taiwan Peace Through Strength Act” in 2023. ● Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi released his “21st Century Peace Through Strength: A Generational Investment in the U.S. Military.” Action Recognize that China and its allies of Russia, Iran, and North Korea are waging unrestricted warfare against the United States. Rebuild the U.S. military and its supporting infrastructure. Update U.S. laws to allow foreign American allies to supply military ships and other defense materials. Reciprocity should be the foundation of U.S. foreign policy. If a nation or organization conducts unfriendly actions, the U.S. should reciprocate. Increase “gray zone” soft power activities promoting American civilization, as opposed to totalitarian or autocratic countries. Peace Through Strength! Author Laurence F. Sanford is a veteran of the United States Navy and the Central Intelligence Agency and now serves as Senior Analyst for the American Security Council Foundation. Please support ASCF’s education efforts by donating to the American Security Council Foundation at . 2024 Election 4th Amendment privacy surveillance state President Donald Trump Susie Wiles Chief of Staff Trump campaign facial recognition technology Second Trump administration cultural issues economic issues Manufacturing companies illegal immigration national security military spending deportations mandatory biometric enrollment
- A Very Trump Thanksgiving
The reelection of Donald Trump is a renewal, not the end, of a great struggle to reestablish constitutional government in America and to defeat the anti-constitutional forces of Progressivism, that for the past three decades have run largely unchecked through the government and the major cultural, religious and academic institutions of this country. Reelecting President Trump has given limited government constitutional conservatives the opportunity, not the guarantee, to roll back the damage Progressivism has done to our culture and national fiber. Republicans retained the majority in the House of Representatives, what’s more, President Trump, and his conservative – populist supporters, achieved a remarkable victory in the Senate, increasing the Republican count in the Upper House to achieve a two-seat majority. This victory was almost entirely the result of President Trump’s tireless campaigning on behalf of candidates who supported his Make America Great Again agenda. In his first term Mr. Trump largely fulfilled his promises and our expectations, however, the Republican Congress that was elected with him did not. As a result, since 2016 many, but not all, of the Republicans who opposed the conservative – populist agenda that elevated Donald Trump to the presidency have been defeated. But make no mistake about it: As hard as Trump campaigned for Republican candidates, Washington’s GOP establishment, particularly Mitch McConnell, worked equally as hard to defeat MAGA candidates. No one in the establishment media will credit Mr. Trump for his herculean effort, and few in the conservative media have been gracious enough to admit it, but without President Trump, America would be permanently in the hands of the new, radically Leftist Democratic Party. But for Donald Trump we would be 16-years into the presidency of Barack Obama, and a Congress bent on opening our borders, amnestying millions of illegal aliens, increasing our taxes, confiscating our guns and passing other new restrictions on our liberty. President Trump, and his family, have borne an almost inhumane burden ever since he announced his candidacy. They have been reviled, harassed, bullied and subjected to a continuous torrent of the vilest abuse not for who they are, but for who they represent – the American heartland’s forgotten citizens. While few in Washington’s elite salons will offer their thanks for the election of Donald Trump or for his herculean effort during the campaign, we believe among the millions of America’s working families who want nothing more than to be left alone to live their lives as they see fit, worship as they see fit, enjoy the pleasures of a happy home and pass on to their children the fruits of their labors Donald Trump should be and will be honored this Thanksgiving. 2024 Election Thanksgiving 2024 Donald Trump constitutional government cultural institutions House majority Senate majority MAGA agenda populist agenda
- Transition to Trump 2.0: Joe Biden’s place in history – party cheerleader or more like its saboteur
Of many questions lingering from campaign 2024, perhaps the biggest is whether Biden intentionally sabotaged the Democrats By show of hands, how many of you diehard Trump fans were confident that this year’s Thanksgiving celebration would be as happy and joyous as it’s turned out to be? I’ve heard it from a number of people that the feeling is simply different – and better -- these days with the knowledge Donald J. Trump and his appointed government dismantlers and implementers like Pam Bondi (for Attorney General), Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy (at the head of DOGE), Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. et al. will be assuming the reins of the federal beast come two months from this time. For now, election postmortems continue with theories proffered as to how Trump was able to pull off the most unlikely and historic of all political comebacks earlier this month. Most of the analysis has concentrated on the political disease evident in the Democrat party as well as the gaping holes in their message and platform. Quite frankly, the voters couldn’t tolerate Kamala Harris and Tampon Tim Walz entrusted with theirs and their families’ futures. But could it have been an inside job? President senile Joe Biden has been practically giddy in public since the day after the election. Three weeks removed from Election Day, senile Joe appears more than ready to vacate town and never look back. Was he hoping the Democrats would lose? In an opinion column titled “Biden wanted Trump to win (Revenge against his own party)”, Michael McKenna wrote at The Washington Times : “Not only did he step all over Vice President Kamala Harris’ message — most egregiously when he called those not aligned with her message ‘garbage’ — he seemed almost relieved the morning after the election, announcing that he would do whatever he could to ensure a smooth transition of power... “Perhaps it is his payback for how he was summarily dismissed as the duly elected presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. Perhaps he is pleased that history will note he was the only candidate to have beaten Mr. Trump. Perhaps he is just happy not to have to go through the motions of being president anymore. “Or maybe Mr. Biden correctly senses that despite all the noise coming from the few remaining moderates in the Democratic Party, he is likely to be the last Democratic presidential candidate who could even pretend to be an old-line moderate with vestigial attachments to identifiers of normalcy such as religious beliefs, enthusiasm for cars or whatever.” Or all of the above. I’d hardly label Joseph Robinette Biden as a complex person, but the thoughts and range of emotions flowing through his cobwebbed brain these days must be diverse, indeed. By his appearances at international meetings and summits recently, it looked to this observer as though Biden has given up or in more modern parlance, he’s “dialing it in”. Most of us have been at jobs where we knew we’d be moving on soon and the greatest temptation is to slack off or go through the motions or, for want of a better way to put it, “quit” as your hours dwindled down. But the “fight” has apparently left senile Joe Biden. Throughout his more than a half century in the Washington swamp, Biden’s never been known for treading lightly. He’s been seen as friendly (to some) and accommodating, but not lazy and flighty. The senile Joe Biden we’ve come to know is the same brawler he’s portrayed himself to be whenever Trump’s name is mentioned. His persona is what’s worked for him over the decades. But now -- really, root for the other team to win? The notion seems utterly preposterous, particularly because the opponent in this case was their most bitter rival. When Democrats insinuated that a Trump victory would destroy democracy and mark the return of a Hitler-like authoritarian dictator, one tends to believe they were serious. Democrats have always been proficient at branding their opponents to make them appear heartless and cruel and against women, minorities, gay people, immigrants (of all sorts) racist to the core, so much so that they’ve come to believe their own rhetoric. Up until Trump, at least, Republicans have badly lagged in the mudslinging category so as to appear “bipartisan” and willing to work across the aisle, assuming their opponents had good intentions. And losing didn’t matter that much. Too many examples to prove the assertion. That’s John McCain for you. The “Maverick” could toss out names alright, but usually directed at people in his own party. Remember “wacko birds”? Senile Joe isn’t innocent here, but he was largely responsible for fostering the myth that Trump was a tyrant and that no one liked the New York outsider. The reputation stuck, particularly with the media and “The View” constituency of elitest limousine liberals. Defying predictions, again, Trump has professionals craving to work in the new administration Though hardly a Never Trumper at any point, McKenna could be counted as part of a significant number of Trump skeptics who outwardly cautioned against the former Republican standard bearer getting the GOP’s 2024 nomination. The Washington Times writer suggested that Trump’s tortured relationship with the professional political class in Washington would basically mean the new president would, if elected, face difficulty finding enough willing butts to fill the administration’s chairs. McKenna’s argument essentially went like this – since Trump was estranged from many, many of his former top-level advisors, including his vice president, prospective employees wouldn’t relish risking their current positions to take a chance on going to work for a man who was notoriously demanding, petty, petulant, picky and took delight at throwing people who he no longer had use for under the proverbial bus. Lots of observers said it, didn’t they? Like there was a single Republican primary voter out there who weighed whether Trump could entice a sufficient number of swamp creatures to enter the executive branch and toil for him for four years.As the transition proceeds it’s clear that McKenna’s – and others’ – fears were unfounded. Great “outsider” folks are literally lining up for a shot at serving, the only high-profile “loss” to the Trump team being gadfly Matt Gaetz thus far. The balance of Trump’s nominations should be confirmed without too much problem. Even some Democrats will vote to confirm them. So it’s clear that many of the assumptions made prior to Trump’s victory haven’t come to fruition. Neither has the notion that senile Joe Biden worked as hard as he possibly could to help his vice president replace him. If senile Joe cares about what’s happened to his party after the election, he’s done a mighty good job disguising his concern. Or, it could be Biden has finally deteriorated to the extent where he can’t disguise it any longer. All one had to do is watch the video from last week as Biden finished a brief statement and then shuffled along into the rainforest. As Joe himself would say… no joke. It’s hard to tell whether Biden is doing any of these things on purpose or if he’s even aware he’s doing them – acting overly happy, calm, relieved, free of stress, or that he’s lost his “mojo”. Senile Joe appears to have accepted his political fate and resigned to letting history define his place in the ages. His familiar arrogance allows him to believe he’ll be thought of as a great ruler. The days couldn’t pass fast enough for Joe Biden. Donald Trump’s second inauguration day will probably he one of the best in Biden’s life. Did he plan it this way? It’s anybody’s guess, and you wouldn’t be wrong. Happy Thanksgiving! Joe Biden economy inflation Biden cognitive decline gas prices, Nancy Pelosi Biden senile Kamala Harris candidacy Donald Trump campaign Harris Trump debates J.D. Vance Kamala vice president Speaker Mike Johnson Donald Trump assassination Donald Trump 2024 presidential election Tim Walz
- Transition to Trump 2.0: Looking to 2028, Democrats hankering to give Kamala another shot
If the 2028 Democrat primaries were held today… Kamala Harris would win in a landslide Politics lovers of all shapes, colors and sizes love talking about the future. The 2024 horserace is over and some Americans are already looking towards 2028. Democrats are especially anxious because the next presidential election represents their best opportunity to reverse the current pro-MAGA trend of voters who not only want change for change’s sake – they found a hero in the unmatchable Donald Trump. It was inevitable someone would ask Democrats who they’d like to see as their next presidential candidate. Senile Joe Biden is so demented he’ll probably hope to run again and pull a comeback comparable to Trump’s from this year. But an 86-year-old Biden isn’t realistic. Maybe Hunter? Democrats would love him! At any rate, in the early going, Democrats seem to crave the comfort of a known quantity. Brace yourself for Kamala Harris part… five or six? In an article titled “Here's Who Leads the Pack for Democrats' Choice in 2028”, Rebecca Downs reported at Townhall : “[A]n Echelon Insights poll went out showing that amongst 14 candidates, as well as a ‘Someone else’ response and ‘Unsure,’ Harris still has a healthy lead, with 41 percent saying they'd vote for her if the 2028 primary were held today. “In addition to Harris' lead of 41 percent, there's the 16 percent who said ‘unsure,’ Eight percent said Gov. Gavin Newsom, who, like Harris, is from California. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who served as Harris' running mate for this cycle, has only 6 percent support, as does Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, who Harris very nearly picked as her running mate, has 7 percent support… How much stock do you put in this result? Is this a sign of real popularity for the California leftist or are Democrats still in mourning and won’t recover anytime soon? Was 2024 simply an “introduction” to the electorate for Kamala Harris? Was she the victim of not being given enough time to convince voters to favor her? Was she defeated because of circumstances? Did people feel sorry for Donald Trump because of the assassination attempts? Were voters just partial to J.D. Vance’s beard? Time will reveal. But for now, at least, Democrats know Kamala Harris, and they seem to like an abortion-touting half black/half Indian female for their standard bearer. Kamala, if she runs again, would begin the cycle with a large lead and other advantages. If the primaries were being held tomorrow – or next year. Was Kamala truly the right fit for today’s Democrat Party? They’ll never vote for her; she infuriates Republicans, motivating them to vote against her American voters have notoriously poor memories – or maybe they just like holding grudges – but it wasn’t all that long ago, perhaps less than a year, that many self-appointed “experts” suggested that Donald J. Trump could never win the presidency again because there simply weren’t enough pro-Trump Walmart-type backers to counteract the waves of anti-Trumpers the Democrats would inspire to keep him out of office. I was challenged by an extremely skeptical former Trump voter – way back when – to find and name one 2020 Biden voter who had switched his or her vote to Trump. Besides disagreeing with his assertion, what was I supposed to do, take a random street sample of people and ask them if they voted Democrat in 2020? And, if so, had they experienced a change of heart? While conceding I didn’t know any Biden/Democrat voters who’d suddenly gained a measure of common sense and latched onto the Trump train, I figured the Biden/Harris administration had been so awful there certainly had to be some who had opted to turn away from them. Granted, I don’t know a hundred and fifty million voters individually, but as a lifelong observer of politics, I understand that things change on a dime in our political system. Therefore, the typical anti-Trump argument that Trump wasn’t electable because he couldn’t fill a “big tent” was a non-starter in my estimation. As Trump frequently pointed out in his campaign, his presidency (#1) had been mostly successful prior to COVID sabotaging his re-election effort. The Chinese Communist Party flu bug changed everything, including voters’ inclinations to vote for the 2020 incumbent. So Trump’s 2024 candidacy became possible, simply because no matter what the Democrats threw at him – and they bombarded him with lawfare, assassin’s bullets, invective, a billion dollars’ worth of cash, heaps of celebrity endorsements and enough establishment media spin to fuel an amusement ride for a million years – it wouldn’t override the fact the Democrats had an awful candidate (senile Joe Biden, then cackling Kamala) and would be weighed-down by high inflation, a gargantuan illegal alien problem (of their doing) and cultural overreaches that begged for a backlash. Would the same reasoning suffice for Kamala, or is she truly too damaged to run again for the Democrats in 2028? Could Harris pull off a Trump-like comeback in the next cycle? Anything is possible, especially where Democrats are concerned, but objective analysis indicates a Kamala return is highly improbable, for several reasons: One , just say it, Democrats – Kamala is/was downright awful. Democrats discovered too late that once the “vibe” and “joy” receded in their collective hearts, they were stuck with a woman candidate who repels “normal” people. The hags at “The View” and my shrinking number of liberal Facebook friends loved her, but hardly anyone “normal” did. Democrats always start with a built-in voter advantage. There are an awful lot of Americans who don’t care “who” a candidate is as much as “what” a candidate is. Therefore, the floor of Democrat support is about 45 percent. All they need to do is grab that extra five or so percent in the right spots and they’re set. Two , Republicans will have difficulty replacing Trump (because he’s so unique), but whoever comes after the 45th and 47th president will likely be more “acceptable” in a general electoral sense. For all of his attributes, Trump will always struggle to win over naysayers on both sides, simply because they don’t like his style, or he’s not “presidential” or divisive or brash, etc. Meanwhile, Democrats will want to tap a new generation of political leaders. They’ll need someone who inspires voters because of what he or she believes, not just because of skin color and gender. Liberals will struggle to come up with such a person, and the 2028 party primaries should be fascinating to watch. But it won’t be Kamala Harris. I’d bet my house on it. Three , Democrats will cower in the corner for a few weeks, then emerge like caged animals in search of blood. Okay, that was kind of graphic, but Democrats don’t have it in them to cooperate with Trump – or any Republican. They don’t know any better, right now, than to figure Kamala Harris is the best they have, and she merits another go ‘round in the next cycle. But time heals (some) political wounds. Democrats will latch onto the next flavor of the moment when the time comes. Lastly , unlike with Trump, anti-Kamala antipathy has staying power. Donald Trump could always go around talking about how successful his presidency was, and most reasonable, persuadable voters, would at least give him another look, even if they didn’t like him personally. What does Kamala have? She can’t rely on a proven record. She’s about as pleasant as hearing nails on a chalkboard and a mid-sixties (which she’ll be in four years) woman isn’t likely to qualify as a “new face”. Put it this way – Kamala Harris is no Barack Obama in 2008. She does like Hawaii, though. Rather than assist with the crises plaguing hers and senile Joe’s administration, she took off to The Aloha State, just like with Barry O. Here’s thinking Kamala Harris will be gone – and forgotten – in four years. Am I wrong? Joe Biden economy inflation Biden cognitive decline gas prices, Nancy Pelosi Biden senile Kamala Harris candidacy Donald Trump campaign Harris Trump debates J.D. Vance Kamala vice president Speaker Mike Johnson Donald Trump assassination Donald Trump 2024 presidential election Tim Walz
- Seb Gorka And Realism About The Jihadi Threat Return To The White House
News has broken that our old friend Dr. Sebastian Gorka will be returning to the Trump White House as Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Counterterrorism. Previously, Seb Gorka was an adviser on national security matters in the first Trump White House, until he and Steve Bannon were forced out by the treasonous Gen. John Kelly. Naturally, the same Washington Uniparty insiders who thought Kelly was a great Chief of Staff for President Trump are opposed to Seb Gorka’s return to the National Security Council staff, and they have already started the typical, anonymous of course, media campaign against him. According to a hit piece in the Washington Post , the rap against Seb Gorka is, “Despite his alignment with Trump’s populist rhetoric on issues like immigration, close associates found his views on Muslims in particular to be out of line even with other Trump supporters, as he stoked fears that the United States will fall under what he calls radical Islamic law if extreme steps to combat terrorist groups are not taken.” Back in 2017 the Washington Post made similar comments in the hit piece linked above, writing, “For years, Gorka had labored on the fringes of Washington and the far edge of acceptable debate as defined by the city’s Republican and Democratic foreign policy elite. Today, the former national security editor for the conservative Breitbart News outlet occupies a senior job in the White House and his controversial ideas — especially about Islam — drive Trump’s populist approach to counterterrorism and national security.” The only problem with the Post’s attempt to paint Dr. Gorka as an extremist at “the far edge of acceptable debate as defined by the city’s Republican and Democratic foreign policy elite,” is that Seb Gorka is right, and they are wrong. Washington, DC’s “Republican and Democratic foreign policy elite” think that the war Islam has declared on the West can be prosecuted through diplomacy, or a series of transactions through which two morally equal sides make deals to get what they want. Dr. Gorka recognizes we are in a civilizational war that pits Western Judeo-Christian civilization against Islam’s war for world domination. His other insight, as he related it to the Washington Post in 2017, was that the secular elite of the Washington foreign policy establishment were too quick to discount the role of religion in our national security threat environment. “Their worldview is fundamentally challenged by anybody who takes religion seriously, and you know what? I take religion seriously,” Gorka said. “Because when you take seven minutes on a video to decapitate another human being by manually sawing off their head, that’s the power that religion can have or a distortion of religion or whatever you want to call it.” We Americans may be ill-equipped to fight a religious war, but we should recognize the war radical Islamists have declared on us is a spiritual war against what is the twenty-first century’s most dangerous totalitarian movement – Islam. What Seb Gorka gets, and what the Foggy Bottom striped pants brigade refuses to acknowledge is that in this war, the West is in a war not just with radical Islamists like the Taliban, but with concepts deeply embedded in Muslim culture. These are ideas that even so-called “moderate” Muslims are prepared to use violence to impose upon the entire world – if that doesn’t fit the definition of totalitarian what does? And there’s one other thing that prompts opposition from the “Republican and Democratic foreign policy elite” and that’s cheering for Israel, and Seb Gorka is an unabashed supporter of our most reliable ally in the Middle East. Last year, after he watched unedited video of the Hamas attack in Israel, he provided advice to Israeli leaders on how to prosecute their conflict with Hamas and Hezbollah. “Kill every single one of them,” Gorka said, “God bless Israel. God bless Judeo-Christian civilization.” To succeed, totalitarian movements always require “useful idiots,” like the writers at the Washington Post , to help convince the people about to be enslaved that their soon-to-be totalitarian masters are saviors, not oppressors, and to promote the folly that Islam is a “religion of peace.” Welcome back to the White House, Dr. Gorka. With your counsel President Trump will remain real about the war the jihadis have declared on us and the United States will once again be the principal defender of Judeo-Christian civilization. George Rasley is editor of Richard Viguerie's and is a veteran of over 300 political campaigns. A member of American MENSA, he served on the staff of Vice President Dan Quayle, as Director of Policy and Communication for former Congressman Adam Putnam (FL-12) then Vice Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee's Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, and as spokesman for retired Rep. Mac Thornberry, a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and former Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. 2024 Election Counterterrorism Sebastian Gorka John Kelly National Security Council staff Trump administration Muslims Jihad radical Islamic law foreign policy elite foreign policy establishment religious war spiritual war radical Islamists Israel Hamas
- Constitutional Alliance Asks Will Trump Really End the Surveillance State?
I will be referring to President Elect Trump as President Trump because the public and media must look forward, not debate the past and what could have been. Those that do not accept President Trump has a mandate are being intellectually dishonest. President Trump won all swing states, and the Republicans also took back the Senate and held the House. This document will address the surveillance state. President Trump and Ms. Susie Wiles, President Trump's campaign manager and now Chief of Staff ran an efficient campaign. Anyone who does not acknowledge the effectiveness of President Trump's campaign is looking through a partisan lens. President Trump earned the victory; it was not given to him. Nobody can accuse the Constitutional Alliance of being a partisan organization. We call balls and strikes regardless of which way the wind is blowing. We asked President Trump's campaign to address the issue of placing a moratorium on the use of Facial Recognition Technology, in addition to other issues President Trump campaigned on. The Democrats could have also agreed to a moratorium on the use of Facial Recognition Technology. As it is, the Constitutional Alliance will continue to ask for a moratorium on the use of Facial Recognition Technology absent a court approved warrant. It should not be the goal of Republicans or Democrats to further the surveillance state. We know there are people very worried about what a second President Trump administration will do. We encourage people to give President Trump the same amount of time previous Presidents had to put forth their priorities. We recognize there will be differences on cultural issues/social issues with people who did not vote for President Trump. That said, on economic issues President Trump should have the support of all people. Anyone who roots for President Trump's economic policies to fail is not just rooting against President Trump, but also our country, and the people who cannot pay their bills through no fault of their own. Two major companies have already announced they will be moving their manufacturing from overseas to the United States to avoid tariffs. This will create jobs in the U.S. and help our economy. The Democrats failed miserably to protect and secure our borders - full stop. There are over 1.3 million people who have already had their asylum cases heard and their claims rejected by the courts, yet these people remain in the United States. There are also gang members, drug cartel members, and other violent people who entered our country illegally and must be deported. President Trump and Republicans not only have the mandate to remove these people, but they also have the responsibility. I wrote long ago about how much illegal immigration was costing our country in areas such as education, health care, housing, and welfare benefits. Are there benefits that people in our country unlawfully contribute? That was a question for voters. The issue of securing our borders is more than just a cost/economic issue, but more importantly a national security issue. Already Iranians and others have been charged with attempting to assassinate President Trump. Many people who are unlawfully in the U.S. have been paying taxes. We should not paint all people with a broad stroke. As a point of fact, we still are not making sure people are who they say they are, and in too many cases failing to verify citizenship. Biometrics DO NOT identify people. Biometrics can authenticate if two people are the same person, but that is all biometrics can do. Breeder documents such as birth certificates and other acceptable documents are what the law requires be verified, so we do know if people are who they say they are. Each time we wrote about immigration we said elections have consequences. The current status quo regarding immigration has not worked for forty years. Some people will not like the way President Trump’s administration will deal with deporting people. Immigration is not part of the Constitutional Alliance’s Mission Statement. V.P. Harris’ supporters went from saying there are eleven million people undocumented people in our country to now saying there are twenty million people undocumented people in our country. Those that wonder why Democrats lost credibility with their own base, it is this type of changing of facts that is the reason. We are simply stating how V.P. Harris and her surrogates have changed their story from before the election to today because they lost so badly. One point we want to make about immigration. We do hope that President Trump is briefed on UVisa applicants. These applicants are not citizens but were the victims of violent crimes in our country. We can all agree we do not want those that commit violent crimes allowed to run free. If undocumented people were victims of violent crimes, and have not committed any felonies themselves, they should be given a pathway to citizenship which is specifically what a UVisa does. It can take years before people who commit violent crimes are caught and prosecuted, and then for appeals to be exhausted. If the people who are the victims of violent crimes are deported, we will have left violent criminals on the street to rob, injure, and/or kill our own family members. The UVisa program law must be left intact. In conclusion, the Constitutional Alliance has taken the position for almost two decades, there must be an exemption from mandatory biometric enrollment for those who choose not to be in a global system that will at some point be able to identify people and control the ability of people to buy, sell, travel, and work. Such a system is nearly complete. The international standards and telecommunication network for the sharing of biometrics globally already exist. We have been in contact with many Christians and Jewish people who oppose such a global system. Only the Constitutional Alliance addressed this system of control almost twenty years ago. We will never stop pushing for an exemption, religious or not. The Constitutional Alliance is a community, working as a nonpartisan team, focused on educating about the falsehoods that biometrics somehow prove one's identity. We've been educating legislators, pastors, attorneys, governors, and the public since early 2001. The founding team included Mark Lerner (biometric insider turned whistle blower), Steve Meyer (data mining insider), Kaye Beach (activist), and 21 groups and individuals. Go here to support their work 2024 Election 4th Amendment privacy surveillance state President Donald Trump Susie Wiles Chief of Staff Trump campaign facial recognition technology Second Trump administration cultural issues economic issues Manufacturing companies illegal immigration national security biometrics deportations mandatory biometric enrollment
- Open the Books Report: How Government is Using Your Tax Dollars to Silence Your Voice
Campaign season brought with it a steady stream of accusations that various parties and platforms were spreading misinformation and disinformation. Most recently, the scandals at FEMA over avoiding homes with Trump signs was quickly slapped with a “misinformation” label...until FEMA itself admitted it had happened. MSNBC anchor Jen Psaki suggested “laws have to change” to combat the scourge. With the misinformation category being weaponized across the political spectrum, our friends at Open the Books took a look at how invested government has become in studying and “combatting” it using your tax dollars. That research can provide the intellectual ammunition to censor people online. Since 2021, the Biden-Harris administration has spent $267 million on research grants with the term “misinformation” in the proposal. Of course, the Covid pandemic was the driving force behind so much of the misinformation debate. Sure enough, the feds have spent at least $127 million in grants specifically targeted to study the spread of “misinformation” -- or to help people “overcome” it, so to speak -- by persuading them to go along with Covid-related public health recommendations and mandates. In one particularly brazen instance, $200,000 was spent slandering President-elect Trump himself. The grant resulted in a paper suggesting populist leaders and movements in various countries kept people from coming together in “solidarity” and public officials need to have the “main say” on health guidance next time. In other words, it would be better if your voice were silenced in favor of the “expert” class. BACKGROUND The COVID-19 pandemic instigated a rush of funding for research and projects addressing misinformation. At the time bureaucrats like Anthony Fauci contended that false information spread online undermined scientific recommendations coming from the government. Many of those government recommendations—vaccines for children, masking and double masking, and six feet for social distancing—have since been found to have dubious scientific basis. The federal government used both carrots and sticks, in the form of grants and censorious pressure campaigns, in the name of combating COVID misinformation. At the same time, it was working hand in glove with social media companies to silence critics of repressive COVID-19 policies. There is robust documentation by now proving that the Biden-Harris administration worked closely with social media companies to censor content deemed “misinformation,” which often included cases where people simply questioned or disagreed with the Administration’s COVID policies. Earlier this year the Supreme Court ruled that such activities did not violate the First Amendment, but Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted such pressure was “wrong;” Tesla CEO Elon Musk purchased Twitter (now X) in part because of the company’s extreme restrictions on speech during COVID. In February the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government issued a scathing report against the National Science Foundation (NSF) for funding grants supporting tools and processes that censor online speech. The report said, “the purpose of these taxpayer-funded projects is to develop artificial intelligence (AI)-powered censorship and propaganda tools that can be used by governments and Big Tech to shape public opinion by restricting certain viewpoints or promoting others.” $13 million was spent on the censorious technologies profiled in the report. While the NSF was singled out for particularly egregious ideology-driven behavior, the full universe of misinformation-related spending in the federal government is much larger and goes far beyond colluding with the tech sector to restrict opinions online. Federal spending records show at least $127 million tax dollars funding anti-misinformation efforts directly related to COVID-19 for a variety of activities, from on-the-ground advocacy working to dispel vaccine misinformation, to scientific studies on how supposed misinformation is spread online. The result of all this was a record loss of trust in science and government and compounding economic and social disasters that may never be able to be fully quantified. Learning to think critically and discern truth from lies is an important life skill, but the federal government has proven it is not capable of addressing that need responsibly. It’s the worst possible arbiter of truth, as it were, because it makes the state a gatekeeper of speech. BY THE NUMBERS Misinformation-related grants actually stretch back to FY2017 during the first Trump presidency. $273 million has been awarded for grant proposals containing the term since then—but there was an explosion of cash during the years-long Covid malaise. The vast majority of that figure ($267 million) was for grants that began in 2021 or later. METHODOLOGY NOTE: This likely does not cover all grants given to combat misinformation, because transaction descriptions may not include this keyword, but the trend in spending illustrates a sudden explosion of interest in misinformation starting in 2021. An enormous year-over-year jump in new grants occurred between 2020 and 2021—from $2.2 million to $126 million as the federal government poured money out to address COVID-related “misinformation,” among other projects. While spending has since slowed down, it is still far higher than it was pre-pandemic in 2020: $18.3 million in new grants began in FY 2024. Grants mostly came from the Department of Health and Human Services ($185 million), followed by the National Science Foundation ($65 million), with the Department of State ($12 million) in a distant third. CHART: Click here for a breakdown of misinformation spending by agency . An additional $17 million has awarded to misinformation-related contracts since 2020, and again, most of it ($12.5 million) was in FY 2021. WHAT IS MISINFORMATION, ANYWAY? According to the Department of Health and Human Services website : “Misinformation is information that is false, inaccurate, or misleading according to the best available evidence at the time.” The website goes on to detail supposed issues with COVID-19 related misinformation: “During the pandemic, health misinformation has led people to decline vaccines, reject public health measures, and use unproven treatments. Health misinformation has also led to harassment and violence against health workers, airline staff, and other frontline workers tasked with communicating evolving public health measures.” These definitions leave a lot of room for interpretation and abuse—who decides what the “best available evidence” is at any given time? And who decides which experts should be considered authoritative or not? Famously, then-National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease director Anthony Fauci promoted the notion that people should stand six feet apart from each other to achieve “social distancing” to reduce COVID transmission. In January of 2024 Fauci would admit to Congress that this recommendation had no scientific basis and “sort of just appeared.” The six feet social distancing rule was used to justify extended school and business closures, wreaking economic havoc and leading to tremendous learning losses for children. BACK TO THE START: MISINFO SPENDING UNDER TRUMP Before most of the furor, the Trump administration granted about $6.7 million in funding related to misinformation, the bulk of which were awarded in FY 2019 and 2020. Most of these grants—12 of the 16 total—funded technological developments to monitor social media and flag misinformation. The earliest one of these was awarded in 2017: $316,000 from National Science Foundation for “training computers and humans to detect misinformation by combining computational and theoretical analysis.” No such grants were given out domestically in 2018, but in 2019 over $2 million were awarded for projects with titles like “Online Dynamics of Misinformation” and “Social Media and Mass Communication: Curriculum Development to Combat Misinformation.” Spending stayed about the same at $1.7 million in FY 2020 for six projects, including two that directly address COVID: $149,858 from National Science Foundation for “tracking and network analysis of the spread of misinformation regarding COVID-19.” $104,491 from National Science Foundation for “countering COVID-19 misinformation via situation-aware visually informed treatment.” While this spending is a drop in the bucket for what was to come, the censorious ideology behind “misinformation” grants which were abused during the Biden-Harris administration first got traction under Trump. NEXT STEPS: CASH TO FIGHT COVID MISINFO When examining the number of projects on misinformation, most did not specifically relate to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many involved misinformation concerning HIV, the HPV vaccine, or the opioid epidemic, for instance. Multiple projects also addressed more obscure topics , like this $234,401 grant to “combat misinformation that negatively impacts public perception of crabbing and the commercial fishing industry.” But dollar for dollar, $127 million was directly related to COVID. Projects receiving funding generally comprised two categories: Public-interfacing programs meant to mitigate the supposed impact of misinformation through on-the-ground advocacy Scientific studies or conferences on how misinformation is spread ON-THE-GROUND ADVOCACY The federal government pumped millions of dollars into on-the-ground campaigns to “dispel” misinformation and convince people to take COVID-19 vaccines or otherwise comply with COVID policies. Some examples include: $80,092,486, Department of Health and Human Services, National Foundation for the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, to build a network of nonprofits through which to disperse materials about COVID and flu vaccines. Project goals include “the design, development, and management of a searchable repository platform to house a multi-lingual inventory of communication materials and tools to support collaborative efforts to increase adult immunization." $2,000,000, Department of Health and Human Services, Durham County, NC. Proposed activities include “a mass media campaign, SMS distribution of health messaging, out-of-home advertising within targeted geofencing, coordinating existing networks of community health workers, expanding peer advocacy programs to address vaccine hesitancy, outreach to address health-related misinformation, mini-grants for native content development with accurate health messages, and a digital learning community to advance organizational health literacy.” $1,293,614, Department of Health and Human Services, University of Iowa. To leverage trusted community members to address “disparities in COVID testing and vaccine uptake.” Other grants were revised to add an anti-misinformation component. For example , $150,000 was added to a $1.2 million grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service (also known as AmeriCorps) to nonprofit Seeds 4 Success. The original grant was to connect “foster grandparents” to children to serve as tutors and mentors. The revision stated the foster grandparent program will instead “dispel misinformation about COVID vaccination and help [the target community] see the benefits, especially vaccinating children when eligible, and help maximize contract tracing resources to ensure safety of the families we serve.” MISINFORMATION STUDIES Other funding went to researchers seeking to understand how supposed misinformation is shared online and how it can be combatted or mitigated using social or technological tools. Universities were often the recipient of such research spending. Although much of this research is academic, it is often intended to lay the groundwork for public interventions. Examples include: $2,356,413, Department of Health and Human Services, University of Pennsylvania, for “investigating and identifying the heterogeneity in COVID-19 misinformation exposure on social media among black and rural communities to inform precision public health messaging” because “misinformation contributes to confusion, distrust, and distress around health behaviors such as vaccination, mask wearing, and social distancing.” In other words, they wanted to find the different messages and media various communities were receiving in order to tailor the government’s rebuttal. $2,175,835, Department of Health and Human Services, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, for research on the “social processes and cognitive factors underlying misinformation comprehension” in social media. By developing an algorithm to automatically detect “intent and belief attributes underlying COVID-19 misinformation” researchers can develop computational infrastructure to mitigate the spread of that misinformation “easing public health burden and informing policy regulations as needed.” $348,310, Department of Health and Human Services, Michigan State University, “to counteract the negative impact of misinformation on digital platforms that threatens public health.” The overall goal of the project is “to develop a publicly accessible vaccine informatics system to track vaccine debate, and to test the impact of vaccine debate... during the onset of a global pandemic.” OTHER GRANT EXAMPLES $200,000 to Slander a Political Opponent One notable research grant awarded to George Washington University in FY 2022 targeted former president Donald Trump . The study, called “Pandemic Communication in Time of Populism: Building Resilient Media and Ensuring Effective Pandemic Communication in Divided Societies” received a $199,516 grant from the National Science Foundation. Researchers on this Biden-era grant examined how so-called “populist” leaders supposedly prevented society from coming together in “solidarity” during the COVID pandemic. Trump’s presidency was a focus of the research, along with the leaders of three other countries. One researcher said in a video interview : “What went wrong in different ways in all these countries and in a lot of countries around the world that had populist governments...there was just this very high level of polarization and politicization of the pandemic response...and it really interfered with the ability of society to pull together in a consistent way and to get through the pandemic.” The research also concluded that “experts” should have the “main say” during the next public health crisis, with another investigator saying: “One of the recommendations stemming from our strand is related to who is in charge of disseminating information related to the public health crisis, in our view based on the data that we have, it’s obvious that governments should allow the experts to have the main say in how society should respond to public health crisis.” At the end of the video “climate change” is the next crisis these experts suggest requires strong public solidarity that populist leaders are incapable of creating. WILL THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES THEMSELVES SPREAD MISINFORMATION? In a similar vein, $994,950 was awarded from the National Science Foundation to the National Academies of Science on “Understanding and Addressing Misinformation about Science.” This report was needed because, according to the grant description, “concern about the spread of misinformation and its role in undermining scientific expertise and facts in civic dialogue has grown significantly, especially over the last 5-10 years.” The report has yet to be published, but there is reason to suspect it will also lack introspection from its supposed expert panel of researchers. The chair of the research committee, Kasisomayajula Viswanath also worked on the report “Communication Strategies for Building October Confidence in COVID-19 Vaccines: Addressing 2021 Variants and Childhood Vaccinations.” Viswanath said at the time to “continue to emphasize [to parents] how safe the vaccines are and how they are effective in preventing serious disease. More than 6 billion doses of vaccines have been given globally so far with very few serious adverse effects.” But as the New York Times reported in February 2024, many other countries no longer recommend or even offer COVID-19 vaccinations or boosters for children. The New York Times article suggested that U.S. Center for Disease Control’s recommendation for childhood vaccination diminishes the agency’s credibility, because, as other countries have concluded, the benefits of childhood COVID vaccines do not outweigh the costs. It remains to be seen if this misstep in COVID policy will be a part of the new $1 million report on how misinformation erodes public faith in “scientific expertise.” MISINFORMATION CONTRACT SPENDING As we’ve illustrated, public grants focused on “dispelling” misinformation with supposedly accurate information in order to coerce people into compliance with health policy directives. But beginning in 2020, contracts were often concerned with monitoring or eliminating supposed misinformation at its source. Because contract descriptions are frequently vague, it is unclear how many are directly related to COVID-19. Only one explicitly mentioned the pandemic in its contract transaction description. Examples of these misinformation contracts include: * $300,000, Department of Health and Human Services, Innov8AI, “capturing medical misinformation in social media for targeted interdiction using an advanced AI solution set.” [Interdiction means “to forbid in a usually formal or authoritative manner,” according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary.] * $300,000, Department of Health and Human Services, Melax Technologies, “real-time surveillance of vaccine misinformation from social media platforms using ontology and natural language processing technologies.” In other words, Melax would sort posts it deemed “misinformation” into categories to analyze. * $299,964, Department of Health and Human Services, Gryphon Scientific, "systematic understanding and elimination of misinformation online.” Other contracts raised eyebrows for different reasons: * $1,205,826 from Department of Homeland Security went to defense contractor Guidehouse for “misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation analysis.” NOTE: Malinformation is a controversial term for information that is true, but presented without sufficient context in a way that could mislead or harm. The opportunity to use this word to censor political or ideological opponents should be obvious. * As first reported in the Daily Caller, Meedan Inc received $749,974 from the National Science Foundation’s Convergence Accelerator in 2022 for “FACT CHAMP: fact-checker, academic, and community collaboration tools combating hate, abuse, and misinformation with minority led partnerships,” later re-branded as Co-Insights. The non-profit went on to receive $5 million more from NSF for the same project a year later. A press release states the project will “narrow the gap between research into misinformation and responses designed to curb it.” CONCLUSION In October the House Committee on Energy & Commerce’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations published a report outlining nearly $1 billion in spending on a vaccine promotional campaign. Despite this huge expenditure, the report notes that “the Campaign and the Biden Harris administration’s response to the pandemic resulted in a collapse of the public’s trust in public health messaging.” Report authors blamed flawed messaging about the effectiveness of masks, overstating the risk of COVID to children, and recommending vaccinations for all Americans over the age of 6 months. It appears the administration most concerned with “misinformation” itself trafficked in misinformation: on masks, on risks to children, on social distancing, and on the need to vaccinate even infants. At least one grant specifically targeted the sitting president’s main political rival. Americans simply cannot trust that continued grant and contract spending and various bureaucratic programmatic activities involved in “misinformation” will not be ideologically motivated to silence critics. Case in point: a $249,691 grant from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services to the University of Washington to build and deploy an “online escape room hosted by librarians” to address misinformation. The grant also included a co-design camp around the far-left Black Lives Matter movement to “demonstrate use of the design kit for creating interest-driven escape rooms.” (Play the escape room here .) How much more misinformation spending is purely ideological or promoting contested or even false information? No doubt the internet is awash with patently false information that can confuse and needlessly alarm readers. So far it has been proven, however, that the federal government is not capable of addressing this issue objectively. It would be better to stop entirely than further undermine federal credibility with accusations of partisanship and First Amendment rights violations. The incoming Trump administration must end the government’s involvement in managing so-called misinformation, and Congress must keep the purse strings closed on this spending. Otherwise, taxpayers remain at risk of underwriting their own censorship. Click here to support Open the Books in their battle for transparency in government spending. 2024 Election secure elections voter integrity Pennsylvania elections Single day voting censorship HHS vaccines COVID 19 lawfare FBI January 6 Prosecutor Alvin Bragg Fani Willis Jack Smith Department of Justice climate change CARES Act United Nations
- Conservatives to GOP Congress: Don’t Lock in the Biden-Harris Agenda!
The Conservative Movement calls on congressional Republicans to categorically oppose an omnibus appropriations bill or equivalent—and to instead pass a Continuing Resolution (CR) to March 2025, so that the incoming Trump-Vance Administration and Republican Congress can get to work on dismantling Democrat spending and on advancing conservative policy wins. The December 20th expiration date of the current CR sets up a Christmas chokepoint that, under typical circumstances, would be used to force an earmarks-laden omnibus appropriations bill (or equivalent) that increases spending and carries on it other big-spending items, including perhaps a debt-ceiling increase. But these are not typical times. Congressional Republicans must stand strong and prevent the outgoing Biden-Harris Administration and Democrat Senate from having any further input into critical spending decisions. Now and into next year, Republicans should fight for conservative wins for the American people—whether spending cuts, elimination of big-government socialist programs, or language that implements policies that are wildly popular across the ideological spectrum (like voter ID, prohibiting non-citizens from registering to vote, parental control of education, and no males in female sports, to name just a few). We and the larger Conservative Movement stand ready to help circumvent the usual December disaster for the federal budget and for the future of America. Sincerely, The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell Chairman, Conservative Action Project Chairman, CNP Action, Inc. The Honorable Tony Perkins President Family Research Council Myron Ebell Chairman American Lands Council The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr. Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs, President Ronald Reagan The Honorable Becky Norton Dunlop White House Advisor President Ronald Reagan (1981-1985) David N. Bossie President Citizens United Marty Dannenfelser Vice President for Government Relations and Coalitions and Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) William L. Walton The Bill Walton Show Resolute Protector Foundation Alfred S. Regnery President Republic Book Publishers Thomas H. Jones Founder American Accountability Foundation The Honorable Jim DeMint Chairman, Conservative Partnership Institute Member, US Senate (SC 2005-2013) Rebecca Weber CEO, Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) Brigitte Gabriel Chairman and CEO ACT For America Joseph A. Morris Partner, Morris & De La Rosa Former Assistant U.S. Attorney General (Reagan/Meese) Seton Motley President Less Government Walker Wildmon CEO AFA Action Trent England Executive Director Save Our States Ron Pearson President Pearson & Pipkin Craig Shirley Reagan and Trump Biographer Presidential Historian John Yep President and CEO Catholics for Catholics Tim Throckmorton President Lifepointe Ministries Shannon O. Royce President Christian Employers Alliance The Honorable Mike Wolfe Former Harris County School Trustee Harris County Department of Education The Honorable Paul S. Teller, Ph.D. Executive Vice President Advancing American Freedom Bob Carlstrom President AMAC Action Kelly J. Shackelford, Esq. President and CEO First Liberty Institute Thomas E. McClusky Principal Greenlight Strategies, LLC L. Brent Bozell III Founder and President Media Research Center Star Parker, Founder and President Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) Jenny Beth Martin Chairman Tea Party Patriots Citizen Fund The Honorable George K Rasley Jr Managing Editor Chad Connelly Founder and President Faith Wins Lori Roman President ACRU Action Fund The Honorable Bob McEwen U.S. House of Representatives Former Member, Ohio Ed Corrigan Vice Chairman, Conservative Action Project and President & CEO, Conservative Partnership Institute The Honorable Scott Walker President Young America’s Foundation Richard Norman Founder The Richard Norman Company The Honorable Louis Terhar OH State Senate (ret) CNP, Board d of Governors C. Preston Noell III President Tradition, Family, Property, Inc. Karen England President Take Back the Classroom Tom DeWeese President American Policy Center Brian S. Brown President National Organization for Marriage Allen J. Hebert Chairman American-Chinese Fellowship of Houston E.C. Sykes Managing Director Aslan Ventures Elaine Donnelly President Center for Military Readiness The Honorable Donald J. Devine Director U.S. Office of Personnel Management The Fund for American Studies Tim Macy Chairman of the Board Gun Owners of America 2024 Election secure elections voter integrity Pennsylvania elections Single day voting censorship HHS vaccines COVID 19 lawfare FBI January 6 Prosecutor Alvin Bragg Fani Willis Jack Smith Department of Justice climate change CARES Act United Nations
- Transition to Trump 2.0: Why the ‘Trump Dance’ has captivated a grateful Trump nation
“Trump Dance” sweeps the nation, invites massive whine session from the prudish, censoring left You may have already seen it and not even noticed it, or have just passed it off as something bound to fade within a matter of hours if not days, but the nation – and more specifically the sports world – has been caught up in displaying their own interpretations of the “Trump Dance” in recent weeks and doesn’t look to let up anytime soon. Normally, when a “fad” appears, the mood behind it doesn’t last. The phenomenon in question usually endures for a long enough time to have t-shirts made, mugs fashioned or to earn a spot on the evening news, but this one – or at least the attitude behind it – seems to have a unique kind of staying power. Have you seen it? The “Trump Dance” has been everywhere. In an article titled, “Joy and vibes: Trump’s signature dance takes post-election nation by storm”, Valerie Richardson reported at The Washinton Times last week :“Democrats have called him a fascist and worse, but ever since Donald Trump captured a second presidential term, a growing number of Americans are dancing to his tune. The Trump dance has become the surprise hit of the postelection season. In the two weeks since Mr. Trump’s victory, fraternity brothers, professional athletes and the president of Argentina have performed it. “UFC champion Jon Jones broke out the moves after defending his heavyweight title at UFC 309 in front of Mr. Trump, who attended the Saturday bout at Madison Square Garden. “’I also want to say a big, big thank you to President Donald Trump for being here tonight,’ Jones said in remarks from the octagon. ‘Hey, what do you think about my version of the Donald Trump? Check it out.’ The crowd erupted as Jones showed off his fist-punching, knee-popping moves while the president-elect applauded from ringside.” Good fun, right? Cultural fads happen all the time and they tend to spread like wildfire once the spark has ignited the dry human nature kindling. Conservatives probably recall how, early in senile Joe Biden’s presidency, the phrase “Let’s go Brandon!” was unwittingly coined by an NBC Sports reporter at a NASCAR race and then you couldn’t go anywhere without seeing someone with a “Let’s Go Brandon!” shirt or bumper sticker affixed to his (or her) car. I myself have such a shirt – a gift from my “with it” social media family, the members of which are much more socially astute and current than I am. I can’t tell you the number of comments I’ve received when displaying the message, the gist of the theme having stuck with people for a long time. As would be expected, smart phone fueled social media platforms and memes were largely responsible for spreading the news on the “Trump Dance”, too, with conservatives anxious to “come out” of their self-imposed moratorium on public displays of support for the 45th-turned-47th president. Trump backers recall a time not too long ago when it was thought that being open in support of Trump would engender retribution from some off-balanced enraged leftists who could be prone to inflicting bodily harm. My high school aged son appeared immune to caring about the peer pressure involved with being a Trump supporter, boldly displaying several bumper stickers on the car he drives to school and participating in several Trump flag waving sessions with local fans before Election Day. As someone in the news remarked recently, liking Trump is akin to being received at the “Cool Kids” table in the school cafeteria now. This type of behavior has existed for as long as there’ve been people who craved approval and popularity. In the 1990’s it was the Macarena Dance , which you might still see on a cruise ship dance floor or at a wedding reception. Such usages demonstrate acceptance and bring good feelings inspired by crowd mentality. Or who could forget the “African Anteater Ritual Dance” portrayed in the 1987 Patrick Dempsey movie, “Can’t Buy Me Love”? Once a “cool” kid starts doing it, everyone wants to join in. Though I would suggest the “Trump Dance” is different than the other flash-in-the-pan fads, because the politician at its core was, not too long ago, viewed as cultural taboo in polite society. The very same athletes who are currently displaying the dance after touchdowns or quarterback sacks probably wouldn’t have been caught dead being associated with Trump just a few months ago, much less openly displaying their affection for the man – and his MAGA agenda. How’d this happen? Why is it okay to be a Trump fan now? A few different reasons: First , winning changes everything. Prevailing in the 2024 election by landslide proportions (in today’s political situation) helped people cast aside their apprehensions and “loosen up” a little. Or a lot. Second , the Trump political brand has been bolstered by association with Elon Musk, Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan and the group of high-profile Trump backers. Seeing the crowd at New York City’s Madison Square Garden cheer the president-elect with his “entourage” was astonishing. Trump’s always been a celebrity, but ever like this ? Third , it’s much more fun to take part in a positive/support fad than in a negative/opposition one. This is the reason why the “Let’s Go Brandon!” slogan had little staying power. It’s more fun to be for something than against something, put it that way. It puts smiles on faces for the right reasons. Lastly , the “Trump Dance” is genuine. Democrats tried to make senile Joe Biden “cool” by devising the “Dark Brandon” theme, but nobody bought into it. Whereas the saxophone playing Big Bubba Bill Clinton and the “thrill up my leg” leftist adoration of Barack Obama seemed to stick to those politicians, everyone knew Biden wasn’t “cool” and no one wanted to be like him. It was fake and phony. Will the “Trump Dance” endure? Time will tell. I haven’t seen any post-election favorability ratings, but it seems obvious there will be a “honeymoon period” of Trump affection that will last through the early part of his second administration, but if the public doesn’t begin to see positive changes in America – and rather quickly – the fun won’t last. People are extremely fickle. And most on the left aren’t about to take a “Morning Joe” type attitude towards giving Trump a chance to succeed. The vast majority of Democrats will oppose Trump just for the sake of opposing him, and there isn’t anything he can do to appease the rabid abortion-loving feminist panties in a wad crowd. Pent up rage and anti-establishment frustration becomes uninhibited joy in Republican land While the popularity of the “Trump dance” was certainly difficult to foresee, the explanation for its catchiness wasn’t hard to understand at all. All any Trump backer had to do is remember back to the way they felt on January 6, 2021, or after the first Trump impeachment trial, or recall how the establishment media has treated the purveyor of “Make America Great Again” hundreds upon hundreds of times before -- and the whole sensation becomes rather perceptible. Call it a “Cinderella syndrome” when the picked on or bullied American political stepchild finally gains a fairy godmother and goes to the ball where the handsome prince falls for her. How non-politically correct and old-fashioned, right? Trump supporters have always been a tad uptight because they’ve felt like they had to repeatedly explain themselves to liberal relatives and friends as to why they appreciate and support a man who is reviled by so many woke cultural “influencers”. It wasn’t “cool” to like Donald Trump until recently. The man’s “fascist” reputation had become too ingrained to ignore. That’s why the “Trump dancers” are so free to open up and let go now. Clear the dance floor, people. And better internalize and learn your own version of the “dance” while it’s still hot. Joe Biden economy inflation Biden cognitive decline gas prices, Nancy Pelosi Biden senile Kamala Harris candidacy Donald Trump campaign Harris Trump debates J.D. Vance Kamala vice president Speaker Mike Johnson Donald Trump assassination Donald Trump 2024 presidential election Tim Walz
- Congressional Elitists: Major Culprits Behind J6 Chaos
As a former U.S. Capitol Police employee, it was clear to me January 6, 2021 was an intentional ruse. Each year the Capitol Police receive hundreds of requests for various events and gatherings. Not all are approved. Primary factors for denial are manpower and security considerations. But when the sun rose on January 7, there was no doubt the power brokers on Capitol Hill allowed, even emboldened, the events of that day. Based on experience and knowledge, the denial to obtain sufficient resources to protect the Capitol campus was without a doubt a calculated act. This is what led to the chaos and damage we witnessed at our beautiful historical Capital building. Our so-called leaders allowed the worst of society, who enjoy the freedoms of our republic, to disrespect and destroy lives and property. Recalling Another Fateful Day It was shortly after 9/11, Feb 2002, when I joined the civilian ranks of the department. It was clear enhancing security was a high priority. The department budget increased by millions and the police force grew by hundreds. Virtually any request made to enhance security and fortify the campus was approved by the House and Senate. Remember, the primary existence of the Capitol Police is to protect Congress. The department began to modify skills, tactics, awareness, and training. Requests for events and gatherings were scrutinized a little more. Law enforcement tactics regarding situational awareness was enhanced. Nothing was marginalized when it came to protecting members. Prior to 9/11 the department had a small civilian force. However, the events of 9/11 led to ensuring officers became focused on security, which led to hiring professional civilians for administrative positions. The changes allowed for reassignment of officers, which increased visual presence and a greater show of force. Law enforcement training increased exponentially, to include a new training facility in Maryland. I joined the department as the Assistance Procurement Officer and became the Procurement Officer. This required communicating and working with every division in the department. Our office procured everything from dogs and dog food, to vehicles, furniture, various technology tools and programs, cabling and cameras, and heightened security systems. The Capitol campus began its evolution toward a fortified compound. The Ruse Knowing the number of resources consumed over the years to protect the members and secure buildings and grounds is why the events of J6 are questionable, particularly to many who worked on the hill. It is inconceivable to me that the department would not be prepared for that day. With all the hype and reporting of a potential incident, the department would have been prepared. The department typically had a plan, a back-up plan, and a back-up to the back-up plan. It was common practice to authorize overtime for major events, which this was. One indicator of intentionality is the Office of the Speaker of the House lords over the Capitol Police. The Police Chief reported he contacted the House Sergeant at Arms (SA) to seek additional support. This means the Speaker would have been made aware of the request because the SA reports directly to the Speaker and is in constant communication with the person who sits in that seat. This also indicates the offer from the White House to the Speakers office to deploy the National Guard would have been denied by the Speaker. Nothing of this magnitude is authorized without the consent of the Speaker. Pelosi would have been made aware. Without a doubt the congressional elitists, in both parties, were major culprits in the events of January 6, 2021. They and others were adamant that President Trump would not return to the White House. The smoke and mirrors they deployed were just that. He was a threat, and they could not risk any attempts to diminish or eliminate their perceived power and control. The results of the 2020 election had the Democrats claiming their guy won. It was a fair election. That their lives were in danger on January 6. That our democracy, which we are not, was at stake. That challenging the vote was unconstitutional and unpatriotic. Scare tactics! The Result of the 2024 Election The 2024 election results irrefutably reveal President Trump won the electoral and popular vote. So, what are Democrats crying wolf about now? Some have publicly stated they will challenge the electoral college vote in January, which they have done to previously elected Republicans. Mainstream media is spewing there will be imminent chaos. That his cabinet picks are unconventional, unfit, and not qualified. Mayors and Governors are claiming they will refuse to cooperate with ICE to deport illegal aliens. More scare tactics! I admit I am thrilled with the result of the 2024 election. Previous policies of President Trump were beneficial to the people, and he will reinstate them and more. And with the current Speaker of the House, we can be assured he will be prepared for chaos should election deniers choose to storm the Capitol. Speaker Johnson will authorize enough security to be ready to stand post and protect life and property. He will not tell the Capitol Police to open the gates, walk away, and stand down. Author Karen Hiltz, EdD, is a speaker and author from Sebastian, FL. Dr. Hiltz is a Navy veteran, retired federal procurement professional and former professor of business and public school board member. She has a BA and MBA in Management and an EdD in Leadership Studies. 2024 Election January 6 Committee Liz Cheney Nancy Pelosi Adam Kinzinger January 6 riot U.S. Capitol police January 6 prisoners Capitol security police training January 6 preparedness Speaker of the House Donald Trump
- Dear President Trump Use Troops At The Border To Stop The Illegal Alien Invasion
Back during the campaign President Donald Trump said what millions of Americans have been thinking for a long time: It’s time to send in the troops to defend our southern border. At a campaign event in Reno, Nevada, President Trump reiterated his hardline views in a speech calling for a "clean up" of the country and, without detailing how, promising to shift "massive portions" of law enforcement to handle illegal aliens at the border, including by recalling soldiers currently stationed overseas. ABC News reported Trump dedicated nearly 20 minutes of his 80-minute speech talking about border security and immigration, repeating his oft proven point that "drug dealers," "gang members," "criminals" and people from mental institutions are invading our country. Central to his plan to stop the illegal alien invasion is a pledge to militarize the border. This is not only good policy, but also politics as polling shows the public sharply disapproved of Biden's handling of the issue, which contributed mightily to Kamala Harris’s defeat. One of the main reasons public support for Harris cratered is that voters no longer bought the lie that those crossing our border illegally are poor refugees who just want to work and make a better life for their families. As our friend Sam Faddis explained in “ Whoever All These Chinese Are - They Aren't Refugees ” posted in AND Magazine: Vast numbers of Chinese have shown up at our southern border demanding asylum in the last few years. They have stood out because they are mostly military-aged men and appear at the border relatively well-dressed and in good order. This has raised legitimate concerns about who they really are and what they intend. It also raises another very important question. If you have the resources to make this trip and arrive well-dressed, well-fed, and well groomed – are you really a refugee to whom the American people should extend a helping hand and charity? Why are we feeding, housing, and sheltering folks who seem to have resources beyond those of many American citizens? In the face of this existential threat Trump’s plan to militarize the border makes sense because it is consistent with what was the policy of the United States for most of our history. Up through World War II and into the Cold War America had substantial military assets deployed at or near the border. Just look at the names of border cities and towns: Fort Bliss and Fort Sam Houston in Texas are still active-duty military posts. Camp Shannon in New Mexico which was built by the U.S. Army for border patrols was operational from 1917 – 1922 at Hachita, New Mexico. It became a subpost of Camp Furlong in 1920. Camp Furlong was built by the U.S. Army to patrol the Mexican border . Known as the Post at Columbus, it was attacked by Pancho Villa's forces in March 1916. Camp Cochise, Camp Don Luis, Camp San Bernardino Ranch, Camp Douglas, Camp Bisbee and others in Arizona which were built by the U.S. Army were all built as border patrol posts and were operational through World War I and the upheaval of the Mexican Revolution. Camp Newell was a temporary border patrol station built during the 1911 Mexican Crisis that became a permanent U.S. Army border post, and Fort Huachuca, Arizona is still an active-duty military post and home to the Army Intelligence Center and School. Indeed, from the Coastal Artillery at Fort Baldwin at Sabino Head on Maine’s Kennebec River to dusty posts in the Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California Southwest, the American border and shoreline are dotted with place names confirming that defending the border at the border was the job of the Army. The point of this history lesson is that for the vast majority of our country’s history the military didn’t do its work overseas – its number one job was to defend the United States and its borders. It is a fantasy of the Cold War era that all the threats to our national sovereignty can be stopped by strategic bombers and nuclear missiles, as opposed to soldiers on patrol at our borders. When the United States defeated Saddam Hussein’s forces in Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom, we took tens of thousands of prisoners who were captured, secured, housed and fed by the United States military. The notion that the U.S. military is incapable of handling the army of illegal aliens approaching our Southern border in a humane manner is not only an insult to the professionalism and capability of our military officers and troops, but also rebutted by the plain evidence of our national history. We don’t have to meet the invading army of illegal aliens with tanks to assure that they do not pose a threat to our national security or overwhelm our border patrol and immigration system. If we want the invasion through our southern border stopped, it seems a strong military presence is now the only option. We urge President Donald Trump to put remilitarizing our southern border at the top of his Day One orders. George Rasley is editor of Richard Viguerie's and is a veteran of over 300 political campaigns. A member of American MENSA, he served on the staff of Vice President Dan Quayle, as Director of Policy and Communication for former Congressman Adam Putnam (FL-12) then Vice Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee's Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, and as spokesman for retired Rep. Mac Thornberry, a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and former Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. 2024 Election Troops on the border Illegal immigration Department of Homeland Security border security Biden administration Alejandro Mayorkas Chinese immigrants military aged men militarize the border Donald Trump administration
- Truth Monster: 5 Steps Trump Can Take to End Government Tyranny
We, the people have allowed every branch, agency, and department in Washington DC to putrefy into a cesspool of gangsterism. We now want Trump to clean it up. There are 5 steps he can take to destroy and replace this uncontrollable, self-replicating hydra. We must secure elections, seal the border, terminate government censorship, de-politicize the DOJ, and jumpstart middle class jobs. These 5 linked corrections will affect every crevice of government from property rights and agriculture, to climate, energy, education, healthcare, the economy, and justice. These issues can be resolved together, and Trump’s team may be one of the few groups in history that can manage the task. Let’s look at the five. Our elections must be secured. Trump saw what happened in 2020 and knew the only way to beat the cheat was to outrun it with legal votes. ‘Too big to rig’ worked. It secured the presidency and both Congressional chambers. But in 2024, the cheating never stopped and unless eradicated, will be worse by 2026. Judges overrode legislatures, election boards ignored laws, machines flipped votes, illegals voted, ballots were mass-mailed, and election officials were caught cheating. This doesn’t approach the government, tech, and media meddling designed to persuade voters to keep the hoodlums in power. Pennsylvania officials openly bragged about defying voter laws. It is estimated at least 4 Senate and more House seats were stolen. One-day voting, chain of custody, and a limited window for counting must be returned. Americans have forgotten that voting is more than ‘civic duty.’ It is one of the few tools we have to control our constitutional republic and those in public office. To set a single day aside out of every 2 years is a small price to sustain our primacy. Children and adults must relearn what our constitution means. Education is part of securing voter integrity. Secure borders and deport worst first. America is occupied by Mideast terrorist cells that crossed individually, then reformed inside our borders, gang members, cartel thugs, drug, and human traffickers that have been dispersed into our communities nationwide. Migrant gangs are growing stronger and bolder. The Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua is now reported in cities across the United States and in every major city in Tennessee. As you would expect, crime is rising, but by excluding the worst crime-ridden cities and not following illegals’ activities, FBI reports mislead the public into believing Americans are safer than we are. Trump must finish the wall and stem the influx of illegals. Track and deport those who endanger our citizens on a worst first basis. Rescind Kamala Harris “ Call to Action ” that increased the flow of illegals and expose funding organizations including Chobani, Harvard, Mastercard, Microsoft, and the World Economic Forum. Defund the UN and UN-funded non-profits that are partners in this illegal border insurrection. End government originated and/or sponsored censorship. Federal agencies routinely lie, skew studies, and doctor the data they release to the public. There is little government’s ‘experts’ say that can be believed. Our Department of Homeland Security is at the center of coordinating censorship activities between federal agencies, social media, universities, legacy media, “fact” checkers, and internationally. * Our government awards billions in contracts to censorship cartels around the world. * The WH and the FBI pressured big tech outlets to censor critics, pharma provides up to 70% of the ad revenues to major news outlets who bury uncomplimentary information. * Health and Human Services (HHS) is worse. * For decades the CDC and FDA have misled consumers about vaccines by burying or redacting critical information. * Health and humans services uses AI to “ inoculate ” social media users against vaccine information that counters the government stance. * The largest COVID-19 vaccine autopsy study to-date, linking COVID-19 vaccines to death was censored twice before being republished. This initiative too must include education. With its far reach and cloak of legitimacy, many Americans still rely on government experts and legacy media. Critical thinking should be encouraged in schools and the public made aware of the importance of seeking alternative sources and opinions to make informed decisions. We will never get everyone to think critically, but we can get enough to end government censorship. Dismantle and rebuild the DOJ and end lawfare. Our fabled Department of Justice is now a rat’s nest of vengeance, protectionism, and political persecutions. While COVID exposed the deception of our health agencies, the Biden laptop, January 6th riots, and the legal attacks on former President Trump unmasked a perverted justice system more interested in cementing power than protecting the law-abiding. * The falsehood claiming Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation originated with the White House and several of the 51 intelligence who supported the lie had already seen proof of Hunter’s ownership. * The FBI continues to stonewall investigations into the events of January 6th and lie about the events . The original J6 committee destroyed critical documents, refused to hear witnesses with exculpatory evidence , suppressed exonerating evidence, and stacked the committee with anti-Trump members. * In the Florida documents case, prosecutor Jack Smith was guilty of coordinating a political case with the White House , lying to the court , and tampering with evidence making it harder for defense to prove Trump’s innocence. Similarly, prosecutor Fani Willis was found colluding with the J6 committee. * The daughter of New York Judge Engeron who is hearing a civil case against Trump was fund-raising off the proceedings. * Prosecutor Alvin Bragg relied on a convoluted entanglement of federal and state law and speculation to spin a case that was previously rejected. * It’s not just Trump under attack by our uncontrolled justice system. The FBI lists patriot groups, and pro-life organizations as terrorist groups and considers “radical-traditionalist Catholic ideology” as a potential security threat . Lawfare, the distorted use of our legal system to attempt to delegitimize or incapacitate a political opponent is a tactic you would expect to see in Stalin’s Moscow Trials or Germany’s Ministry of State Security, (Stasi) after WWII. In addition to rebuilding the DOJ from the ground up, the American people must be made aware of the depth of its corruption. Eliminating censorship and bringing truth and transparency to government will make it possible to waken more Americans and begin to restore faith in our justice system. Jumpstart middle class jobs. The middle class is the backbone of America’s economy and property rights are the backbone of the middle class. For decades both have been under attack by our government using federal regulations, subsidies, and grants to limit property ownership in the name of climate change, DEI, social equity, and community health . Nowhere was this clearer than during the COVID pandemic when small businesses were forced to close and 800,000 never re-opened. Under the CARES Act, initially small businesses navigated a lengthy process to collect non-payable business loans. Many could not afford the wait. Other owners distrusted the government’s programs and stayed away. Though they make up more than half of the U.S. economy, less than 20% of the relief package was allocated to small businesses. Most of the money went to large well- connected companies . In short, the CARES Act was a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy. Most of the jobs touted by the Biden administration skipped over the American middle class and instead went to foreign born people living in the country and government hires. Our government fully supports the United Nations and its partner the World Economic Forum. When WEF says, “you will own nothing and be happy,” they are talking about transforming the middle class into a permanent renter class. We can change this. A small business solution As Veny Musum author of the “The 3rd Way - Building Inclusive Capitalism” points out, the problem with capitalism is there are not enough capitalists. Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) enable workers to share a portion of the capital of the businesses where they work. Democrats and Republicans have praised the program that offers tax incentives to businesses in opportunity zones who establish ESOPs for their employees. President Reagan was an active supporter of the program because it provides short- and long-term wealth accumulation for workers, job stability for workers and employers, while creating substantial tax incentives and reducing the wage gap. Trump must work with Congress to develop incentives that will increase opportunities for small business owners and their workers while strengthening our middle class. The entire government apparatus has been heisted to entrench the wealth and power of a handful of insiders that claim to work on our behalf. Our government has used the taxes we pay and the debts they incurred and dumped on our children, to silence, infantilize, and enslave the public. Each of these 5 areas must be accompanied by education to assure the programs’ success and Americans’ return to freedom. Trump, one of the world’s best marketers can use those skills to engage more people in the new revolution. It’s unlikely anyone, even a Trump will repeat the magic of 2024. By making the right moves now, we won’t need magic next election day. Truth Monster John Anthony is a national speaker, researcher, founder of the Sustainable Freedom Lab, and an expert on HUD and property rights infringements click here to subscribe to his must-read Substack. The Truth Monster is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support its work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. 2024 Election secure elections voter integrity Pennsylvania elections Single day voting censorship HHS vaccines COVID 19 lawfare FBI January 6 Prosecutor Alvin Bragg Fani Willis Jack Smith Department of Justice climate change CARES Act United Nations